Commons Sitting of 9 February 1998 Series 6 Vol. 306

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. DEFENCE
      1. cc1-6
      2. Joint Military Action (United States) 2,654 words
      3. cc6-8
      4. Aircraft Carriers 598 words
      5. c8
      6. Defence-related Industries (Chelmsford) 356 words
      7. cc8-9
      8. Armed Forces Personnel (Educational Attainment) 355 words
      9. cc9-10
      10. Royal Naval College 397 words
      11. cc10-1
      12. United Kingdom Land Command 389 words
      13. cc11-2
      14. Iraq 657 words
      15. cc12-3
      16. Firing Ranges 552 words
      17. cc13-4
      18. Eurofighter 563 words
      19. cc14-5
      20. Ships (Twinning) 211 words
      21. c15
      22. Nuclear Weapons 102 words
      23. cc15-9
      24. HOUSE OF COMMONS 7 words
        1. cc15-6
        2. Prime Minister's Question Time 380 words
        3. cc16-7
        4. Arab World 438 words
        5. cc17-8
        6. New Parliamentary Building 345 words
        7. cc18-9
        8. Sitting Hours 323 words
  5. Employment of Children Bill 160 words
  6. cc20-124
  7. Opposition Day 3 words
    1. cc20-71
    2. Child Support Agency 28,936 words, 1 division
    3. cc71-117
    4. Railways 25,743 words, 1 division
    5. cc118-24
    6. Cancer Research 3,432 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 9 February 1998 Series 6 Vol. 306

    1. cc1-2W
    2. Pride of Bilbao 883 words
    3. c2W
    4. Airprox Incident, Heathrow 159 words
    5. cc2-3W
    6. Belfast International Airport 98 words
    7. c3W
    8. Millennium Compliance 143 words
    9. c3W
    10. Radioactive Waste 71 words
    11. c3W
    12. Computer Systems 102 words
    13. cc3-4W
    14. Tree Planting 170 words
    15. c4W
    16. Hedges 79 words
    17. c4W
    18. Mottram Tintwistle By-pass 105 words
    19. cc4-5W
    20. Regional Development Agencies 89 words
    21. c5W
    22. Rail Investment 104 words
    23. c5W
    24. Roads 242 words
    25. c5W
    26. Public Access 55 words
    27. cc5-6W
    28. Property Standards 120 words
    29. c6W
    30. Royal Bournemouth Hospital (Clinical Waste Incinerator) 176 words
    31. cc6-7W
    32. Empty Properties 302 words
    33. cc7-10W
    34. Development (Easington) 1,269 words
    35. c10W
    36. Sellafield 114 words
    37. c10W
    38. Sapphire 157 words
    39. cc10-1W
    40. Speed Cameras 226 words
    41. cc11-2W
    42. Genetically Modified Organisms 655 words
    43. c12W
    44. Council Tax Discount 96 words
    45. c12W
    46. Boundary Committee (Hertfordshire) 52 words
    47. cc12-3W
    48. Publications 125 words
    49. c13W
    50. Homelessness (Southampton) 165 words
    51. cc13-4W
    52. Housing (Southampton) 240 words
    53. c14W
    54. Government Property (Southampton) 43 words
    55. c14W
    56. Government Properties (Winchester) 42 words
    57. c14W
    58. "Rural England 1996" 124 words
    59. cc14-5W
    60. Local Democracy 197 words
    1. cc15-7W
    2. Overseas Visits 714 words
    3. c17W
    4. Ministerial Hospitality 183 words
    5. c17W
    6. Ministerial Residences 93 words
    7. cc17-8W
    8. Correspondence 46 words
    9. c18W
    10. Millennium Compliance 65 words
    11. c18W
    12. Departmental Spending Review 85 words
    13. c18W
    14. MI5 Files 75 words
    15. cc18-9W
    16. Ministerial Transport 154 words
    17. c19W
    18. Central Media Monitoring Unit 62 words
    1. c19W
    2. Computer Systems 385 words
    3. cc19-20W
    4. Diarmuid O'Neill 82 words
    1. cc20-1W
    2. Publications 226 words
    3. c21W
    4. Brazilian Mahogany 52 words
    5. c21W
    6. Development Education 95 words
    7. c21W
