Written Answers (Commons) of 17 July 2003 Series 6 Vol. 409

    1. c443W
    2. Cabinet Committees 68 words
    3. c443W
    4. Parliamentary Questions 54 words
    5. c443W
    6. European Constitution 174 words
    7. cc443-4W
    8. Falkland Islands 54 words
    9. c444W
    10. Guantanamo Bay Prisoners 111 words
    11. c444W
    12. House of Lords Appointments Commission 255 words
    13. cc444-5W
    14. Iraq Dossier 131 words
    15. c445W
    16. Judicial Committee of the Privy Council 144 words
    17. c445W
    18. Ministerial Visits 139 words
    19. cc445-6W
    20. Pay Review Bodies 71 words
    21. c446W
    22. Plutonium 90 words
    23. c446W
    24. Special Advisers 77 words
    25. c446W
    26. Trade Justice 101 words
    27. cc446-7W
    28. Iraq 81 words
  2. WALES
    1. c447W
    2. Health and Social Care 179 words
    3. c447W
    4. Ministerial Travel 28 words
    1. c447W
    2. Supasweet Onion 118 words
    3. c448W
    4. New Covent Garden Markets Authority 117 words
    5. c448W
    6. Biofuel Crops 107 words
    7. c448W
    8. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 135 words
    9. c448W
    10. Thames Fisheries 64 words
    11. c449W
    12. Fallen Stock Scheme 72 words
    13. c449W
    14. Beef 178 words
    15. c449W
    16. Common Agricultural Policy 91 words
    17. cc449-50W
    18. Farming Practices 276 words
    19. c450W
    20. Farming Fraud 101 words
    21. cc450-1W
    22. Flood Risk 86 words
    23. c451W
    24. GM Crops 290 words
    25. cc451-2W
    26. Illegal Logging 247 words
    27. c452W
    28. Private Sewers (Wales) 141 words
    29. c452W
    30. Radioactive Water 145 words
    31. cc452-3W
    32. Rights of Way Mapping Process 153 words
    33. c453W
    34. Water Industry 61 words
    35. c453W
    36. Written Ministerial Statements 44 words
    1. cc453-4W
    2. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia 276 words
    3. cc454-6W
    4. Tax Credit Helpline 895 words
    5. c456W
    6. Benefit Payments 149 words
    7. c456W
    8. Business Rates 123 words
    9. cc456-7W
    10. Census 2001 (Sheffield) 515 words
    11. cc457-8W
    12. Private Finance Initiative 162 words
    13. c458W
    14. Chief Economic Adviser 49 words
    15. c458W
    16. Child Benefit 159 words
    17. c458W
    18. Correspondence 36 words
    19. cc458-9W
    20. Customs and Excise 292 words
    21. c459W
    22. EU Budget 62 words
    23. c459W
    24. Financial Services and Markets Act 51 words
    25. c459W
    26. Gift Aid 140 words
    27. cc459-60W
    28. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries 120 words
    29. c460W
    30. Income Tax 102 words
    31. c460W
    32. Inland Revenue 102 words
    33. cc460-1W
    34. IT Contracts 263 words
    35. c461W
    36. IT Licences 135 words
    37. c461W
    38. IT Projects 42 words
    39. cc461-2W
    40. Manufacturing Employment 208 words
    41. c462W
    42. Redundancy Pay 50 words
    43. cc462-3W
    44. Special Shares 356 words
    45. c463W
    46. Strokes 319 words
    47. cc463-6W
    48. Tax Credits 1,245 words
    49. c466W
    50. Tax Revenues 78 words
    51. cc466-7W
    52. VAT Rebates (Places of Worship) 257 words
    53. c467W
    54. Written Ministerial Statements 26 words
    1. c467W
    2. Lay Magistrates (Northern Ireland) 58 words
    3. cc467-9W
    4. Private Bailiffs 519 words
    5. c469W
    6. Catherine Meyer 32 words
    7. cc469-70W
    8. Constitutional Affairs Department 401 words
    9. c470W
    10. Darmesh and Rashik Jamiet 80 words
    11. c470W
    12. EU Regulations 145 words
    13. c470W
    14. Joint Guarantors 120 words
    15. cc470-1W
    16. Judicial Appointments Commission 251 words
