HC Deb 23 July 2002 vol 389 cc1021-7W
Malcolm Wicks

The Department for Work and Pensions follows the Cabinet Office's guidance on written consultation which sets 12 weeks as the standard minimum period for a consultation. The table lists the

Title of consultation Start date Period in weeks Reason for shorter consultation
Changes to Invalid Care Allowance 23 July 2001 12
Amending the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 23 July 2002 12
The Minimum Funding Requirement: The next stage of reform. Consultation on the draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Minimum Funding Requirement and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2001 (Occupational Pensions Minimum funding requirements) 18 September 2001 12
Occupational Pension Scheme Winding up Notices and Reports (etc.) Regulations 2001 1 August 2001 12
Occupational and Personal Pension schemes (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Regulations 2001 13 August 2001 12
Private Pensions Simplification 19 October 2001 14
Bulk transfer of accrued pensions rights without member consent 20 December 2001 13
Revised code of practice on for gathering of information as required in Social Security Fraud Act 2001 8 April 2002 2 This was a follow-up to a previous exercise to which minor technical changes were introduced
Consultation exercise on Pension Scheme Trustees, Independent Custodians and Encouraging Shareholder Activism (Myners report) 4 February 2002 12
Member nominated trustees and directors 12 February 2002 4 The shorter period was needed to fit into a regulatory timetable
Child Poverty measures 18 April 2002 12
Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority (OPRA) quinquennial review 10 May 2002 12
Residential Allowance 22 May 2002 14
Equality, opportunity, and independence for all (RRAA) 30 May 2002 17

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