Written Answers (Commons) of 23 July 2002 Series 6 Vol. 389

    1. c879W
    2. India 195 words
    3. cc879-80W
    4. Middle East 512 words
    5. c880W
    6. EU Enlargement 53 words
    7. c880W
    8. EU Overseas Aid 70 words
    9. cc880-1W
    10. UN Peacekeeping Operations 82 words
    11. c881W
    12. EU Presidency 103 words
    13. c881W
    14. Missile Defence 105 words
    15. c881W
    16. Chechnya 54 words
    17. cc881-2W
    18. Zimbabwe 70 words
    19. c882W
    20. European Union (Aspirant Countries) 54 words
    21. c882W
    22. Sudan 71 words
    23. c882W
    24. International Criminal Court 175 words
    25. cc882-3W
    26. Gibraltar 269 words
    27. c883W
    28. Organisation of African Unity 113 words
    29. cc883-4W
    30. Cyprus 101 words
    31. c884W
    32. Developing Countries 66 words
    33. c884W
    34. Official Photographers 144 words
    35. c884W
    36. Asylum Seekers 63 words
    37. c884W
    38. Open Source Software 90 words
    39. cc884-6W
    40. Consultation 357 words
    41. c886W
    42. Sierra Leone 110 words
    43. c886W
    44. Macedonia 76 words
    45. c886W
    46. Nepal 156 words
    47. cc886-7W
    48. Catherine Meyer Case 111 words
    49. c887W
    50. Entry Clearance 52 words
    51. c887W
    52. Iraq 98 words
    53. c887W
    54. Information Campaigns 122 words
    55. cc887-8W
    56. British Council (Indemnity Undertakings) 181 words
    57. c888W
    58. Sino-British Declaration 90 words
    59. cc888-9W
    60. Westminster Foundation for Democracy 186 words
    61. c889W
    62. Cayman Islands (Human Rights) 241 words
    63. cc889-90W
    64. Diplomatic Service 235 words
    65. c890W
    66. Departmental Report 126 words
    1. c890W
    2. Special Advisers 37 words
    3. c890W
    4. Correspondence 56 words
    5. cc890-2W
    6. Renewable Energy 181 words
    1. c893W
    2. Open Source Software 48 words
    3. cc893-4W
    4. CPI Consultancies 725 words
    5. cc894-5W
    6. HIV/AIDS 407 words
    7. c895W
    8. Yugoslavia 53 words
    9. cc895-6W
    10. Education for All 446 words
    11. cc896-7W
    12. Calgary G8 Meeting 53 words
    13. c897W
    14. Zimbabwe 514 words
    15. cc897-8W
    16. Faith Communities 198 words
    17. cc898-9W
    18. Uganda 93 words
    19. c899W
    20. International Development Association 165 words
    21. c899W
    22. Microcredit Summit 95 words
    23. cc899-900W
    24. Afghanistan 90 words
    25. c900W
    26. Parliamentary Answers 139 words
    27. c900W
    28. Special Advisers 81 words
    29. c900W
    30. Liberia 168 words
    1. c901W
    2. Salisbury Plain 78 words
    3. c901W
    4. Overseas Deployments 173 words
    5. cc901-2W
    6. Royal Hospital, Haslar 396 words
    7. c902W
    8. Queen Alexandra Hospital, Cosham 87 words
    9. cc902-3W
    10. Aircraft Carriers 111 words
    11. c903W
    12. Consultation 390 words
    13. cc903-4W
    14. European Technology Acquisition Programme 312 words
    15. cc904-5W
    16. Systems Technology 202 words
    17. c905W
    18. Military Training (Quantocks) 91 words
    19. c905W
    20. HMS Albion 57 words
    21. cc905-6W
    22. Service Accommodation 165 words
    23. c906W
    24. Enhanced Capability Grenade 78 words
    25. c906W
    26. Weapons Systems 142 words
    27. cc906-7W
    28. Military Exercises 135 words
    29. c907W
    30. Waste 190 words