    8. EU Aid 128 words
    9. c21W
    10. Congo 90 words
    11. SCOTLAND
    12. c22W
    13. Further Education Colleges 104 words
    14. c22W
    15. Housing 244 words
    16. cc22-3W
    17. Queen's Counsel 37 words
    18. c23W
    19. Farm Incomes 107 words
    1. cc23-4W
    2. Prisoner Transfers 356 words
    3. c24W
    4. Young Offenders Institutions 315 words
    5. cc24-5W
    6. Asylum Seekers 129 words
    7. c25W
    8. Immigration and Nationality Directorate 67 words
    9. c25W
    10. Anti-social Behaviour Orders 190 words
    11. cc25-6W
    12. Child Prostitution 283 words
    13. cc26-7W
    14. Police Cell Deaths 274 words
    15. c27W
    16. Domestic Violence 100 words
    17. c27W
    18. Care Homes (Crime) 162 words
    19. cc27-8W
    20. World Cup 130 words
    21. c28W
    22. Publications 169 words
    23. c28W
    24. Handguns 144 words
    25. cc28-9W
    26. Civil Servants 151 words
    27. c29W
    28. Crime 318 words
    29. cc29-31W
    30. Ethnic Minorities 665 words
    1. c31W
    2. School Children's Clothing and Footwear (Value Added Tax) Bill 78 words
    3. cc31-3W
    4. Publications 694 words
    5. cc33-4W
    6. Individual Savings Accounts 170 words
    7. c34W
    8. Agency Tax Rules 124 words
    1. c34W
    2. World Cup (Disabled Supporters) 119 words
    3. c34W
    4. Sport (Governing Bodies) 105 words
    5. cc34-5W
    6. Civil Servants 80 words
    7. c35W
    8. Publications 137 words
    1. c35W
    2. Official Cars 77 words
    3. cc35-6W
    4. Turkey 171 words
    5. c36W
    6. Millennium Compliance 149 words
    7. c36W
    8. Schengen Agreement 121 words
    9. c36W
    10. Video Conferencing 131 words
    11. cc36-7W
    12. Military Technology Sales 125 words
    13. c37W
    14. Algeria 271 words
    15. cc37-8W
    16. Civil Servants 98 words
    17. c38W
    18. Arms Sales 135 words
    19. c38W
    20. Environmental Policy Co-ordination 148 words
    21. c38W
    22. Iraq 68 words
    23. cc38-41W
    24. Publications 661 words
    25. c41W
    26. Cambodia 120 words
    27. cc41-2W
    28. Falkland Islands 132 words
    29. c42W
    30. Single Market 196 words
  9. WALES
    1. cc42-3W
    2. Birth Defects 328 words
    3. c43W
    4. Hospital Closures 81 words
    5. c43W
    6. NHS Ancillary Staff 83 words
    7. cc43-4W
    8. Out-of-school Clubs 130 words
    9. c44W
    10. Truancy 203 words
    11. c44W
    12. Welsh Language 133 words
    13. cc44-5W
    14. Town Centre Shopping 98 words
    15. c45W
    16. Tuition Fees 56 words
    17. c45W
    18. Farm Incomes 96 words
    19. c45W
    20. Publications 72 words
    21. cc45-6W
    22. Local Government Finance 135 words
    23. c46W
    24. Crickhowell House 73 words
    25. c46W
    26. National Assembly 122 words
    1. cc46-9W
    2. Publications 944 words
    3. cc49-52W
    4. Magistrates (Wales) 745 words
      1. c52W
      2. Poor People 258 words
      3. c52W
      4. Civil Servants 112 words
      5. cc52-3W
      6. Preparatory Schools 123 words
      7. c53W
      8. Security 109 words
      9. c53W
      10. Quangos 72 words
      11. cc53-4W
      12. Water Services 758 words
      13. cc54-5W
      14. Policing 194 words
      1. c55W
      2. Minister without Portfolio 60 words
      3. c55W
      4. Sitting Hours 48 words
      5. cc55-6W
      6. Members' Smoking Room 269 words
      7. c56W
      8. British Beef Industry 94 words
      9. c56W
      10. Additional Costs Allowance 110 words
    7. HEALTH
      1. cc56-7W
      2. Dental Services (Lincolnshire) 59 words
      3. c57W
      4. Haemophiliacs (Contaminated Blood Products) 74 words
      5. c57W
      6. ME Association 49 words
