1. R Dad Traffic Regulation Act 1967
  2. Rab Butler Act
  3. Rab Butler Education Act
  4. Rabbits Act 1939
  5. Rabbits and Hares Act
  6. Rabies Act 22
  7. Rabies Act 1974 34
  8. Race Course Betting Control Act 1928
  9. Race Course Licensing Act 1879
  10. Race Discrimination Act 2
  11. Race Regulations Act 1976
  12. Race Relation Act 1976 2
  13. Race Relations (Amendment) Act 1976 2
  14. Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 238
  15. Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2002 2
  16. Race Relations (Compliance) Act 2000
  17. Race Relations (Remedies) Act 1994 5
  18. Race Relations (RRA) Act 1976
  19. Race Relations Act 1445
  20. Race Relations Act 1938
  21. Race Relations Act 1955
  22. Race Relations Act 1963
  23. Race Relations Act 1965 122
  24. Race Relations Act 1966 2
  25. Race Relations Act 1967 3
  26. Race Relations Act 1968 168
  27. Race Relations Act 1970 4
  28. Race Relations Act 1971
  29. Race Relations Act 1972
  30. Race Relations Act 1974 3
  31. Race Relations Act 1975 6
  32. Race Relations Act 1976 1267
  33. Race Relations Act 1978
  34. Race Relations Act 1999
  35. Race Relations Amendment Act 7
  36. Race Relations Amendment Act 1976
  37. Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 22
  38. Race Relations Amendment Act 2001
  39. Race Relations Bill and Sex Discrimination Act
  40. Racecource Betting Act 1928
  41. Racecourse (Betting Control) Act
  42. Racecourse Betting Act 1923
  43. Racecourse Betting Act 1928 103
  44. Racecourse Betting Control Act 3
  45. Racecourse Licensing Act 1879 5
  46. Racecourses Licensing Act 1879
  47. Racehorse Betting Act 1928
  48. Racehorse Duty Act 2
  49. Racial and Religious Toleration Act
  50. Racial Discrimination Act 6
  51. Racial Discrimination Act 1979
  52. Racial Equality Act
  53. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act
  54. Radcliffe Farnworth and District Gas Act 1938
  55. Radiactive Substances Act 1960
  56. Radiation Exposed Veterans Compensation Act 2
  57. Radical Act
  58. Radical Government in the Finance Act 1910
  59. Radio-active Substances Act 1960 4
  60. Radioactiive Substances Act 1960
  61. Radioactive Act 1993
  62. Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Act 1991 3
  63. Radioactive Materials (Road Transport) Act 1991
  64. Radioactive Substance Act 1948
  65. Radioactive Substance Act 1960 4
  66. Radioactive Substance Act 1993 2
  67. Radioactive Substances Act 1948 130
  68. Radioactive Substances Act 1960 481
  69. Radioactive Substances Act 1963 2
  70. Radioactive Substances Act 1966
  71. Radioactive Substances Act 1969
  72. Radioactive Substances Act 1980 2
  73. Radioactive Substances Act 1983 3
  74. Radioactive Substances Act 1993 177
  75. Radioactive Substances Protection Act
  76. Radiological Protection Act 1970 30
  77. Rag and Flock Act 1936
  78. Rag Flock (Other Filling Materials) Act 1951
  79. Rag Flock Act 1911 10
  80. Rag Flock Act 1951 21
  81. Rag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951 34
  82. Rag Flock and Other Filling Substances Act 1951
  83. Rag Flock and other Fillings Material Act 1951
  84. Rag Flocks Act 2
  85. Rag, Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951 5
  86. Rag, Flock and Other Fillings Materials Act 1953
  87. Rag, Flock, and Other Filling Materials Act 1951
  88. Ragged Schools Act
  89. Rags and Emblems (Display) Act
  90. Ragwort Control Act 3
  91. Ragwort Control Act 2003
  92. Rahabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
  93. Rail Finance Corporation Act 1935
  94. Rail-way and Canal Traffic Act 1888 2
  95. Rail-ways Act
  96. Railtrack (Waverley Station) Order Confirmation Act 2000 2
  97. Railway (Accounts and Returns) Act 2
  98. Railway (Additional Powers) Act 1862
  99. Railway (Additional Powers) Act 1867
  100. Railway (City Terminus) Act 1861
  101. Railway (Ireland) Act 1851
  102. Railway (New Lines) Act 1862
  103. Railway (Prevention of Accidents) Act
  104. Railway (Private Sidings) Act
  105. Railway Accidents Act 3
  106. Railway Accounts Act
  107. Railway Act 87
  108. Railway Act 1844
  109. Railway Act 1845 3
  110. Railway Act 1847 3
  111. Railway Act 1852
  112. Railway Act 1853
  113. Railway Act 1860
  114. Railway Act 1861
  115. Railway Act 1862 5
  116. Railway Act 1865
  117. Railway Act 1873
  118. Railway Act 1896 2
  119. Railway Act 1912
  120. Railway Act 1921 14
  121. Railway Act 1949
  122. Railway Act 1953
  123. Railway Act 1972
  124. Railway Act 1973
  125. Railway Act 1974 8
  126. Railway Act 1993 8
  127. Railway Agreement Act 1935 3
  128. Railway Amalgamation Act 1900
  129. Railway and Canal Act 1888 11
  130. Railway and Canal Amendment Act
  131. Railway and Canal Commission (Abolition) Act 1949 3
  132. Railway and Canal Commission (Consents) Act 1922
  133. Railway and Canal Commission Act 3
  134. Railway and Canal Commission and Traffic Act
  135. Railway and Canal Companies Act
  137. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1838 2
  138. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1854 48
  139. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1864
  140. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1873 3
  141. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1884 2
  142. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1885
  143. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1886 2
  144. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888 259
  145. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1892
  146. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1894 178
  147. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1912 5
  148. Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1913 7
  150. Railway and Canal Traffic, Act 1888 2
  151. Railway and Canal Traffiic Act 1888
  152. Railway and Canal Water Act 1888
  154. Railway and Canals Traffic Act 1888
  155. Railway and Dock Act 1853
  156. Railway and Land Clauses Act
  157. Railway and Pier Act 1847
  158. Railway Assessment Act
  159. Railway Assessors (Scotland) Superannuation Act 1897
  160. Railway Charges Act
  161. Railway Clearing Act 1850 3
  162. Railway Clearing System Super-annuation Fund Act
  163. Railway Clearing System Super-annuation Fund Act 1914
  164. Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1948
  165. Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1959
  166. Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1972
  167. Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1976
  168. Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Association Act 1873
  169. Railway Clearing Systems Superannuation Fund Act 1976
  170. Railway Commission Act 2
  171. Railway Commissioners Act
  172. Railway Companies (Accounts and Returns) Act 1911 21
  173. Railway Companies (Ireland) Temporary Advances Act 1866 4
  174. Railway Companies (Scotland) Act 1867
  175. Railway Companies Accounts Act
  176. Railway Companies Act 6
  177. Railway Companies Act 1867
  178. Railway Companies Powers Act
  179. Railway Companies Powers Act 1864 16
  180. Railway Companies Returns Act
  181. Railway Companies' Powers Act 1864 11
  182. Railway Company Accounts and Returns Act 1911
  183. Railway Consolidation Act 3
  184. Railway Construction Act
  185. Railway Construction Facilities Act 1864 26
  186. Railway Deposits Act
  188. Railway Employment (Prevention of Accident) Act 1900
  189. Railway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1890
  190. Railway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1900 25
  191. Railway Employment, Prevention of Accidents Act 1900
  192. Railway Finance Corporation Act
  193. Railway Finances Act 1957
  194. Railway Fires Act 34
  195. Railway Fires Act 1905 10
  196. Railway Freight Rebate Act
  197. Railway Freight Rebates Act 1936 2
  198. Railway Freight Rebates Act 1943 3
  199. Railway Freights Rebate Act
  200. Railway Grouping Act 1922
  201. Railway Heritage Act 1996 4
  202. Railway Hours Act 1893 7
  203. Railway Labour Disputes Act 1903
  204. Railway Lands Clauses (Consolidation) Act
  205. Railway Passenger Act 1842
  206. Railway Passenger Duties Act 1842 3
  207. Railway Passenger Duty Act 1842 5
  208. Railway Passenger Duty Act 1917 2
  209. Railway Passengers Act
  210. Railway Passengers Assurance Act 1959
  211. Railway Passengers Assurance Company (Transfer) Act
  212. Railway Passengers Assurance Company's Act
  213. Railway Passengers Assurance Consolidation Act 1918
  214. Railway Police Act
  215. Railway Prevention of Accidents Act
  216. Railway Prevention of Accidents Act 1900
  217. Railway Purchase Act
  218. Railway Purchase Act 1846
  219. Railway Rates Act 5
  220. Railway Rates Act 1921
  221. Railway Rates and Charges (Weston, Cleveland, and Portishead Light Railways) Order Confirmation Act 1909
  223. Railway Rates and Charges Act 1888 3
  224. Railway Rates and Charges No. 26 (Athenry and Ennis) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  225. Railway Rates and Charges Order Confirmation Act 1892
