Written Answers (Commons) of 22 February 1996 Series 6 Vol. 272

    1. c209W
    2. Harrods 73 words
    3. c209W
    4. Policy Promotion Costs 32 words
    5. c209W
    6. East Timor 62 words
    7. c209W
    8. Public Bodies 128 words
    9. cc210-1W
    10. Scott Inquiry 635 words
    11. c211W
    12. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 26 words
    1. c211W
    2. NAAFI 101 words
    3. cc211-2W
    4. Buy American Act 128 words
    5. c212W
    6. Sir Derek Boorman 55 words
    7. c212W
    8. Married Quarters Estate 103 words
    9. cc212-3W
    10. Army Technical Support Agency 470 words
    11. cc213-4W
    12. Naval Support Command Headquarters 464 words
    13. c214W
    14. Artillery Shells, Iran 71 words
    15. cc214-5W
    16. Scott Inquiry 512 words
    17. c215W
    18. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 22 words
    19. cc215-6W
    20. Scott Inquiry 100 words
    21. c216W
    22. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 25 words
    1. cc216-7W
    2. Parking Passes 218 words
    1. c217W
    2. Prison Disturbances 179 words
    3. c217W
    4. Party Conferences, Blackpool 117 words
    5. cc217-8W
    6. Mr. Mervyn Ritter 139 words
    7. c218W
    8. Arson 65 words
    9. c218W
    10. Prison Service (Security Budget) 203 words
    11. cc218-9W
    12. Prison Service (Market Testing) 145 words
    13. c219W
    14. Emergency Plans 235 words
    15. cc219-20W
    16. Public Bodies 185 words
    17. c220W
    18. Kani Yilmaz 55 words
    19. c220W
    20. Mohammed Akhtar 92 words
    21. c220W
    22. Prevention of Terrorism Legislation 101 words
    1. cc220-1W
    2. Engagements 69 words
    3. c221W
    4. Deregulation 164 words
    5. cc221-4W
    6. Scott Inquiry 1,228 words
    7. c224W
    8. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 33 words
    1. c224W
    2. Environmental Appraisals 53 words
    3. cc224-5W
    4. Public Bodies 594 words
    5. cc225-7W
    6. Under-fives Provision 405 words
    7. c227W
    8. Scott Inquiry 141 words
    9. c227W
    10. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 38 words
    11. c227W
    12. School Premises Regulations 107 words
    13. cc227-8W
    14. Cash Limits 105 words
    15. c228W
    16. Teachers' Superannuation Scheme 99 words
    1. c228W
    2. Tax Relief and Allowances 174 words
    3. cc228-9W
    4. Exchange and Trading Schemes 57 words
    5. c229W
    6. Public Bodies 72 words
    7. c229W
    8. Seized Alcoholic Drinks 214 words
    9. c229W
    10. Export Credits Guarantee Advisory Service 86 words
    11. cc229-30W
    12. Iraq (Petroleum) 80 words
    1. c230W
    2. Export Credits Guarantee Department 116 words
    3. cc230-1W
    4. Post Office 269 words
    5. c231W
    6. Nigeria (Arms Exports) 208 words
    7. c231W
    8. Wind Turbines 194 words
    9. c232W
    10. Capita Managed Services Ltd. 175 words
    11. c232W
    12. Public Bodies 188 words
    13. cc232-3W
    14. Small Businesses 249 words
    15. c233W
    16. Greyhound Breeding, Ireland 177 words
    17. cc233-4W
    18. Scott Inquiry 117 words
    19. c234W
    20. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 26 words
    21. c234W
    22. Biotechnology and Biological Research Council 197 words
    23. c234W
    24. Internet 68 words
    1. c235W
    2. Iraq 56 words
    3. c235W
    4. Western Sahara 228 words
    5. c235W
    6. Guatemala 79 words
    7. cc235-6W
    8. Antarctic Treaty 158 words
    9. cc236-7W
    10. Scott Inquiry 723 words
    11. c237W