      7. c57W
      8. Equity of Service 112 words
      9. c57W
      10. AIDS Vaccines 83 words
      11. cc57-8W
      12. HIV Testing (Pregnant Women) 157 words
      13. c58W
      14. Children's Affairs 72 words
      15. c58W
      16. Microbiologists (Visits) 198 words
      17. cc58-9W
      18. AIDS Support Grant 41 words
      19. c59W
      20. NHS Prescriptions 124 words
      21. c59W
      22. Tobacco and Alcohol 63 words
      23. c59W
      24. Patient Records 132 words
      25. cc59-60W
      26. Cervical Cancer Screening 279 words
      27. c60W
      28. Drugs 167 words
      29. cc60-1W
      30. NHS Care (Failures) 113 words
      31. c61W
      32. Neuroleptic Drugs 38 words
      33. c61W
      34. Publications 43 words
      35. c61W
      36. Sodium 210 words
      37. cc61-2W
      38. Diet 132 words
      39. c62W
      40. NHS Trusts (Appointments) 106 words
      1. c62W
      2. Drugs 102 words
      3. c62W
      4. Privy Council 68 words
      1. cc62-3W
      2. Correspondence 185 words
      3. cc63-6W
      4. Publications 893 words
    10. DEFENCE
      1. c66W
      2. Strategic Defence Review 138 words
      3. cc66-7W
      4. European Defence Industry (Restructuring) 211 words
      5. c67W
      6. Merchant Fleet 68 words
      7. c67W
      8. British Beef 245 words
      9. cc67-8W
      10. NATO Enlargement 170 words
      11. c68W
      12. Defence Diversification 49 words
      13. c68W
      14. Satellite Communications System 138 words
      15. c68W
      16. Ballistic Missile Defence 41 words
      17. cc68-9W
      18. Armed Forces Pay Review Board 57 words
      19. c69W
      20. Bosnia 59 words
      21. c69W
      22. Heavy-lift Aircraft 59 words
      23. c69W
      24. Courts Martial 64 words
      25. c69W
      26. Sexual Assault and Harassment 102 words
      27. cc69-70W
      28. Firing Ranges 120 words
      29. c70W
      30. RNAD Broughton Moor 61 words
      31. c70W
      32. Christmas Island (Nuclear Testing) 200 words
      33. cc70-1W
      34. Radiation-related Illnesses 417 words
      35. c71W
      36. Precision-guided Weapons 142 words
      37. cc71-2W
      38. Computer Hackers 85 words
      39. c72W
      40. Radioactive Waste 142 words
      41. c72W
      42. Arms Sales 57 words
      43. c72W
      44. Tomahawk Missiles 155 words
      45. cc72-3W
      46. Publications 114 words
      47. c73W
      48. Conduct (Codes and Standards) 139 words
      49. c73W
      50. Military Law Manuals 113 words
      51. cc73-4W
      52. Tank Transporters 144 words
      53. c74W
      54. Departmental Cars 38 words
      55. c74W
      56. Sponsored Reserves 110 words
      57. c74W
      58. Armed Forces (Morale) 172 words
      1. cc74-5W
      2. Farm Tenancy Agreements 97 words
      3. c75W
      4. Food Standards Agency 108 words
      5. c75W
      6. BSE 128 words
      1. cc75-6W
      2. Benefit Integrity Project 405 words
      3. c76W
      4. Publications 54 words
      5. cc76-9W
      6. Respiratory Diseases 1,339 words
      7. cc79-81W
      8. Disability Living Allowance 398 words
      9. c81W
      10. Pensioner Incomes 185 words
      1. c81W
      2. Ministerial Visits 59 words
      3. cc81-2W
      4. Ministerial Meetings 97 words
      1. c82W
      2. Achievement Targets 94 words
      3. cc82-4W
      4. Local Authority Budgets 1,484 words
      5. cc84-5W
      6. Publications 61 words
      7. c85W
      8. Student Loans 153 words
      9. c85W
      10. Employment Figures (Young People) 276 words
      11. cc85-6W
      12. Jobmatch Scheme 229 words
      13. c86W
      14. Disabled People (Rehabilitation) 271 words