    17. cc471-2W
    18. Judicial Committee of the Privy Council 217 words
    19. c472W
    20. Law Society 94 words
    21. cc472-4W
    22. Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) 2,153 words
    23. c474W
    24. Marianna Hildyard 41 words
    25. cc474-5W
    26. National Land Information System 249 words
    27. c475W
    28. Overseas Electors 131 words
    29. c475W
    30. Pension Data Protection 137 words
    31. c476W
    32. Public Participation in Politics 100 words
    33. c476W
    34. Solicitors (Regulation) 132 words
    35. c476W
    36. Supreme Court 55 words
    37. c476W
    38. Telecommunications Masts 67 words
    39. c477W
    40. Written Ministerial Statements 47 words
    1. c477W
    2. Afghanistan 181 words
    3. cc477-8W
    4. Armed Forces (Health Care) 184 words
    5. c478W
    6. Arms Sales 139 words
    7. c478W
    8. Army (Drug Testing) 138 words
    9. cc478-9W
    10. ASRAAM 338 words
    11. c479W
    12. Eurofighter Typhoon 152 words
    13. cc479-80W
    14. Bowman System 136 words
    15. c480W
    16. Challenger 2 71 words
    17. c480W
    18. Chocolate 66 words
    19. c480W
    20. Cluster Munitions 84 words
    21. cc480-1W
    22. Defence Contracts 262 words
    23. c481W
    24. Defence Expenditure 133 words
    25. cc481-2W
    26. Defence Logistics Organisation 175 words
    27. c482W
    28. Drug Seizures 75 words
    29. c482W
    30. Drummore Harbour 39 words
    31. c482W
    32. EU Directives 140 words
    33. c482W
    34. Galileo Project 61 words
    35. cc482-3W
    36. Gulf War Illnesses 149 words
    37. c483W
    38. Hermitage Site 211 words
    39. c483W
    40. HMS Bulwark 95 words
    41. cc483-5W
    42. Iraq 508 words
    43. cc485-6W
    44. Operation Telic 602 words
    45. c486W
    46. Joint Strike Fighter 89 words
    47. c486W
    48. Maritime Airborne Surveillance and Control Programme 46 words
    49. cc486-7W
    50. Medical Records 111 words
    51. c487W
    52. Medical Treatment (Charging Arrangements) 178 words
    53. c487W
    54. Naval Air Defence 101 words
    55. cc487-9W
    56. Northern Ireland 638 words
    57. cc489-90W
    58. Procurement 159 words
    59. c490W
    60. Royal Irish Regiment 50 words
    61. c490W
    62. RV Triton 75 words
    63. c490W
    64. Service Manning Requirement 169 words
    65. cc490-1W
    66. Services Training 117 words
    67. c491W
    68. Skynet 5 221 words
    69. c491W
    70. Smart Acquisition 56 words
    71. c491W
    72. Sonar 2087 Systems 112 words
    73. c492W
    74. Submarine Threat 104 words
    75. c492W
    76. Aircraft Armament 43 words
    77. c492W
    78. Violent Conflict 306 words
    79. c493W
    80. Warships (NATO Commitment) 55 words
    1. c493W
    2. Arson Attacks 148 words
    3. cc493-4W
    4. Disabled People 242 words
    5. c494W
    6. Domestic Violence 52 words
    7. c494W
    8. European Credit Transfer System 116 words
    9. cc494-5W
    10. Higher Education Funding 336 words
    11. c495W
    12. King's Ford Junior School 88 words
    13. c495W
    14. Ofsted 51 words
    15. cc495-6W
    16. Overseas Students 309 words
    17. c496W
    18. Overseas Teachers 145 words
    19. cc496-7W
    20. School Funding 382 words
    21. c497W
    22. Specialist Subjects 141 words
    23. cc497-500W
    24. Youth Services 1,252 words
    1. c500W
    2. Civil Contingency Planning 156 words
    3. c500W
    4. Ministerial Responsibilities 92 words
    5. cc500-1W
    6. Private Office Costs 124 words
    1. c501W
    2. Computer Security 283 words
    3. cc501-2W
    4. Timber 127 words
    1. c502W
    2. Armed Forces (Recruitment) 77 words
    3. c502W