  226. Railway Rates and Charges, No. 16 (North London Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  227. Railway Rates and Charges, No. 20 (Callander and Oban Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  228. Railway Rates and Charges, No. 21 (City of Glasgow Union Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  229. Railway Rates and Charges, No. 23 (Great North of Scotland Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  230. Railway Rates and Charges, No. 24 (Highland Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  231. Railway Rates and Charges, No. 8 (Hull, Barnsley, and West Riding Junction Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  232. Railway Regulation (Hours of Labour) Act 1893
  233. Railway Regulation (Servants' Hours) Act 1893
  234. Railway Regulation Act 1840 2
  235. Railway Regulation Act 1842 8
  236. Railway Regulation Act 1844
  237. Railway Regulation Act 1854
  238. Railway Regulation Act 1871 3
  239. Railway Regulation Act 1873 2
  240. Railway Regulation Act 1889 7
  241. Railway Regulation Act 1893 69
  242. Railway Regulation Amendment Act
  243. Railway Regulations Act 1840
  244. Railway Regulations Act 1893 9
  245. Railway Returns (Continuous Brakes) Act 1878 6
  246. Railway Rolling Stock Protection Act 1872
  247. Railway Securities Act 2
  248. Railway Servants (Hours of Labour) Act 6
  249. Railway Servants (Hours) Act 1893
  250. Railway Servants Act 2
  252. Railway Servants' Hours Act 2
  253. Railway Servants' Hours of Labour Act
  254. Railway Tickets Act
  255. Railway Traffic Act 8
  256. Railway Traffic and Canals Act
  257. Railway-Companies Act
  258. Railways (Agreement) Act 1935 18
  259. Railways (Authorisation of Works) Act 1923 3
  260. Railways (Electric Power) Act 1903 2
  261. Railways (Electrical Power) Act 1903
  262. Railways (Electrical Powers) Act 1903
  263. Railways (Ireland) Act 18
  264. Railways (Ireland) Act 1851 3
  265. Railways (Ireland) Act 1860
  266. Railways (Ireland) Act 1896 35
  267. Railways (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1900 7
  268. Railways (Private Sidings) Act 1904 4
  269. Railways (Valuation for Rating) Act 1930 13
  270. Railways (Valuation for Rating) Act 1946
  271. Railways Abandonment Act
  272. Railways Accidents Act
  273. Railways Accounts and Finance Act
  274. Railways Act 1021
  275. Railways Act 1821
  276. Railways Act 1840
  277. Railways Act 1845
  278. Railways Act 1853
  279. Railways Act 1871
  280. Railways Act 1873 2
  281. Railways Act 1889 3
  282. Railways Act 1896 3
  283. Railways Act 1901
  284. Railways Act 1912
  285. Railways Act 1921 336
  286. Railways Act 1923
  287. Railways Act 1930
  288. Railways Act 1933
  289. Railways Act 1962
  290. Railways Act 1968
  291. Railways Act 1974 710
  292. Railways Act 1992
  293. Railways Act 1993 625
  294. Railways Act 1994
  295. Railways Act 1995
  296. Railways Act 2001 2
  297. Railways Act 2005
  298. Railways Agreement Act 1933 3
  299. Railways and Canal Traffic Act 2
  300. Railways and Canal Traffic Act 1888
  301. Railways and Canals Act 1854
  302. Railways and Canals Act 1888
  303. Railways and Canals Regulation Act 2
  304. Railways and Canals Traffic Act 2
  305. Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003 38
  306. Railways Companies' Powers Act 1864 3
  307. Railways Compensation Act
  308. Railways Consolidation Act 2
  309. Railways Consolidation Clauses Act 1845
  311. Railways Construction Facilities Act 1844
  312. Railways Construction Facilities Act 1864 14
  313. Railways Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1900 7
  314. Railways Employment Act
  315. Railways Fires Act 1905 3
  316. Railways Hours Act
  317. Railways Regulation Act 1840
  318. Railways Regulation Act 1842
  319. Railways Regulation Act 1868
  320. Railways Regulation Act 1871 9
  321. Railways Regulation Act 1883
  322. Railways Regulation Act 1893 2
  323. Railways Regulations Act
  324. Railways Regulations Act 1844
  325. Railways Road Transport Act 1928
  326. Railways Traverse Act 2
  327. Railways Winding-up Act
  328. Railways' Act 1921
  329. Raiways Act 1974
  330. Raking and Valuation Act 1925
  331. Ramsbottom Act
  332. Ramsbottom Urban District Council Act 1926
  333. Ramsgate Act
  334. Ramsgate Corporation Act 1922
  335. Ramsgate Corporation Act 1934
  336. Ramsgate Improvement Act 1878 2
  337. Ranges Act 9
  338. Ranges Act 1891 2
  339. Rangoon (Emergency) Security Act 1938
  340. Rangoon University Act
  341. Rapparee Act
  342. Rate (Interim Relief) Act 2
  343. Rate Act 1967
  344. Rate Act 1984
  345. Rate in Aid Act 6
  347. Rate Rebate Act 1973 9
  348. Rate Relief Act
  349. Rate Support Grant (Derbyshire) Act
  350. Rate Support Grant Act 1986 13
  351. Rate Support Grant Act 1988
  352. Rate Support Grants Act 1986 27
  353. Rate Support Grants Act 1987 10
  354. Rate Support Grants Act 1988 23
  355. Rateable Value (Rating (Scotland) Act 1926
  356. Rates (Proceedings for Recovery) Act 1914
  357. Rates Act 1929
  358. Rates Act 1984 494
  359. Rates Act 1985 2
  360. Rates Act 1986
  361. Rates and Charges No. 1 (Abbotsbury Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
  362. Rates and Charges Order Confirmation Act 4
  363. Rates Support Grant Act 1986
  364. Rates Support Grant Act 1987
  365. Rates Support Grant Act 1988
  366. Rates Support Grants Act 1986
  367. Rathmines Act 2
  368. Rathmines and Rathgar Improvement Act 1885
  369. Rathmines Township Act
  370. Ratification Act
  371. Ratifying Act
  372. Rating (Caravan Sites) Act 1976 26
  373. Rating (Caravan Sites) Act 1978
  374. Rating (Caravans and Boats) Act 1996 3
  375. Rating (Caravans Site) Act
  376. Rating (Charity Shops) Act 1976 6
  377. Rating (Disabled Persons) (Scotland) Act
  378. Rating (Disabled Persons) Act 1968
  379. Rating (Disabled Persons) Act 1978 115
  380. Rating (Disabled Persons) Act 1979 4
  381. Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Act 2001 23
  382. Rating (Interim Relief) Act 1964 156
  383. Rating (Postponement of Valuation) Act 1938
  384. Rating (Revaluation Rebates) (Scotland) Act 1985 16
  385. Rating (Scotland) Act 1926 14
  386. Rating (Scotland) Act 1956 5
  387. Rating (Scotland) Act 2926
  388. Rating (Scotland) Amendment Act 1928
  389. Rating (Valuation) Act
  390. Rating (Valuation) Act 1999
  391. Rating Act 1874 27
  392. Rating Act 1925 3
  393. Rating Act 1926 2
  394. Rating Act 1928
  395. Rating Act 1935
  396. Rating Act 1953
  397. Rating Act 1955
  398. Rating Act 1959
  399. Rating Act 1965 144
  400. Rating Act 1966 127
  401. Rating Act 1971 17
  402. Rating Amendment Act 1874 2
  403. Rating and Apportionment Act 1928
  404. Rating and Disabled Persons Act 2
  405. Rating and Land Valuation Act 1925
  406. Rating and Local Government Act
  407. Rating and Revaluation Act 2
  408. Rating and Revaluation Act 1925 2
  409. Rating and Valuation (Air Raid Works) (Scotland) Act 1938
  410. Rating and Valuation (Air Raid Works) Act 1938 3
  411. Rating and Valuation (Air-Raid Works) (Scotland) Act 1938
  412. Rating and Valuation (Air-Raid Works) Act 1938 10
  413. Rating and Valuation (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 1984 41
  414. Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act 1920
  415. Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act 1923
  416. Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act 1926
  417. Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act 1928 199
  418. Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act 1929
  419. Rating and Valuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1955 93
  420. Rating and Valuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1958
  421. Rating and Valuation (No. 2) Act 1932
  422. Rating and Valuation (Postponement of Valuation) Act 1938
  423. Rating and Valuation (Postponement of Valuations) Act
  424. Rating and Valuation (Postponement of Valuations) Act 1938 4
  425. Rating and Valuation (Postponement of Valuations) Act 1940 4
  426. Rating and Valuation (Scotland) Act 2
  427. Rating and Valuation (Scotland) Act 1952 2
  428. Rating and Valuation (Scotland) Act 1956 5
  429. Rating and Valuation (Scotland) Act 1976
  430. Rating and Valuation (Scotland) Act 1984
  431. Rating and Valuation (Uniformity) Act 1925
  432. Rating and Valuation Act 1925 341
  433. Rating and Valuation Act 1928 16
  434. Rating and Valuation Act 1929 2
  435. Rating and Valuation Act 1930
  436. Rating and Valuation Act 1932
  437. Rating and Valuation Act 1935
  438. Rating and Valuation Act 1937
  439. Rating and Valuation Act 1938
  440. Rating and Valuation Act 1945
  441. Rating and Valuation Act 1955 8
  442. Rating and Valuation Act 1956 7
  443. Rating and Valuation Act 1957 14
  444. Rating and Valuation Act 1959 6
  445. Rating and Valuation Act 1960
  446. Rating and Valuation Act 1961 292
  447. Rating and Valuation Apportionment Act 3
  448. Rating and Valuation Apportionment Act 1928 2
  449. Rating Caravan Sites Act
  450. Rating Exemptions (Scotland) Act 1874 6
  451. Rating for Valuation (Scotland) Act 1956
  452. Rating Interim Relief) Act 1964
  453. Rating of Livestock Buildings (Scotland) Act 1970
  454. Rating of Seamen Act
  455. Rating of Small Dwellings House Letting and Rating (Scotland) Act 1911
