Commons Sitting of 2 April 1998 Series 6 Vol. 309

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1395
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
    1. c1395
    2. NAREY INQUIRY 59 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. c1395
    2. TRADE AND INDUSTRY 9 words
    3. cc1395-6
    4. Fuel Prices 294 words
    5. cc1396-7
    6. Low Pay Commission 649 words
    7. cc1397-401
    8. Competitiveness 2,302 words
    9. cc1401-3
    10. Small and Medium-sized Companies 862 words
    11. cc1403-4
    12. National Minimum Wage 428 words
    13. cc1404-6
    14. Industrial Relations 765 words
    15. c1406
    16. Research and Development 339 words
    17. cc1406-7
    18. Domestic Accidents 386 words
    19. cc1407-9
    20. Innovation 818 words
    21. cc1409-10
    22. Consumer Credit 342 words
    23. cc1410-1
    24. EU Presidency 526 words
    25. cc1411-2
    26. EU Structural Funds 607 words
  5. Maze Prison (Narey Inquiry) 5,684 words
  6. cc1424-35
  7. Business of the House 5,430 words
  8. cc1435-68
  9. Opposition Day 4 words
    1. cc1435-68
    2. International Arms Trade 18,168 words
  10. Orders of the Day
    1. cc1468-75
    2. Criminal Procedure (Intermediate Diets) (Scotland) Bill 3,717 words
    3. cc1475-82
    4. Swale Crossing 4,108 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 2 April 1998 Series 6 Vol. 309