    4. Domestic Violence 105 words
    1. c502W
    2. Staff Numbers 41 words
    1. cc502-3W
    2. Parliamentary Questions 68 words
    1. c503W
    2. A400M 320 words
    3. c503W
    4. Business Support 102 words
    5. cc503-4W
    6. Asbestos 102 words
    7. cc504-5W
    8. Burma 542 words
    9. cc505-6W
    10. China 408 words
    11. cc506-7W
    12. China/Japan 160 words
    13. c507W
    14. Coal Investment Aid 134 words
    15. c507W
    16. Consultation Documents 178 words
    17. c508W
    18. Consumer Credit Act 87 words
    19. c508W
    20. Correspondence 63 words
    21. c508W
    22. Crossrail 165 words
    23. cc508-9W
    24. Energy Imports 455 words
    25. cc509-10W
    26. Regulatory Impact Assessments 135 words
    27. c510W
    28. Global Poverty 158 words
    29. c510W
    30. International Atomic Energy Agency 118 words
    31. cc510-1W
    32. Mobile Phones 104 words
    33. c511W
    34. Mine Shafts 155 words
    35. cc511-2W
    36. New Electricity Trading Arrangements 638 words
    37. c512W
    38. Nuclear industry 58 words
    39. c513W
    40. Post Office Card Account 55 words
    41. c513W
    42. Post Offices 105 words
    43. cc513-4W
    44. Print Cartridges 494 words
    45. cc514-5W
    46. Renewable Energy 232 words
    47. cc515-6W
    48. Sellafield 715 words
    49. cc516-7W
    50. Solar Energy 461 words
    51. c517W
    52. Trade Justice Movement 166 words
    53. c518W
    54. Wind Farms 380 words
    55. cc518-9W
    56. World Trade Organisation 479 words
    1. cc519-20W
    2. Ambition Construction Programme 139 words
    3. c520W
    4. Benefit Entitlement (EU Citizens) 106 words
    5. cc520-1W
    6. Child Support 459 words
    7. c521W
    8. Gas Fitters 207 words
    9. cc521-2W
    10. Adult Education 207 words
    11. c522W
    12. Attendance Allowance 163 words
    13. cc522-3W
    14. Benefit Costs 89 words
    15. c523W
    16. Benefit Errors 45 words
    17. c523W
    18. Benefit Fraud 169 words
    19. cc523-7W
    20. Benefit/Pension Payments 1,707 words
    21. c527W
    22. Benefit Take-up 243 words
    23. cc527-8W
    24. British Sign Language 269 words
    25. cc528-9W
    26. Carers 475 words
    27. cc529-30W
    28. Child Support Agency 782 words
    29. cc530-1W
    30. Consultation Documents 550 words
    31. cc531-3W
    32. Contracted-out Rebates 574 words
    33. c533W
    34. Correspondence 79 words
    35. cc533-4W
    36. Countryside Agency 232 words
    37. c534W
    38. Customer Conversion Centre 146 words
    39. cc534-6W
    40. Deferred Pensions 680 words
    41. c536W
    42. Ductile Iron Gas Mains 257 words
    43. cc536-7W
    44. E-government 282 words
    45. c537W
    46. Environmental Appraisals 140 words
    47. cc537-9W
    48. EU Directives 535 words
    49. c539W
    50. European Constitution 134 words
    51. c539W
    52. Fee-charging ATMs 149 words
    53. cc539-41W
    54. Fraud 635 words
    55. c541W
    56. Health and Safety Executive 243 words
    57. cc541-2W
    58. Health and Safety Inspectors 164 words
    59. c542W
    60. Housing Benefit 223 words
    61. c542W
    62. Incapacity Benefit 43 words
    63. c542W
    64. Income Support 68 words
    65. cc542-3W
    66. Information Leaflet 99 words
    67. c543W
    68. IT Contracts 273 words
    69. cc543-4W
    70. IT Expenditure 139 words
    71. cc544-5W
    72. Jobseeker's Allowance 489 words
    73. c545W
    74. Lone Parents 162 words
    75. c545W
    76. Media Training 145 words
    77. cc545-6W
    78. Minimum Wage 452 words
    79. cc546-7W
    80. Mobile Phones 235 words
    81. cc547-8W
    82. National Insurance 428 words
    83. cc548-53W
    84. New Deal 2,643 words