  456. Rating of the Rating and Valuation Act 1925
  457. Rating Relief Act 1896 7
  458. Rating Relief Act 1966
  459. Rating Revaluation Act 1892
  460. Rating System (Abolition) Act 1982
  461. Rating Valuation (Amdt) (Scotland) Act
  462. Rating Valuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1955 2
  463. Rating Valuation Act 1925 4
  464. Rating, and Valuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
  465. Ration Act 2
  466. Rations Act
  467. Rats Act
  468. Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act 1919 46
  469. Rats and Mice Act 1919 2
  470. Rats and Mice Destruction Act 1919 4
  471. Rats Destruction Act 1919
  472. Ratting Act
  473. Ravensbourne Act
  474. Raw Cotton Act
  475. Rawmarsh Urban District Council (Tramways) Act 1900
  476. Rawmarsh Urban District Council Act 1923
  477. Rawtenstall Corporation Act 1924
  478. RBN Act
  479. RDA Act 15
  480. RDA Act 1998 2
  482. Re-cord of Titles Act
  483. Re-election of Ministers (No. 2) Act 1916 2
  484. Re-election of Ministers Act 1915
  485. Re-election of Ministers Act 1916 2
  486. Re-election of Ministers Act 1919 22
  488. Re-enactment Act
  489. Re-enactment of the Labour Rate Act
  490. Re-enactment of the Labour-Rate Act
  491. Re-enactment of the Labour-Rate Employment Act
  492. Re-engagement Act 2
  493. Re-form Act 2
  494. Re-habitation of Offenders Act
  495. Re-instatement in Civil Employment Act 1944 3
  496. Re-presentation of the People Act 1867
  497. Re-presentation of the People Act 1884
  499. Re-valuation Act
  500. Re-venue Act 1911
  501. Read and Rail Traffic Act 1933
  502. Reading Almshouse and Municipal Charities Scheme Confirmation Act 1958
  503. Reading and District Electric Supply Act
  504. Reading Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1936
  505. Reading Corporation Act 1913
  506. Reading Corporation Act 1914
  507. Reading Corporation Act 1930
  508. Reading Corporation Act 1935 7
  509. Reading Corporation Act 1970
  510. Reading Excellence Act
  511. Reading Gas Act 1927
  512. Ready Money Football Betting Act 1920 9
  513. Ready-Money Football Betting Act 1920
  514. Real Estate Charges Act 6
  515. Real Property Act
  516. Real Property Act 1925
  517. Real Property Deeds Registration Act
  518. Real Property Limitation Act 2
  519. Real Rights Act 2
  520. Real Rights Act 1693 2
  521. Realm (Acquisition of Land) Act 1916 2
  522. Realm (No. 3) Act
  523. Realm Act 121
  524. Realm Act 1914
  525. Realm Act 1915 2
  526. Rebecca Act
  527. Recall of Army and Air Force Pensioners Act
  528. Recall of Army and Air Force Pensioners Act 1948 6
  529. Receivers Act
  530. Recent Aliens Act
  531. Recess Elections Act 1784 6
  532. Recess Elections Act 1975 12
  533. Recess of Parliament Act 1784
  535. Reciprocal Judgments Act
  536. Reciprocal Trade Act 2
  537. Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
  538. Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act 5
  539. Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act 1934
  540. Reciprocal Trading Act
  541. Reciprocities of Duties Act
  542. Reciprocity Act 19
  543. Reciprocity Duties Act 4
  544. Reciprocity of Duties Act 20
  545. Reciprocity of Duties' Act 4
  547. Recited Act 2
  548. Recognition Act 1971 4
  549. Recognition of Trusts Act
  550. Reconditioning Act 9
  551. Reconstitution Act
  552. Record Act 1958
  553. Record of Title (Ireland) Act 1865 10
  554. Record of Title (Ireland) Act 1895
  555. Record of Title Act 10
  556. Record of Title Act 1865 2
  557. Record of Titles Act 5
  558. Recorded Delivery Service Act 1962 9
  559. Recorder's Act 3
  560. Recorders, Stipendiary Magistrates and Clerks of the Peace Act 1906 2
  561. Recorders, Stipendiary Magistrates, and Clerks of the Peace Act 1906
  562. Recordings Act 1984
  563. Records Act
  564. Records Act 1958 3
  565. Recovery Act 8
  566. Recovery Act 1838
  567. Recovery of Compensation for Malicious Damage Act
  568. Recovery of Debts, Tramways (Ireland) Act
  569. Recovery of Tithe Rentcharge Act
  570. Recreation Act 1957
  571. Recreation Grounds Act 1859 4
  572. Recreation Grounds and Public Walks Act
  573. Recreational Charities Act 1958 34
  574. Recusant Act
  575. Red Cross and Order of Saint John Act 1918
  576. Red Deer (Amendment) (Scotland) Act
  577. Red Deer Act 1959
  578. Red Flag Act
  579. Red Herring Act
  580. Red Payments Act 1965
  581. Red Sea and India Telegraph Act 1859
  582. Red Sea and India Telegraph Company Act
  583. Red Sea and India Telegraph Company Act 1859
  584. Redcar Corporation Act 1938
  585. Redcar, Coatham, Manske, and Saltburn Gas Act 1913
  586. Redcross Street Burial Ground (Bristol) Act 1930
  587. Redemption Act 11
  588. Redemption Act 1886
  589. Redemption of Kent (Ireland) Act 1891 3
  590. Redemption of Kent Act 2
  591. Redemption of Land (Ireland) Act 2
  592. Redemption of Land (Ireland) Act 1891
  593. Redemption of Land Act
  594. Redemption of Rent (Ireland) Act 1891 33
  595. Redemption of Rent (Ireland) Act 1892
  596. Redemption of Rent Act 28
  597. Redemption of Rent Act 1887
  598. Redemption of Rent Act 1891 6
  599. Redemption of Standard Securities (Scotland) Act 1971 3
  600. Redemptions Act
  601. Redemptions Act 1661
  602. Redeployment and Training Act
  603. Redistribution Act 33
  604. Redistribution Act 1885
  605. Redistribution Act 1918
  606. Redistribution Act 1948
  607. Redistribution of Industries Act
  608. Redistribution of Industry Act 2
  609. Redistribution of Seats (Ireland) Act 1918 3
  610. Redistribution of Seats Act 1885 81
  611. Redistribution of Seats Act 1944 4
  612. Redistribution of Seats Act 1947
  613. Redistribution of Seats Act 1949 2
  614. Redistribution of Seats Act 1979 2
  615. Redress of Wrong, Army Discipline Act
  616. Reduced Light Dues Clause of the Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act
  617. Reduced Lights Dues Clause of the Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act
  618. Reduction of Rent Act
  619. Redundancies Payments Act 1965
  620. Redundancy Act 9
  621. Redundancy Act 1965
  622. Redundancy Compensation Act
  623. Redundancy Fund Act 1981 8
  624. Redundancy Payment Act 2
  625. Redundancy Payment Act 1965
  626. Redundancy Payments Act 532
  627. Redundancy Payments Act 1963
  628. Redundancy Payments Act 1964 2
  629. Redundancy Payments Act 1965 253
  630. Redundancy Payments Act 1968 2
  631. Redundancy Payments Act 1973
  632. Redundancy Payments Act 1975 3
  633. Redundancy Provisions of the Cotton Act 1954
  634. Redundancy Rebates Act 1969 4
  635. Redundancy Rebates Act 1977 20
  636. Redundancy, Payments Act
  637. Redundant Churches Act 4
  638. Redundant Churches and Other Religious Buildings Act 1969 28
  639. Redundany Payments Act
  640. Reelection of Ministers Act 2
  641. Reelection of Ministers Act 1919 2
  642. Reelection of Ministers Act 1926
  643. Referee Finance (No. 2) Act 1964
  644. Referee Finance (No. 2) Act 1966
  645. Referee Finance (No. 2) Act 1972
  646. Reference to Inclosure Act
  647. Reference to the Education Act
  648. Reference to the People Act
  649. References in Corrupt Practices Act 2
  650. References to Magistrates' Courts Act 1980
  651. References to the Government of Ireland Act
  652. Referendum (Scotland and Wales) Act 1998
  653. Referendum Act 1975 56
  654. Referendum and Royal Assent for the Greater London Authority Act 1999
  655. Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Act 1997 25
  656. Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Act 1998
  657. Referendums Act 1999
  658. Refinery Act
  659. Refining Act
  661. Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1966
  662. Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1968
  663. Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934
  664. Reform (Scotland) Act 2
  665. Reform Act 2514
  666. Reform Act 1832 57
  667. Reform Act 1834
  668. Reform Act 1867 14
  669. Reform Act 1870
  670. Reform Act 1884 3
  671. Reform Act 1932
  672. Reform Act 1967
  673. Reform Act 1988 3
  674. Reform Act 2002
  675. Reform of Mental Health Act 1983
  676. Reform of Parliament (Ireland) Act 6
  678. Reform of the Caravan Sites Act 1968 8
  679. Reform of the Mental Health Act 1959
  680. Reform of the Mental Health Act 1983 13
  681. Reform of Unsolicited Goods and Service Act
  682. Reformation Act
  683. Reformatories Act 5
  684. Reformatory Act 15
  685. Reformatory and Industrial Schools Act 4
  686. Reformatory and Industrial Schools Act 1891 2
  687. Reformatory Schools (Ireland) Act 1868 2
  688. Reformatory Schools (Scotland) Act 1893
  689. Reformatory Schools Act 19
  690. Reformatory Schools Act 1866 5
  692. Reformatory Schools Act 1893 2
  693. Reformatory Schools Amendment Act 2
  695. Reformed Act
  696. Reforming Offences Against the Person Act 1861
  697. Reforms Act 8
  698. Refreshment Act 1860 3
  699. Refreshment and Wine Licences Act
  700. Refreshment Houses (Ireland) Act 1860 2
  701. Refreshment Houses Act 1860 35
  702. Refreshment Houses Act 1964
  703. Refreshment Houses Act 1967 2
  704. Refreshment Houses and Wine Licences Act
