HC Deb 02 April 1998 vol 309 cc660-2W
Mr. Paice

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many hectares of(a) early potatoes and (b) maincrop potatoes were grown in the UK in (i) 1997, (ii) 1987 and (iii) 1977; what was the average yield for each type in each year; and how many tonnes of each were (1) imported and (2) exported in each year. [37301]

Mr. Rooker

Figures for the area, yield and production of UK early and maincrop potatoes are given in the following tables.

Calendar year
1977 1987 1997
Early potatoes
Area (000 hectares) 22.4 16.6 16.2
Yield (tonnes per hectare) 18.0 23.5 23.8
Production (000 tonnes) 402.1 390.6 385.9
Maincrop (including seed) potatoes
Area (000 hectares) 210.1 161.0 149.4
Yield (tonnes per hectare) 29.5 39.2 45.1
Production (000 tonnes) 6,194.6 6,313.4 6,739.3

The following table, based on information provided by the British Potato Council, provides details of imports and exports of raw and processed potatoes, splitting, where reliable information is available, between early and maincrop.

Overseas trade in raw and processed potatoes
(000 tonnes)
Calendar year
1977 1987 11997
Supplies from Channel Islands (early) 39 44 61
Total imports 839 1,001 937
of which:
Early 359 210 132
Maincrop 217 364 96
Processed2 252 397 693
Seed 11 30 16
Total exports 102 274 350
of which:
Raw (mostly maincrop) 10 110 161
Processed2 18 59 114
Seed 74 105 75
1 Provisional.
2 Raw equivalent. Mostly maincrop.

Mr. Paice

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will list the average annual per capita consumption of(a) whole potatoes, (b) chips, (c) other processed potatoes and (d) crisps, for (i) 1997, (ii) 1987 and (iii) 1977. [37302]

Mr. Rooker

Per capita consumption of fresh potatoes, chips, crisps and other processed potatoes in Great Britain as measured by purchases for consumption at home is given in the following table.

Grams per person per week1
Purchases of: 1977 1987 1997
Fresh potatoes 1,155 1,071 745
Chips2 35 97 133
Crisps and potato snacks 13 33 49
Other processed potatoes3 8 7 14
1 Product weight
2 Includes fresh and frozen chips and other frozen potato products
3 Excludes potato included as an ingredient in other foods

Data on the consumption of potato products outside the home is available from 1994 onwards. Per capita consumption of potato products outside the home in Great Britain for the last two years is given in the following table.

Grams per person per week1
Purchases of: 1996 1997
Chips 69 68
Crisps and potato snacks 9 8
Boiled, mashed, roast and other potato products2 45 51
1 Product weight
2 Excludes potato included as an ingredient in other foods. Includes a small element of other foods e.g. fillings in jacket potatoes.