Written Answers (Commons) of 13 January 1997 Series 6 Vol. 288

    1. c1W
    2. Ministerial Leave 70 words
    3. c1W
    4. Consultants 164 words
    1. cc1-2W
    2. Public Appointments 229 words
    3. c2W
    4. Listed Buildings 240 words
    5. cc2-3W
    6. Ministerial Leave 78 words
    7. c3W
    8. Legislation 260 words
    9. cc3-4W
    10. Television Licences 209 words
    11. c4W
    12. Museums and Galleries 273 words
    13. cc4-5W
    14. Consultants 107 words
    15. cc5-6W
    16. Staff 349 words
    17. cc6-7W
    18. National Lottery 878 words
    19. cc7-8W
    20. Millennium Projects, Wales 179 words
    1. c8W
    2. Statutory Instruments 58 words
    3. cc8-9W
    4. Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland 299 words
    5. cc9-10W
    6. Consultants 388 words
    7. c10W
    8. Legal Services 109 words
    9. c10W
    10. Green Form Scheme 141 words
    11. c10W
    12. Ernest Saunders 109 words
    13. cc10-1W
    14. Transaction Criteria 142 words
    15. c11W
    16. Franchising Advisory Committee 117 words
    17. c11W
    18. Emergency Legal Aid 153 words
    19. cc11-2W
    20. Magistrates Courts Committees 78 words
    21. c12W
    22. Probate Districts 302 words
    1. cc12-3W
    2. Ministerial Leave 234 words
    3. cc13-4W
    4. Consultants 427 words
    5. cc14-7W
    6. Ministerial Resignations 1,343 words
    7. c17W
    8. Business Appointment Rules 145 words
    9. cc17-8W
    10. Government Policy Reviews 242 words
    1. c18W
    2. Consultants 94 words
    1. c19W
    2. Local Government Finance 136 words
    3. c19W
    4. Computers 106 words
    5. cc19-20W
    6. Economic and Monetary Union 147 words
    7. c20W
    8. Nuclear Power Stations (Decommissioning) 160 words
    9. c20W
    10. Taxation Statistics 110 words
    11. cc20-1W
    12. Staff 106 words
    13. c21W
    14. Ministerial Leave 73 words
    15. cc21-2W
    16. Insurance Premium Tax 384 words
    17. c22W
    18. Gross Domestic Product 228 words
    19. cc22-3W
    20. Taxation 300 words
    21. c23W
    22. Public Bodies (Christmas Cards) 53 words
    23. c23W
    24. Oil and Gas Revenues 89 words
    25. c23W
    26. Monetary Union 117 words
    27. cc23-5W
    28. Abortion 406 words
    29. c25W
    30. Revenue and Expenditure Balance (Scotland) 515 words
    31. cc25-7W
    32. Prednisolone 401 words
    33. c27W
    34. Information Technology (Euro) 110 words
    1. c27W
    2. "Tackling Drugs Together" 82 words
    3. c27W
    4. Sitting Hours 58 words
    5. c27W
    6. Parliamentary Reforms 34 words
    7. cc27-8W
    8. Recesses 55 words
    9. c28W
    10. Parliamentary Business 118 words
    11. c28W
    12. Defamation Act 1996 35 words
    13. c28W
    14. Points of Order 54 words
    1. c28W
    2. Royal Family (Overseas Visits) 113 words
    3. cc28-9W
    4. North Korea 206 words
    5. cc29-32W
    6. Ministerial Visits (Accommodation) 1,100 words
    7. c32W
    8. Ministerial Leave 112 words
    9. c32W
    10. Former Prisoners of War 108 words
    11. cc32-3W
    12. Consultants 187 words
    13. c33W
    14. International Agreements 118 words
    15. c33W
    16. Intergovernmental Conference 146 words
    17. cc33-4W
    18. Indonesia 224 words
    1. cc34-5W
    2. Police Cells 1,278 words
    3. cc35-9W
    4. Prison Accommodation 1,803 words
    5. c39W
    6. Europol 48 words
    7. cc39-40W
    8. Ministerial Leave 77 words
    9. cc40-1W
    10. Interception of Communications 420 words
    11. c41W
    12. Illegal Immigrants 71 words
    13. cc41-2W
    14. Prisons (Sanitation) 201 words
    15. c42W
    16. Hand Grenades and Balaclavas 28 words
    17. cc42-3W
    18. Police Scientific Development Branch 270 words
    19. c43W
    20. Intoxicating Substances 325 words