  705. Refreshment Houses and Wine Licences Act 1860
  706. Refuse (Amenity) Act 1978
  707. Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 70
  708. Refuse Disposal Act 1978
  709. Refuse Disposal Amenity Act 1978 2
  711. Regency Act 1910 3
  712. Regency Act 1937 88
  713. Regency Act 1943 2
  714. Regency Act 1953 2
  715. Regent Refinery Company Act 1962
  716. Regent Refining Company Act 1962
  717. Regent's Canal Act 1812 2
  718. Regent, Royal and Carlton Terrace Gardens, Edinburgh Order Confirmation Act 1970 2
  719. Regents Canal Act
  720. Regents Canal Act 1812
  721. Regents Canal and Dock Company (Grand Junction Canal Purchase) Act 1928 4
  722. Regicide Act
  723. Regimental Accounts Act 1908
  724. Regimental Benefit Societies Act
  725. Regimental Charitable Funds Act 1935
  726. Regimental Deaths Act
  727. Regimental Debt Act
  728. Regimental Debts (Deposit of Wills) (Scotland) Act 1919
  729. Regimental Debts Act 1893 75
  730. Regimental Exchanges Act 2
  731. Regimental Exchanges Act 1875
  732. Regional AIDS (Control) Act
  733. Regional Assemblies (Preparation) Act 2003
  734. Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Act 2003 61
  735. Regional Commissioners Act 2
  736. Regional Commissioners Act 1939 2
  737. Regional Development Act 1998 3
  738. Regional Development Agencies Act 1988 3
  739. Regional Development Agencies Act 1998 162
  740. Regional Development Grants (Termination) Act
  741. Regional Development Grants (Termination) Act 1988
  742. Regional Employment Premium, Finance Act 1967 2
  743. Regional Government (Facilitation) Act
  744. Regional Transport Act
  745. Register Act 2
  746. Register and Electors Act
  747. Register of Business Names Act
  748. Register of Sasines (Scotland) Act
  749. Register of Sasines Act
  750. Register of Sasines Act 1693
  751. Register of Sasines Act 1987
  752. Registered Care Homes Act 1984
  753. Registered Charities Act 2
  754. Registered Design Act 2
  755. Registered Design Act 1949 3
  756. Registered Designs Act 1948
  757. Registered Designs Act 1949 189
  758. Registered Establishments (Scotland) Act 1987 14
  759. Registered Establishments (Scotland) Act 1998
  760. Registered Establishments Act
  761. Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 5
  762. Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 1991 39
  763. Registered Homes Act 1984 619
  764. Registered Homes Act 1994 2
  765. Registered Houses Act 1984
  766. Registered Housing Associations Act 1985
  767. Registered Nursing Homes Act 1938
  768. Registered Nursing Homes Act 1975
  769. Registered Nursing Homes Act 1984
  770. Registered Partnership Act
  771. Registered Partnership Act 1997
  772. Registered Seamen's Act 3
  773. Registered Trade Practices Act
  774. Registering Act 2
  776. Registraiion Act 1885
  778. Registration (Ireland) Act 1885 4
  779. Registration (Ireland) Act 1898 18
  781. Registration Acceleration Act 1894
  782. Registration Act 243
  783. Registration Act 1617
  784. Registration Act 1661
  785. Registration Act 1693
  786. Registration Act 1696
  787. Registration Act 1836
  788. Registration Act 1843 2
  789. Registration Act 1850
  790. Registration Act 1868
  791. Registration Act 1874 7
  792. Registration Act 1878
  793. Registration Act 1885 15
  794. Registration Act 1891
  795. Registration Act 1898
  796. Registration Act 1915
  797. Registration Act 1925 2
  798. Registration Act 1953
  799. Registration Act 1965 2
  800. Registration Act 1997 2
  801. Registration Aliens Act
  802. Registration Amendment (Scotland) Act 1885 3
  803. Registration Amendment Act
  804. Registration Ireland Act 1898
  805. Registration of Aliens Act 1838 3
  806. Registration of Arms Act
  807. Registration of Birth, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965
  808. Registration of Births Act 3
  809. Registration of Births Act 1907
  810. Registration of Births and Deaths Act 5
  811. Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1874
  812. Registration of Births and Marriages Act 2
  813. Registration of Births' (Scotland) Act
  814. Registration of Births, Death and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1945
  815. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Army) Act
  816. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Army) Act 1879 4
  817. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees, etc.) Act 2
  818. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1854 6
  819. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1855
  820. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1860 2
  821. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965 23
  822. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Special Provisions) Act 1957 3
  823. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Act
  824. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Scotland Act 1965
  825. Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) (Amendment) Act 1934
  826. Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1854 3
  827. Registration of Births, etc. (Scotland) Act 1854
  828. Registration of Burials Act 1864
  829. Registration of Business Names Act 1616
  830. Registration of Business Names Act 1914
  831. Registration of Business Names Act 1916 182
  832. Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act 1904 2
  833. Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Act 1967 3
  834. Registration of Clubs Act 8
  835. Registration of Common Rights Act 1853
  836. Registration of Commons Act 2
  837. Registration of Commons Act 1965 2
  838. Registration of Companies Act
  839. Registration of Companies Act 1916
  840. Registration of County Electors Act 1889
  841. Registration of County Voters (Ireland) Act 1864
  842. Registration of County Voters (Scotland) Act
  843. Registration of Deaths, Births and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965
  844. Registration of Deeds (Northern Ireland) Act 1970
  845. Registration of Deeds Act 4
  846. Registration of Deeds Act 1970
  847. Registration of Designs Act 3
  848. Registration of Electors Act 1888 2
  849. Registration of Electors Act 1891 2
  850. Registration of Firms Act 2
  851. Registration of Foreigners Act
  852. Registration of Homes Act 1984
  853. Registration of Labourers Act 2
  854. Registration of Labourers' Act
  855. Registration of Land (Scotland) Act
  856. Registration of Land Act
  857. Registration of Leases (Scotland) Act 1857 21
  858. Registration of Marriages Act 2
  859. Registration of Names Act 1916 2
  860. Registration of Newspapers Act
  861. Registration of Nursing Homes Act 1927
  862. Registration of Political Parties Act 1998 63
  863. Registration of Seamen Act
  864. Registration of Service Act 1953
  865. Registration of Still Births (Scotland) Act
  866. Registration of Still-Births (Scotland) Act 1938 4
  867. Registration of Stillbirths (Scotland) Act 1938
  868. Registration of the People Act 1884
  869. Registration of Title (Ireland) Act 1891 3
  870. Registration of Title Act 12
  871. Registration of Title Act 1891
  872. Registration of Titles (Ireland) Act 1891
  873. Registration of Titles (Ireland) Amendment Act 1908
  874. Registration of Titles Act 9
  875. Registration of Trade Marks Act 3
  876. Registration of Traffic Act
  877. Registration of Voters (Ireland) Act 1873
  878. Registration of Voters (Ireland) Act 1883 11
  880. Registration of Voters (Scotland) Act
  881. Registration of Voters Act 6
  882. Registration of Voters Ireland Act
  883. Registration of Votes Act
  884. Registration Service Act 1953 21
  885. Registry Act 21
  886. Registry Act 1898
  888. Registry of Deeds (Ireland) Holidays Act 2
  889. Registry of Deeds Holidays Act
  890. Registry of Deeds Office (Ireland) Holidays Act 1883
  891. Registry of Fishing Boats Act
  892. Reguation of Railway Act 1889
  893. Regular Monastic Orders in the Emancipation Act
  894. Regulating Act 7
  895. Regulation (Amendment) Act 1926
  896. Regulation Act 1872
  897. Regulation Act 1890
  898. Regulation Act 1920 4
  899. Regulation Act 1984 9
  900. Regulation of Railways Act 1889
  901. Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 3
  902. Regulation of Coal Mines Act 1887
  903. Regulation of Forces Act 1871 5
  904. Regulation of Investigating Powers Act 2000
  905. Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act
  906. Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000 8
  907. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 517
  908. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2002
  909. Regulation of Investigatory, Powers Act
  910. Regulation of Labour Act 3
  911. Regulation of Mines Act
  912. Regulation of Railway Act 1871 2
  913. Regulation of Railways (Servants' Hours) Act 1893 2
  914. Regulation of Railways Act 78
  915. Regulation of Railways Act 1842
  916. Regulation of Railways Act 1844 2
  917. Regulation of Railways Act 1868 35
  918. Regulation of Railways Act 1871 53
  919. Regulation of Railways Act 1873 49
  920. Regulation of Railways Act 1881
  921. Regulation of Railways Act 1889 76
  922. Regulation of Railways Act 1890
  923. Regulation of Railways Act 1893 2
