HC Deb 02 April 1998 vol 309 c670W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what estimate is produced by her Department's Policy Simulation Model of the number of people in each income decile who are currently building up second tier pension entitlements by means of(a) occupational pension schemes, (b) other private second tier pensions and (c) SERPS; how many of each group are paying income tax at the (i) 40 per cent., (ii) 23 per cent., (iii) 20 per cent. and (iv) 0 per cent. rate; and what is the mean and median contribution in each case for each type of second tier provision. [36484]

Mr. Denham

The Department's Policy Simulation Model is not suitable for answering this question as it is based on data from the Family Resources Survey which does not contain reliable information on pensions. Such information as is available from the 1996 General Household Survey is set out in the table.

Estimated numbers of people in Great Britain in 1996 aged between 16 and State pension age in each income decile who (a)were members of their current employer's occupational pension scheme and (b) had a personal pension to which contributions were being made at the time of interview
Income decile Occupational pension Personal pension
1 0.1 0.1
2 0.1 0.1
3 0.3 0.1
4 0.4 0.2
5 0.7 0.3
6 1.0 0.4
7 1.6 0.6
8 1.8 0.8
9 2.2 0.7
10 2.2 1.0


1. All estimates are given to the nearest 0.1 million.

2. Income decile 1 is comprised of the 10 per cent. of the Great Britain population aged between 16 and State pension age who had the lowest incomes with income levels in each decile rising until decile ten, which is comprised of those 10 per cent. who had the highest incomes.

3. The income distribution is based on gross unequivalized income.

4. Estimates have been calculated using proportions reporting pension scheme membership in the 1996 General Household Survey, and population projections from the Government Actuary's Department.