HC Deb 23 July 2002 vol 389 cc1040-79W
  1. Asylum Seekers 1,089 words
  2. c1043W
  3. Asylum Removals Centres 63 words
  4. c1043W
  5. National Asylum Support Service 214 words
  6. cc1043-4W
  7. Immigration and Nationality Directorate 88 words
  8. c1044W
  9. Committee Mandates 344 words
  10. cc1044-5W
  11. Deportees 126 words
  12. c1045W
  13. Accommodation Centres 54 words
  14. cc1045-6W
  15. Police 651 words
  16. cc1046-7W
  17. Police Retention 352 words
  18. cc1047-9W
  19. Police Firearms 1,796 words
  20. cc1049-50W
  21. Police Officers 185 words
  22. c1050W
  23. Police Vacancies 44 words
  24. c1050W
  25. Metropolitan Police 151 words
  26. cc1050-3W
  27. West Midlands Police 2,034 words
  28. c1053W
  29. Police Sick Leave 204 words
  30. cc1053-4W
  31. Investigatory Branch CIB3 109 words
  32. c1054W
  33. Deaths in Custody 260 words
  34. cc1054-5W
  35. Special Constables 221 words
  36. c1055W
  37. Bilateral Ministerial Meetings 95 words
  38. cc1055-6W
  39. Ring-fenced Funds 251 words
  40. c1056W
  41. Conviction Rate 152 words
  42. c1056W
  43. Criminal Records Bureau 97 words
  44. cc1056-7W
  45. Air Weapons 394 words
  46. cc1057-8W
  47. Ministerial Training 333 words
  48. cc1058-9W
  49. Prostitution 463 words
  50. cc1059-60W
  51. Justice and Home Affairs Agenda 280 words
  52. cc1060-1W
  53. Racism 563 words
  54. cc1061-2W
  55. Police Force (Diabetes) 346 words
  56. c1062W
  57. Working Holidaymaker Scheme 150 words
  58. cc1062-3W
  59. The Working Holidaymaker Scheme 195 words
  60. c1063W
  61. Housing 125 words
  62. c1063W
  63. Careless Driving 55 words
  64. cc1063-5W
  65. EU Committees (Scottish Executive Representation) 591 words
  66. c1065W
  67. Public Relations 278 words
  68. c1065W
  69. Correspondence 50 words
  70. cc1065-7W
  71. Refurbishment Projects 775 words
  72. c1067W
  73. Information Campaigns 88 words
  74. cc1067-8W
  75. Personality Disorder Assessments 224 words
  76. c1068W
  77. PSA Targets 91 words
  78. cc1068-9W
  79. Drug Misuse 307 words
  80. c1069W
  81. Recovered Assets Fund 145 words
  82. c1069W
  83. Mr. B. K. Pathan 57 words
  84. cc1069-70W
  85. Firearms 286 words
  86. c1070W
  87. Emergency Planning 264 words
  88. cc1070-5W
  89. Prisons 1,875 words
  90. c1075W
  91. Vulnerable Prisoner Units 106 words
  92. c1075W
  93. Prisoners 57 words
  94. cc1075-7W
  95. Prison Service 417 words
  96. c1077W
  97. Prisoners (Feltham) 183 words
  98. c1077W
  99. London Probation Service 66 words
  100. c1077W
  101. Forensic Science Service 139 words
  102. cc1077-8W
  103. Auld Review 113 words
  104. c1078W
  105. Departmental Expenditure 200 words
  106. cc1078-9W
  107. Departmental Report 128 words