HC Deb 04 April 1989 vol 150 c142W
Mr. Goodlad

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what has been the change in the level of employment in each of the enterprise zones in the north-west in each of the past three years.

Mr. Trippier

The table below shows how employment levels changed between May 1983 and December 1986, the latest date for which information is available. Information on employment at October 1987 will be published shortly.

sewage treatment works where they plan to complete improvement schemes designed to bring these works up to standard by March 1992.

In addition, water authorities may also apply for longer-term variations in respect of a limited number of minor works, where it can be demonstrated that investment to meet current consent requirements would produce negligible environmental benefits.

In all cases, Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution will consider applications on their merits before deciding whether to grant revised consent conditions. Time limits on these temporary variations will normally be imposed to run from approval of the authority's application to the expected commissioning date of the improved works.

The Department and Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution are in discussion with the water authorities about these applications. When applications are made and consents given, details are entered on the authority's register which may be inspected, free of charge, by anyone at all reasonable hours. Responses to the Departments letter of 1 February were obtained from all water authorities by telephone.

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