Written Answers (Commons) of 4 April 1989 Series 6 Vol. 150

    1. c1W
    2. Computer Consultants 118 words
    1. cc1-2W
    2. Central Bank Base Rate 547 words
    3. c2W
    4. Public Sector Debt 74 words
    5. c2W
    6. Premium Bonds 70 words
    7. cc2-3W
    8. Excise Duties 103 words
    9. c3W
    10. Alcohol and Tobacco (Taxes) 332 words
    11. cc3-4W
    12. Computer Consultants 230 words
    13. cc4-5W
    14. Benefits and Allowances 450 words
    15. c5W
    16. National Debt 84 words
    17. cc5-6W
    18. Public Sector Borrowing Requirement 132 words
    19. c6W
    20. Pensions Schemes (Abatement) 206 words
    21. c6W
    22. Taxpayers (Confidentiality) 117 words
    23. cc6-7W
    24. Johnson Mathey 44 words
    25. c7W
    26. Public Sector Debt 131 words
    27. cc7-8W
    28. OPCS (Interviewers) 775 words
    29. c8W
    30. Tax Changes 148 words
    31. cc8-10W
    32. Taxable Income 473 words
    1. c11W
    2. Brazilian Rain Forest 243 words
    3. c11W
    4. Sudan 156 words
    5. cc11-2W
    6. West German Foreign Minister 60 words
    7. c12W
    8. Iran 324 words
    9. cc12-3W
    10. Crete Campaign (Medal) 161 words
    11. cc13-4W
    12. Computer Consultants 342 words
    13. cc14-5W
    14. Discharged Prisoners 538 words
    15. c15W
    16. British Citizens (Convictions and Imprisonment) 80 words
    17. c15W
    18. British Citizens (Imprisonment) 53 words
    19. c15W
    20. Private Security Firms 118 words
    21. cc15-6W
    22. Falkland Islands 135 words
    23. c16W
    24. Lomé Conventions 112 words
    25. c16W
    26. Private Investment 111 words
    1. cc16-7W
    2. Road Casualties 324 words
    3. c17W
    4. Heavy Lorries 154 words
    5. c17W
    6. Lydd Airport 91 words
    7. cc17-8W
    8. Random Breath Testing 404 words
    9. c18W
    10. Microlight Aircraft 95 words
    11. cc18-9W
    12. Goods Vehicles (Speed limiters) 359 words
    13. c19W
    14. Service Areas (Baby Changing) 137 words
    15. c19W
    16. Cross-Channel Freight Traffic 61 words
    17. cc19-20W
    18. Passenger Ferries 224 words
    19. c20W
    20. Airline Safety (Departmental Warning) 74 words
    21. cc20-1W
    22. Thames Line River Services 278 words
    23. c21W
    24. Sir Keith Bright (Resignation) 32 words
    25. c21W
    26. European Maritime Policy 97 words
    27. c21W
    28. Trunk Roads (Review) 85 words
    29. c21W
    30. Railway Accident (Warrington) 73 words
    31. cc21-2W
    32. Britannia Bridge, Limehouse 75 words
    33. c22W
    34. British Rail (Provincial Services) 75 words
    35. cc22-3W
    36. London Assessment Studies 561 words
    37. c23W
    38. Highgate—Finsbury Park (Public Walk) 60 words
    39. c23W
    40. Trawlers (Medical Supplies) 71 words
    41. cc23-4W
    42. Lindane Container (Channel) 90 words
    43. c24W
    44. Departmental Mail (Bomb Attack) 208 words
    1. cc24-6W
    2. Category A Prisoners 995 words
    3. cc26-9W
    4. Prisoner (Statistics) 1,396 words
    5. c29W
    6. Crime (South Wales) 89 words
    7. cc29-30W
    8. Prisoners (AIDS) 376 words
    9. cc30-3W
    10. Computer Consultants 855 words
    11. cc33-5W
    12. Police National Computer (Report) 99 words
    13. c35W
    14. Fatal Accidents (Police Vehicles) 51 words
    15. c35W
    16. Data Protection Act 1987 68 words
    17. cc35-6W
    18. British Citizens 306 words
    19. c36W
    20. Category A Committee 128 words
    21. c36W
    22. Mr. Albert Baker 77 words
    23. c36W
    24. Metropolitan Police (Public Relations) 139 words
    25. cc36-7W
    26. Foleshill Information and Advice Centre, Coventry 222 words
    1. cc37-8W
    2. Employment Training 461 words
    3. c38W
    4. Vocational Training 241 words
