HL Deb 23 July 2002 vol 638 cc48-9WA
Lord Burlison

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they intend to publish the final key performance indicator targets for the Prison Services for 2002–03. [HL5545]

Lord Falconer of Thoroton

The Prison Service Business Plan for 2002–03, published in February 2002, included key performance indicator (KPI) measures for the year but at that stage not all the associated targets had been finalised.

The full set of measures and targets for 2002–03 are listed as follows:

to ensure no escapes of Category A prisoners;

to ensure that the number of escapes from prisons and from escorts undertaken by Prison Service staff, expressed as a proportion of the average prison population, is lower than 0.05 per cent;

to ensure that the number of escapes from contracted-out escorts is no more than one per 20,000 prisoners handled;

to ensure that the number of positive adjudications of assault on prisoners, staff and others, expressed as a proportion of the average prison population, is lower than 9 per cent;

to ensure that the number of prisoners held two to a cell designed for one, expressed as a proportion of the average prison population, does not exceed 18 per cent;

to ensure that the number of minority ethnic staff in the Prison Service, expressed as a proportion of the total workforce, is at least 4.5 per cent by April 2003;

to ensure that average staff sickness does not exceed nine working days per person by April 2003;

to ensure that the average cost per uncrowded prison place does not exceed £38,743;

to ensure that the average cost per prisoner does not exceed £36,539;

to deliver 7,100 accredited offending behaviour programme completions in 2002–03, including 950 sex offender treatment programmes;

to ensure that prisoners spend on average at least 24 hours per week in purposeful activity;

to ensure the rate of positive results from random mandatory drug tests is lower than 10 per cent by April 2003;

to achieve a 5 per cent reduction in the number of self-inflicted deaths expressed as a rate per 100,000 of average population compared with 2001–02;

prisoners to achieve 45,000 key skills awards and 28,800 in basic skills including 10,800 at level 2, 12,000 at level 1 and 6,000 at entry level;

to ensure 28,200 prisoners have a job, training or education place after release by April 2003; and

to develop and pilot a joint indicator with the Department of Health to reduce waiting times for mental health transfers and to implement the KPI from April 2003.