HC Deb 23 July 2002 vol 389 cc922-9W
Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the EU Joint Meetings of Management and/or Regulatory Committees in the field of agriculture-trade mechanisms is next due to meet; whether experts nominated by the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [64898]

Mr. Morley

The next meeting of the DG Agri Trade Mechanisms Management Committee is scheduled for 17 September 2002. The Committee oversees a number of import and export CAP market support and control measures. These measures are administered for the UK by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA), an executive agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In view of the RPA's UK wide remit representatives from SERAD do not routinely attend. However arrangements are in place in order to ensure that meeting agendas are notified to SERAD with an invitation to comment on any issues of interest.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Madagascar) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it: and if she will make a statement. [70586]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Madagascar. The European Commission negotiates directly with Madagascar on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these Working Groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State I or Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Angola) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70594]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Angola. The European Commission negotiates directly with Angola on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these Working Groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Comoros) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70592]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Comoros. The European Commission negotiates directly with Comoros on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these Working Groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Gambia) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70936]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Gambia. The European Commission negotiates directly with Gambia on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment. Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Equatorial Guinea) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70935]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Equatorial Guinea. The European Commission negotiates directly with Equatorial Guinea on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Russia) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70931]

Mr. Morley

A meeting to discuss the possibility of a new fisheries agreement between the EU and Russia will take place on 24 and 25 July 2002. The European Commission will represent member states in the negotiations. Officials in my Department have consulted with SEERAD colleagues and are aware of the interests of Scottish fishermen in any opportunities afforded under any agreement with Russia. UK representation for EU co-ordination for this and other meetings varies according to the agenda for the meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Lithuania) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70585]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Lithuania. The European Commission negotiates directly with Lithuania on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Poland) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70584]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Poland. The European Commission negotiates directly with Poland on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Greenland) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70590]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Greenland. The European Commission negotiates directly with Greenland on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of Slate for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Estonia) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70937]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Estonia. The European Commission negotiates directly with Estonia on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Sáo Tomé and Principe) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70932]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Sáo Tomé and Principe. The European Commission negotiates directly with Sáo Tomé and Principe on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Guinea Bissau) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70934]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Guinea Bissau. The European Commission negotiates directly with Guinea Bissau on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Morocco) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70933]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU Morocco. The European Commission negotiates directly with Morocco on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Cape Verde) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70580]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Cape Verde. The European Commission negotiates directly with Cape Verde on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Côte d'Ivoire) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70579]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Côte d'Ivoire. The European Commission negotiates directly with Côte d'Ivoire on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Mauritius) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70588]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Mauritius. The European Commission negotiates directly with Mauritius on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Seychelles) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70582]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Seychelles. The European Commission negotiates directly with Seychelles on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Latvia) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70587]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Latvia. The European Commission negotiates directly with Latvia on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Senegal) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70583]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Senegal. The European Commission negotiates directly with Senegal on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Argentina) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70593]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Argentina. The European Commission negotiates directly with Argentina on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Fisheries Joint Committee (EEC-Guinea) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70591]

Mr. Morley

There is no scheduled date yet available for the next meeting between the EU and Guinea. The European Commission negotiates directly with Guinea on fishery matters on behalf of the EU. However, fishery issues with third countries are discussed at European Council Working Groups on Fisheries. UK representation at European Council Working Group on Fisheries varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include members of the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of specific interest. The Scottish Executive regularly attends these working groups.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the EU Advisory Committee on Community Policy regarding Forestry and Forest-based Industries is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70578]

Mr. Morley

The EU Advisory Committee on Community Policy regarding Forestry and Forest-based Industries meets as and when business arises. The date of its next meeting has not been fixed as yet. The UK is represented by an official from the Forestry Commission, which reports to forestry Ministers in England, Scotland and Wales.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the EU Standing Committee on Propagating Material and Plants of fruit Genera and Species is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70569]

Mr. Morley

The European Commission has indicated that the EU Standing Committee on Propagating Material and Plants of Fruit Genera and Species is likely to next meet sometime this autumn, although a date for the meeting has yet to be announced. UK representation varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include officials from the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of sufficient interest.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the EU Standing Committee on Plant Health is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (g) have been and(b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70571]

Mr. Morley

The next meeting of the EU Standing Committee on Plant Health is provisionally on 26–27 September 2002. UK representation varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include officials from the Scottish Executive, other devolved Administrations and the Forestry Commission, where there are items of sufficient interest.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the EU Standing Committee on Propagating Material and Ornamental Plants is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if she will make a statement. [70568]

Mr. Morley

The European Commission has indicated that the EU Standing Committee on Propagating Material and Ornamental Plants is likely to next meet sometime this autumn, although a date for the meeting has yet to be announced. UK representation varies according to the agenda for each meeting and may include officials from the Scottish Executive and other devolved Administrations where there are items of sufficient interest.