Written Answers (Commons) of 30 November 1989 Series 6 Vol. 162

    1. c335W
    2. Disabled Employees 106 words
    1. c335W
    2. Theatres 168 words
    3. c335W
    4. Drama, West Glamorgan 43 words
    5. cc335-6W
    6. Drama and Museums 76 words
    7. c336W
    8. Taxation 147 words
  3. WALES
    1. c336W
    2. Employment 39 words
    3. cc336-7W
    4. Low-cost Housing 391 words
    5. c337W
    6. Rural Unemployment 39 words
    7. c337W
    8. Homelessness 116 words
    9. c337W
    10. Land Authority for Wales 86 words
    11. cc337-8W
    12. Rents-into-Mortgages Scheme 167 words
    13. c338W
    14. Development Board for Rural Wales 32 words
    15. c338W
    16. Housing 113 words
    17. cc338-9W
    18. Autumn Statement 250 words
    19. c339W
    20. Health Authorities (Backlog Maintenance) 119 words
    21. cc339-40W
    22. Food Poisoning 560 words
    23. c340W
    24. Channel Tunnel 50 words
    25. cc340-3W
    26. Local Government Finance 1,488 words
    1. c343W
    2. Birmingham Airport 50 words
    3. cc343-4W
    4. European Community 371 words
    5. c344W
    6. Merchant Fleet 110 words
    7. cc344-5W
    8. British Rail (Live Rails) 447 words
    1. cc345-6W
    2. Slieve Croob, Dromara 200 words
    3. c346W
    4. Strangford Lough 98 words
    5. c346W
    6. Flag Flying 130 words
    1. cc346-7W
    2. Land Registry (Surveyors) 182 words
    3. c347W
    4. Emma Worthington 55 words
    5. c347W
    6. Mr. Khalil Ahmed 165 words
    1. cc347-8W
    2. Kemp Report 138 words
    3. c348W
    4. Optoelectronics 123 words
    5. c348W
    6. Life Assurance 204 words
    7. cc348-9W
    8. Pyramid Selling 300 words
    9. c349W
    10. Israel 151 words
    11. cc349-50W
    12. Company Accounts 177 words
    1. c350W
    2. History Teaching 108 words
    3. c350W
    4. Head Teachers (Correspondence) 106 words
    5. c350W
    6. Maintained Schools 82 words
    7. cc350-1W
    8. Departmental Information 117 words
    9. c351W
    10. Supply Teachers 105 words
    11. c351W
    12. National Curriculum 101 words
    13. c351W
    14. Higher Education 63 words
    15. cc351-2W
    16. Engineering Courses 370 words
    17. c352W
    18. Research Councils 109 words
    19. cc352-3W
    20. Civil Science Expenditure 137 words
    21. c353W
    22. Teachers' Pay 55 words
    23. c353W
    24. Recruitment 93 words
    25. c353W
    26. City Technology Colleges 133 words
    1. cc353-4W
    2. Armoured Vehicles (USSR) 74 words
    3. c354W
    4. US Bases (East Anglia) 87 words
    5. cc354-5W
    6. WE177 Bomb 366 words
    7. cc355-7W
    8. Military Training 487 words
    9. c357W
    10. Thailand 123 words
    11. c357W
    12. Cambodia 49 words
    13. c357W
    14. Chemical Weapons (USSR) 51 words
    15. cc357-8W
    16. Trident 41 words
    17. c358W
    18. BAOR 44 words
    19. c358W
    20. Warsaw Pact 131 words
    21. c358W
    22. Helicopters 67 words
    23. cc358-9W
    24. Canadian Base, Suffield 387 words
    25. c359W
    26. HMS Upholder 85 words
    27. c359W
    28. Invincible Class Carriers 154 words
    29. cc359-60W
    30. Procurement Establishments 65 words
    31. c360W
    32. Defence Spending 232 words
    33. c360W
    34. Otterburn Training Area 81 words
    35. cc360-1W
    36. Cyprus 75 words
    1. c361W
    2. Water Privatisation 72 words
    3. cc361-2W
    4. Toxic Waste 510 words
    5. c362W
    6. Rating Reform 129 words
    7. cc362-3W
    8. Palace of Westminster 330 words
    9. c363W
    10. Local Government Finance 284 words
    11. cc363-4W
    12. Homelessness 51 words
    13. c364W
    14. Pesticides 97 words
    15. c364W
    16. Pollution 116 words
    17. c364W
    18. High-Density Baling 70 words
    19. cc364-5W
    20. Housing Capital Investment 153 words
    21. cc365-6W
    22. Housing Associations 402 words
    23. c366W
    24. European Environmental Agency 372 words
    25. cc366-7W
    26. Oil Slick, Mersey 53 words
    27. c367W
    28. Rainham and Aveley Marshes 55 words
    29. cc367-8W
    30. Business Rates 640 words
    31. cc368-9W
    32. Environment Council 527 words
    33. c369W
    34. Water Disconnections 73 words
    35. c369W
    36. County Councils 69 words
    37. cc369-70W
    38. Football Identity Cards 45 words
    1. cc370-1W
    2. Pensioners 497 words
