- Commander's Pay (Royal Navy). 215 words cc1979-80
- Naval Works (Crombie, Firth of Forth). 153 words cc1980-1
- Aeroplanes (Royal Navy). 299 words c1981
- Armoured Ships (Great Britain and Germany). 68 words c1981
- H.M.S. "Glasgow." 58 words c1981
- Merchant Ships (Defence in War Time). 43 words c1981
- Southampton Docks (Royal Navy). 47 words cc1981-2
- Rosyth Dockyard 254 words c1982
- Income Tax (Ireland). 115 words cc1982-3
- Government Loans (Ireland). 90 words cc1983-4
- Great Britain and Ireland (Financial Relations). 368 words c1984
- Site Values in Glasgow. 101 words cc1984-5
- Form IV. Valuations (Scotland). 128 words cc1985-6
- Income Tax. 613 words cc1986-7
- Taxation (Direct and Indirect Percentages). 136 words c1987
- Farms Thrown out of Cultivation. 131 words cc1987-2002
- National Insurance Bill. 5,071 words c2002
- Local and Imperial Taxation (Departmental Committee). 91 words cc2002-3
- House Letting Bill (Scotland). 105 words c2003
- Blocking Motions (House of Commons). 204 words cc2003-4
- Finance Act, 1910. 360 words cc2004-5
- Small Holdings Act. 239 words cc2005-6
- Cardiganshire County Council. 260 words c2006
- Fatal Accident (Breary Bank, Masham). 254 words cc2006-7
- Women Factory Inspectors. 81 words c2007
- Import Duties (Holland). 181 words cc2007-8
- Board of Trade. 328 words cc2008-9
- German Wages (Report of Schöneberg Statistical Office). 314 words c2009
- Seaview Foreshore, Isle of Wight. 104 words cc2009-10
- Coronation Mugs. 117 words c2010
- Telephone Service 84 words cc2010-1
- Fair-Wages Clause (Peel-Connor Company). 185 words c2011
- Postal Telegraph Service (Newcastle-on-Tyne). 140 words cc2011-2
- Longford Police. 223 words cc2012-3
- Elementary Schools (Head Teachers' Salaries). 308 words c2013
- Unemployed Teachers. 183 words cc2013-4
- Land Purchase (Ireland). 383 words