  924. Regulation of Railways Act 1899
  925. Regulation of Railways-Act 1889
  926. Regulation of the Defence of the Realm Act 2
  927. Regulation of the Forces Act 1831
  928. Regulation of the Forces Act 1871 58
  929. Regulation of the Forces, Act 1871
  930. Regulation of the Railaways Act 1842
  931. Regulation of the Railways Act 1873
  932. Regulation of Traffic Act 1967
  933. Regulation of Wages Act
  934. Regulation Railways Act
  935. Regulations Under the Fertiliser and Feeding Stuffs Act
  936. Regulatory Flexibility Act 1980 15
  937. Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
  938. Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Tax Credits Act 1999
  939. Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act
  940. Regulatory of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
  941. Regulatory Reform Act 2000 2
  942. Regulatory Reform Act 2001 184
  943. Regulatory Reform Act 2002 3
  944. Rehabilitatioin of Offenders Act
  945. Rehabilitation Act 1963
  946. Rehabilitation Act 1973 5
  947. Rehabilitation Act 1974 3
  948. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 268
  949. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1964
  950. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1973
  951. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 348
  952. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1975
  953. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1978
  954. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1979
  955. Rehabilitation of Wenders Act 1974
  956. Rehabilitations of Offenders Act 1974
  957. Rehousing Act 1949
  958. Reigate Congregational Church Act 1972 2
  959. Reigate Corporation Act 1919
  960. Reigate Corporation Act 1945
  961. Reinstatement (Civil Employment) Act 1944
  962. Reinstatement Act 22
  963. Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act 1914
  964. Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act 1944 39
  965. Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act 1950 64
  966. Reinstatement in Civilian Employment Act
  967. Reinstatement in Industry Act
  968. Reinstatement of Civil Employment Act 1950
  969. Reinstatement of Employment Act
  970. Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 16
  971. Reinsurance Act
  973. Relation of Licences Granted Under Act
  975. Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
  976. Relations (Consolidation) Act
  977. Relations Act 13
  978. Relations Act 1965
  979. Relations Act 1971
  980. Relations Act 1974 2
  981. Relations Act 1999
  983. Relief Act 168
  984. Relief Extension Act
  985. Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act 43
  986. Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act 1879
  987. Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act 1880 29
  989. Relief of Distress (Ireland) Amendment Act 4
  990. Relief of Distress (Ireland) Amendment Act 1880 4
  991. Relief of Distress Act 46
  992. Relief of Distress Act 1880 10
  993. Relief of Distress Amendment Act 2
  994. Relief of Distressed Unions Act
  995. Relief Works Act 2
  996. RELIEF WORKS ACT 1920
  997. Religions Opinions Act
  998. Religious Disabilities Act
  999. Religious Disabilities Act 1846 2
  1000. Religious Disability Act 1844
  1001. Religious Endowment Act
  1002. Religious Endowments Act 2
  1003. Religious Freedom Restoration Act
  1004. Religious Instruction in State Schools Referendum Act 1908 2
  1005. Religious Oaths Amendment Act
  1006. Religious Opinions Act 8
  1007. Religious Opinions Relief Act
  1008. Religious Worship Act 5
  1009. Remembrance Act
  1010. Remission of Penalties Act 1875 5
  1011. Remission of Rates (London) Act 1940
  1012. Remission of Surcharges (Dublin) Act 1909
  1013. Remoteness Grants, Agriculture Act 1957 2
  1014. Removal Act 5
  1017. Removal of Nuisances Act
  1019. Removal of Undesirables Act 1920
  1020. Removal of Wrecks Act 15
  1021. Removal of Wrecks Act 1877 5
  1022. Removal Terms (Burghs) (Scotland) Act 3
  1023. Removal Terms (Burghs) (Scotland) Act 1881
  1024. Removal Terms (Scotland) Act 1886 22
  1025. Removal Terms (Scotland) Burghs Act
  1026. Removings Act
  1027. Removings Act 1693
  1028. Remuneration Charges and Grants Act 1975 14
  1029. Remuneration Grant and Charges Act
  1030. Remuneration of Teachers (Scotland) Act 6
  1031. Remuneration of Teachers (Scotland) Act 1967 13
  1032. Remuneration of Teachers Act 1963 11
  1033. Remuneration of Teachers Act 1965 181
  1034. Remuneration of Teachers Act 1969
  1035. Remuneration of Teachers' Act 1965
  1036. Remuneration of the of Teachers Act 1965
  1037. Remuneration, Charges and Grants Act 1975 86
  1038. Renewable Leasehold Conversion (Ireland) Act 5
  1039. Renewable Leasehold Conversion Act 1849 6
  1040. Renewable Leaseholds Conversion Act 2
  1041. Renewal and Extension of the Labour-Rate Act 2
  1042. Renewal of Licensing (Ireland) Act 1902
  1043. Renewal of the Bills of Exchange Act
  1045. Renewal of the Labourers' Employment Act
  1046. Renewal of the Linen Manufactures' (Ireland) Act
  1047. Renewal of the Lisburn and Monaghan Road Act
  1048. Renewal of the Monaghan and Lurgan Road Act
  1049. Renewal of the Poor Law Union Charges Act
  1050. Renewing and Extending of the Labour Rate Act
  1051. Renfrew Burgh and Harbour Extension Act 1899 3
  1052. Renfrew Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1932
  1053. Renfrew County Council Order Confirmation Act 1974 2
  1054. Renfrewshire County Council (Eastwood and Mearns) Water Order Confirmation Act 1934
  1055. Renfrewshire County Council (Giffnock Railway Bridges) Order Confirmation Act 1927
  1056. Renfrewshire Upper District (Eastwood and Mearns) Water Order Confirmation Act 1930
  1057. Rent (Agriculture) (Amendment) Act 1977
  1058. Rent (Agriculture) Act 1967
  1059. Rent (Agriculture) Act 1976 251
  1060. Rent (Agriculture) Amendment Act 1977
  1061. Rent (Amendment) Act 2
  1062. Rent (Amendment) Act 1984
  1063. Rent (Amendment) Act 1985 2
  1064. Rent (Control of Increase) Act 1969 2
  1065. Rent (Control of Increases) Act 1969 26
  1066. Rent (Restrictions) Act 2
  1067. Rent (Scotland) Act 1965
  1068. Rent (Scotland) Act 1971 117
  1069. Rent (Scotland) Act 1974 2
  1070. Rent (Scotland) Act 1984 93
  1072. Rent Act 1915 2
  1073. Rent Act 1920 19
  1074. Rent Act 1932
  1075. Rent Act 1933 3
  1076. Rent Act 1938
  1077. Rent Act 1939 3
  1078. Rent Act 1955 2
  1079. Rent Act 1956
  1080. Rent Act 1957 639
  1081. Rent Act 1958 5
  1082. Rent Act 1962
  1083. Rent Act 1964 2
  1084. Rent Act 1965 4190
  1085. Rent Act 1966 4
  1086. Rent Act 1967
  1087. Rent Act 1968 517
  1088. Rent Act 1971 2
  1089. Rent Act 1974 273
  1090. Rent Act 1975
  1091. Rent Act 1977 397
  1092. Rent Act 1979
  1093. Rent Act 1984 3
  1094. Rent Agriculture Act 2
  1095. Rent Agriculture Act 1976
  1096. Rent Allowance Act
  1097. Rent Amendment Act 1919
  1098. Rent and Mortgage (Interest Restrictions) Act 1939
  1099. Rent and Mortgage (War Restrictions) Act 1915
  1100. Rent and Mortgage Increase (Restrictions) Act
  1101. Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1920 13
  1102. Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1923 2
  1103. Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1939 2
  1104. Rent and Mortgage Interest (War Restrictions) Act
  1105. Rent and Mortgage Interest Act 2
  1106. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction (Amendment) Act 1933 3
  1107. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act 4
  1108. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act 1923 3
  1109. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act 1939
  1110. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 41
  1111. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1920 2
  1112. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1923 40
  1113. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1933 2
  1114. Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1939 21
  1115. Rent and Mortgage Interest Rrestrictions (Amendment) Act 1933
  1116. Rent and Mortgage Restriction Act
  1117. Rent and Mortgage Restriction Act 1920
  1118. Rent and Mortgage Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 3
  1119. Rent and Mortgage Restrictions Act 1933
  1120. Rent and Mortgage Restrictions Act 1939 2
  1121. Rent and Mortgages Act 2
  1122. Rent and Repairs Act
  1123. Rent and Subsidies Act 1975
  1124. Rent Charge (Rates) Act
  1125. Rent Charge Act
  1126. Rent Charges Act 2
  1127. Rent Charges Act 1977 3
  1128. Rent Control Act 3
  1129. Rent Control Act 1949
  1130. Rent Control Act 1957 2
  1131. Rent Controls Act
  1132. Rent Courts Act 2
  1133. Rent Increases Act 2
  1134. Rent Increases Act 1969
  1135. Rent Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 2
  1136. Rent of Furnished Houses (Control) (Scotland) Act 1943 3
  1137. Rent of Furnished Houses (Scotland) Act 1943 4
  1138. Rent of Furnished Houses Control (Scotland) Act 1943 84
  1139. Rent of Furnished Houses Control (Scotland) Act 1946
  1140. Rent of Furnished Houses Control Act
  1141. Rent Redemption Act 9
  1143. Rent Restriction (Amendment) Act 1933 2
