HC Deb 23 July 2002 vol 389 cc1063-5W
Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) when the EU Committee for the Implementation of the Programme of Exchanges, Training and Co-operation between Law Enforcement Authorities (OISIN) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement; [70925]

(2) when the EU Committee for the Implementation of the Joint Action Establishing a Programme of Exchanges, Training and Co-operation for Persons Responsible for Action to Combat Organised Crime (Falcone) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement; [70923]

(3) when the EU Committee for the implementation of the incentive, exchange, training and co-operation programme for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children (STOP) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement; [70922]

(4) when the EU Committee for the implementation of the incentive, exchange, training and co-operation programme for the prevention of crime (Hippokrates) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement; [70924]

(5) when the EU Committee for the Implementation of the Programme of Training, Exchanges and Co-operation in the Field of Asylum Immigration and crossing of External Borders (Odysseus) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement; [70929]

(6) when the EU Committee for the Implementation of the Community Action Programme on Preventive Measures to Fight Violence Against Children, Young Persons and Women (Daphne) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement; [71836]

(7) when the EU Committee on the Introduction of a Uniform Format for Visas is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [71827]

Beverley Hughes

The committees which assist the European Commission in managing the Oisin II, Falcone, Hippocrates and Grotius funding programmes will meet on 23 July to discuss the bids which have been received for the year 2002 and agree the allocation of funds to successful projects. The STOP Committee will meet on 24 July for the same purpose. The Daphne Committee will next meet on 11 September 2002. The Odysseus funding programme has expired.

The committees consist of a representative of each member state who may be accompanied by additional experts at the expense of the individual member state. The United Kingdom (UK) is represented on each committee by a Home Office official and an official from the UK Permanent Representation to the European Union (EU) in Brussels. A representative from Her Majesty's Customs and Excise also attends the OISIN Committee as appropriate.

In accordance with the Concordat on co-ordination of European Union policy issues, officials from the Home Office are in contact with Scottish Executive officials about the development and implementation of relevant funding programmes. Attendance by Scottish Executive officials at meetings of the committees would be agreed bilaterally, but has not so far taken place. Immigration and asylum matters are reserved subjects and consequently officials from the Scottish Executive were not members of, and did not attend, the Odysseus Committee.