    31. c907W
    32. Modernisation 121 words
    33. cc907-8W
    34. General Service Medal 176 words
    35. cc908-9W
    36. Defence Housing Executive 396 words
    37. cc909-11W
    38. Gulf War 864 words
    39. c911W
    40. Defence Aviation Repair Agency 234 words
    41. cc911-2W
    42. Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 319 words
    43. cc912-3W
    44. QinetiQ 156 words
    45. c913W
    46. Lancer Reconnaissance System 135 words
    1. cc913-4W
    2. Staff Training 160 words
    1. c914W
    2. Radioactive Discharges 145 words
    3. cc914-5W
    4. Rural Payments Agency 347 words
    5. c915W
    6. Central Science Laboratory 51 words
    7. c915W
    8. Enriched Cages 42 words
    9. c915W
    10. Common Land 174 words
    11. cc915-6W
    12. Veterinary Medicines Directorate 51 words
    13. c916W
    14. Veterinary Laboratories Agency 51 words
    15. c916W
    16. Water Industry 90 words
    17. c916W
    18. Public Relations Consultants 134 words
    19. cc916-7W
    20. Common Agricultural Policy 93 words
    21. cc917-8W
    22. Ministerial Speeches 843 words
    23. cc918-9W
    24. Farming Research 128 words
    25. c919W
    26. Feed Additives 225 words
    27. c919W
    28. Fisheries 89 words
    29. cc919-20W
    30. Foot and Mouth 305 words
    31. c920W
    32. Illegal Meat Imports 113 words
    33. cc920-1W
    34. Egg Industry 128 words
    35. c921W
    36. State Veterinary Service 115 words
    37. c921W
    38. Department-sponsored Organisations 122 words
    39. cc921-2W
    40. Animal Welfare 319 words
    41. c922W
    42. Livestock Movements 62 words
    43. cc922-9W
    44. EU Committees 3,465 words
    45. cc929-30W
    46. New Rural Businesses 214 words
    47. c930W
    48. Government Funding 164 words
    49. cc930-1W
    50. Abattoirs 437 words
    51. c931W
    52. Nuclear Waste (Sellafield) 115 words
    53. cc931-3W
    54. Bovine TB 952 words
    55. cc933-4W
    56. Flooding 295 words
    57. c934W
    58. Canoeists 73 words
    59. cc934-5W
    60. French Beef Ban 264 words
    61. c935W
    62. Pet Passports 95 words
    63. cc935-6W
    64. Agricultural Wages Board 344 words
    65. c936W
    66. Carbaryl 84 words
    67. cc936-7W
    68. French Lamb Ban 248 words
    69. cc937-41W
    70. Consultation 2,841 words
    71. c941W
    72. Landfill 184 words
    73. cc941-2W
    74. Public Finance Initiative 184 words
    1. c942W
    2. National Association of Citizen's Advice Bureaux 176 words
    3. cc942-3W
    4. Radioactive Metals (Civil Stocks) 100 words
    5. c943W
    6. Science, Engineering and Technology 242 words
    7. c943W
    8. Nuclear Energy 45 words
    9. cc943-4W
    10. Energy Policy 160 words
    11. c944W
    12. Renewable Energy 160 words
    13. cc944-5W
    14. Sub-post Offices 398 words
    15. c945W
    16. Information Campaigns 133 words
    17. cc945-6W
    18. Diesel Directive 509 words
    19. cc946-7W
    20. Air and Noise Pollution 121 words
    21. c947W
    22. Developing Countries 231 words
    23. c947W
    24. Post Office 52 words
    25. cc947-9W
    26. Manufacturing (Productivity and Competitiveness) 807 words
    27. c949W
    28. Employment Businesses Regulations 150 words
    29. cc949-50W
    30. Broadband 182 words
    31. c950W
    32. Coal Authority 36 words
    33. cc950-1W
    34. Consultation 287 words
    35. c951W