    85. cc553-5W
    86. Operation Gangmaster 441 words
    87. c555W
    88. Operational Intelligence Units 458 words
    89. cc555-6W
    90. Parliamentary Questions 147 words
    91. c556W
    92. Pendle 314 words
    93. cc556-8W
    94. Pension Credit 791 words
    95. c558W
    96. Pension Service 59 words
    97. cc558-9W
    98. Pensioners 426 words
    99. c559W
    100. Pensions 353 words
    101. cc560-1W
    102. Public Appointments 603 words
    103. c561W
    104. Seasonal Unemployment 239 words
    105. c561W
    106. Special Advisers 66 words
    107. cc561-2W
    108. Sickness Absence 217 words
    109. c562W
    110. Standard Local Housing Allowance 259 words
    111. cc562-3W
    112. Tax Credits 186 words
    113. c563W
    114. Widowers 165 words
    115. c563W
    116. Written Ministerial Statements 35 words
    1. cc563-4W
    2. BBC Charter 77 words
    3. c564W
    4. Departmental Expenditure 285 words
    5. cc564-5W
    6. Elite Athletes Funding Group 219 words
    7. c565W
    8. European Constitution 137 words
    9. c565W
    10. Lottery Grants 62 words
    11. cc565-6W
    12. National Stadium 196 words
    13. c566W
    14. OFCOM 40 words
    15. c566W
    16. Physical Exercise (Northumberland Schools) 57 words
    17. c566W
    18. Special Advisers 106 words
    19. cc566-7W
    20. Sports Funding 904 words
    21. cc567-9W
    22. Tourism 154 words
    23. c569W
    24. Tourism (Northumberland) 198 words
    25. c569W
    26. Written Ministerial Statements 51 words
    1. cc569-70W
    2. Commission on Intellectual Property Rights 297 words
    3. cc570-1W
    4. Debt Relief 309 words
    5. c571W
    6. Departmental Costs 282 words
    7. cc571-2W
    8. Kenya 85 words
    9. c572W
    10. Montserrat 171 words
    11. c572W
    12. Non-governmental Organisations 180 words
    13. c573W
    14. Private Office Costs 96 words
    15. c573W
    16. World Trade Organisation 202 words
    1. c573W
    2. Council Housing (North-East Lincolnshire) 96 words
    3. c574W
    4. General Elections 139 words
    5. c574W
    6. House Prices 229 words
    7. cc574-9W
    8. Housing 2,197 words
    9. c580W
    10. Loaned Art Works 118 words
    11. c580W
    12. Local Authority Housing 174 words
    13. cc580-1W
    14. Right to Buy 283 words
    15. c581W
    16. Vehicles for Sale 146 words
    1. cc581-2W
    2. Afghanistan 303 words
    3. c582W
    4. Correspondence 63 words
    5. c582W
    6. EU Constitutional Treaty 125 words
    7. c582W
    8. EU Directives 74 words
    9. cc582-3W
    10. EU Foreign and Security Policy 154 words
    11. c583W
    12. Falkland Islands 56 words
    13. c583W
    14. Brazil 154 words
    15. cc583-4W
    16. Global Conflict Prevention 327 words
    17. c584W
    18. Guantanamo Bay 159 words
    19. cc585-6W
    20. Iraq 599 words
    21. c586W
    22. IT Expenditure 81 words
    23. c586W
    24. Middle East 113 words
    25. cc586-7W
    26. Montserrat 76 words
    27. c587W
    28. Nuclear Weapons (Monitoring) 119 words
    29. c587W
    30. St. Helena 46 words
    31. c587W
    32. United Nations Security Council 69 words
    33. cc587-8W
    34. Visa Applications 346 words
    35. cc588-9W
    36. Visa facilities (Pakistan) 189 words
    1. c589W
    2. Asbestos 149 words
    3. c589W
    4. Director of Public Prosecutions 48 words
    5. cc589-90W
    6. Sickness Absence 282 words
    1. cc590-1W
    2. Animal Testing 360 words
    3. c591W
    4. British Overseas Territories 140 words
    5. c591W
    6. Carlile Report 77 words
    7. cc591-3W
    8. Contingency Planning 827 words
    9. cc593-4W
    10. Corporate Manslaugher 318 words
    11. cc594-5W
    12. Criminal Records Bureau 505 words