    21. c43W
    22. Consultants 99 words
    23. cc43-4W
    24. Pepper Sprays 221 words
    25. c44W
    26. Speaker's Conferences 92 words
    27. cc44-5W
    28. Refugees 556 words
    29. cc45-6W
    30. Metropolitan Police (Accommodation) Clearance Costs 293 words
    31. c46W
    32. Game Licences 66 words
    33. c46W
    34. Metropolitan Police 90 words
    35. cc46-7W
    36. Airports (Passenger Handling) 125 words
    37. cc47-8W
    38. Licensing (Special Hours Certificates) 689 words
    39. c48W
    40. Remand Prisoners (Newspapers) 196 words
    41. cc48-51W
    42. Police Expenditure 1,819 words
    43. c51W
    44. Representation of the People Acts 164 words
    45. cc51-2W
    46. Firearms 116 words
    1. cc52-4W
    2. Public Appointments 708 words
    3. cc54-5W
    4. Punishment Shootings 177 words
    5. c55W
    6. Council for Voluntary Action Report 153 words
    7. cc55-6W
    8. Disability 228 words
    9. c56W
    10. Ministerial Leave 81 words
    11. cc56-7W
    12. Consultants 195 words
    13. c57W
    14. Language Teaching 187 words
    15. c57W
    16. Fluoridation 174 words
    17. cc57-8W
    18. EU Financing 182 words
    19. cc58-9W
    20. EU Social Fund 352 words
    21. c59W
    22. EU Regional Development Fund 473 words
    23. cc59-60W
    24. European Community (UK Payments) 454 words
    25. cc60-2W
    26. European Initiatives 570 words
    27. c62W
    28. Public Appointments 83 words
    1. cc62-5W
    2. Teachers' Pensions 1,212 words
    3. c65W
    4. National Advisory Council on Employment of People with Disabilities 212 words
    5. cc65-6W
    6. Exam Results 272 words
    7. c66W
    8. Official Ministerial Visits 128 words
    9. cc66-7W
    10. Jobcentres 477 words
    11. cc67-8W
    12. Contract for Work Pilots 198 words
    13. c68W
    14. Jobmatch Programme 125 words
    15. c68W
    16. Literacy and Numeracy 57 words
    17. cc68-9W
    18. Education Standard Spending Assessment 505 words
    19. cc69-70W
    20. Nursery Vouchers 271 words
    21. c70W
    22. Ministerial Leave 81 words
    23. c70W
    24. Claimants (Interviews) 181 words
    25. cc70-1W
    26. National Vocational Qualifications 74 words
    27. cc71-3W
    28. Pre-school Pupils 1,479 words
    29. c73W
    30. Connahs Quay High School 25 words
    31. c73W
    32. Failing Schools 242 words
    33. cc73-4W
    34. National Curriculum (Exempt Schools) 54 words
    35. c74W
    36. Consultants 175 words
    37. c74W
    38. Challenge Fund Grants 121 words
    39. cc74-5W
    40. GCSE Scores 148 words
    41. c75W
    42. On-the-job Training 121 words
    43. cc75-6W
    44. Schools (Parental Choice) 485 words
    45. cc76-83W
    46. School Expenditure 5,041 words
    47. c83W
    48. Professors of General Practice 55 words
    49. c83W
    50. "Going GM" Conference, Warrington 133 words
    51. cc83-4W
    52. Education Standard Spending Assessment (Buckinghamshire) 117 words
    53. c84W
    54. Professors of Practice and Community Nursing 37 words
    55. c84W
    56. Standing Committee of Employment Reports 75 words
    1. c85W
    2. Mearnskirk Hospital 272 words
    3. c85W
    4. Ministerial Leave 77 words
    5. cc85-7W
    6. Curriculum Projects 668 words
    7. cc87-8W
    8. Biological Hazards 430 words
    9. cc88-9W
    10. GP Fundholding Practices 328 words
    11. c89W
    12. Maternity Unit (Glasgow) 49 words
    13. cc89-90W
    14. Highlands and Islands Convention 473 words
    1. cc90-4W
    2. Home Energy Efficiency Scheme 1,830 words
    3. c94W
    4. Hot Water Tank Insulation 170 words
    5. cc94-5W
    6. Health and Safety Laboratory 434 words
    7. cc95-6W
    8. Consultants 213 words
    9. c96W
    10. Building Research Establishment 315 words
    11. cc96-7W