    36. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology 397 words
    37. cc951-2W
    38. EU Committees 263 words
    39. c952W
    40. Solar Power 127 words
    41. cc952-3W
    42. Town Planners 131 words
    43. c953W
    44. Universal Bank 70 words
    45. cc953-4W
    46. Ex-miners (Compensation Claims) 683 words
    47. c954W
    48. Employment Tribunals 85 words
    49. cc954-6W
    50. 0870 Telephone Numbers 843 words
    51. c956W
    52. Deregulation Task Force 133 words
    53. cc956-7W
    54. Nuclear Industry 67 words
    55. c957W
    56. Committee Mandates 229 words
    1. cc957-8W
    2. Police Ombudsman 94 words
    1. c958W
    2. Regional Funding 70 words
    3. c958W
    4. Withholding Tax 47 words
    5. c958W
    6. UK Debt Management Office 54 words
    7. cc958-9W
    8. Departmental Reports 295 words
    9. c959W
    10. Criminal Finances 212 words
    11. c959W
    12. Double Taxation Protocol 168 words
    13. cc959-60W
    14. Tax Benefit Reference Manual 42 words
    15. c960W
    16. Pool Re Scheme 269 words
    17. c960W
    18. EU Committees 80 words
    19. cc960-1W
    20. E-commerce 92 words
    1. c961W
    2. Departmental Contracts 40 words
    3. c961W
    4. Cranford Agreement 191 words
    5. cc961-2W
    6. Press Office 223 words
    7. c962W
    8. Ministerial Speeches 71 words
    9. c962W
    10. Departmental Reorganisation 99 words
    11. c962W
    12. European and International Business 48 words
    13. cc962-3W
    14. Travel Times 92 words
    15. c963W
    16. Transport Benchmarks 112 words
    17. c963W
    18. Fuel Reduction Technology 98 words
    19. cc963-4W
    20. Alternatively Fuelled Vehicles 275 words
    21. c964W
    22. Vehicle Inspectorate 225 words
    23. cc964-5W
    24. Hydrogen Fuel 129 words
    25. c965W
    26. Driving Licences 100 words
    27. c965W
    28. Cycling 49 words
    29. cc965-6W
    30. Roads 224 words
    31. c966W
    32. Congestion 64 words
    33. c966W
    34. Road and Bridge Maintenance 194 words
    35. cc966-7W
    36. A140 114 words
    37. c967W
    38. "In Town Without My Car! Day" 92 words
    39. c967W
    40. Drink-driving 247 words
    41. cc967-8W
    42. Harbours 157 words
    43. c968W
    44. Housing 115 words
    45. c968W
    46. Mersey Passenger Transport Authority 44 words
    47. c968W
    48. Rail Freight 196 words
    49. cc968-9W
    50. West Coast Main Line 50 words
    51. c969W
    52. Train Operating Companies 76 words
    53. c969W
    54. Rail Journey Times 59 words
    55. c969W
    56. Trains (Punctuality) 110 words
    57. c969W
    58. Annual Rail Freight Conference 48 words
    59. cc969-70W
    60. Rail Investment Programmes 64 words
    61. c970W
    62. Air Services (Scotland) 50 words
    63. c970W
    64. Aviation White Paper 243 words
    65. cc970-1W
    66. Flight BA 2069 156 words
    67. c971W
    68. Thameslink 92 words
    1. cc971-2W
    2. Government Car and Despatch Agency 474 words
    3. c972W
    4. Regulatory Assessment 92 words
    1. cc972-3W
    2. Consultation 492 words
    3. cc973-4W
    4. National Lottery 291 words
    5. c974W
    6. Sporting Talent 145 words
    7. c974W
    8. Public Consultations 61 words
    9. cc974-5W
    10. Sport 248 words
    11. cc975-9W
    12. Sport England 1,860 words
    1. cc979-80W
    2. National Audit Office 255 words
    1. c980W
    2. Refurbishment 86 words