    5. c38W
    6. Repetitive Strain Injury 65 words
    7. cc38-43W
    8. Computer Consultants 1,185 words
    9. c43W
    10. Training Premiums 58 words
    11. c43W
    12. Training (Health and Safety) 142 words
    13. c43W
    14. Redundancy Payments 79 words
    15. cc43-4W
    16. Political Vetting 65 words
    17. c44W
    18. Youth Training 188 words
    19. c44W
    20. Labour Statistics 102 words
    1. c45W
    2. Food Colours 85 words
    3. c45W
    4. Set-aside 103 words
    5. cc45-6W
    6. Hedgerows 317 words
    7. c46W
    8. Slaughtering 169 words
    9. cc46-7W
    10. Small Companies (Payments) 316 words
    11. c47W
    12. Lambs 324 words
    13. cc47-8W
    14. Research Funding 190 words
    15. c48W
    16. Pesticides 61 words
    17. c48W
    18. Deer 169 words
    19. c48W
    20. BST Product Licences 93 words
    21. cc48-50W
    22. Strychnine 474 words
    23. c50W
    24. Computer Consultants 95 words
    25. cc50-1W
    26. Bovine Tuberculosis 219 words
    27. c51W
    28. Porcine Somatotropin 33 words
    29. cc51-2W
    30. Eggs 265 words
    31. c52W
    32. Live Cattle Imports 84 words
    33. c52W
    34. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 137 words
    35. cc52-3W
    36. Quarantine 71 words
    37. c53W
    38. Potatoes 50 words
    39. c53W
    40. Slaughterhouses 131 words
    41. c53W
    42. Slaughterhouse Workers 51 words
    43. cc53-4W
    44. Livestock (Slaughter) 192 words
    45. c54W
    46. Sole 107 words
    47. c54W
    48. Eggs 114 words
    49. cc54-8W
    50. Bovine Tuberculosis (Badgers) 1,807 words
    51. cc58-9W
    52. Sheep Dip 128 words
    53. c59W
    54. Abattoirs (Statistics) 199 words
    55. c59W
    56. Meat Statistics 175 words
    1. cc59-60W
    2. Labour Statistics 142 words
    3. c60W
    4. President Gorbachev 82 words
    5. c60W
    6. NATO 141 words
    7. cc60-1W
    8. Rain Forests 81 words
    9. c61W
    10. Kington Magna 26 words
    11. c61W
    12. Willoughby 30 words
    13. c61W
    14. Select Committee Reports 243 words
    15. c61W
    16. Homelessness 49 words
    17. cc61-2W
    18. Economy (Press Notice) 389 words
    19. cc62-3W
    20. Computer Consultants 262 words
    21. c63W
    22. Security 43 words
    23. c63W
    24. Mr. Colin Wallace 51 words
    25. c63W
    26. Security Vetting (Indecency) 33 words
    27. c63W
    28. Life Sentences 132 words
    29. cc63-4W
    30. Engagements 95 words
    1. c64W
    2. Cambridge-King's Lynn Line 130 words
    3. cc64-5W
    4. Computer Consultants 453 words
    5. cc65-7W
    6. Dangerous Loads 617 words
    7. c67W
    8. Cleaning (Stoke-on-Trent) 81 words
    9. c67W
    10. Mrs. Edwina Crantham (Heavy Goods Licence) 78 words
    11. cc67-8W
    12. Headcorn Aerodrome 250 words
    1. c68W
    2. Bottles and Papers 85 words
    3. cc68-9W
    4. Recycled Paper 122 words
    5. c69W
    6. Division Bells 58 words
    1. c69W
    2. Selective Investment Brokers Limited 109 words
    3. cc69-70W
    4. Computer Consultants 261 words
    5. c70W
    6. Mr. Martin Foran 89 words
    7. c70W
    8. Middlesex Guildhall Collection 234 words
  12. HEALTH
    1. c71W
    2. Occupational Therapists 42 words
    3. c71W
    4. Food Poisoning 154 words
    5. cc71-8W
    6. Residential Homes 2,953 words
    7. cc78-9W
    8. School Medicine 206 words
    9. c79W
    10. Trent Regional Health Authority 63 words
    11. c79W
    12. Sex Change Operations 73 words
    13. c79W
    14. Electors 110 words
    15. c79W
    16. Glenside Hospital 111 words
    17. cc79-80W
    18. Psychogeriatrics 127 words
    19. c80W
    20. Heart Disease 288 words
    21. c80W
    22. New Parent-Infant Network Charity 52 words
