HC Deb 21 May 1935 vol 302 cc1037-8

I beg to move, in page 165, line 22, at the end to insert: but the net additional expense, if any, incurred in connection with those forces by reason of that employment shall be deemed to be expenses of His Majesty incurred in discharging the said functions of the Crown. (2) In discharging his functions under this Section the Governor-General shall act in his discretion.? Clause 282 was added to the Bill in pursurance of the undertaking given on page 35 of the State White Paper with reference to Clause 8, paragraph (i), in order to make clear that the armed forces of the Federation are available for the protection of the States in pursuance of treaty obligations. The addition now proposed is to make the assurance doubly clear that the functions of the Governor General under this Clause, like the rest of his functions in relation to defence, are exercised in his discretion, and that any sums due in connection with this Clause fall within Clause146 and Clause 43.

Amendment agreed to.