      15. cc86-7W
      16. Unemployment 106 words
      1. cc87-8W
      2. European Labour Markets 419 words
      3. cc88-9W
      4. Millennium Compliance 748 words
      5. cc89-90W
      6. Commercial Tenants (Protection) 114 words
      7. c90W
      8. Trademarks 156 words
      9. c90W
      10. Export Licences 141 words
      11. cc90-2W
      12. Nuclear Fuel 624 words
      13. c92W
      14. Theft and Fraud 158 words
      15. cc92-3W
      16. Periodicals 158 words
      17. c93W
      18. Electricity Companies 51 words
      19. c93W
      20. Export Credits Guarantee Department 246 words
      21. cc93-4W
      22. Dounreay 222 words
      23. c94W
      24. Sellafield 226 words
      25. cc94-5W
      26. GDP (Cornwall) 115 words
      27. c95W
      28. Lost and Stolen Items 122 words
      29. c95W
      30. Photocopier Industry 91 words
      31. c95W
      32. Minimum Wage 76 words
      33. cc95-6W
      34. Second-hand Gas Appliances 129 words
      35. c96W
      36. Fair Competition 176 words
      37. c96W
      38. British Inventors 131 words
      39. c96W
      40. Departmental Publicity 105 words
      41. cc96-7W
      42. Agenda 2000 196 words
      43. cc97-8W
      44. Counterfeit Goods 338 words
      45. c98W
      46. Coal Industry 69 words
      47. c98W
      48. Special Advisers 140 words
      49. cc98-9W
      50. Design Protection Directive 267 words
      51. c99W
      52. Competition Bill 117 words
      53. c99W
      54. Military Equipment Export Licences 204 words
      55. cc99-100W
      56. Electricity Companies (Takeover Bids) 212 words
      57. c100W
      58. Publications 61 words
      59. c100W
      60. Industrial Tribunal Hearings 96 words
      61. cc100-1W
      62. Insolvency Practitioners 242 words
      1. cc101-2W
      2. Millennium Dome 402 words

Lords Sitting of 9 February 1998 Series 5 Vol. 585

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc853-4
  3. Abortion Legislation 540 words
  4. cc854-5
  5. Beef Assurance Scheme 601 words
  6. cc855-9
  7. Algeria: EU Discussions 1,530 words
  8. cc859-63
  9. Missing Persons Helpline 1,686 words
  10. c863
  11. Audit Commission Bill [H.L.] 268 words
  12. c863
  13. Petroleum Bill [H.L.] 70 words
  14. cc864-73
  15. Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill [H.L.] 4,546 words
  16. cc873-936
  17. Competition Bill [H.L.] 32,876 words, 1 division
  18. cc936-55
  19. Video Recordings Act 1984 10,705 words
  20. cc955-90
  21. Competition Bill [H.L.] 17,510 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 9 February 1998 Series 5 Vol. 585

  1. International Development Strategy 99 words
  2. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 379 words
  3. Scottish Judiciary 111 words
  4. British Coal Former Employees: Concessionary Fuel 228 words
  5. Naval Training: Partnership Arrangement 445 words
  6. Royal Household Helicopter Service 138 words
  7. Iraq: Chemical and Biological Weapons Programme Disclosure 425 words
  8. Iraq Crisis 269 words
  9. Vehicle Stereo Systems: Excessive Noise 80 words
  10. Road Works Signs: Removal 256 words
  11. Major Planning Applications: Publicity 135 words
  12. Roads Review and Transport White Paper: SACTRA Report 101 words
  13. Coastguard Stations 141 words
  14. English Local Government: Discussion Papers 185 words
  15. Rendered Condensate on Farmland: Safety 161 words
  16. BSE: Inquiry Remit 89 words
  17. Sugar Beet Research and Education Committee 285 words
  18. European Union: Educational Material 139 words
  19. Independent School Pupils Supported by Central Government Funding 110 words
  20. GCSE: Analysis of Results 1994–97 4,766 words