    12. Loft Insulation 169 words
    13. c97W
    14. Draught-proofing 145 words
    15. cc97-8W
    16. National Non-domestic Rates 153 words
    17. c98W
    18. Private Finance Initiative 192 words
    19. c98W
    20. South Yorkshire Supertram 75 words
    21. cc98-9W
    22. Local Government Finance 391 words
    23. c99W
    24. Coal Mines (Injuries) 70 words
  14. WALES
    1. cc99-100W
    2. Adult Education (Learning Disabilities) 212 words
    3. c100W
    4. Consultants 119 words
    5. cc100-1W
    6. Skilled Workers 170 words
    7. c101W
    8. Employment (Students) 82 words
    9. c101W
    10. Training 214 words
    11. cc101-2W
    12. Roads 92 words
    13. c102W
    14. GCSE Grades 138 words
    15. cc102-3W
    16. Assisted Places 336 words
    17. cc103-4W
    18. General National Vocational Qualifications 876 words
    19. cc104-5W
    20. Further Education 453 words
    21. c105W
    22. Inward Investment 86 words
    23. c105W
    24. Secondary Schools (Expenditure) 80 words
    25. cc105-7W
    26. Class Sizes 471 words
    27. c107W
    28. Schools 68 words
    1. c107W
    2. London Underground 132 words
    3. cc107-8W
    4. London Transport 66 words
    5. c108W
    6. River Transport 61 words
    7. c108W
    8. Heathrow-London Rail Link 108 words
    9. c108W
    10. Fenchurch Street Line 20 words
    11. c108W
    12. Road Users (Medicinal Drugs) 100 words
    13. cc108-9W
    14. Motorway Noise 100 words
    15. c109W
    16. Manchester Airport 104 words
    17. c109W
    18. Infrastructure 90 words
    19. c109W
    20. Rail Safety 78 words
    21. c109W
    22. Passenger Rolling Stock 62 words
    23. cc109-10W
    24. Infrastructure Expenditure (London) 73 words
    25. c110W
    26. Shipping Safety 90 words
    27. c110W
    28. Ministerial Leave 74 words
    29. cc110-1W
    30. Second Tamar Bridge 141 words
    31. c111W
    32. InterCity West Coast 92 words
    33. c111W
    34. Manchester Metro 274 words
    35. cc111-2W
    36. Civil Aviation Authority 195 words
    37. c112W
    38. Consultants 222 words
    39. cc112-3W
    40. London Transport Prestige Project 76 words
    41. c113W
    42. Rail Services (Financial Support) 137 words
    43. c113W
    44. Road Maintenance Costs 76 words
    45. cc113-4W
    46. South Yorkshire Supertram Project 470 words
    47. cc114-5W
    48. Boeing 747 Fuel Tanks 204 words
    49. c115W
    50. Motorway Service Stations 131 words
    51. c115W
    52. M1 (Lighting) 170 words
    53. cc115-6W
    54. Greater Manchester Rail Services 149 words
    55. c116W
    56. A46–A47 Link Road Scheme 93 words
    57. c116W
    58. Two-wheeled Motor Vehicles (Training) 241 words
    59. cc116-7W
    60. Rail Services (Government Financial Support) 122 words
    61. c117W
    62. National Roads Programme 68 words
    63. c117W
    64. M66 (Contract 3) 127 words
    65. c117W
    66. White Hart Roundabout, Northolt 76 words
    67. cc117-8W
    68. Air Cargo 101 words
    69. c118W
    70. Rail Privatisation (Pension Funds) 208 words
    71. cc118-9W
    72. Rail Privatisation 690 words
    1. cc119-20W
    2. Range Facilities 335 words
    3. cc120-1W
    4. Nerve Agents 294 words
    5. c121W
    6. Franco-British Naval Agreement 86 words
    7. c121W
    8. Auxiliary Oilers 48 words
    9. cc121-2W
    10. Organophosphate Pesticide Investigation Team 290 words
    11. c122W
    12. Chapelcross and Calder Hall Reactors 99 words
    13. cc122-3W
    14. Gulf War Syndrome 207 words
    15. c123W
    16. Staff 142 words
    17. c123W
    18. Training Airspace 193 words
    19. cc123-4W
    20. Scheduled Exercises (Purple Series) 74 words
    21. c124W
    22. Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation 78 words
    23. c124W