  1144. Rent Restriction (Continuance) Act
  1145. Rent Restriction (Notices of Increase) Act 1923 3
  1146. Rent Restriction Act 1915 3
  1147. Rent Restriction Act 1919
  1148. Rent Restriction Act 1920 8
  1149. Rent Restriction Act 1933 219
  1150. Rent Restriction Act 1938 2
  1151. Rent Restriction Act 1939
  1152. Rent Restriction Act 1968
  1153. Rent Restrictions (Furnished Premises) Act 1945
  1154. Rent Restrictions (Notices of Increase) Act 1923 11
  1155. Rent Restrictions Act 693
  1156. Rent Restrictions Act 1920 18
  1157. Rent Restrictions Act 1923 10
  1158. Rent Restrictions Act 1933 2
  1159. Rent Restrictions Act 1939 5
  1160. Rent Restrictions Amendment Act 1920
  1161. Rent Restrictions Amendment Act 1933
  1162. Rent Restrictions and Mortgage Interest (Amendment) Act 1933
  1163. Rent Tribunals Act 4
  1164. Rent, Act 1965
  1165. Rent-Charge Act
  1166. Rent-charges Act 1977 2
  1167. Rent-Fixing Act 2
  1168. Rentcharge Act
  1169. Rentcharges Act 10
  1170. Rentcharges Act 1977 15
  1171. Rents (Control of Increases) Act
  1172. Rents (Notice of Increase) Act 1923 2
  1173. Rents (Scotland) Act 1971
  1174. Rents (Scotland) Act 1984 2
  1175. Rents Act 1954
  1176. Rents Act 1965 19
  1177. Rents and Subsidies Act 1975 2
  1178. Rents of Furnished Houses (Scotland) Act
  1179. Rents Restriction Act 13
  1180. Rents Restrictions Act 1917 6
  1181. Renunciation Act 2
  1182. Reorganisation Act 7
  1183. Reorganisation Act 1974
  1184. Reorganisation Corporation Act
  1185. Reorganisation of Mines Act
  1186. Reorganisation of Offices (Scotland) Act 1928
  1187. Reorganisation of Offices (Scotland) Act 1939 12
  1188. Reorganisation of Offices Act 1928 3
  1189. Rep-representation of the People Act 1948
  1190. Repair of War Damage Act 1941 4
  1191. Repairs Act
  1192. Repairs and Rent (Scotland) Act
  1193. Repairs and Rents Act 10
  1194. Repairs and Rents Act 1954
  1195. Reparation (Recovery) Act 33
  1196. Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 2
  1197. Reparation Act 22
  1198. Reparation Recovery Act 22
  1199. Reparations (Recovery) Act 3
  1200. Reparations Act 4
  1201. Reparations Recovery Act 5
  1202. Repatriation of Prisoners Act 1984 62
  1203. Repayment of Debt Act
  1204. Repayment of War Damage (Commodities) Act
  1205. Repeal Act 9
  1206. Repeal Act 1825
  1207. Repeal and Alteration of the Factories' Regulation Act
  1208. Repeal in Industrial Assurance Act 1929
  1209. Repeal in Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act 1948
  1210. Repealing Act 2
  1211. Repealing of the Subletting Act
  1215. Replacement of Betting Act
  1218. Report in Pursuance of Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964
  1220. Representation Act
  1221. Representation of of the People Act
  1222. Representation of of the People Act 1949
  1223. Representation of People Act 1867
  1224. Representation of People Act 1983
  1225. Representation of People Act 2000 2
  1226. Representation of Peoples Act 1985 2
  1227. Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 1918 2
  1228. Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 1957
  1229. Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 1958 2
  1230. Representation of the People (Armed Forces) Act 1976 22
  1231. Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1918
  1232. Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1928 6
  1233. Representation of the People (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Act
  1234. Representation of the People (Ireland) Act 1850 2
  1235. Representation of the People (Ireland) Act 1861 5
  1236. Representation of the People (Ireland) Act 1868 19
  1237. Representation of the People (No. 2) Act 1920
  1238. Representation of the People (No. 2) Act 1922 6
  1239. Representation of the People (No. 2) Act 1974 4
  1240. Representation of the People (No. 3) Act 1920
  1241. Representation of the People (Northern Ireland) Act 1985
  1242. Representation of the People (Reading University) Act 1928
  1243. Representation of the People (Returning Officers' Expenses) Act 1919
  1244. Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1832 8
  1245. Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1868 35
  1246. Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1884
  1247. Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1949 11
  1248. Representation of the People (Women) Act 1918
  1249. Representation of the People Act 1018
  1250. Representation of the People Act 1832 4
  1251. Representation of the People Act 1867 64
  1252. Representation of the People Act 1868 2
  1253. Representation of the People Act 1869
  1254. Representation of the People Act 1876
  1255. Representation of the People Act 1881
  1256. Representation of the People Act 1882
  1257. Representation of the People Act 1884 73
  1258. Representation of the People Act 1898
  1260. Representation of the People Act 1917 5
  1261. Representation of the People Act 1918 1172
  1262. Representation of the People Act 1919
  1263. Representation of the People Act 1920 2
  1264. Representation of the People Act 1921
  1265. Representation of the People Act 1922 4
  1266. Representation of the People Act 1927
  1267. Representation of the People Act 1928
  1268. Representation of the People Act 1931 4
  1269. Representation of the People Act 1939
  1270. Representation of the People Act 1945 34
  1271. Representation of the People Act 1948 93
  1272. Representation of the People Act 1949 519
  1273. Representation of the People Act 1968
  1274. Representation of the People Act 1969 74
  1275. Representation of the People Act 1974 9
  1276. Representation of the People Act 1976 2
  1277. Representation of the People Act 1977 4
  1278. Representation of the People Act 1978 7
  1279. Representation of the People Act 1979 6
  1280. Representation of the People Act 1980 9
  1281. Representation of the People Act 1981 18
  1282. Representation of the People Act 1983 504
  1283. Representation of the People Act 1985 123
  1284. Representation of the People Act 1986 2
  1285. Representation of the People Act 1989 40
  1286. Representation of the People Act 1990 15
  1287. Representation of the People Act 1991 5
  1288. Representation of the People Act 1993 3
  1289. Representation of the People Act 2000 147
  1290. Representation of the People Act 2001
  1291. Representation of the People' Act
  1292. Representation of the People's Act 4
  1293. Representation of the People, Act 1918
  1294. Representation of the Peoples Act 1884 8
  1295. Representation of the Peoples Act 1918
  1296. Representation of the Peoples Act 1989
  1297. Representation of the Taxpayers Act
  1298. Representations of the People Act
  1299. Representations of the People Act 1983
  1300. Representative Peers Act 1847
  1301. Representative Peers for Scotland Act 2
  1302. Representaton of the People Act 1983
  1303. Represention of the People Act
  1304. Repression of Crimes Act 2
  1305. Reproductive Loan Fund Act 7
  1307. Reproductive Loans Fund Act
  1308. Republic of Eire Act
  1309. Republic of Ireland Act 1949 23
  1310. Republic of Ireland Merchant Shipping Act 1894
  1311. Republic of Ireland of the Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act 1976
  1312. Republic of Ireland's Criminal Appeal Act 1993
  1313. Republic of Ireland's Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976 2
  1314. Republic of Ireland's Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act 1976 2
  1315. Republic of Ireland's Decommissioning Act 1997
  1316. Republic of Ireland's Electoral Act 1997 2
  1317. Republic of Ireland's Extradition Act 1987
  1318. Republic of Ireland's National Cultural Institutions Act 1997
  1319. Republic of Ireland's Official Languages Act 2003 8
  1320. Republic of Ireland) Act
  1321. Republic of Ireland) Act 1952
  1322. Republic of Ireland) Act 1961
  1323. Republic of Singapore Independence Act
  1324. Republic of South Africa (Temporary Provisions) Act 3
  1325. Republic of South Africa (Temporary Provisions) Act 1961 6
  1326. Republic of Sri Lanka Act 1972
  1327. Republic of The Gambia Act 1970
  1328. Republic's Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976
  1329. Republic's Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act
  1330. Republic's Electoral Act 1997 11
  1331. Republic's Electoral Law Act 1997
  1332. Republic's Extra-Territorial Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act
  1333. Republic's Extradition Act 1965 4
  1334. Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 6
  1335. Requisition Land and War Works Act 1945
  1336. Requisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) Act
  1337. Requisition of Land Act
  1338. Requisition of Land and War Works Act
  1339. Requisition of Land and War Works Act 1945 2
  1340. Requisition of Land and War Works Act 1948 2
  1341. Requisitioned Houses (Amendment) Act
  1342. Requisitioned Houses Act 5
  1343. Requisitioned Houses Act 1960
  1344. Requisitioned Houses and Housing (Amendment) Act 1955 81
  1345. Requisitioned Houses and Housing Amendment Act 1955 2
  1346. Requisitioned Land (War Works) Act 1945 4
  1347. Requisitioned Land Act 7