    3. c980W
    4. New Deal 113 words
    5. c980W
    6. Staff Pay 74 words
    7. cc980-1W
    8. Correspondence 101 words
    9. c981W
    10. Press Releases 237 words
    11. cc981-2W
    12. Eurostar 182 words
    13. c982W
    14. Members of Parliament (Personal Data) 90 words
    15. c982W
    16. Ministerial Visits (Wales) 123 words
    17. cc982-3W
    18. Female Staff 53 words
    19. c983W
    20. Overseas Visits 79 words
    21. c983W
    22. Hewlett Packard 130 words
    23. c983W
    24. Air Services 54 words
    25. cc983-4W
    26. Unemployment 87 words
    27. c984W
    28. Funding Policy 75 words
    29. c984W
    30. North Sea Tax 66 words
    31. c984W
    32. Anglo-Irish Ministerial Meetings 84 words
    33. c984W
    34. Public Expenditure 115 words
    1. c985W
    2. New Deal 77 words
    3. c985W
    4. Staff Pay 67 words
    5. c985W
    6. Female Staff 49 words
    1. cc985-6W
    2. Consultation 539 words
    3. cc986-7W
    4. Student Funding 337 words
    5. c987W
    6. Sixth Form Colleges 167 words
    7. cc987-8W
    8. Children's Centres 114 words
    9. c988W
    10. Additional Investment 116 words
    11. c988W
    12. Press Office 184 words
    13. cc988-9W
    14. Higher and Further Education 187 words
    15. cc989-90W
    16. School Playing Fields 370 words
    17. c990W
    18. Dyslexia 275 words
    19. cc990-2W
    20. Apprenticeships 675 words
    21. c992W
    22. Individual Learning Accounts 245 words
    23. cc992-3W
    24. Arts and Humanities Research Funding 167 words
    25. cc993-4W
    26. SMEs 513 words
    27. c994W
    28. Child Care (Regulation) 93 words
    29. c994W
    30. Nursery Education 152 words
    31. cc994-6W
    32. Special Educational Needs 539 words
    1. c996W
    2. Parliamentary Questions 401 words
    3. cc996-7W
    4. Financial Contributions to Political Parties 107 words
    1. c997W
    2. Delegated Legislation 55 words
    3. cc997-8W
    4. Homelessness 310 words
    5. c998W
    6. Sub-post Offices 303 words
    7. c998W
    8. Local Government Finance 91 words
    9. cc998-9W
    10. Local Government Act 254 words
    11. c999W
    12. Local Councillors 101 words
    13. cc999-1000W
    14. Annual Report 157 words
    15. c1000W
    16. Office Accommodation 63 words
    17. c1000W
    18. Rebranding 183 words
    19. c1000W
    20. Consultancy Fees 65 words
    21. cc1000-1W
    22. Standard Spending Assessment 180 words
    23. cc1001-2W
    24. Firefighters' Pay 128 words
    25. c1002W
    26. Departmental Reorganisation 100 words
    27. c1002W
    28. Air-conditioning 143 words
    29. cc1002-3W
    30. Town and Country Finance 56 words
    31. c1003W
    32. Children in Care 209 words
    33. c1003W
    34. Mobile Phone Operators 142 words
    35. cc1003-6W
    36. Empty Homes 1,449 words
    37. cc1006-7W
    38. Sustainable Communities 125 words
    39. c1007W
    40. Access for Disabled People 126 words
    41. cc1007-9W
    42. Planning 762 words
    43. c1009W
    44. Parish Councillors 155 words
    45. c1009W
    46. Telecommunications Working Group 99 words
    47. cc1009-12W
    48. National Land Use Database 620 words
    49. cc1012-4W
    50. Ordnance Survey 554 words
    51. c1014W
    52. Press Office 202 words
    53. cc1014-5W
    54. Housing Benefit 554 words
    55. cc1015-6W
    56. Fire Service 125 words
    57. c1016W
