HC Deb 23 July 2002 vol 389 c884W
Mr. Collins

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs on how many occasions during the last 12 months an official photographer has accompanied(a) him and (b) other Ministers in his Department on official visits (i) overseas and (ii) within the UK; what (A) travel expenses, (B) costs of equipment and processing, (C) staff payment and (D) other costs were incurred on each occasion; what publications official photographs have appeared in during the last 12 months and what terms and conditions were attached to the publication of such photographs; and whether photographs taken on official visits are available for use in non-governmental literature. [62832]

Mr. MacShane

The FCO does not employ an official photographer. However, photographs, from a variety of sources, including those taken by Ministers and members of staff of the FCO's work are posted on the FCO website or are used in publications.