Commons Sitting of 22 November 1994 Series 6 Vol. 250

Commons Sitting of 22 November 1994 Series 6 Vol. 250

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c451
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. DEFENCE
      1. c451
      2. Northern Ireland 301 words
      3. cc451-2
      4. Indonesia 552 words
      5. cc452-4
      6. Compensation Payments 580 words
      7. cc454-5
      8. Royal Navy 688 words
      9. cc455-6
      10. Plutonium 495 words
      11. cc456-7
      12. Land Mines 604 words
      13. cc457-8
      14. Senior Officers (Housing) 614 words
      15. cc458-9
      16. Military Music 362 words
      17. cc459-60
      18. Bosnia 563 words
      19. cc460-1
      20. Former Soviet Union (Weapons) 392 words
      21. cc461-2
      22. Ministerial Responsibilities 437 words
      23. cc462-3
      24. Defence Contractors 401 words
      25. c463
      26. Departmental Property 279 words
      27. cc463-4
      28. County Regiments 210 words
      1. cc464-7
      2. Engagements 1,804 words
      3. cc467-8
      4. Cyprus 273 words
      5. c468
      6. Engagements 178 words
      7. cc468-71
      8. Points of Order 1,146 words
      1. c471
      2. HEALTH AUTHORITIES 78 words
  5. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE 126 words
  6. Orders of the Day
    1. Debate on the Address
      1. c472
      2. FIFTH DAY 73 words
  7. Health and Social Security 54,132 words, 1 division
  8. c567
  9. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE 182 words
    1. c568
    2. Child Sex Offenders 109 words
    3. cc568-9
    4. VAT on Fuel 352 words
  11. Barnsley Football Club 4,505 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 22 November 1994 Series 6 Vol. 250

