HC Deb 13 April 1905 vol 145 c82

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to tin Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland what progress has been made within the past four months in the sale of the untenanted lands of the Synans in Carnane Fedamore, county Limerick: have the solicitors having carriage of sale, or the incumbrancers, made any offer through the Chancers) Court to sell to the Estates Commissioners for the division of the lands to the people in the congested area around, or, pending such, is the receiver making preparation to let the lands for meadowing purposes to those who want meadowing in the immediate vicinity.


This estate has not been offered for sale to the Estates Commissioners. I am informed that the petition for sale was only received by the Land Judge in February last, and that the Conditional Order for sale has not yet been made absolute. The untenanted land referred to in the last part of the Question has been let for the present season.