  1348. Requisitioned Land Act 1945 2
  1349. Requisitioned Land and War Workers Act 1945
  1350. Requisitioned Land and War Works Act 1945 209
  1351. Requisitioned Land and War Works Act 1948 15
  1352. Requisitioned Lands Act 5
  1353. Requisitioned Lands Act 1945
  1354. Requisitioned Lands and War Works Act
  1355. Requisitioning (Land and Works) Act
  1356. Requistioned Land and War Works Act 1945
  1357. Resale Price Act
  1358. Resale Price Maintenance Act 4
  1359. Resale Prices Act 1964 23
  1360. Resale Prices Act 1967
  1361. Resale Prices Act 1976 154
  1362. Resale Prices Act 1980
  1363. Rescissory Act
  1364. Rescue Act 1821 4
  1365. Rescue and Aid Act
  1366. Rescue and Aid Act 1910
  1367. Reservation of Separate Amenities Act
  1368. Reserve Act 1950
  1369. Reserve Act 1962
  1370. Reserve Act 1980 7
  1371. Reserve Acts the Auxiliary Forces Act
  1372. Reserve and Auxiliary Air Force and Air Force Reserve Act 1924
  1373. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Act 1951 53
  1374. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civilian Interests) Act 1951
  1375. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Training) Act 1950
  1376. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Training) Act 1951 24
  1377. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act 43
  1378. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act 1939 21
  1379. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act 1953
  1380. Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Training Act 1951
  1381. Reserve and Auxxiliary Forces Act
  1382. Reserve Bank Act
  1383. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act
  1384. Reserve Bank of Rhodesia Act 1964 8
  1385. Reserve Farces Act 1882
  1386. Reserve Forces (Safe-guard of Employment) Act 1985 2
  1387. Reserve Forces (Safeguard of Employment) Act 1985 49
  1388. Reserve Forces Act 1882 50
  1389. Reserve Forces Act 1890 2
  1390. Reserve Forces Act 1907 2
  1391. Reserve Forces Act 1937
  1392. Reserve Forces Act 1966 12
  1393. Reserve Forces Act 1980 122
  1394. Reserve Forces Act 1982 4
  1395. Reserve Forces Act 1996 314
  1396. Reserve Forces Amendment Act
  1397. Reserve Forces and Militia Act 2
  1398. Reserve Forces and Militia Act 1898 2
  1399. Reserve Forces Safeguard of Employment Act 1985
  1400. Reserve, Militia and Defence Act
  1401. Reserved Forces Act
  1402. Reserves Act 1882 3
  1403. Reserves and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Act 1951 2
  1404. Reserves and Auxiliary Forces (Training) Act 1951
  1405. Reserves and Auxiliary Forces Act
  1406. Reserves Forces Act 1996
  1407. Reservoir (Safety Provisions) Act 1930 3
  1408. Reservoir Act 1975
  1409. Reservoir Safety Provisions Act 1930
  1410. Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 6
  1411. Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 1930 48
  1412. Reservoirs Act 1930 5
  1413. Reservoirs Act 1975 149
  1414. Reservoirs Safety Act 1975
  1415. Reservoirs Safety Provisions Act 1930
  1416. Reset, Contravention of Misuse of Drugs Act
  1417. Resettlement in Civil Employment Act
  1418. Resettlement Services Act 2
  1419. Residence Act
  1420. Residences Act 3
  1421. Resident Magistrates (Belfast) Act
  1422. Resident Magistrates (Belfast) Act 1911 2
  1423. Resident Magistrates (Ireland) Act 1920 2
  1424. Resident Magistrates and Police Commissioners Salaries Act 1874
  1425. Resident Magistrates' Pension Act 2
  1426. Resident Magistrates' Pensions Act 10
  1427. Residential Care Act 2000
  1428. Residential Home Act
  1429. Residential Homes Act 1980 57
  1430. Residential Homes Act 1984 14
  1431. Residential Homes Under Part III of the National Assistance Act 1948
  1432. Resolution of Accession to the General Act
  1433. Responsibility for the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979
  1434. Restirctive Practices Act 1964
  1435. Restitution Act 3
  1436. Restoration Act 5
  1437. Restoration of Older (Ireland) Act
  1438. Restoration of Order (Ireland) Act 14
  1439. Restoration of Order Act 1920 16
  1440. Restoration of Order in Ireland Act 71
  1441. Restoration of Order in Ireland Act 1920 15
  1442. Restoration of Order Ireland (Indemnity) Act 1923
  1443. Restoration of Pre-war Practices Act 16
  1444. Restoration of Pre-War Practices Act 1919 6
  1445. Restoration of Pre-War Practices Act 1942 2
  1446. Restoration of Pre-War Trade Practices Act 4
  1447. Restoration of Pre-War Trade Practices Act 1942 15
  1448. Restoration of Pre-War Trade Practices Act 1950
  1449. Restoration of Prewar Practices Act 1942
  1450. Restoration of Prewar Trade Practices Act 1942
  1451. Restoration of Trade Practices Act 4
  1452. Restraining Act 4
  1453. Restraint Act
  1454. Restraint of Competition Act
  1455. Restriction Act 20
  1456. Restriction Act 1919
  1457. Restriction of Liability) Act 1985
  1458. Restriction of Advertisement (War Risks Insurance) Act 1939 3
  1459. Restriction of Aliens Act
  1460. Restriction of Beer Output Act
  1461. Restriction of Development Act 1935
  1462. Restriction of Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975 2
  1463. Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959 51
  1464. Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1961 2
  1465. Restriction of Pre-War Trade Practices Act
  1466. Restriction of Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 3
  1467. Restriction of Rent Act 7
  1468. Restriction of Rent and Mortgages Act
  1469. Restriction of Rents Act 4
  1470. Restriction of Ribbon Development (Temporary Development) Act 1943
  1471. Restriction of Ribbon Development Act 49
  1472. Restriction of Ribbon Development Act 1935 78
  1473. Restriction of Sunday Trading Act
  1474. Restriction Order Mental Health Act 1983
  1475. Restriction, of Ribbon Development Act 1935
  1476. Restrictions Act 4
  1477. Restrictions of Offensive Weapons Act 1959
  1478. Restrictions of Ribbon Development Act 1935
  1479. Restrictions Under the Unemployed Workmen Act
  1480. Restrictive Act
  1481. Restrictive Practices (Inquiry and Control) Act 1948
  1482. Restrictive Practices Act 1956 96
  1483. Restrictive Practices Act 1968
  1484. Restrictive Practices Act 1976 4
  1485. Restrictive Practices Court Act 1976 9
  1486. Restrictive Practices Court and to the Fair Trading Act 1973
  1487. Restrictive Trace Practices Act
  1488. Restrictive Trade Practice Act 1976 3
  1489. Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Act
  1490. Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Act 1984 5
  1491. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956 758
  1492. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1957 2
  1493. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1964
  1494. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1968 22
  1495. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 267
  1496. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1977 3
  1497. Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1956 18
  1498. Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1957 2
  1499. Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1976
  1500. Result of Labourers Act
  1501. Results Act
  1503. Retail Business Holidays Act
  1504. Retail Meat Dealers' Shops (Sunday Closing) Act 1936 5
  1505. Retail Meat Traders' Shops (Sunday Closing) Act
  1506. Retail Prices Act 2
  1507. Retail Prices Act 1964
  1508. Retail Prices Act 1984
  1509. Retailers for Shop Act
  1510. Retailers for Shops Act 19
  1511. Retained by Companies Consolidation (Consecutive Provisions) Act 1985
  1512. Retired Officers (Civil Employment) Act 1919 6
  1513. Retirement Act 1992
  1514. Retirement of Teachers (Scotland) Act 1976 2
  1515. Retirement of Vestrymen (London) Act 1896
  1516. Return of Working of the Wireless Telegraph Act
  1517. Return, Local Government Act
  1518. Return, Local Government Act 1888
  1519. Returning Officers (Scotland) Act 1891 3
  1520. Returning Officers (Scotland) Act 1977 4
  1521. Returning Officers Act 3
  1522. Returning Officers Act 1875
  1523. Returning Officers' (Scotland) Act 1886
  1524. Returning Officers' Election Expenses Act 1875
  1525. Returning Officers' Expenses Act
  1526. Returning to the Disability Discrimination Act
  1527. Returns Act 1882
  1528. Returns Made Under the Insurance Companies Act
  1529. Reunion Act
  1530. Revaluation Act 1925
  1531. Revaluation Act 1953
  1532. Revaluation and Local Government Act 2003
  1533. Revenue (No. 1) Act 1861
  1534. Revenue (No. 2) Act 1861 6
  1535. Revenue (No. 2) Act 1864
  1536. Revenue (No. 2) Act 1968
  1537. Revenue Act 1764
  1538. Revenue Act 1862 6
  1539. Revenue Act 1863 7
  1540. Revenue Act 1864 8
  1541. Revenue Act 1865 8
  1542. Revenue Act 1866
  1543. Revenue Act 1867 2
  1544. Revenue Act 1868
  1545. Revenue Act 1869 6
  1546. Revenue Act 1880 4
  1547. Revenue Act 1881 3
  1548. Revenue Act 1883 11
  1549. Revenue Act 1884 9
  1550. Revenue Act 1887 2
  1551. Revenue Act 1888
  1552. Revenue Act 1889 24
  1553. Revenue Act 1898 13
  1554. Revenue Act 1903 8
  1555. Revenue Act 1906 13
  1556. Revenue Act 1909 9
  1557. Revenue Act 1910
