HC Deb 21 May 1935 vol 302 c951

As amended, further considered [THIRD DAY].

  1. CLAUSE 148.—(Remission of States contributions.) 4,697 words
  2. cc963-4
  3. CLAUSE 150.—(Value of privileges and immunities to be set of f against share of taxes, etc., assigned to Federated States. 192 words
  4. c964
  5. CLAUSE 155.—(Exemption of certain property from taxation.) 41 words
  6. cc964-5
  7. CLAUSE 157.—(Duty of Federation and Provinces to supply Secretary of State with funds.) 338 words
  8. c965
  9. CLAUSE 166.—(Auditor-General of India.) 162 words
  10. cc966-8
  11. CLAUSE 167.—(Provincial Auditor General.) 714 words
  12. cc968-72
  13. CLAUSE 172.—(Vesting of lands and buildings.) 1,600 words
  14. c972
  15. CLAUSE 173.—(Provisions as to other property.) 77 words
  16. c973
  17. CLAUSE 175.—(Power to acquire property and to make contracts, etc.) 124 words
  18. cc973-4
  19. CLAUSE 177.—(Existing contracts of Secretary of State in Council.) 245 words
  20. c974
  21. CLAUSE 178.—(Special provisions as to existing loans, guarantees and other financial obligations.) 247 words
  22. c975
  23. CLAUSE 179.—(Legal proceedings as to certain matters.) 147 words
  24. cc975-6
  25. CLAUSE 180.—(Executive authority in respect of railways to be exercised by Federal Railway Authority.) 269 words
  26. c976
  27. CLAUSE 182.—(Directions and principles to be observed by Railway Authority.) 85 words
  28. cc976-8
  29. CLAUSE 184.—(Acquisition and sale of land by, and contracts and liabilities of, the Railway Authority.) 446 words
  30. c978
  31. CLAUSE 185.—(Finance of the Railway Authority.) 124 words
  32. cc978-9
  33. CLAUSE 186.—(Provisions as to certain obligations of the Railway Authority.) 346 words
  34. cc979-80
  35. CLAUSE 188.—(Special provisions as to certain funds.) 220 words
  36. cc980-1
  37. CLAUSE 192.—(Appeal by State to Rail way Tribunal from certain directions of Federal Railway Authority.) 569 words
  38. cc981-2
  39. CLAUSE 193.—(Obligation to afford mutual traffic facilities and to avoid unfair discrimination, etc.) 60 words
  40. cc982-4
  41. CLAUSE 195.—(Railway Tribunal.) 754 words
  42. c984
  43. CLAUSE 196.—(Rights of railway companies in respect of arbitration under contracts.) 379 words
  44. c985
  45. CLAUSE 198.—(Establishment and constitution of Federal Court.) 130 words
  46. cc985-6
  47. CLAUSE 202.—(Original jurisdiction of Federal Court.) 519 words
  48. cc986-7
  49. CLAUSE 203.—(Appellate jurisdiction of Federal Court in appeals from High Courts in British India.) 111 words
  50. c987
  51. CLAUSE 205.—(Appellate jurisdiction of Federal Court in appeals from High Courts in Federated States.) 228 words
  52. cc987-8
  53. CLAUSE 206.—(Appeals to His Majesty in Council.) 222 words
  54. cc988-9
  55. CLAUSE 207.—(Form of judgment on appeal.) 410 words
  56. cc989-90
  57. CLAUSE 208.—(Enforcement of decrees and orders of Federal Court and orders, as to discovery, etc.) 296 words
  58. c990
  59. CLAUSE 209.—(Letters of request to federated States.) 20 words
  60. cc990-4
  61. CLAUSE 212.—(Rules of Court, etc.) 1,797 words
  62. cc994-5
  63. CLAUSE 218.—(Constitution of High Courts.) 225 words
  64. cc995-6
  65. CLAUSE 220.—(Temporary and additional judges.) 371 words
  66. cc996-1000
  67. CLAUSE 221.—(Jurisdiction of existing High Courts.) 1,404 words
  68. c1000
  69. CLAUSE 222.—(Administrative functions of High Courts.) 59 words
  70. cc1000-2
  71. CLAUSE 232.—(Control of Secretary of State with respect to conditions of service.) 776 words
  72. cc1002-4
  73. CLAUSE 238.—(Recruitment and conditions of service.) 745 words
  74. c1004
  75. CLAUSE 239.—(Application, of preceding section to railway services, and officials of courts.) 118 words
  76. cc1005-9
  77. CLAUSE 241.—(Services recruited by Secretary of State.) 1,775 words
  78. cc1009-13
  79. CLAUSE 242.—(Special provision as to irrigation.) 1,365 words
  80. cc1013-8
  81. CLAUSE 244.—(Conditions of service, pensions, etc., of persons recruited by Secretary of State.) 2,024 words
  82. c1018
  83. CLAUSE 245.—(Rights in respect of complaints, appeals, etc.) 82 words
  84. cc1018-31
  85. CLAUSE 246.—(Compensation for altered conditions of service, etc.) 5,391 words, 1 division
  86. cc1031-4
  87. CLAUSE 247.—(Application of four last preceding sections to persons appointed by Secretary of State in Council, and certain other persons.) 1,060 words
  88. c1034
  89. CLAUSE 250.—(Judges of the Federal Court and High Courts.) 184 words
  90. cc1034-5
  91. CLAUSE 251.—(District judges, etc.) 268 words
  92. c1035
  93. CLAUSE 256.—(Provisions as to certain persons serving in or before 1924.) 55 words
  94. cc1035-6
  95. CLAUSE 259.—(Eligibility for Office of persons who are not British subjects.) 183 words
  96. c1036
  97. CLAUSE 263.—(Functions of Public Service Commissions.) 313 words
  98. cc1036-7
  99. CLAUSE 270.—(Provisions as to family pension funds.) 138 words
  100. c1037
  101. CLAUSE 271.—(Saving for East India Annuity Funds Act, 1874, and Bombay Civil Fund Act, 1882.) 74 words
  102. cc1037-8
  103. CLAUSE 282.—(Use of His Majesty's Forces in connection with discharge of the functions of the Crown in its relations with Indian States.) 175 words
  104. c1038
  105. CLAUSE 283.—(Aden.) 235 words
  106. cc1038-9
  107. CLAUSE 284.—(Creation of new Provinces of Sind and Orissa.) 199 words
  108. cc1039-41
  109. CLAUSE 285.—(Creation of new Provinces and alterations of boundaries of Provinces.) 613 words
  110. c1041
  111. CLAUSE 288.—(Adaptation of existing Indian laws.) 79 words
  112. c1041
  113. CLAUSE 289.—(Foreign, jurisdiction.) 219 words
  114. cc1042-3
  115. CLAUSE 292.—(Prohibition, of certain, restrictions on internal trade.) 415 words
  116. c1043
  117. CLAUSE 293.—(Persons not to be subjected to disability by reason of race, religion, etc.) 241 words
  118. cc1043-51
  119. CLAUSE 294.—(Compulsory acquisition of land, etc.) 2,923 words
  120. cc1051-3
  121. CLAUSE 295.—(Protection of rights of Jagirdars, Inamdars, etc.) 640 words
  122. cc1053-92
  123. CLAUSE 299.—(Procedure as respects proposals for amendment of certain provisions of Act and Orders in Council.) 15,759 words, 2 divisions
  124. c1092
  125. CLAUSE 300.—(Orders in Council.) 51 words
  126. c1092
  127. CLAUSE 301.—(Power of His Majesty in Council to remove difficulties.) 161 words