    24. AWACS Controllers 145 words
    25. cc124-5W
    26. Air Traffic Control 269 words
    27. cc125-6W
    28. Radiation Experiments 353 words
    29. c126W
    30. Low Flying 44 words
    31. c126W
    32. Tornado F3 94 words
    33. c126W
    34. Air Force Training (Former Warsaw Pact) 58 words
    35. c126W
    36. Ministerial Leave 77 words
    37. cc126-7W
    38. Vosper Thorneycroft (Official Appointment) 151 words
    39. c127W
    40. Murdered Tour Guide (Cyprus) 75 words
    41. c127W
    42. Battle of Trafalgar 80 words
    43. c127W
    44. Consultants 134 words
    45. cc127-8W
    46. Expenditure 204 words
    47. c128W
    48. Insecticides 134 words
    49. c128W
    50. Vaccinations 87 words
    51. cc128-9W
    52. Polaris 270 words
    53. cc129-30W
    54. Vocational Qualifications 395 words
    1. c131W
    2. Staff 94 words
    3. c131W
    4. Ministerial Leave 86 words
    5. cc131-8W
    6. Public Bodies 3,190 words
    7. cc138-9W
    8. Oil Platforms 95 words
    9. c139W
    10. Arms Contracts (British Companies) 109 words
    11. c139W
    12. Armoured Vehicles (Indonesia) 128 words
    13. c139W
    14. Iraq (Trade Restrictions) 128 words
    15. cc139-40W
    16. Energy Council 81 words
    17. c140W
    18. Crown Post Office, Newcastle under Lyme 185 words
    19. c140W
    20. Consultants 81 words
    21. cc140-1W
    22. Toxic Chemicals 118 words
    23. c141W
    24. Surveillance and Bugging Equipment 45 words
    25. c141W
    26. Newspapers 83 words
    27. c141W
    28. Subsidence Claims 58 words
    29. cc141-2W
    30. Faraday Partnership Scheme 97 words
    1. c142W
    2. Invalidity Benefit 358 words
    3. cc142-3W
    4. Benefits Agency (Telephone Calls) 271 words
    5. c143W
    6. Family Credit 292 words
    7. cc143-4W
    8. Benefits Agency Appointments 438 words
    9. cc144-8W
    10. Social Security Expenditure 1,995 words
    11. cc148-9W
    12. Private Finance Initiative 307 words
    13. c149W
    14. Consultants 152 words
    15. cc149-51W
    16. War Pensions 867 words
    17. c151W
    18. European Court of Justice Ruling 110 words
    19. c151W
    20. European Programmes 55 words
    21. cc151-2W
    22. Social Security Appeal Tribunals 200 words
    23. c152W
    24. Retirement Pensions (Payments Abroad) 238 words
    25. cc152-4W
    26. Pensioner Incomes 897 words
    1. cc155-6W
    2. BSE 532 words
    3. c156W
    4. Ministerial Visits 66 words
    5. c156W
    6. Anonymous Individuals (Financial Assistance) 166 words
    7. cc156-7W
    8. Live Fish Imports 123 words
    9. c157W
    10. Cattle Cull 194 words
    11. c157W
    12. French Fishing Vessels 77 words
    13. cc157-60W
    14. Public Bodies 1,248 words
    15. cc160-1W
    16. Consultants 151 words
    17. c161W
    18. Gelatin 74 words
    19. c161W
    20. Southall Horse Market 40 words
    21. cc161-2W
    22. Beef Labelling 254 words
    23. c162W
    24. Farmers (Negative Equity) 69 words
    25. c162W
    26. Departmental Prosecutions 47 words
    27. cc162-3W
    28. Poultry Feed Antibiotics 273 words
    29. c163W
    30. Bone Meal 173 words
    31. c163W
    32. Animal Feeds 161 words
    33. cc163-4W
    34. Countryside Stewardship Scheme 93 words
  20. HEALTH
    1. c164W
    2. Dental Services (Sunderland) 132 words
    3. cc164-5W
    4. Dental Services 606 words
    5. cc165-6W
    6. Sterilisation Reversals 296 words
    7. c166W
    8. Hospitals 55 words
    9. c166W
    10. Ministerial Leave 74 words
    11. cc166-7W
    12. Dental Services (Children) 72 words
    13. c167W
    14. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 135 words
    15. c167W
    16. East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust 65 words
    17. c167W
    18. Doctors 120 words
    19. cc167-8W