    58. Urban Regeneration Company 76 words
    59. c1016W
    60. Congestion 64 words
    61. c1016W
    62. Voting Arrangements 223 words
    63. cc1016-7W
    64. Best Value Programme 170 words
    65. cc1017-9W
    66. Housing 899 words
    67. c1019W
    68. Housing Association Stock 146 words
    69. c1019W
    70. Land Development 60 words
    71. c1019W
    72. Right-to-buy Receipts 53 words
    73. cc1019-20W
    74. Local Government Contracts 229 words
    75. cc1020-1W
    76. Physical Regeneration 252 words
    77. c1021W
    78. New Deal for Communities 404 words
    79. cc1021-7W
    80. WORK AND PENSIONS 343 words
    81. c1022W
    82. Rent 239 words
    83. c1022W
    84. People's Consultative Forums 141 words
    85. cc1022-3W
    86. Recycling 447 words
    87. cc1023-4W
    88. Departmental Energy Use 76 words
    89. c1024W
    90. Statistics 70 words
    91. cc1024-6W
    92. Sanctions 995 words
    93. c1026W
    94. Child Support Agency 139 words
    95. c1026W
    96. Public Consultations 27 words
    97. cc1027-8W
    98. Consultation 187 words
    99. cc1028-9W
    100. Benefits 597 words
    101. cc1029-31W
    102. Benefit Fraud 786 words
    103. c1031W
    104. Pension Rights 143 words
    105. cc1031-2W
    106. ACT 112 words
    107. c1032W
    108. Pension Credit 210 words
    109. cc1032-3W
    110. Age Discrimination 232 words
    111. c1033W
    112. Children (Low-income Families) 152 words
    113. cc1033-4W
    114. Car Allowance 357 words
    115. c1034W
    116. Social Fund 192 words
    117. c1034W
    118. Pensions Policy 44 words
    119. c1034W
    120. Winter Fuel Payments 100 words
    121. cc1034-5W
    122. Annual Reports 71 words
    123. c1035W
    124. Employer Direct 230 words
    125. c1035W
    126. Specialist Training 206 words
    127. cc1035-6W
    128. Benefit. Information (Pilot Schemes) 100 words
    129. cc1036-7W
    130. Benefits Data 523 words
    131. c1037W
    132. Press Office 104 words
    133. cc1037-8W
    134. Council Tax 486 words
    135. cc1038-9W
    136. Disability Discrimination Act 194 words
    137. c1039W
    138. Pensioners 156 words
    139. cc1039-40W
    140. Pensions Advice 237 words
    141. c1040W
    142. Overseas Visits 112 words
    1. cc1041-3W
    2. Asylum Seekers 1,089 words
    3. c1043W
    4. Asylum Removals Centres 63 words
    5. c1043W
    6. National Asylum Support Service 214 words
    7. cc1043-4W
    8. Immigration and Nationality Directorate 88 words
    9. c1044W
    10. Committee Mandates 344 words
    11. cc1044-5W
    12. Deportees 126 words
    13. c1045W
    14. Accommodation Centres 54 words
    15. cc1045-6W
    16. Police 651 words
    17. cc1046-7W
    18. Police Retention 352 words
    19. cc1047-9W
    20. Police Firearms 1,796 words
    21. cc1049-50W
    22. Police Officers 185 words
    23. c1050W
    24. Police Vacancies 44 words
    25. c1050W
    26. Metropolitan Police 151 words
    27. cc1050-3W
    28. West Midlands Police 2,034 words
    29. c1053W
    30. Police Sick Leave 204 words
    31. cc1053-4W
    32. Investigatory Branch CIB3 109 words
    33. c1054W
    34. Deaths in Custody 260 words
    35. cc1054-5W
    36. Special Constables 221 words
    37. c1055W
    38. Bilateral Ministerial Meetings 95 words
    39. cc1055-6W
    40. Ring-fenced Funds 251 words
    41. c1056W
    42. Conviction Rate 152 words
    43. c1056W
