HC Deb 09 February 1998 vol 306 cc38-41W
Mr. Gale

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list by title the publications produced by his Department between 1 May 1997 and 31 January 1998. [26327]

Mr. Fatchett

Information Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office produces a range of publications designed to project Britain and British Government policies overseas, and present Britain's viewpoint on subjects of particular interest or significance to an international audience.

127 such publications were produced during the period 1 May 1997 to 31 January 1998, details of which are as follows: FCO Publications produced between 1 May 1997 and 31 January 1998

  • Publications
    • 1998 Calendar
    • 1998 Diary
    • Backpackers
    • Britain and Canada (English)
    • Britain and Canada (French)
    • Britain and India
    • Britain and Japan
    • Britain and Pakistan
    • Britain and the Commonwealth
    • Britain in Brief
    • Britain's Automotive Components Industry
    • Britain's Chemical Industry
    • Britain's Clothing and Textile Industry
    • Britain's Clothing and Textile Industry (language versions)
    • Britain's Commercial Vehicles Industry and Britain's Motorsport Industry (Korean and Chinese)
    • Britain's Construction Industry
    • Britain's Design Industry
    • Britain's Environmental Technology Industry
    • Britain's Medical Technology and Equipment Industry
    • Britain's Monarchy—a factual guide
    • Britain's Oil, Gas, Petro Industry
    • Britain's Security in a Changing World
    • Britain's System of Government
    • Britain's Tax System
    • Britain's Telecommunications Industry
    • Britain's Tourism Industry
    • Checklist (Welsh)
    • Checklist for Travellers
    • Consular Annual Review
    • Consular Services Abroad
    • Consultancy Industry
    • Do's and Don'ts
    • EAB Recruitment
    • EU leaflets for E Europe Posts
    • EU Presidency Ambassador for day
    • EU Presidency Flier
    • EU Presidency Handbook
    • EU Presidency Logo Booklet
    • EU Presidency Statement
    • Exercise Blue Hungwe
    • FCO Open Day leaflet
    • First Post
    • Forces Marriages
    • Getting to Know Britain Cards
    • Hong Kong
    • 40
    • Hong Kong Con-Gen
    • Justice and the Law (Spanish insert)
    • Legislation leaflet
    • Lisbon Expo 98 Folder
    • London
    • Marshall Plan 50th Anniversary
    • Media in Britain
    • Open Entry Point (FCO Recruitment)
    • Outline Britain
    • Passing Legislation
    • Peter the Great Folder
    • Peter the Great Leaflet Policy Entry Point (FCO Recruitment)
    • Prisoner Transfer
    • Protected Areas Antarctica
    • Public Diplomacy News
    • Publications Catalogue
    • Road Haulage
    • Science and Technology
    • SOS Press Pack
    • Sport in Britain
    • Survey of Current Affairs (August)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (December)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (January)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (July)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (June)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (May)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (November)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (October)
    • Survey of Current Affairs (September)
    • Tackling Drugs Folder
    • Tackling Drugs Leaflet
    • Talking Points August
    • Talking Points December
    • Talking Points June
    • Talking Points November
    • Talking Points October
    • Telecommunications Industry
    • The British Royal Family Broadsheet
    • UK Government Ministers
    • UK in Asia booklet
    • UK: 10 Centuries in the Making
    • Victims of Crime Abroad
    • Background Briefs
    • What the British are good at (No.9)
    • The Wassenaar Arrangement
    • Adaptation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
    • Transatlantic Relations
    • Europe and the EU's Fight against Serious and Organised Crime
    • The Russian Orthodox Church
    • Asia-Europe Meeting
    • British Assistance to the Commonwealth
    • Environment and Development: the UN Assesses
    • Progress since Rio
    • What the British are good at (No. 10)
    • Britain and India: A Modern Partnership
    • The Commonwealth Contribution
    • 41
    • Britain and Pakistan in 1997
    • The Growing Importance of China as a Regional and World Power
    • Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe:
    • An Implementation Update
    • Religion in Russia: Legal and Constitutional Factors
    • What the British are good at (No.l 1)
    • Yemen: A Survey of Recent Developments
    • Britain and Brazil: An Agenda for the Millennium
    • Climate Change: The Road to Kyoto
    • Tackling Poverty in the 21 Century: Britain's Role
    • Nigeria: Human Rights, Human Wrongs
    • Britain's Accession to the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea
  • Briefing Papers
    • Enlargement of the European Union
    • British Policy on Anti-Personnel Landmines
    • Facts about Modern Britain
    • Some Facts About the European Union
    • Fact About Modern Britain (revised)
    • Britain's Growing Economy
    • Scotland and Wales Opt for Devolution
    • Britain's Presidency of the European Union
  • Briefing Note
    • The EUREKA Programme
    • Debt 2000 Initiative: The Mauritius Mandate
  • Factsheets
    • British General Election: 1 May 1997
  • Spotlight on Britain
    • Britain's Department of Social Security
    • Britain's Department of Trade and Industry
    • Britain's Department for International Development

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