HC Deb 22 November 1994 vol 250 cc78-9W
Mr. Brazier

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what plans he has for further work on multimedia.

Mr. Ian Taylor

I have been asked to take responsibility for co-ordinating the DTI's interests in broadband communications and multimedia for the information society. I aim to encourage the public and private sectors to exploit the technology available and to take full advantage of the opportunities emerging. By spreading the benefits to businesses and households, we can boost our international competitiveness and improve the quality of life in the United Kingdom.

In taking this forward, I want to be able to draw on the best expert opinion from the private sector. My new role will require me to get to grips with the powerful technological and commercial changes now affecting the media, communications, information technology, and publishing industries. I have therefore asked a number of senior figures from those industries to join a group which will advise me on such matters. The group also includes individuals with experience in education and health-care, since these are two of the most important application areas for multimedia.

I see the group as a collection of expert individuals rather than a representative body. I envisage it acting both as a source of ideas and as a sounding-board for some of our own thinking.

The members of this Multimedia Industry Advisory Group are:

  • Mr. Hayden Abbott
  • Managing Director, Sony Professional Products,
  • Europe
  • Professor John Arbuthnott
  • Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Strathclyde
  • Mr. Mark Burrell
  • Group Strategy Director, Pearson
  • Mr. David Clementi
  • Group Chief Executive, Kleinwort Benson
  • 79
  • Mr. Don Cruickshank
  • Director General, Office of Telecommunications
  • Mr. Robert Devereux
  • Chairman, Virgin Communications
  • Mr. David Elstein
  • Director of Programming, BSkyB
  • Mr. John Greetham, CBE
  • Chairman, Yorkshire Regional Health Authority
  • Dr. Peter Home
  • Managing Director, Apricot Computers
  • Mr. Peter Job
  • Chief Executive, Reuters
  • Mr. Tim Jones
  • Chief Executive, Mondex
  • Mr. Nick Kane
  • Group Managing Director, Videotron
  • Mr. Robert Phillis
  • Chairman, BBC Worldwide
  • Mr. Giles Pugh
  • Director, Corporate Strategy, W H Smith
  • Dr. Alan Rudge, OBE
  • Managing Director, Development and Procurement, BT.

Lord Astor, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage, and Robert Hughes MP, Parliamentary Secretary, Office of Public Service and Science have agreed to join the group. The membership of the group may be altered from time to time.

Separately, I will be receiving advice on multimedia and information highways from Mr. Peter Bonfield and Mr. Peter Davies, who were members of the High-Level Group formed by European Commissioner Martin Bangemann at the end of last year. I will also continue to benefit from the views of the many other individuals and organisations with which the DTI has contacts.

Within the DTI, a multimedia steering group has been established to bring together the wide range of multimedia interests inside the Department. This is chaired by Alistair Macdonald, the Deputy Secretary in charge of the DTI's industry command. Mr. Macdonald will be assisted by a new multimedia unit in telecommunications division of the DTI.

These various initiatives are referred to in the command paper, "Creating the Superhighways of the Future: Developing Broadband Communications in the United Kingdom", published today.