    44. Criminal Records Bureau 97 words
    45. cc1056-7W
    46. Air Weapons 394 words
    47. cc1057-8W
    48. Ministerial Training 333 words
    49. cc1058-9W
    50. Prostitution 463 words
    51. cc1059-60W
    52. Justice and Home Affairs Agenda 280 words
    53. cc1060-1W
    54. Racism 563 words
    55. cc1061-2W
    56. Police Force (Diabetes) 346 words
    57. c1062W
    58. Working Holidaymaker Scheme 150 words
    59. cc1062-3W
    60. The Working Holidaymaker Scheme 195 words
    61. c1063W
    62. Housing 125 words
    63. c1063W
    64. Careless Driving 55 words
    65. cc1063-5W
    66. EU Committees (Scottish Executive Representation) 591 words
    67. c1065W
    68. Public Relations 278 words
    69. c1065W
    70. Correspondence 50 words
    71. cc1065-7W
    72. Refurbishment Projects 775 words
    73. c1067W
    74. Information Campaigns 88 words
    75. cc1067-8W
    76. Personality Disorder Assessments 224 words
    77. c1068W
    78. PSA Targets 91 words
    79. cc1068-9W
    80. Drug Misuse 307 words
    81. c1069W
    82. Recovered Assets Fund 145 words
    83. c1069W
    84. Mr. B. K. Pathan 57 words
    85. cc1069-70W
    86. Firearms 286 words
    87. c1070W
    88. Emergency Planning 264 words
    89. cc1070-5W
    90. Prisons 1,875 words
    91. c1075W
    92. Vulnerable Prisoner Units 106 words
    93. c1075W
    94. Prisoners 57 words
    95. cc1075-7W
    96. Prison Service 417 words
    97. c1077W
    98. Prisoners (Feltham) 183 words
    99. c1077W
    100. London Probation Service 66 words
    101. c1077W
    102. Forensic Science Service 139 words
    103. cc1077-8W
    104. Auld Review 113 words
    105. c1078W
    106. Departmental Expenditure 200 words
    107. cc1078-9W
    108. Departmental Report 128 words
    1. cc1079-80W
    2. Transsexuals 543 words
    3. c1080W
    4. Compensation 99 words
    5. c1080W
    6. Election Expenditure 122 words
    7. cc1080-1W
    8. Law Commission 176 words
    9. c1081W
    10. Public Guardianship Office 55 words
    11. c1081W
    12. Departmental Functions 55 words
    13. cc1081-2W
    14. Thames Valley Magistrates Court Service 157 words
    15. c1082W
    16. Mentally Incapacitated People 105 words
  21. HEALTH
    1. c1082W
    2. Medicines Commission 144 words
    3. c1082W
    4. Meat Hygiene Service 74 words
    5. cc1082-3W
    6. Medicines Control Agency 65 words
    7. c1083W
    8. NHS Pensions Agency 153 words
    9. c1083W
    10. Child Care 144 words
    11. c1083W
    12. Vaccines 57 words
    13. cc1083-4W
    14. Committee Mandates 388 words
    15. cc1084-5W
    16. PPP 264 words
    17. cc1085-6W
    18. Private Finance Initiative 267 words
    19. c1086W
    20. Diagnostic and Treatment Centres 312 words
    21. cc1086-7W
    22. Smallpox Vaccine 290 words
    23. c1087W
    24. NHS Hospital Trusts 81 words
    25. cc1087-8W
    26. Health Council 294 words
    27. c1088W
    28. Renal Dialysis 346 words
    29. cc1088-9W
    30. Social Services 167 words
    31. cc1089-90W
    32. Care Homes 569 words
    33. cc1090-1W
    34. Queen Alexandra Hospital (Portsmouth) 209 words
    35. c1091W
    36. Doctors (Suspensions) 202 words
    37. c1091W
    38. Correspondence 91 words
    39. cc1091-2W
    40. Hearing Aids 135 words
    41. c1092W
    42. Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Health Authority 48 words
    43. c1092W
