HL Deb 23 July 2002 vol 638 cc39-40WA
Lord Dixon

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which diplomatic missions in the United Kingdom owed more than £10,000 as of the 5 April in respect of national non-domestic rates (NNDR) for office premises. [HL5344]

Baroness Amos

Most diplomatic missions in the United Kingdom meet their obligations and pay the NNDR requested from them. However, as at 5 April 2002, the following missions owed over £10,000 in respect of NNDR:

Country Amount
Bulgaria £117,511.13
Iran 97,352.55
Sierra Leone 48,274.76
Algeria 43,194.62
Mozambique 31,116.14
Cameroon 27,646.19
Uganda 24,760.37
Bangladesh 20,636.91
Syria 20,004.66
Zambia 19,276.56
Senegal 14,600.98
Jordan 13,154.29
Cote d'Ivoire 12,066.16
Total £489,595.32

Eleven additional diplomatic missions which each owe more than £10,000 in respect of NNDR have made arrangements with the Valuation Office Agency to clear their outstanding debts have not been included in the list. These 11 missions owe £729,731.66. The total amount outstanding from all missions, therefore, is £1,219,326.98