Hon. William Peel

1867 - September 28, 1937
Summary information for Hon. William Peel




6 speeches — PARLIAMENT BILL. Commons February 22, 1911

2 speeches — Parliamentary Debates (Length of Speeches). Commons February 23, 1911

6 speeches — BUDGET (1910) RESOLUTIONS. Commons February 24, 1911

4 speeches — MR. PEEL AND THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER. Commons February 27, 1911

2 speeches — Osborne Judgment (Trade Union Ballots). Commons February 28, 1911

Trades Union Ballots. Written Answers March 2, 1911

6 speeches — STATIONERY AND PRINTING.—(CLASS II.) Commons March 3, 1911

3 speeches — OFFICE OF WORKS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. (CLASS 2.) Commons March 6, 1911

Calcutta University Curriculum. Commons March 7, 1911

2 speeches — Small Holdings. Commons March 7, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Explanation and Amendment of Law as to Reversion Duty.) Commons March 9, 1911

3 speeches — SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, &c. (CLASS 4.). Commons March 10, 1911

2 speeches — MR. HALDANE'S STATEMENT. Commons March 14, 1911

Judges and Trade Unions. Written Answers March 20, 1911

Declaration of London. Commons March 21, 1911


3 speeches — Home Secretary's Criticism of Judges. Commons March 22, 1911

2 speeches — VOTE A.—NUMBER OF LAND FORCES. Commons March 22, 1911

Licensing Bill. Commons March 23, 1911

CLAUSE 12.—(Extension of s. 88 of 10 Edw. 7, c. 8 to all carriage licences.) Commons March 24, 1911

5 speeches — Late Chief Inspector of Board of Education (Issue of Circular). Commons March 27, 1911

Examination of Estimates. Commons March 27, 1911

NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of s. 26 (1) of the Principal Act.) Commons March 28, 1911

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Provisions as to the Borough of Dewsbury.) Commons March 28, 1911

Labour Exchanges (Appointments). Written Answers March 28, 1911

NEW CLAUSE.—Definition, of Licensed Premises. Commons March 29, 1911

State Departments (Appointments). Commons March 30, 1911

2 speeches — Income Tax (Local Taxation Licence Offices, Taunton). Commons March 30, 1911

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Provisions as to Mineral Rights Duties.) Commons March 30, 1911

House of Commons (Payment of Members). Commons April 3, 1911

2 speeches — Labour Exchanges (Staff). Commons April 3, 1911

Chancellor of the Exchequer's Absence. Commons April 4, 1911

House of Lords (Legal Business). Commons April 5, 1911

2 speeches — Limitation of Armaments. Commons April 6, 1911

2 speeches — Board of Education Staff. Commons April 6, 1911

Income Tax Collectors (Instructions). Commons April 6, 1911

Civil Service Appointments. Commons April 10, 1911

Viscount Haldane. Commons April 10, 1911

2 speeches — House of Commons (Payment of Members). Commons April 11, 1911

3 speeches — Labour Exchanges. Commons April 11, 1911

2 speeches — British Boots Exported. Commons April 11, 1911

British Boots Exported. Written Answers April 11, 1911

2 speeches — Development Commission (Afforestation). Written Answers April 11, 1911

Dutch Tariff Bill. Commons April 12, 1911

5 speeches — Swansea School Case. Commons April 12, 1911

Forestry Departments. Commons April 12, 1911

7 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bills.) Commons April 18, 1911

2 speeches — Naval Construction (Exchange of Information). Commons April 20, 1911

4 speeches — Income Tax Collection. Commons April 20, 1911

3 speeches — Evening School Regulations, 1910. Commons April 20, 1911

2 speeches — Civil Service (Second Division Clerk). Commons April 20, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons April 20, 1911

National Debt Office (Appointment of Assistant-Comptroller). Commons April 27, 1911

6 speeches — Local and Imperial Taxation Committee (Mr. Harper's Appointment). Commons May 1, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons May 1, 1911

2 speeches — Evening School Regulations. Commons May 2, 1911

3 speeches — Royal Fleet Reserve (Discharge Gratuity). Commons May 3, 1911

Government Department (New Posts). Written Answers May 3, 1911

2 speeches — Assistant-Comptroller of National Debt Office (Sir E. Soares' Appointment). Commons May 4, 1911

3 speeches — Government Departments (New Posts). Commons May 4, 1911

2 speeches — Evening Classes (Registration). Commons May 8, 1911


5 speeches — National Debt Office. Commons May 10, 1911

National and Local Taxation. Commons May 10, 1911

2 speeches — National Insurance Bill. Commons May 16, 1911

2 speeches — National Insurance Bill. Commons May 17, 1911

2 speeches — Evening and Day School Regulations. Commons May 18, 1911

3 speeches — PROVIDENT DISPENSARIES. Commons May 24, 1911

6 speeches — POOR LAW (LONDON) BILL. Commons May 26, 1911


2 speeches — First Sea Lord's Memorandum. Commons June 26, 1911

2 speeches — New Posts Created (Return). Commons July 5, 1911

2 speeches — Consols. Commons July 18, 1911

School Children (Medical Inspection). Commons July 19, 1911

Strikes in London and Liverpool. Commons August 14, 1911

CLASS II.—PAYMENT OF MEMBERS. Commons August 14, 1911

2 speeches — Assistant Masters (Secondary Schools). Commons August 15, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 21.—(Approved Societies to Provide for Local Administration, etc.) Commons October 27, 1911

CLAUSE 30.—(Surplus.) Commons October 30, 1911

4 speeches — Board of Inland Revenue (Mr. Harper's Appointment). Commons November 1, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 13.—(Prohibition of Officer of Prize Court Acting as Advocate, etc.) Commons November 3, 1911

4 speeches — CLAUSE 16.—(Custody of Ships Taken as Prize.) Commons November 3, 1911

CLAUSE 43.—(Appointment of Local Health Committees.) Commons November 8, 1911

2 speeches — PART II.—EXCEPTIONS. Commons November 20, 1911

13 speeches — PART II.—EXCEPTIONS. Commons November 21, 1911

3 speeches — British East Africa (Mr. Cole's Acquittal). Commons November 22, 1911

2 speeches — STAFF APPOINTMENTS, Commons November 22, 1911

3 speeches — Laud Valuation. Commons November 22, 1911

2 speeches — REPORTS OE DEPUTATIONS. Commons November 24, 1911

CLAUSE 67.—(Regulations.) Commons November 24, 1911

ALLOCATION OF TIME. Commons November 27, 1911

2 speeches — Army Aeroplanes and Dirigibles. Commons November 28, 1911

Shops Bill. Commons November 28, 1911

OUTWORKERS. Commons November 29, 1911

DOCTORS' DISPENSERS. Commons December 4, 1911

THIRD SCHEDULE. Commons December 5, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 28.—(Enforcement of Orders of International Prize Court.) Commons December 7, 1911

Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons December 11, 1911

3 speeches — Hospital Stoppages (Army). Commons December 12, 1911

4 speeches — Parliament Act. Commons December 12, 1911

4 speeches — Labour Exchanges. Commons December 13, 1911

Durbar Commemoration Medal Ribbons. Commons December 13, 1911


Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.