    1. c593W
    2. Travelcards 159 words
    3. c593W
    4. Railway Maintenance 147 words
    5. cc593-4W
    6. Road Traffic (Greater London) 90 words
    7. c594W
    8. A3, Hindhead 313 words
    9. cc594-5W
    10. Planning Applications (Crown Land) 230 words
    11. c595W
    12. Driving Instructors 94 words
    13. c595W
    14. Agenda 21 135 words
    15. cc595-7W
    16. Waste Disposal 638 words
    17. c597W
    18. Drinking Water Quality 91 words
    19. c597W
    20. Unroadworthy Vehicles 148 words
    21. cc597-8W
    22. Housing Corporation 214 words
    23. c598W
    24. Planning Inspectorate 298 words
    25. cc598-9W
    26. Environmental Appraisals 126 words
    27. c599W
    28. Millennium Compliance 114 words
    29. cc599-601W
    30. Asbestos 810 words
    31. c601W
    32. IT Staff 171 words
    33. cc601-2W
    34. Special Waste Regulations 259 words
    1. c602W
    2. Sport Governing Bodies 100 words
    3. c602W
    4. Inheritance Tax 155 words
    5. cc602-3W
    6. Performing Arts 82 words
    1. c603W
    2. Equal Opportunities 220 words
    1. cc603-4W
    2. Ethnic Monitoring 485 words
    3. cc604-5W
    4. Army Technical Support Agency 205 words
    5. c605W
    6. Cadet Forces 214 words
    7. c605W
    8. Trident 110 words
    9. cc605-6W
    10. Guardsmen Wright and Fisher 119 words
    11. c606W
    12. Pesticides (Mental Health) 93 words
    13. c606W
    14. Dartmoor Ranges 98 words
    15. c606W
    16. British Beef 119 words
    1. c607W
    2. Freemasonry 105 words
    3. c607W
    4. Belfast International Airport 80 words
    5. c607W
    6. Mobile Phones 69 words
    7. cc607-8W
    8. Security Measures 160 words
    9. c608W
    10. Handguns 342 words
    1. cc608-9W
    2. Family Law Act 138 words
    3. c609W
    4. Judgments (Enforcement) 143 words
    5. c609W
    6. County Courts 140 words
    1. cc609-10W
    2. Hospitals 270 words
    3. cc610-1W
    4. Edinburgh Royal Infirmary 269 words
    5. c611W
    6. Green Transport 85 words
    7. cc611-2W
    8. Midwives 214 words
    9. c612W
    10. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 161 words
    11. c612W
    12. Scotland Bill 101 words
    13. cc612-4W
    14. Criminal Procedure (Intermediate Diets) 1,038 words
    1. cc614-5W
    2. Crown Prosecution Service 192 words
    3. c615W
    4. Prosecution Terminations 53 words
    1. c615W
    2. Gaming Duty 330 words
    3. cc615-6W
    4. Continence Products 236 words
    5. c616W
    6. Government Offices 73 words
    7. cc616-8W
    8. Tax Credits 959 words
    9. cc618-9W
    10. Public Expenditure 117 words
    11. c619W
    12. Public Sector (Current Balance) 81 words
    13. c619W
    14. Green Transport 88 words
    15. c619W
    16. Marginal Deduction Rates 149 words
    17. cc619-20W
    18. Social Security Expenditure 149 words
    19. c620W
    20. Windfall Tax 124 words
    21. c620W
    22. Individual Savings Accounts 176 words
    23. cc620-1W
    24. Company Cars 114 words
    25. c621W
    26. Resuscitation Training Models 123 words
    27. c621W
    28. Fuel Tax (Charities) 116 words
    29. c621W
    30. Energy Efficiency 80 words
    31. cc621-2W
    32. Environmental Green Book 153 words
    33. c622W
    34. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries 77 words
    35. c622W
    36. Inheritance Tax 59 words
    37. cc622-3W
    38. Air Quality 212 words
    39. c623W
    40. National Savings 183 words
    41. cc623-4W
    42. Departmental Reports 123 words
  10. WALES
    1. c624W
    2. Vocational Training 277 words
    3. cc624-5W
    4. Lifelong Learning 54 words
    5. c625W
    6. Unemployment (Alyn and Deeside) 97 words
    7. c625W
    8. Low Pay Commission 52 words
    9. c625W
    10. Minimum Wage 50 words
    11. cc625-6W
    12. New Deal (Local Education Authorities) 168 words
    13. c626W
    14. Housing Development (Brownfield Sites) 106 words
    15. cc626-7W
    16. EU Structural Funds 428 words
    17. cc627-8W
    18. Football Association of Wales 293 words
    19. c628W
    20. Dental Services 86 words
    21. c628W
    22. Road Improvements 98 words
    23. cc628-9W
    24. Crickhowell House 215 words
    1. cc629-30W
    2. Public Opinion Research 582 words
    3. c630W
    4. Correspondence 87 words
    5. c630W
    6. People's Europe Project 199 words
    7. cc630-1W
    8. Convention Against Torture 100 words
    9. cc631-2W
    10. EU General Affairs Council 828 words
    11. cc632-6W
    12. European Council 1,328 words
    1. c636W
    2. Immigration and Nationality Directorate Complaints Audit Committee 95 words
    3. cc636-7W
    4. Prime Minister (Security) 236 words
    5. c637W
    6. Campsfield House Detention Centre 55 words
    7. c637W
    8. Vivisection 93 words
    9. cc637-8W
    10. Illegal Drugs 348 words
    11. c638W
    12. Football World Cup 214 words
    13. cc638-9W
    14. Asylum Seekers 77 words
    15. c639W
    16. Illegal Immigrants 302 words
    17. cc639-40W
    18. Firearms (South Yorkshire) 324 words
    19. c640W
    20. Firefighters 182 words
    21. cc640-1W
    22. Police Officers 134 words
    23. c641W
    24. Prisoners 217 words
    25. cc641-2W
    26. Muzzle-loading Firearms 117 words
  13. HEALTH
    1. c642W
    2. Stephen Daggett 30 words
    3. c642W
    4. Millennium Compliance 170 words
    5. cc642-3W
    6. Cosmetic Surgery Clinics 188 words
    7. c643W
    8. Consultants 64 words
    9. cc643-5W
    10. Investing in Dentistry 886 words
    11. c645W
    12. Physiotherapy Services (Schools) 223 words
    13. cc645-6W
    14. Diazepam 140 words
    15. c646W
    16. Primary Care Groups 50 words
    17. c646W
    18. Management Consultations 72 words
    19. c646W
    20. NHS Administrators (Termination of Contract) 86 words
    21. c646W
    22. Hospital Readmissions 57 words
    23. c646W
    24. Secure Accommodation 74 words
    25. cc646-7W
    26. Mesothelioma 407 words
    27. c647W
    28. NHS Trusts (Vacancies) 61 words
    29. cc647-8W
    30. NHS Trusts (Mergers) 198 words
    31. c648W
    32. Preston NHS Trust 87 words
    33. c648W
    34. NHS Trust Boards 75 words
    35. cc648-9W
    36. Drugs (Clinical Effectiveness) 82 words
    1. c649W
    2. Rupert Murdoch 68 words
    3. c649W
    4. Press Secretary 186 words
    5. c649W
    6. Hospitality 89 words
    7. cc649-50W
    8. Nuclear Deterrence 48 words
    1. c650W
    2. Grammar Schools 59 words
    3. c650W
    4. Dry Stone Walling 74 words
    5. cc650-1W
    6. Public Expenditure 195 words
    7. c651W
    8. Departmental Staff 112 words
    9. c651W
    10. Learning Cards 94 words
    11. c651W
    12. New Deal (Long-term Unemployed) 156 words
    13. cc651-2W
    14. School Sixth Forms> 154 words
    15. c652W
    16. Millennium Compliance 118 words
    17. cc652-3W
    18. IT Staff 75 words
    19. c653W
    20. Employment Service (Targets) 214 words
    21. cc653-4W
    22. Employment Schemes 624 words
    1. cc655-6W
    2. Organic Farming 666 words
    3. c656W
    4. Common Agricultural Policy 60 words
    5. c656W
    6. Central Science Laboratory 131 words
    7. cc656-7W
    8. Ministerial Meetings 99 words
    9. cc657-8W
    10. Stickler Cow Payments 945 words
    11. cc658-9W
    12. Meat and Bonemeal 1,284 words
    13. cc659-60W
    14. Cereal Feed 227 words
    15. cc660-2W
    16. Potatoes 645 words
    1. c662W
    2. Telecommunications Industry 94 words
    3. c662W
    4. Interest Rates 81 words
    5. cc662-3W
    6. EU Structural Funds 191 words
    7. c663W
    8. Manufacturing (East Midlands) 83 words
    9. c663W
    10. Export Promotion 89 words
    11. c663W
    12. Pyramid Selling 71 words
    13. cc663-4W
    14. Engineering 151 words
    15. c664W
    16. Indonesia 54 words
    17. c664W
    18. Exports 40 words
    19. c664W
    20. European Space Agency 91 words
    21. cc664-5W
    22. Minimum Wage 385 words
    23. c665W
    24. Trade Union Recognition 77 words
    25. cc665-6W
    26. Small and Medium Companies 49 words
    27. c666W
    28. Fraud 161 words
    29. c666W
    30. "Competitiveness UK" Initiative 92 words
    31. c666W
    32. Steel Industry 94 words
    33. cc666-7W
    34. Unfair Contract Terms 74 words
    35. c667W
    36. Petroleum Act 1987 104 words
    37. c667W
    38. Iran 42 words
    39. c667W
    40. Innovation 51 words
    41. c667W
    42. Research and Development 51 words
    43. c667W
    44. European Structural Funds 84 words
    45. cc667-8W
    46. Home Shopping 57 words
    47. cc668-9W
    48. Shipbuilding 526 words
    49. c669W
    50. Nuisance Telephone Calls 149 words
    51. c669W
    52. Jersey 47 words
    53. c669W
    54. Internet 98 words
    55. cc669-70W
    56. Digital Television 55 words
    1. c670W
    2. Pensions 378 words
    3. cc670-1W
    4. Disability Living Allowance 298 words
    5. c671W
    6. Compensation Recovery Unit 80 words
    7. cc671-2W
    8. IT Staff 124 words
    9. c672W
    10. Millennium Compliance 66 words
    11. c672W
    12. Prime Minister's Press Secretary 80 words
    13. cc672-3W
    14. Departmental Employees (Scotland) 503 words
    15. cc673-4W
    16. Asbestos-related Diseases 200 words
    17. cc674-8W
    18. Executive Agencies (Performance Targets) 2,033 words