    1. c63W
    2. West Midlands Police 131 words
    3. c63W
    4. Timberwolf Crossbreed Dogs 54 words
    5. cc63-4W
    6. Open Government 300 words
    7. c64W
    8. Speed Limits 41 words
    9. c64W
    10. Local Government Finance 163 words
    11. cc64-5W
    12. New Prisons 178 words
    13. c65W
    14. Remand Prisoners, Hull 174 words
    1. c65W
    2. Research 76 words
    1. c65W
    2. Playing Fields and Open Space 76 words
    3. cc65-6W
    4. Negative Equity 76 words
    5. c66W
    6. Open Government 189 words
    7. c66W
    8. Timberwolf Crossbreed Dogs 106 words
    9. cc66-7W
    10. Flue Gas Desulphurisation 392 words
    11. c67W
    12. Packaging 131 words
    13. cc67-8W
    14. Recycling 107 words
    15. c68W
    16. Housing Safety 246 words
    17. cc68-9W
    18. Countryside Stewardship Scheme 532 words
    19. cc69-70W
    20. AIDS HIV 51 words
    21. c70W
    22. Directorships 90 words
    1. c70W
    2. Fees 122 words
    1. c70W
    2. Nuclear Energy Research 72 words
    1. c71W
    2. Public Borrowing 74 words
    3. c71W
    4. VAT (Sports Clubs) 45 words
    5. c71W
    6. Economy 105 words
    7. c71W
    8. Vehicle Excise Duty 60 words
    9. cc71-2W
    10. Document (Disclosure) 440 words
    11. c72W
    12. Milk Quotas 69 words
    1. cc72-3W
    2. Child Support 326 words
    3. c73W
    4. Open Government 139 words
    5. cc73-4W
    6. Social Fund 170 words
    1. c74W
    2. Dystonia 33 words
    3. c74W
    4. Open Government 266 words
    1. c75W
    2. Copyright Tribunal 119 words
    3. c75W
    4. Net Book Agreement 83 words
    5. c75W
    6. Post Office 113 words
    7. c75W
    8. British Coal 68 words
    9. cc75-6W
    10. Ministerial Travel 226 words
    11. c76W
    12. Internet 90 words
    13. cc76-7W
    14. Nuclear Installations (Former Soviet Union) 379 words
    15. c77W
    16. British Coal 46 words
    17. cc77-8W
    18. British Telecom 98 words
    19. c78W
    20. British Gas 56 words
    21. cc78-9W
    22. Multimedia 519 words
    23. cc79-81W
    24. Optical Fibres 654 words
    25. c81W
    26. Coal Industry 102 words
    27. c81W
    28. Ministerial Travel 92 words
    29. cc81-3W
    30. Offshore Oil and Gas Licences 689 words
  10. HEALTH
    1. c83W
    2. Homicides Inquiry 217 words
    3. cc83-4W
    4. Blood Transfusion Centres 96 words
    5. c84W
    6. Orthodontic Treatment 49 words
    7. c84W
    8. Private Patient Facilities 59 words
    9. c84W
    10. NHS Travel Costs 46 words
    11. cc84-5W
    12. Regional Headquarters 359 words
    13. c85W
    14. Open Government 157 words
    15. c85W
    16. Air Pollution 67 words
    17. cc85-6W
    18. Salmonella 138 words
    19. c86W
    20. Deaths 45 words
    21. c86W
    22. Tranquillisers 39 words
    23. c86W
    24. Herbal Remedies 214 words
    25. cc86-7W
    26. Patient Lists 112 words
    27. c87W
    28. Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy 130 words
    29. c87W
    30. Health Authorities (Staff) 263 words
    31. cc87-8W
    32. Teaching and Research 391 words
    33. c88W
    34. Family Health Services Appeals Unit 58 words
    1. c89W
    2. Christmas Expenditure 190 words
    3. c89W
    4. A1-Yamamah Military Sales Agreement 73 words
    5. c89W
    6. Lockerbie 94 words
    7. c89W
    8. Engagements 58 words
    9. cc89-96W
    10. Cabinet Committees 2,829 words
    11. c96W
    12. Hillsborough Castle 67 words
    13. c96W
    14. Student Maintenance Awards 64 words
    15. cc96-7W
    16. Access Funds 60 words
    17. c97W
    18. Student Loans Company 151 words
    19. c97W
    20. Ethnic Minorities 244 words
    21. cc97-8W
    22. Higher Education Review 138 words
    23. c98W
    24. Funding Bids 55 words
    25. cc98-100W
    26. Further Education 1,567 words
    27. c100W
    28. Student Loans Scheme 108 words
    29. cc100-1W
    30. Open Government 198 words
    31. c101W
    32. School Performance Tables 85 words
    1. c101W
    2. Training 46 words
    3. cc101-2W
    4. Industrial Tribunals 114 words
    5. c102W
    6. Occupational Accidents 231 words
    7. cc102-4W
    8. Training and Enterprise Councils 817 words
    9. c104W
    10. Gas (Safety) 137 words
    11. c104W
    12. Construction Industry 192 words
    13. cc104-5W
    14. Open Government 108 words
    1. c105W
    2. Western Sahara 49 words
    3. c105W
    4. Ukraine 63 words
    5. c105W
    6. Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty 46 words
    7. c105W
    8. V-4 Group 94 words
    9. cc105-6W
    10. Panama 55 words
    11. c106W
    12. Turks and Caicos Islands 286 words
    13. cc106-7W
    14. Nuclear Weapons 201 words
    15. c107W
    16. Syria 36 words
    17. c107W
    18. Plutonium 188 words
    19. c107W
    20. Applications for Residence 94 words
    21. c107W
    22. Asil Nadir 41 words
    23. cc107-8W
    24. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 76 words
    25. c108W
    26. Gibraltar 59 words
    27. c108W
    28. Burma 94 words
    29. c108W
    30. Cyprus 60 words
    31. c108W
    32. Drugs 47 words
    33. cc108-9W
    34. Open Government 222 words
    35. c109W
    36. Departmental Wine Expenditure 226 words
    37. cc109-10W
    38. Government Hospitality Fund 329 words
    39. c110W
    40. Consular Fees 82 words
    1. cc110-1W
    2. Sports Clubs 91 words
    3. c111W
    4. Quangos 114 words
    5. c111W
    6. Internet 153 words
    7. cc111-2W
    8. Sports Council Funds 216 words
    9. c112W
