§ Mr. GaleTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list by title the publications produced by his Department between 1 May 1997 and 31 January 1998. [26335]
§ Mrs. LiddellThe list of the main publications produced by HM Treasury between 1 May 1997 and 31 January 1998 is as follows:32W
Titles published by HM Treasury and available from HM Treasury Public Enquiry Unit(All titles are free unless otherwise indicated)Budget and Pre-Budget Publications:The Pocket Budget: July 1997(available by sending a self addressed postcard to: Freepost Budget 97)The pocket pre-Budget 98: November 1998(available by sending a self addressed postcard to: Freepost Pre-Budget 98)Pre-Budget Report PublicationsA code for fiscal stability: November 1997The Economy and the Public Finances: supplementary material (November 1997)Fiscal policy: lessons from the last economic cycle (November 1997)The modernisation of Britain's tax and benefit system No. 1: Employment opportunity in a changing labour market (November 1997)The Public Sector balance sheet (December 1997)Tax Ready Reckoner and tax reliefs (December 1997)Central Unit on Procurement Guidances (Now Procurement guidances) All £3.00 each
- CUP 55: Ethics in procurement (May 1997)
- CUP 56: Debriefing (May 1997)
- CUP 57: Strategic Partnering in government (May 1997)
- CUP 58: Incentivisation (May 1997)
- CUP 59a: Documentation: Model appraisal questionnaire (May 1997)
- CUP 59b: Documentation: Pre qualification (May 1997)
- CUP 59c: Documentation: Model invitation to tender (May 1997)
- CUP 59d: Documentation: Model conditions of contract (August 1997)
- CUP 60: Supplier appraisal (May 1997)
- CUP 61: Contract management (May 1997)
Procurement Guidance 1: Essential requirements for construction procurement (December 1997)Procurement Guidance 2: Value for money in construction procurement (December 1997)Procurement Guidance 3: Appointment of consultants and contractors (December 1997)EMU PublicationsThe UK and membership of the single currency: an assessment of the 5 economic tests (October 1997)EMU: Practical guide for business (July 1997)Available in writing from: EMU Initiative, P.O. Box 506, London, SE99 7UYEMU: Report from the Business Advisory Group (January 1998)Pros and Cons of the EMU: summary of a report by David Currie (July 1997)Other titles:Cash ratio deposits: a consultation document issued by HM Treasury (November 1997)Comprehensive Spending Review—Terms of Reference (July 1997)Explanatory Notes: Summer Finance Bill 1997 £4.50 (July 1997)The Future of UK Government Debt and cash management: a proposal for consultation by HM Treasury (July 1997)The Future of UK Government Debt and cash management: a response to consultation by HM Treasury, 22 December 1997 (December 1997)The National Asset Register (November 1997)Publications in Print (August 1997)33WRegularity and Propriety: a handbook ISBN 0947819 576 £2.50 (July 1997)Treasury Occasional paper No. 9: The VAT shortfall: report of the Working Group on VAT receipts and forecasts (September 1997)Private Finance Initiative publications:Treasury Taskforce Private Finance—Partnerships for Prosperity: the Private Finance Initiative (November 1997)Bates Recommendation No 10: Treasury Taskforce approach to model contracts (November 1997)Interim guidance on the application of FRS5 to accounting for PFI transactions in public sector accounts (September 1997)Policy Statement (Draft): Public Sector Comparators and value for money (September 1997)Policy Statement No. 1: PFI and Public Expenditure Allocations (October 1997)PFI Technical Note (Draft): Standardisation of information required from prospective tenderers and OJEC Notices (November 1997)PFI Technical Note No. 1: How to account for PFI Transactions (September 1997)Taking forward PFI in local government (September 1997)A Step by Step guide to the PFI procurement process (July 1997)Titles produced by HM Treasury and Published by The Stationery OfficeThe main titles produced by HM Treasury and available from The Stationery Office (TSO) are:Equipping Britain for our long term future: Financial Statement and Budget Report: July 1997House of Commons Paper 85 (1997/98) ISBN 010 263398 3 £16.80Pre Budget Report: November 1997: Securing Britain's long-term economic future CM 3804 ISBN 010 13804 9 £20.00The Finance (No. 2) Act 1997 ISBN 010 545897 X £11.00Summer Finance BillHouse of Commons Bill 29 (1997/98) ISBN 010 836045 8 £8.00EC finances: statement on the 1997 EC budget and measures to counter fraud and financial mismanagementCM3700 ISBN 010 137002 4 £6.50Supply Estimates: supplementary