HC Deb 21 May 1935 vol 302 cc995-6

I beg to move, in page 125, line 15, to leave out "Governor of the Province," and to insert "Governor-General."

This Amendment, and the four which follow in precisely similar terms, make an alteration in Clause 220 in regard to the appointment of temporary judges. In the Bill as it stands, temporary judges are appointed by the Governors. The Amendment secures that temporary or additional judges shall be appointed by the Governor-General, who will no doubt consult both the Governor in question and the Chief Justice. Representations were made that these appointments would have an additional dignity if put into the hands of the Governor-General. My right hon. Friend has accepted that view, and the Amendments Are intended to carry it out.

5.36 p.m.


I rise only to express the thanks of the House to the Solicitor-General. The representation which was made on this subject at an earlier stage of the Bill did not fall altogether on stony ground. It may be little concession, but it is at least one Amendment which has been embodied during this Re- port stage, and we are grateful to the hon. and learned Gentleman. We hope that, as the days go on, the Advice to go to the higher authority in these various cases may be listened to, since it has been successful in the present case.

5.37 p.m.


The advice of the hon. and gallant Member for Bourne mouth (Sir H. Croft) is not always sound; I could not say that it is 99 percent. sound, but it is better than the 99 per cent. unsound advice of hon. Gentlemen above the Gangway. On this occasion, there is a further point which might be raised in justification of the Government's Amendment, which is that it is far better that permanent appointments, such as those of judges, should he made by one unified system through the Governor-General than by the different provincial units. From that point of view, I welcome the fact that the Government have been able to carry out this suggestion which should be helpful in the working of the Federal idea. It should strengthen the Federal idea at the present time.

Amendment agreed to.

Four consequential Amendments made.