    44. Bed Blocking 130 words
    45. c1092W
    46. Audit Commission Reports 144 words
    47. cc1092-3W
    48. Nurses 38 words
    49. c1093W
    50. NHS Staff 810 words
    51. cc1093-4W
    52. Social Workers 44 words
    53. c1094W
    54. Public Consultation 97 words
    55. cc1094-7W
    56. Hospital Discharges 2,129 words
    57. c1097W
    58. NHS Maternity Units 118 words
    59. cc1097-8W
    60. Mental Health 454 words
    61. cc1098-9W
    62. Hotspot Councils 174 words
    63. cc1099-100W
    64. Food Safety 208 words
    65. c1100W
    66. Cancer 78 words
    67. c1100W
    68. Residential Child Care 120 words
    69. cc1100-1W
    70. Doctors (Recruitment) 82 words
    71. c1101W
    72. NHS Leadership Centre 84 words
    73. c1101W
    74. Overseas Recruitment 59 words
    75. cc1101-2W
    76. Junior Doctors 182 words
    77. c1102W
    78. Acute Services 51 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 23 July 2002 Series 5 Vol. 638

  1. NEPAD 561 words
  2. Diplomatic Missions: Minor Traffic Violation Fines 526 words
  3. Diplomatic Missions NNDR 196 words
  4. Public Guardianship Office: Annual Report and Accounts 2001–02 56 words
  5. Criminal Justice: Government Response to Auld and Halliday Reports 114 words
  6. Lord Chancellor's Department 54 words
  7. Law Commission: Quinquennial Review 177 words
  8. Retrials in Serious Criminal Cases 71 words
  9. Highland Midges 51 words
  10. Treasury Silver 501 words
  11. Life Peers 389 words
  12. Criminal Cases in Consequence of 1994 Bomb Explosions at Embassy of Israel and Balfour House 109 words
  13. Local Government 300 words
  14. Parish Councils: Code of Conduct 184 words
  15. Accommodation for the Homeless: London 545 words
  16. Gypsy Accommodation 117 words
  17. Science, Engineering and Technology 240 words
  18. Dangerous Severe Personality Disorder 98 words
  19. Immigration and Nationality Directorate: Complaints Audit Committee Annual Report 2001–02 79 words
  20. Prison Service: Key Performance Indicator Measures 413 words
  21. Forensic Science Service 136 words
  22. Police Use of Firearms 1,711 words
  23. England Rural Development Programme 75 words
  24. Defra and Forestry Commission: Spending Plans 2,362 words
  25. Veterinary Laboratories Agency Targets 136 words
  26. Environment Agency Management Statement 126 words
  27. Animal Health and Welfare Expenditure 249 words
  28. Adoption 138 words
  29. Prostate Cancer and AIDS: Government Expenditure 465 words
  30. HIV 747 words
  31. Contraceptive Advice for Young People 596 words
  32. NHS Bodies: Contracts with non-UK Organisations 113 words
  33. Mental Health Bill: Categories of Mental Disorder 390 words
  34. Disability Equipment 255 words
  35. Meat Hygiene Service Annual Report and Accounts 75 words
  36. Medicines Control Agency Annual Report and Accounts 64 words
  37. Medicines Commission Annual Report and Accounts 145 words
  38. NHS Pensions Agency 158 words
  39. Religious Organisations Broadcasting Licences 55 words
  40. Centre for Management and Policy Studies Annual Report and Accounts 127 words
  41. IT Procurement: Open Source Software 302 words
  42. Executive Agencies 289 words
  43. Civil Service Pension Arrangements 807 words
  44. Government Car and Despatch Agency Annual Report and Accounts 49 words
  45. Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission 245 words