    10. Ministerial Travel 92 words
    11. c112W
    12. Arts Sponsorship, Wales 180 words
    1. cc112-3W
    2. Boundary Commission 73 words
    3. c113W
    4. Open Government 149 words
    5. c113W
    6. Disport Monkland 106 words
    7. c113W
    8. Local Government Reorganisation 82 words
    9. cc113-4W
    10. Forestry Authority 101 words
    1. c114W
    2. Fisheries 383 words
    3. cc114-5W
    4. Open Government 287 words
    5. c115W
    6. Milk 210 words
  17. WALES
    1. cc115-6W
    2. Industrial and Commercial Projects 121 words
    3. c116W
    4. University Hospital of Wales 318 words
    5. cc116-7W
    6. Open Government 65 words
    7. c117W
    8. National Blood Transfusion Service 63 words
    9. c117W
    10. Health Promotion Authority 57 words
    1. c117W
    2. Traffic Director 31 words
    3. cc117-8W
    4. Smoky Vehicles Telephone Hotline 197 words
    5. c118W
    6. Tolls 58 words
    7. c118W
    8. Learning to Drive 70 words
    9. c118W
    10. Cycling 83 words
    11. cc118-9W
    12. Vehicle Emissions 319 words
    13. c119W
    14. Used Tyres 171 words
    15. c119W
    16. Seat Belts 96 words
    17. cc119-20W
    18. Bus Lanes 65 words
    19. c120W
    20. Clean Fuels 105 words
    21. c120W
    22. Portland House 61 words
    23. c120W
    24. Blue Circle Industries 45 words
    25. cc120-1W
    26. Staff Dismissals 376 words
    27. c121W
    28. Secret Files 28 words
    29. c121W
    30. Occupational Health 208 words
    31. cc121-2W
    32. Red Routes 76 words
    33. c122W
    34. Bypasses 70 words
    35. cc122-3W
    36. Vehicle Spot Checks 355 words
    37. c123W
    38. Health and Safety Committees 71 words
    39. c123W
    40. Cycling 161 words
    41. cc123-4W
    42. A1 292 words
    43. c124W
    44. Petrol 242 words
    45. cc124-5W
    46. Pilotage Act 1987 64 words
    47. c125W
    48. Benzene Emissions 98 words
    49. c125W
    50. Open Government 141 words
    51. c125W
    52. Channel Tunnel 42 words
    53. cc125-6W
    54. Rail Industry 150 words
    55. c126W
    56. Transport Modes (Evaluation) 60 words
    57. c126W
    58. Electric Vehicles 74 words
    59. c126W
    60. Driving Tests (Accidents) 67 words
    61. c126W
    62. Urban Road Pricing 56 words
    63. cc126-7W
    64. Post-privatisation Services 267 words
    65. c127W
    66. High Vehicle-occupancy Lanes 44 words
    67. c127W
    68. Catalysts 87 words
    69. cc127-8W
    70. Driving Instructors 135 words
    71. c128W
    72. Vehicle Registration Offices 83 words
    73. c128W
    74. Ports Office for Scotland 117 words
    75. cc128-9W
    76. New Roads 208 words
    77. c129W
    78. Air Filtration 54 words
    79. c129W
    80. Light-rail Systems 71 words
    81. c129W
    82. Public Transport 46 words
    83. cc129-30W
    84. A417/A419 Link 318 words
    85. c130W
    86. National Air Traffic Service 181 words
    1. c130W
    2. RAF Runways 76 words
    3. c130W
    4. Army Training Facilities 74 words
    5. cc130-1W
    6. VSEL 65 words
    7. c131W
    8. Horshoe Barracks 29 words
    9. c131W
    10. Aircraft Carriers 66 words
    11. cc131-3W
    12. Defence Accounts Agency 845 words
    13. c133W
    14. Support Helicopters 81 words
    15. c133W
    16. Indonesia 237 words
    17. c133W
    18. Naval Replacement Programmes 95 words
    19. cc133-4W
    20. Service Housing 51 words
    21. c134W
    22. Warship Construction 53 words
    23. c134W
    24. Germany 98 words
    25. c134W
    26. Defence Cost Study 107 words
    27. c134W
    28. Defence Industries 65 words
    29. cc134-5W
    30. Air Cadets 74 words
    31. c135W
    32. Overseas Suppliers 178 words
    33. c135W
    34. Market Testing 163 words
    35. cc135-6W
    36. European Union Legislation 117 words
    37. c136W
    38. Dog Handlers 67 words
    39. cc136-7W
    40. Animal Testing 654 words
    41. c137W
    42. Animals (Ceremonial Dress) 85 words
    43. c137W
    44. Counselling 53 words
    45. c137W
    46. Lobbying 53 words
    47. cc137-8W
    48. Army Base Repair Organisation 387 words
    49. cc138-9W
    50. Lockheed 184 words
    51. c139W
    52. Asbestos 45 words
    53. c139W
    54. Arms Sales 92 words
    55. c139W
    56. Hercules 52 words
    57. c139W
    58. Private Firms (Charges) 82 words
    59. cc139-40W
    60. Leafield Logistics and Technical Services Ltd. 264 words
    61. c140W
    62. Open Government 164 words
    63. cc140-1W
    64. King's Royal Horse Artillery 50 words
    65. cc141-2W
    66. Salisbury Plain 95 words

Lords Sitting of 22 November 1994 Series 5 Vol. 559

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc141-3
  3. Housing Benefit 1,353 words
  4. cc144-5
  5. Road Signs: Theft 855 words
  6. cc145-8
  7. Healthcare International: Clydebank Hospital 1,400 words
  8. cc148-50
  9. Legal Aid: Cost 822 words
  10. c150
  11. Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill [H.L.] 59 words
  12. c150
  13. Human Rights Bill [H.L.] 89 words
  14. cc150-1
  15. Sustainable Development: Select Committee 152 words
  16. cc151-2
  17. Science and Technology: Select Committee 230 words
  18. cc152-4
  19. European Communities: Select Committee 1,262 words
  20. cc154-6
  21. Statutory Instruments: Select Committee 754 words
  22. cc156-270
  23. Address in Reply to Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech 62,321 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 22 November 1994 Series 5 Vol. 559

  1. CONSULAR FEES 83 words