    20. Foreign Doctors 42 words
    21. c168W
    22. Community Care 47 words
    23. c168W
    24. Staff Shortfalls 200 words
    25. c168W
    26. Raw Fish (Worms) 55 words
    27. cc168-9W
    28. NHS Budget 127 words
    29. c169W
    30. Care Funding 34 words
    31. c169W
    32. Fluoridation 123 words
    33. cc169-70W
    34. Computers 214 words
    35. cc170-1W
    36. Inter-country Adoption 330 words
    37. c171W
    38. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 156 words
    39. c171W
    40. General Practitioners 66 words
    41. c171W
    42. Hepatitis B 100 words
    43. cc171-2W
    44. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 115 words
    45. c172W
    46. Hospitals 94 words
    47. cc172-3W
    48. Challenge Funds 529 words
    49. cc173-4W
    50. Social Services Spending 236 words
    51. c174W
    52. Aldehydes 26 words
    53. c174W
    54. Staff Train Travel 61 words
    55. c174W
    56. Contraception 67 words
    57. cc174-5W
    58. Health Authority Budgets 134 words
    59. c175W
    60. General Allocations 120 words
    61. c175W
    62. NHS Supplies Management 163 words
    63. c175W
    64. Computer Records 45 words
    65. cc175-7W
    66. Continuing Care 643 words
    67. c177W
    68. Cancer Treatments 82 words
    69. cc177-9W
    70. Drugs 486 words
    71. cc179-80W
    72. Public Bodies 645 words
    73. cc180-1W
    74. NHS Expenditure 235 words
    75. c181W
    76. Geriatric Care 338 words
    77. cc181-2W
    78. "The House Party" 57 words
    79. c182W
    80. Stroke 218 words
    81. c182W
    82. Consultants 83 words
    83. c182W
    84. Electroconvulsive Therapy 63 words
    85. cc182-3W
    86. Wheelchair Initiatives 83 words
    87. c183W
    88. Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Health Authority 216 words
    89. c183W
    90. Correspondence 147 words
    91. cc183-4W
    92. Prostate Cancer 88 words
    93. c184W
    94. Hospital Staff 49 words
    95. c184W
    96. Primary Care 80 words
    97. c184W
    98. Health for All Targets 136 words
    99. cc184-5W
    100. Nurse Prescribing 49 words
    101. c185W
    102. Acute Beds 55 words
    103. cc185-6W
    104. NHS Executive 177 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 13 January 1997 Series 5 Vol. 577

  1. "Sea Empress": Clean-up Operation 57 words
  2. 40-Tonne Lorries: Strengthening of Road Structures 303 words
  3. London Underground: Employee Activities 415 words
  4. Insolvent Companies: Transfer of Assets 129 words
  5. War Pensions: Reasons for Award 104 words
  6. Children Dependent on Income Support 166 words
  7. Income Support Recipients 135 words
  8. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990: Review of Schedule 3 90 words
  9. Cavity Wound Dressing Provision 39 words
  10. Drug Tariff: Cavity Wound Dressings 42 words
  11. Consultancies: Expenditure by Government Departments 797 words
  12. Gulf War: Allegations of Chemical Warfare 273 words
  13. Show Houses: Rating 95 words
  14. Fishing Vessels: "Kilowatt Days" 232 words
  15. MAFF-funded Research: Exploitation Following Privatisation 124 words
  16. BSE 203 words
  17. Agriculture Council, 16th and 17th December 552 words
  18. Firearms-related Deaths: International Statistics 396 words
  19. Kairos Prison Ministry 316 words
  20. Immigration Act Detention Centres 353 words
  21. Police Cautions: Disclosure 167 words
  22. Custody Time Limit: Excess Detention 166 words
  23. Parliamentary By-elections: Timing 268 words
  24. Fraudulent Mediums Act 1951 228 words
  25. British Nationality (Hong Kong) Bill: Ethnic Minorities 359 words
  26. Prisoners: Responsibility for Mental Health 104 words
  27. Prison Conditions 164 words
  28. Local Prisons: Population Statistics 609 words