    3. c371W
    4. Mobility Allowance 227 words
    5. c371W
    6. Disability (OPCS Survey) 119 words
    7. cc371-2W
    8. Visual Handicap 118 words
    9. c372W
    10. Pensions and Benefits 95 words
    11. c372W
    12. Homeless People 254 words
    13. cc372-3W
    14. Lone Parents 304 words
    15. c373W
    16. Appeals 137 words
    17. cc373-4W
    18. Stolen Order Books 127 words
    19. c374W
    20. Social Fund 42 words
    21. c374W
    22. Benefit Records 157 words
    1. cc374-5W
    2. Wildcat Strikes 442 words
    3. c375W
    4. Skills Training 98 words
    5. cc375-6W
    6. Business Start-ups 68 words
    7. c376W
    8. Members of Parliament 59 words
    9. cc376-7W
    10. Small Businesses 702 words
    11. cc377-8W
    12. Commissioner for Trade Union Members 324 words
    13. c378W
    14. Closed Shop 220 words
    15. cc378-80W
    16. Disabled People 700 words
    17. c380W
    18. Hosiery and Textile Industry 92 words
    19. cc380-1W
    20. Footwear Industry 159 words
    21. c381W
    22. Redundancy Fund 69 words
    1. c381W
    2. Broadcasting 241 words
    3. cc381-2W
    4. Wandsworth Prison 197 words
    5. c382W
    6. Guildford Four 163 words
    7. cc382-3W
    8. Animal Experiments 344 words
    9. c383W
    10. Commission for Racial Equality 153 words
    11. cc383-4W
    12. Cable Television 65 words
    13. c384W
    14. Philippine Immigrants 44 words
    15. cc384-5W
    16. Young Offenders 350 words
    17. c385W
    18. Child Abuse 90 words
    19. cc385-6W
    20. Birmingham Pub Bombings 261 words
    21. c386W
    22. Drugs 82 words
    23. c386W
    24. Fires 326 words
    25. cc386-9W
    26. Prisoners 1,998 words
    27. c389W
    28. Prescription Charges 58 words
    29. cc389-90W
    30. Violence 162 words
    31. c390W
    32. Pet Animals (Protection) 185 words
    33. cc390-1W
    34. Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 645 words
    35. cc391-3W
    36. Police Manpower (Wales) 650 words
    37. c393W
    38. Police Conduct (Photographs) 116 words
    39. c393W
    40. New Prisons 42 words
    41. cc393-4W
    42. Parole 440 words
    43. c394W
    44. Asylum Seekers 171 words
    45. cc394-5W
    46. Sentencing 118 words
    1. c395W
    2. Satellite Dishes 147 words
    3. c395W
    4. Welsh Question Time 107 words
    1. cc395-6W
    2. Community Charge 217 words
    3. c396W
    4. School Boards 155 words
    5. cc396-7W
    6. Teachers 225 words
    7. c397W
    8. School Staffing Circular 40 words
    9. c397W
    10. Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 130 words
    11. cc397-8W
    12. Training Schemes 241 words
    13. c398W
    14. Legal Aid 131 words
    15. c398W
    16. Birds 206 words
    17. cc398-9W
    18. Fisheries 86 words
    1. c399W
    2. Sheepmeat Regime 106 words
    3. c399W
    4. Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances 112 words
    5. cc399-400W
    6. Milk Quotas 140 words
    7. c400W
    8. Environmental Groups 193 words
  17. ENERGY
    1. cc400-1W
    2. Tritium 245 words
    3. c401W
    4. Grimethorpe 133 words
    5. c401W
    6. Coal Mining 59 words
    7. c401W
    8. Opencast Mining 59 words
    9. c401W
    10. Acid Rain 28 words
    11. c401W
    12. Flue Gas Desulphurisation 51 words
    13. cc401-3W
    14. Switchgear 497 words
    15. c403W
    16. Electricity Boards (Prosecutions) 58 words
    17. c403W
    18. Redundant Mineworkers 90 words
    19. c403W
    20. Nuclear Companies 85 words
    21. c403W
    22. British Coal 87 words
    23. cc403-4W
    24. Research and Development 368 words
    25. c404W
    26. Power Station Costs 43 words
    27. cc404-5W
    28. Engineering Inspectorate 205 words
    29. c405W
    30. Polychlorinated Biphenyls 84 words
    31. c405W
    32. Subsidence 92 words
    33. c405W
    34. Electrical Manufacturers 48 words
    35. cc405-6W
    36. Greenhouse Gas Emissions 397 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. cc406-7W
    2. Abortion 164 words
    3. c407W
    4. Speech Therapists 85 words
    5. c407W
    6. Hospitals 303 words
    7. cc407-8W
    8. Blind or Partially Sighted People 161 words
    9. cc408-9W
    10. Ambulance Service 759 words
    11. c409W
    12. Nurse Prescribing 84 words
    13. cc409-10W
    14. Speech Therapists 44 words