    13. c595W
    14. Departmental Staff 101 words
    15. c595W
    16. DNA Database 46 words
    17. cc595-6W
    18. Drugs 520 words
    19. c597W
    20. Holloway Prison 172 words
    21. cc597-8W
    22. IT Expenditure 282 words
    23. c598W
    24. Naturalisation Applications 44 words
    25. c598W
    26. Operation Corolla 102 words
    27. cc598-601W
    28. Prisons 1,304 words
    29. c601W
    30. Royal Security 105 words
    31. c601W
    32. Telecommunications Masts 86 words
    33. c602W
    34. Vignettes Programme 52 words
    35. c602W
    36. Work Permits 160 words
    37. c602W
    38. Young Offenders 145 words
    1. cc602-3W
    2. Civil Servants 70 words
    3. c603W
    4. Dover House 101 words
    5. c603W
    6. Energy Efficiency 82 words
    7. c603W
    8. European Constitution 108 words
    9. cc603-4W
    10. Proceeds of Crime 127 words
    11. c604W
    12. Scotland Office 88 words
    13. c604W
    14. Special Advisers 59 words
    15. c604W
    16. Staff Numbers 45 words
    17. cc604-5W
    18. Sustainable Development 300 words
    19. c605W
    20. Timber 64 words
    1. c605W
    2. Bio fuels 80 words
    3. cc605-6W
    4. Buses 134 words
    5. c606W
    6. Cycling 56 words
    7. c606W
    8. Departmental Costs 165 words
    9. cc606-7W
    10. Departmental Staff 159 words
    11. c607W
    12. East London Line 110 words
    13. c607W
    14. Environmental Appraisals 119 words
    15. cc607-9W
    16. EU Directives 687 words
    17. c609W
    18. European Constitution 132 words
    19. cc609-10W
    20. Helicopter Safety 194 words
    21. c610W
    22. Hybrid Vehicles 130 words
    23. cc610-1W
    24. Information Technology 196 words
    25. c611W
    26. IT Contracts 111 words
    27. c611W
    28. London Underground 67 words
    29. cc611-2W
    30. Marine Environment 266 words
    31. c612W
    32. Ministerial Meetings 67 words
    33. c612W
    34. Ministerial Travel 172 words
    35. c613W
    36. Mobile Phone Masts 44 words
    37. c613W
    38. Mobile Phones 46 words
    39. c613W
    40. Motorway Accidents 106 words
    41. c613W
    42. Network Rail 109 words
    43. cc613-4W
    44. Night Flights 171 words
    45. c614W
    46. Overseas Trips 113 words
    47. cc614-5W
    48. US Warships (Disposal) 228 words
    49. c615W
    50. Property Prices (Heathrow Flight Path) 121 words
    51. cc615-7W
    52. Ragwort 1,013 words
    53. c617W
    54. Rail Freight 163 words
    55. cc617-8W
    56. Rail Services 483 words
    57. c618W
    58. Rail Travel 82 words
    59. c618W
    60. Railway Stations 92 words
    61. c619W
    62. Road Repairs (Deaths and Injuries) 240 words
    63. cc619-21W
    64. Road Schemes 1,042 words
    65. cc621-2W
    66. Roads (Hampshire) 194 words
    67. c622W
    68. Severn Bridges 108 words
    69. cc622-3W
    70. South Coast Multi-modal Study 359 words
    71. c623W
    72. Special Advisers 100 words
    73. c623W
    74. Speed Cameras (M25) 58 words
    75. cc623-4W
    76. Speed Humps 276 words
    77. c624W
    78. Strategic Rail Plan 41 words
    79. c624W
    80. Transport Investment (Yorkshire) 108 words
    81. cc624-5W
    82. Vehicle and Operator Services Agency 142 words
    83. cc625-6W
    84. Walking Strategy 372 words
    85. c626W
    86. West Coast Main Line 167 words
    87. c626W
    88. Written Ministerial Statements 46 words
    1. cc626-7W
    2. Hare Coursing 224 words
    3. c627W
    4. Mental Health Review 181 words
    5. cc627-8W
    6. North-South Bodies 171 words
    7. c628W
    8. Post-primary Education 162 words
    9. cc628-9W
    10. Recycling 226 words
    11. c629W
    12. Smoking 271 words
  24. HEALTH