    23. cc80-1W
    24. Operating Theatres 99 words
    25. c81W
    26. Ambulances (Emergency Calls) 453 words
    27. cc81-2W
    28. Hospital Closures 248 words
    29. cc82-3W
    30. Mortality Rates 629 words
    31. c83W
    32. National Health Service (Staff Training) 95 words
    33. cc83-6W
    34. National Health Service Reform 969 words
    35. c86W
    36. Preventive Services 151 words
    37. cc86-7W
    38. Plastic Surgery 178 words
    39. c87W
    40. Smoking 192 words
    41. cc87-8W
    42. Lipid-lowering Drugs 150 words
    43. c88W
    44. Private Hospitals 101 words
    45. c88W
    46. Water Supplies 176 words
    47. cc88-9W
    48. Operation Statistics 120 words
    49. c89W
    50. Whitley Council Negotiating Machinery 72 words
    51. c89W
    52. Wakefield District Health Authority 77 words
    53. cc89-90W
    54. Spina Bifida 676 words
    55. c90W
    56. Neural Tube Defects 64 words
    57. cc90-1W
    58. Nursing Home Owners (Payments) 77 words
    59. c91W
    60. Nurses (Regrading) 61 words
    61. cc91-2W
    62. Skin and Hair Cream 576 words
    63. cc92-3W
    64. Child Care 553 words
    65. c93W
    66. General Practitioners 83 words
    67. c93W
    68. Hospital Trusts 60 words
    69. c93W
    70. Community Health Councils 122 words
    71. cc93-4W
    72. Ambulances (Costs) 58 words
    73. c94W
    74. Eyes and Teeth (Tests) 101 words
    75. cc94-5W
    76. Computer Consultants 128 words
    77. c95W
    78. Blood Transfusion Service (West Midlands) 100 words
    79. c95W
    80. Operating Department Assistants 83 words
    81. c95W
    82. Hon. Member for Derbyshire, South 90 words
    83. c95W
    84. Chemotherapy 44 words
    85. cc95-6W
    86. Children Bill [Lords] 172 words
    87. c96W
    88. Guardians ad Litem 167 words
    89. c96W
    90. Pharmaceutical Prices 100 words
    91. cc96-7W
    92. Sight Testing 143 words
    93. c97W
    94. Sheep Dips 117 words
    1. cc97-8W
    2. Production and Employment 392 words
    3. c98W
    4. Bicycle Imports 210 words
    5. c98W
    6. EFTA 150 words
    7. cc98-9W
    8. Link Scheme 931 words
    9. cc99-101W
    10. Regional Assistance 189 words
    11. c101W
    12. Petrol Sales 76 words
    13. c101W
    14. Rating Reform (Royal Mail) 82 words
    15. cc101-2W
    16. Mr. Anthony Wheeler and Mr. Richard Savill 792 words
    17. cc102-5W
    18. Manufacturing Statistics 2,821 words
    19. cc105-6W
    20. Waste Paper Imports 124 words
    21. cc106-7W
    22. Pittard Garnar plc 92 words
    23. cc107-8W
    24. Companies Registration Office 800 words
    25. cc108-9W
    26. Company Documents 209 words
    27. c109W
    28. Unsecured Loans 216 words
    29. cc109-10W
    30. Loans 234 words
  14. WALES
    1. c110W
    2. House Grants 142 words
    3. c110W
    4. Forestry Commission Holdings (Wales) 64 words
    5. cc110-1W
    6. Housing and Development Agencies 512 words
    7. c111W
    8. Cefn Coed Hospital (Psychiatric Unit) 72 words
    9. cc111-2W
    10. Housing for Wales 27 words
    11. cc112-3W
    12. Computer Consultants 480 words
    13. cc113-4W
    14. Tree Preservation Orders 63 words
    15. c114W
    16. All-Wales Strategy 247 words
    17. cc114-5W
    18. Local Authority Housing 83 words
    19. c115W
    20. Water Standards 102 words
  15. ENERGY
    1. c115W
    2. Nuclear Power (Report) 143 words
    3. cc115-6W
    4. Computer Consultants 226 words
    5. c116W
    6. Security Firms 60 words
    1. c116W
    2. Parent Governors 68 words
    3. cc116-7W
    4. Student Loans 230 words
    5. c117W
    6. Education Statistics 75 words
    7. c117W
    8. Drugs 72 words
    9. c117W
    10. Japanese Language Training 105 words
    11. cc117-8W