Lords Sitting of 2 April 1998 Series 5 Vol. 588

  1. Preamble 29 words
  2. cc375-7
  3. Languages: A-level Courses 981 words
  4. cc377-8
  5. Iraq: Military Policy 455 words
  6. cc378-80
  7. Sir Walter Raleigh: Statue 844 words
  8. cc380-4
  9. Cross-Media Ownership 1,640 words
  10. c384
  11. Business 74 words
  12. c384
  13. Regional Development Agencies Bill 12 words
  14. cc384-9
  15. Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill 2,585 words
  16. cc389-96
  17. Maze Prison: Narey Report 3,733 words
  18. cc397-450
  19. Social Security Bill 28,826 words
  20. cc451-64
  21. The Lindisfarne Gospels 7,360 words
  22. cc465-94
  23. Social Security Bill 15,722 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 2 April 1998 Series 5 Vol. 588

  1. Baltic States and Russia: Aid 181 words
  2. European Council: Forthcoming Business for April 1,351 words
  3. General Affairs Council, 30 and 31 March 852 words
  4. Bahrain: Ratification of Convention against Torture 90 words
  5. Bahrain: Children's Rights 232 words
  6. Bahrain: Committee for Popular Petition 59 words
  7. Bahrain: Independence of Lawyers and Judiciary 72 words
  8. Bahrain: Opposition Detainees 92 words
  9. Bahrain: Military Equipment 59 words
  10. Rent Restriction: Impact of Changes 172 words
  11. Engineering Steels: Unfair Trading 157 words
  12. Tamil Tigers and Drug Trafficking in UK 145 words
  13. Association of Chief Police Officers 179 words
  14. Firearms Compensation Payments 99 words
  15. Immigration and Nationality Directorate Complaints Audit Committee 89 words
  16. European Union: Educational Material 155 words
  17. Class Size Pledge for 5–7 year-olds 215 words
  18. Family Law Act 1996: Part II Implementation 126 words
  19. Cigarette Prices: Deterrent Effect 141 words
  20. Children at Nursery School: LEA Information Gathering 127 words
  21. Disabled Civil Servants 642 words
  22. Special Waste Regulations 1996 264 words
  23. Policy Appraisal and the Environment Guidance 119 words
  24. Planning Inspectorate Agency: Performance Targets 318 words
  25. Severn Rail Tunnel: Emergency Train 359 words
  26. Falkland Islands and South Atlantic: British Naval Presence 79 words