    1. c629W
    2. Notifiable Diseases 77 words
    3. c630W
    4. Old People's Homes 225 words
    5. c630W
    6. Alzheimer's Disease 143 words
    7. cc630-1W
    8. Bush Meat 136 words
    9. c631W
    10. Cancer Patient Survey 116 words
    11. c631W
    12. Cancer Treatment 256 words
    13. cc631-2W
    14. Cardiology Services 117 words
    15. c632W
    16. Chemicals 215 words
    17. cc632-3W
    18. Child Obesity 503 words
    19. c634W
    20. Clinical Devices (Bacteraemia) 210 words
    21. c634W
    22. Clinical Instruments 162 words
    23. cc634-5W
    24. Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health 138 words
    25. c635W
    26. Consultation Documents 162 words
    27. c635W
    28. Contraception Pill 57 words
    29. cc635-6W
    30. Delayed Discharges 282 words
    31. cc636-8W
    32. Departmental Policies (Pendle) 753 words
    33. c638W
    34. Departmental Staff 109 words
    35. cc638-9W
    36. Drug Treatment 216 words
    37. c639W
    38. Drug Reactions 261 words
    39. cc639-40W
    40. Eating Disorders 132 words
    41. c640W
    42. Entitlement Card Scheme 145 words
    43. c640W
    44. EU Directives 99 words
    45. cc640-1W
    46. EU Medical Research 293 words
    47. c641W
    48. European Constitution 114 words
    49. c641W
    50. Fluoridation 101 words
    51. cc641-2W
    52. Fraudulent Prescriptions 358 words
    53. cc642-3W
    54. General Practitioners 307 words
    55. c643W
    56. Health and Safety 103 words
    57. cc643-4W
    58. Health Protection Agency 267 words
    59. c644W
    60. Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System 90 words
    61. cc644-5W
    62. Hospital-acquired Infections 522 words
    63. cc645-6W
    64. Hospitals (Portsmouth) 379 words
    65. c646W
    66. IT Contracts 223 words
    67. c647W
    68. Measles and Mumps Vaccines 327 words
    69. cc647-8W
    70. Medical Assessment Units 393 words
    71. cc648-9W
    72. National Care Standards Commission 198 words
    73. c649W
    74. National Fruit Scheme 151 words
    75. c649W
    76. NHS Patient Rights 130 words
    77. c649W
    78. Nosocomial Infections 133 words
    79. cc649-51W
    80. Obesity 520 words
    81. c651W
    82. Older People 270 words
    83. c651W
    84. Overseas Medical Treatment 72 words
    85. c652W
    86. Overseas Patients 238 words
    87. cc652-3W
    88. Pain Relief 453 words
    89. cc653-4W
    90. Papilloma Virus 231 words
    91. c654W
    92. Pathology Laboratories 107 words
    93. c654W
    94. Patient Advice and Liaison Service 113 words
    95. cc654-5W
    96. Plastic Surgery 189 words
    97. c655W
    98. Professions Allied to Medicine 157 words
    99. c655W
    100. Prostate Cancer 64 words
    101. c655W
    102. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 61 words
    103. cc655-7W
    104. Sexual Health 532 words
    105. c657W
    106. Sporting Injuries (Children) 37 words
    107. cc657-9W
    108. Stroke Services 1,204 words
    109. cc659-60W
    110. Sunbeds 294 words
    111. c660W
    112. Telecommunications Masts 65 words
    113. c660W
    114. Toothpaste 33 words
    115. cc660-1W
    116. Tranquillisers/Anti-depressants 294 words
    117. c661W
    118. Tuberculosis 166 words
    119. cc661-2W
    120. Waiting Lists/Times 246 words
    121. c662W
    122. Social Care 63 words
    123. c662W
    124. Welfare Food Scheme 90 words
    125. cc662-4W
    126. Working Time Directive 195 words
    127. c664W
    128. Written Ministerial Statements 43 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 17 July 2003 Series 5 Vol. 651

  1. PEACE I Funding 353 words
  2. Departments of State: Faith Advisers/Units 114 words