    12. Classroom Behaviour 102 words
    13. c118W
    14. Grant Maintained Schools 82 words
    15. c118W
    16. Schools Outreach Programme 72 words
    17. c118W
    18. Student Loans 63 words
    19. c118W
    20. Parent Governors 50 words
    21. c118W
    22. Essex Education Committee 60 words
    23. cc118-9W
    24. Engineering (A-level Syllabus) 45 words
    25. c119W
    26. Capital Allocations 60 words
    27. c119W
    28. Lecturers (Dispute) 43 words
    29. c119W
    30. Lecturers (Pay and Conditions) 82 words
    31. cc119-20W
    32. Student Maintenance 175 words
    33. c120W
    34. Polytechnics and Colleges 394 words
    35. cc120-1W
    36. Teacher Conversion Courses 83 words
    37. c121W
    38. Grant-maintained Schools 144 words
    39. c121W
    40. Information Technology 58 words
    41. c121W
    42. Badgers 39 words
    43. cc121-2W
    44. Child Sexual Abuse 281 words
    45. c122W
    46. Teachers (Statistics) 210 words
    47. cc122-3W
    48. Computer Consultants 225 words
    49. c123W
    50. Over-16s 116 words
    51. cc123-4W
    52. Higher Education 274 words
    53. cc124-5W
    54. Students and Academic Staff 359 words
    55. c125W
    56. Licensed Teachers 139 words
    57. cc125-6W
    58. Pensions (Abatement Provisions) 236 words
    59. c126W
    60. Voluntary Youth Workers 36 words
    61. c126W
    62. London Residuary Body 109 words
    1. cc126-7W
    2. Military Equipment (Export) 154 words
    3. cc127-8W
    4. Headquarters Contracts 537 words
    5. c128W
    6. Contractors 176 words
    7. c128W
    8. Missiles 48 words
    9. cc128-9W
    10. Submarines 176 words
    11. c129W
    12. Vehicles 54 words
    13. cc129-30W
    14. Multiple-launch Rocket System 310 words
    15. c130W
    16. Computer Consultants 150 words
    17. cc130-1W
    18. United States Competitive Strategies Doctrine 45 words
    19. c131W
    20. Private Security Firms 195 words
    21. c131W
    22. Northern Ireland (Border Crossings) 79 words
    23. cc131-2W
    24. Contractors 55 words
    25. c132W
    26. Economic League 114 words
    27. c132W
    28. Army Operations (Forged Materials) 37 words
    29. cc132-3W
    30. Keenie Meenie Services 478 words
    31. c133W
    32. Guns 61 words
    1. cc133-4W
    2. Government Cars 536 words
    3. cc134-5W
    4. Computer Consultants 323 words
    5. c135W
    6. Sports Clubs 130 words
    7. c135W
    8. Rating Reform 120 words
    9. cc135-6W
    10. Water 160 words
    11. c136W
    12. Concierge Systems (Tower Blocks) 179 words
    13. cc136-7W
    14. Housing (Transfers) 294 words
    15. c137W
    16. Air Pollution 150 words
    17. c137W
    18. Waste Management '89 54 words
    19. c137W
    20. Hinckley C (Inquiry) 15 words
    21. cc137-8W
    22. London Docklands 164 words
    23. c138W
    24. Radioactive Waste 85 words
    25. cc138-9W
    26. Urban Development Grants 326 words
    27. c139W
    28. Water Quality 213 words
    29. c139W
    30. Rivers (Grading) 76 words
    31. cc139-40W
    32. Water Authorities (Performance Targets) 90 words
    33. c140W
    34. Severn-Trent Water Authority (Chairman) 137 words
    35. cc140-1W
    36. Drought 144 words
    37. c141W
    38. South Yorkshire (Strategic Guidance) 131 words
    39. c141W
    40. Raleigh Site (Nottingham) 145 words
    41. cc141-2W
    42. Sewage Works 163 words
    43. c142W
    44. Labour Statistics 236 words
    45. cc142-3W
    46. Gipsies 102 words
    47. c143W
    48. Government Buildings (Drinking Water) 80 words
    49. c143W
    50. Sites of Special Scientific Interest 387 words
    51. cc143-4W
    52. Hadrian's Wall 114 words
    53. c144W
    54. Microlight Aircraft 79 words
    55. c144W
    56. Churston Golf Club 141 words