    15. c410W
    16. Fostering (Bolton) 101 words
    17. c410W
    18. Community Health Services 191 words
    19. c410W
    20. Rehabilitation 109 words
    21. cc410-1W
    22. General Practitioners' Contract 147 words
    23. cc411-2W
    24. Haemophiliacs 429 words
    25. c412W
    26. Yorkshire Regional Health Authority 63 words
    27. c412W
    28. Basildon and Thurrock District Health Authority 56 words
    29. c412W
    30. AIDS 166 words
    31. cc412-3W
    32. Edwards-Duromedics Heart Valve 229 words
    1. c413W
    2. Drugs 143 words
    3. cc413-4W
    4. El Salvador 354 words
    5. c414W
    6. Children 85 words
    7. c414W
    8. UN Relief and Working Agency 163 words
    9. cc414-5W
    10. Montserrat 435 words
    11. cc415-6W
    12. Overseas Aid 152 words
    13. c416W
    14. Vietnamese Boat People 200 words
    15. cc416-7W
    16. South Korea 234 words
    17. c417W
    18. Ethiopia 165 words
    19. c417W
    20. Sikh Human Rights 66 words
    21. c417W
    22. Cyprus 88 words
    23. cc417-8W
    24. Secure Office Automation 145 words
    25. c418W
    26. Hong Kong 43 words
    1. c418W
    2. Jacques Delors 96 words
    3. cc418-9W
    4. Inflation 297 words
    5. cc419-20W
    6. Interest Rates 416 words
    7. c420W
    8. Short-term Capital 38 words
    9. c420W
    10. Investment and Consumption 117 words
    11. cc420-1W
    12. Bank of England 81 words
    13. c421W
    14. Public Spending 67 words
    15. c421W
    16. Magazines and Journals 54 words
    17. c421W
    18. Economic and Monetary Union 29 words
    19. c421W
    20. EC Finance Ministers 88 words
    21. c421W
    22. Wealth 49 words
    23. cc421-2W
    24. Business Investment 73 words
    25. c422W
    26. National Health Service 258 words
    27. c422W
    28. Foreign Banks 42 words
    29. cc422-3W
    30. Exchange Rate Mechanism 228 words
    31. c423W
    32. Imports 50 words
    33. c423W
    34. Workplace Nurseries 130 words
    35. c423W
    36. Child Poverty Action Group 38 words
    37. cc423-4W
    38. Child Tax Allowance 83 words
    39. c424W
    40. Foreign Exchange Earnings 56 words
    41. c424W
    42. Personal Equity Plans 70 words
    43. c424W
    44. Infrastructure Projects 67 words
    45. c424W
    46. Small Firms 45 words
    47. cc424-5W
    48. Tax Yields 103 words
    49. c425W
    50. CBI 77 words
    51. c425W
    52. Private Medical Insurance 27 words
    53. c425W
    54. Investment 80 words
    55. c425W
    56. Expenditure 55 words
    57. cc425-6W
    58. Income Tax 389 words
    59. c426W
    60. Output 98 words
    61. cc426-7W
    62. GDP 102 words
    63. c427W
    64. Personal Debt 79 words
    65. c427W
    66. Balance of Payments 89 words
    67. c427W
    68. VAT 159 words
    69. cc427-8W
    70. Demographic Change 102 words
    71. c428W
    72. Consumer Credit 45 words
    73. c428W
    74. Eastern Europe 73 words
    75. c428W
    76. Productivity 72 words
    77. cc428-9W
    78. Manufacturing Output 117 words
    79. c429W
    80. Pensioners (Free Shares) 68 words
    81. c429W
    82. Stamp Duty 124 words
    83. c429W
    84. National Savings Schemes 126 words
    85. cc429-30W
    86. Civil Service Staff 224 words
    87. c430W
    88. Current Account Deficit 44 words
    89. c430W
    90. Capital Goods 120 words
    91. c430W
    92. Trade Statistics 50 words
    93. cc430-1W
    94. Charities 65 words
    1. c431W
    2. Local Government Finance 97 words
    3. c431W
    4. Engagements 133 words
    5. c431W
    6. Official Duties 97 words
    7. cc431-2W
    8. Hospitality 51 words
    9. c432W
    10. South Korea 76 words
    11. c432W
    12. Parliamentary Questions 45 words
    13. c432W
    14. Access to Information 75 words
    15. c432W
    16. Vietnamese Boat People 111 words
    17. cc432-3W
    18. Correspondence 44 words
    19. c433W
    20. Commonwealth Conference 43 words
    21. c433W
    22. Sir Leon Brittan 39 words
    23. c433W
    24. Mr. Nelson Mandela 73 words
    25. cc433-4W
    26. National Health Service 240 words
    27. c434W
    28. Dunchurch 30 words
    29. c434W
    30. English History 53 words
    31. c434W
    32. Poland 40 words
    33. c434W
    34. Strasbourg Summit 44 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 30 November 1989 Series 5 Vol. 513