  3. Departments of State: Diversity 471 words
  4. House of Lords Appointments Commission: 2000–03 Report 267 words
  5. Northern Ireland: Smoking 163 words
  6. Acts of Parliament since 1997: Prohibited Activities 37 words
  7. Iraq: Dossier 71 words
  8. Ministerial Committees of the Cabinet 58 words
  9. Crown Prosecution Service: Annual Report 2002–03 44 words
  10. Panel Counsel Review Group 352 words
  11. Africa: Small Arms Control 368 words
  12. Zimbabwe 276 words
  13. Burma 210 words
  14. Guantanamo Bay: British Detainees 193 words
  15. British Nationals in Foreign Prisons: FCO Policy 322 words
  16. US Alien Tort Statute: British Companies 336 words
  17. Cayman Islands: Appointment of Attorney-General 60 words
  18. Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong 92 words
  19. Iraq: Prisoners Captured by British Forces 104 words
  20. Iraq: Action to Incapacitate Weapons 122 words
  21. Iraq: Refrigerated Containers 130 words
  22. Challenger 2 Tanks 250 words
  23. Army Personnel Centre: Key Targets 203 words
  24. Training Group Defence Agency: Key Targets 451 words
  25. Army Training and Recruitment Agency: Key Targets 250 words
  26. Service Children's Education: Targets 423 words
  27. Military Low Flying: Annual Report 278 words
  28. Afghanistan: National Army 110 words
  29. Armed Forces Pay: X Factor 77 words
  30. Service Personnel: Return from the Gulf 288 words
  31. Military Vehicles: Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle and Future Command and Liaison Vehicle 327 words
  32. Ministry of Defence: Disposals Process 189 words
  33. Racial Discrimination: UK and EC Legislation 233 words
  34. Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000: Public Bodies Compliance 101 words
  35. Biometric Identification 185 words
  36. Temporary Protection: EU Directive 115 words
  37. Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002: Coercive Information Powers 188 words
  38. Criminal Justice System Public Service Agreement 268 words
  39. UK Passport Service: Annual Report and Accounts 2002–03 44 words
  40. Forensic Science Service: Review 508 words
  41. Scientific Procedures on Living Animals: 2002 Statistics 542 words
  42. Asylum Support Adjudicators 104 words
  43. Assets Recovery Agency: Annual Report 2002–03 154 words
  44. Voluntary and Community Sector: Government Relations Compact 152 words
  45. Housing: Local Authority Subsidy 70 words
  46. CAFCASS: Annual Report and Accounts 2002–03 66 words
  47. Magistrates' Courts: Annual Report 2002–03 509 words
  48. Biofuels 179 words
  49. Motorways: Congestion and Sensitive Lorry Miles 143 words
  50. Car Insurance 142 words
  51. Scottish Peerage Claims: Ministerial Responsibility 149 words
  52. Post-16 Full-time Students 246 words
  53. Government Economic Services: Salary Costs 77 words
  54. European Capital of Culture 2008 182 words
  55. Council for Science and Technology: Quinquennial Review 304 words
  56. NHS Foundation Trusts: Model Constitution 87 words
  57. Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities: Supporting Staff 467 words
  58. Disabled Living Foundation: Self-assessment Project 148 words
  59. Fluoridation 262 words
  60. Commission for Health Improvement: Annual Report 2002–03 41 words
  61. NHS Pensions Agency: Annual Report 2002–03 65 words
  62. NHS Pensions Agency: Quinquennial Review 68 words
  63. Health Select Committee Fifth Report: Government Response 84 words
  64. Independent Complaints Advocacy Service 373 words
  65. Dairy Industry 129 words
  66. Plywood 157 words
  67. Wooden Flooring: Home-grown Timber 177 words
  68. Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 281 words