    57. cc144-6W
    58. Housing Investment Programme 595 words
    59. c146W
    60. Empty Dwellings 138 words
    61. cc146-7W
    62. Housing Investment 188 words
    63. cc147-8W
    64. Unused Sites (Thamesdown) 423 words
    65. c148W
    66. Tree Preservation Orders 122 words
    67. c148W
    68. Insulation 108 words
    69. cc148-9W
    70. Development Corporations 335 words
    71. cc149-51W
    72. Merseyside Development Corporation 906 words
    73. c151W
    74. Housing Statistics 277 words
    75. cc151-2W
    76. Council House Building 77 words
    77. c152W
    78. Housing Shortages 84 words
    79. c152W
    80. Lindane Container (Loss) 227 words
    81. cc152-3W
    82. Development (Islington) 125 words
    83. c153W
    84. Gloucester District Council 191 words
    85. cc153-4W
    86. London Docklands 266 words
    87. c154W
    88. Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 127 words
    89. c154W
    90. Norfolk Broads 65 words
    91. c154W
    92. Ivory 63 words
    93. cc154-5W
    94. Office of Water Supply and National Rivers Authority 171 words
    95. c155W
    96. Archaeological Sites 218 words
    97. cc155-6W
    98. Director General of Water Services 351 words
    1. c156W
    2. Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances 64 words
    3. c156W
    4. Farm Sizes 114 words
    5. cc156-7W
    6. Public Defender System 74 words
    7. c157W
    8. Operations (Private Hospitals) 449 words
    9. cc157-8W
    10. Highland Regional Council (Structure Plan) 131 words
    11. c158W
    12. Prisoners 251 words
    13. cc158-9W
    14. Nurse Grading 62 words
    15. c159W
    16. Porcine Somatotropin 82 words
    17. c159W
    18. Child Abuse 221 words
    19. cc159-60W
    20. Sand Eels 508 words
    21. c160W
    22. Computer Consultants 148 words
    23. cc160-1W
    24. "Working for Patients" 65 words
    25. c161W
    26. Ambulance Services 148 words
    27. c161W
    28. Woodland Grants 96 words
    29. cc161-3W
    30. New Towns 567 words
    31. c163W
    32. Local Health Councils 57 words
    33. c163W
    34. Pupil-Teacher Ratios 71 words
    35. c163W
    36. Teaching Posts 50 words
    1. c164W
    2. Single Mothers (Income Support) 72 words
    3. c164W
    4. Mr. George Metters 59 words
    5. cc164-5W
    6. Housing Benefit 361 words
    7. cc165-6W
    8. Family Credit 523 words
    9. cc166-9W
    10. Computer Consultants 650 words
    11. cc169-71W
    12. Community Care 491 words
    13. c171W
    14. Claim Forms 95 words
    15. cc171-2W
    16. Kidney Failure (Benefits) 404 words
    17. cc172-3W
    18. Young People (Benefits) 377 words
    19. c173W
    20. Income Support 94 words
    21. c173W
    22. AIDS 160 words
    23. c173W
    24. Nursing Homes (Elderly People) 100 words
    1. c174W
    2. Water Privatisation 41 words
    3. c174W
    4. Queen's University 34 words
    5. c174W
    6. Goat Milk 51 words
    7. cc174-5W
    8. Life Imprisonment 283 words
    9. c175W
    10. Wildlife Poisoning 206 words
    11. c175W
    12. Social Security Payments 42 words
    13. cc175-6W
    14. Elderly People (Residential Homes) 254 words
    15. c176W
    16. Rates 167 words
    17. cc176-7W
    18. Married Teachers 151 words
    19. cc177-9W
    20. Firearms 1,202 words
    21. c179W
    22. Special Category Prisoners 385 words
    23. cc179-81W
    24. Statistical Staff 325 words
    25. c181W
    26. Management Consultants 149 words
    27. cc181-3W
    28. Wages Councils 1,461 words
    29. c183W
    30. Royal Ulster Constabulary-Gardai Meetings 78 words
    31. cc183-4W
    32. Election Expenses 75 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 4 April 1989 Series 5 Vol. 505