    12. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 39 words
    13. c238W
    14. India and Pakistan 114 words
    15. c238W
    16. Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania 86 words
    17. cc238-9W
    18. European Funds (Public Health Education) 394 words
    1. cc239-40W
    2. Scott Inquiry 507 words
    3. c240W
    4. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 42 words
    5. cc240-1W
    6. Asylum and Immigration 87 words
    7. c241W
    8. Legal Aid 239 words
    9. c241W
    10. Unlawful Legislation 128 words
    11. cc241-2W
    12. Access to Children (Grandparents) 78 words
    13. c242W
    14. War Disability Pensions 175 words
    1. c242W
    2. Nursery School Places 37 words
    3. c242W
    4. Action for Community Employment Scheme 81 words
    5. c243W
    6. Peace Process 246 words
    7. c243W
    8. Elected Convention 61 words
    9. cc243-4W
    10. Northern Ireland Committee 88 words
    11. c244W
    12. Politically Motivated Violence 91 words
    13. c244W
    14. Housing 51 words
    15. c244W
    16. Aerospace Industry 98 words
    17. cc244-5W
    18. Interviews (Tape Recording) 149 words
    19. c245W
    20. Public Appointments 125 words
    21. c245W
    22. Campbell's Soups 45 words
    23. c245W
    24. Employment and Economic Development 68 words
    25. cc245-6W
    26. Ceasefire 114 words
    27. c246W
    28. Free School Transport 127 words
    29. c246W
    30. Pupil Performance 108 words
    31. cc246-9W
    32. Public Bodies 989 words
    33. c249W
    34. Secondary School Pupils 32 words
    35. c249W
    36. All-party Negotiations 74 words
    37. c249W
    38. Registration of Clubs Order 38 words
    39. c249W
    40. Ordnance Survey 125 words
    1. c250W
    2. Integrated Administration and Control System 376 words
    3. cc250-1W
    4. Live Animal Exports 147 words
    5. c251W
    6. Sheep Farmers 79 words
    7. c251W
    8. Fish Farming 45 words
    9. c251W
    10. Chernobyl (Compensation) 102 words
    11. cc251-2W
    12. Salmon Season 260 words
    13. c252W
    14. Rustling 47 words
    1. c252W
    2. Train Cancellations 41 words
    3. c252W
    4. Train Delays 48 words
    5. cc252-3W
    6. South Eastern Trains 119 words
    7. cc253-4W
    8. Public Bodies 579 words
    9. cc254-5W
    10. BR Vendor Unit 158 words
    11. c255W
    12. Train Carriages (Telephones) 42 words
    13. c255W
    14. Colney Hospital, Norfolk 270 words
    1. cc255-6W
    2. Local Government Finance 296 words
    3. c256W
    4. French Local Government 103 words
    5. cc256-7W
    6. Environment Agency (Women) 112 words
    7. c257W
    8. Recycling 341 words
    9. cc257-8W
    10. Pollution Monitoring 126 words
    11. c258W
    12. Environment Agency 200 words
    13. cc258-9W
    14. Government Buildings (Groundwater Damage) 141 words
    15. cc259-60W
    16. Public Bodies 452 words
    17. c260W
    18. Outer Estuarine Limit (Humber River) 80 words
    19. c260W
    20. Colney Hospital, Norfolk 109 words
    21. c260W
    22. Planning Policies 180 words
    23. cc260-1W
    24. Agenda 21 286 words
    25. c261W
    26. Global Warming 126 words
    27. c261W
    28. Contaminated Land 47 words
    29. c262W
    30. Atmospheric Pollution 173 words
    31. c262W
    32. Upper Atmosphere (Volcanic Dust) 56 words
    33. c262W
    34. Ozone Depletion 145 words
    35. cc262-3W
    36. Sea Levels 106 words
    37. c263W
    38. Yorkshire Water 241 words
    39. c263W
    40. Scott Inquiry 127 words
    41. c264W
    42. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 46 words
    43. c264W
    44. Zoo Licensing Act 1981 99 words
    45. c264W
    46. Carbon Dioxide Emissions 206 words
    47. c265W
    48. Oyster Beds 332 words
    1. cc265-6W
    2. Agricultural Payments 213 words
    3. c266W
    4. School Class Sizes 87 words
    5. c266W
    6. Court Service 98 words
    7. cc266-8W
    8. GP Fundholders 1,237 words
    9. c269W
    10. Glenochil Prison 106 words
    11. c269W
    12. Palace of Holyroodhouse 144 words
    13. c269W
    14. Fisheries 61 words
  16. HEALTH
    1. c269W
    2. Thalidomide 35 words
    3. cc269-71W
    4. Public Bodies 430 words
    5. c271W
    6. Departmental Offices 213 words
    7. c271W
    8. Yorkshire Cancer Organisation 63 words
    9. c271W
    10. Community Health Services, Trent 77 words
    11. c272W
    12. Wheelchair Voucher Scheme 88 words
    13. c272W
    14. Colney Hospital, Norfolk 303 words
    15. cc272-3W
    16. Yorkshire Hospitals (Waste) 52 words
    17. c273W
    18. Scott Inquiry 109 words
    19. c273W
    20. Whipp's Cross Hospital 79 words
    21. c273W
    22. Out-of-hours Treatment 158 words
    23. cc273-4W
    24. Residential Care 289 words
    25. c274W
    26. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 36 words
    1. cc274-8W
    2. British Library 1,556 words
    3. c278W
    4. British Library and Patent Office 324 words
  18. WALES
    1. c278W
    2. Late Payments of Debts 61 words
    3. c279W
    4. Minority Languages. 42 words
    5. c279W
    6. Business Failures 54 words
    7. c279W
    8. Company Grants 58 words
    9. c279W
    10. Public Bodies 233 words
    11. cc279-80W
    12. Tandem plc 89 words
    13. c280W
    14. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 36 words
    15. c280W
    16. Scott Inquiry 102 words
    17. c280W
    18. Ambulance Trusts 100 words
    19. cc280-1W
    20. South-East Wales Ambulance Trust 155 words
    21. c281W
    22. Mr. Glyn Davies 331 words
    1. cc281-2W
    2. Rwanda and Burundi 79 words
    3. c282W
    4. Health Programmes 294 words
    1. cc282-4W
    2. Scott Inquiry 639 words
    3. cc284-5W
    4. Public Interest Immunity Certificates 608 words
    5. cc285-6W
    6. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 32 words
    1. c286W
    2. Rents, Gloucestershire 114 words
    3. cc286-9W
    4. Child Support Agency 1,333 words
    5. c289W
    6. Disability 54 words
    7. c289W
    8. Local Government Finance 63 words
    9. cc289-90W
    10. National Insurance Contributions 504 words
    11. c291W
    12. Benefit Claims 409 words
    13. c291W
    14. Bronchitis and Emphysema Report 52 words
    15. c292W
    16. Incapacity Benefit 118 words
    17. c292W
    18. Long-term Sick and Disabled People 88 words
    19. c292W
    20. Fraud, Northumberland 118 words
    21. cc293-4W
    22. Housing Benefit 1,357 words
    23. c295W
    24. Public Bodies 170 words
    25. cc295-6W
    26. Scott Inquiry 143 words
    27. c296W
    28. Press Gallery Writing Rooms 37 words
    1. c296W
    2. Scott Inquiry 145 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 22 February 1996 Series 5 Vol. 569

  1. Questions of Procedure for Ministers 124 words
  2. Scott Report 77 words
  3. NHS Wheelchair Service 101 words
  4. Bank of England Meetings: Minutes 95 words
  5. Pension Splitting on Divorce: Proposal 481 words
  6. Armed Forces Review: Report 108 words
  7. Russian Federation: Council of Europe Membership 182 words
  8. Prevention of Terrorism Legislation: Report 100 words
  9. National Poisons Unit 122 words