  1558. Revenue Act 1911 150
  1559. Revenue Act 1921
  1560. Revenue Act 1968
  1561. Revenue and Insurance Act
  1562. Revenue Friendly Societies and National Debt Act 1882
  1563. Revenue Officers Disabilities' Removal Act
  1564. Revenue Officers Electoral Disabilities Removal Act
  1565. Revenue Officers' Disabilities Act
  1566. Revenue Officers' Disabilities Removal Act 3
  1567. Revenue Offices (Scotland) Holidays Act 1880
  1568. Revenue, Friendly Societies and National Debt Act 1882
  1569. Revenue, Friendly Societies, and National Debt Act 1882
  1570. Revenue-Act 1911
  1571. Reversion Act 2
  1572. Reversion Act 1469
  1573. Reverter of Sites Act 1987 26
  1574. Revervoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 1930
  1575. Review Committee of Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
  1576. Review Conference of the Helsinki Act
  1577. Revised General Act
  1578. Revising Barristers (Ireland) Act 1886
  1579. Revising Barristers Act 1886 2
  1580. Revival of Parts of Naval Discipline Act
  1581. Revolutionary and Anarchical Crimes Act 1919 2
  1582. Rhoanglo Group Act 1953
  1583. Rhodes Estate Act 1916
  1584. Rhodes Trust Act 1929
  1585. Rhodes Trust Act 1946
  1586. Rhodesia Act 5
  1587. Rhodesia Act 1965 3
  1588. Rhodesia Act 1979
  1589. Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Federation) Act 2
  1590. Rhodesia and Nyasaland Act 1953 4
  1591. Rhodesia and Nyasaland Act 1963 2
  1592. Rhodesia and Nyasaland Federation Act 1953 8
  1593. Rhodesia Law and Maintenance Act
  1594. Rhodesia Railways Limited (Pensions Schemes and Contracts) Act 1949
  1595. Rhodesian and Nyasaland Act
  1596. Rhodesian Electoral Act 1979
  1597. Rhodesian Emergency Powers Act
  1598. Rhodesian Industrial Conciliation Act
  1599. Rhodesian Land Tenure Act
  1600. Rhodesian Official Secrets Act
  1601. Rhodesian Pensions Act
  1602. Rhodesian Selection Trust Limited and Associated Companies Act 1954
  1603. Rhodesian State Services Pension Act
  1604. Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Act 1892
  1605. Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Act 1914
  1606. Rhondda Corporation Act 1973 2
  1607. Rhondda Tramways (Railless Traction) Act 1913
  1608. Rhondda Urban District Council (Tramways Extensions, etc.) Act 1915
  1609. Rhondda Urban District Council Act 1911
  1610. Rhyl Bridge Act 1861
  1611. Rhyl Urban District Council Act 1932
  1612. Rhyl Urban District Council Act 1935 2
  1613. Rhyl Urban District Council Act 1956
  1614. Rhymney and Aber Gas Act 1924
  1615. Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Act 1914
  1616. Rhymney Railway Act 1911
  1617. Rhymney Railway Act 1914
  1618. Rhymney Valley Gas and Water Act 1892
  1619. Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Act 1912
  1620. Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Act 1936
  1621. Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Act 1967
  1622. Rhymney Valley Water Act 1921
  1623. Rhymney Valley Water Act 1926
  1624. Ribband Act
  1625. Ribble Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1913
  1626. Ribbon Development Act 62
  1627. Ribbon Development Act 1935 10
  1628. Richard Jaeger's Patent Act 1904
  1629. Richmond (Surrey) Corporation Act 1937
  1630. Richmond (Surrey) Electricity Supply Act 1913
  1631. Richmond Footbridge, Sluices, Lock, and Slipway Act 1890
  1632. Richmond Lunatic Asylums Act 1897 3
  1633. Richmond Parish Charity Lands Scheme Confirmation Act 1928
  1634. Richmond, Petersham and Ham Open Spaces Act 1902
  1635. Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1928
  1636. Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1936
  1637. Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1937
  1638. Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1938
  1639. RICO Act
  1640. Riddings District Gas Act 1914
  1641. Riding Establishment Act 1964
  1642. Riding Establishments Act 1939 11
  1643. Riding Establishments Act 1954
  1644. Riding Establishments Act 1964 28
  1645. Riding Establishments Act 1970 2
  1646. Rifle Volunteer Grounds Act 2
  1647. Rifle Volunteer Grounds Act 1860
  1648. Right of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act
  1649. Right to Know Act 2
  1650. Right to Time Off for Study Act 2
  1651. Rights (Dispute Resolution) Act 1998
  1652. Rights (Scotland) Amendment Act 1861
  1653. Rights Act 1993
  1654. Rights Act 1998 5
  1655. Rights of Entry (Gas and Electericity Boards) Act 1954
  1656. Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954 38
  1657. Rights of Entry Act 1954
  1658. Rights of Entry' (Gas and Electricity) Boards Act 1954
  1659. Rights of Light Act 1959 3
  1660. Rights of Reverter Act 1987
  1661. Rights of the Child and Human Rights Act
  1662. Rights of Way Act 6
  1663. Rights of Way Act 1932 7
  1664. Rights of Way Act 1990 8
  1665. Ringelmann Chart in the Clean Air Act 1956
  1666. Rio Tinto Rhodesian Mining Limited Act 1961
  1667. Riot (Damage) Act 1886
  1668. Riot (Damages) Act 1866
  1669. Riot (Damages) Act 1886 128
  1670. Riot (Damages) Act 1986
  1671. Riot (Defence) Act 1886
  1672. Riot Act 404
  1673. Riot Act 1714 7
  1674. Riot Act 1881
  1675. Riot and Damage Act
  1676. Riot and Disturbance Act
  1677. Riot Compensation Act
  1678. Riot Damage Act 1886 2
  1679. Riot Damages Act 1886 23
  1680. Riotous Assemblies Act 2
  1681. Riotous Assembly Act 2
  1682. Riots Act
  1683. RIP Act 24
  1684. RIP Act 2000
  1685. RIPA Act 2000 2
  1686. Ripon Corporation Act
  1687. Risca Urban District Council Act 1909
  1688. Risca Urban District Council Act 1920
  1690. Risks Insurance Act
  1691. Ritualist Act
  1692. River (Prevention of Pollution) Act 2
  1693. River (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1951 2
  1694. River (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1961
  1695. River Avon Navigation Act
  1696. River Bann Navigation Act 1863
  1697. River Board Act 5
  1698. River Board Act 1948 2
  1699. River Board's Act 1948
  1700. River Boards Act 1948 189
  1701. River Cam Conservancy Act 1922
  1702. River Dart Navigation Act 1962
  1703. River Drainage Act
  1704. River Glen Act 1916
  1705. River Great Ouse (Flood Protection) Act 1949 2
  1706. River Humber (Burcom Outfall) Act 1986 3
  1707. River Humber (Upper Pyewipe Outfall) Act 1992 2
  1709. River Lea Act
  1710. River Lea Conservancy Act 2
  1711. River Lee (Flood Relief, etc.) Act 1936
  1712. River Lee Water Act 1855 2
  1713. River Medway (Flood Relief) Act 1976 2
  1714. River Mersey Act 1964
  1715. River Navigation Act
  1716. River Pollution (Prevention) Act
  1717. River Pollution Act 3
  1718. River Pollution Act 1876
  1719. River Pollution Prevention Act 1876 2
  1720. River Pollution Prevention Border Counties Act 1898
  1721. River Purification Act
  1722. River Suck Drainage (Provision of Funds) Act 1890 3
  1723. River Suck Drainage Act
  1724. River Suck Drainage Act 1886
  1725. River Suck Drainage Act 1889 3
  1726. River Tees Barrage and Crossing Act 1990 2
  1727. River Tweed of the Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976
  1728. River Wandle Protection Act
  1729. River Wear Barrage Act 1974 2
  1730. River Wear Watch (Dissolution) Act 1961
  1731. River Wear Watch Act 1923
  1732. Rivers (Pollution) Act
  1733. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1951 90
  1734. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1961
  1735. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1965 10
  1736. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 20
  1737. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1950 3
  1738. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1951 129
  1739. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1961 48
  1740. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1970
  1741. Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Scotland Act 1951
  1742. Rivers (Scotland) Pollution Act 1951 2
  1743. Rivers Act 4
  1744. Rivers Act 1951
  1745. Rivers Board Act 2
  1746. Rivers Board Act 1948
  1747. Rivers Boards Act 1948 2
  1748. Rivers Navigation Improvement (Ireland) Act 1914
  1749. Rivers Pollution (Border Councils) Act
  1750. Rivers Pollution (Prevention) Act 2
  1751. Rivers Pollution (Scotland) Act
  1752. Rivers Pollution Act 54
  1753. Rivers Pollution Act 1875
  1754. Rivers Pollution Act 1876 12
  1755. Rivers Pollution Act 1939
  1756. Rivers Pollution Prevention (Border Councils) Act 1898 4
  1757. Rivers Pollution Prevention (Scotland) Act
  1758. Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 50
  1759. Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 1875
  1760. Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 1876 63
  1761. Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 1893
  1762. Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts of the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1951
  1763. Rivers Prevention of Pollution Act
  1764. Rivers Prevention of Pollution Act 1876
  1765. Rivers Prevention of Pollution Act 1951
  1766. Rivers' Pollution Act
  1767. Rixton and Warburton Toll Bridge Act 1863
  1768. Road (Ireland) Act
  1769. Road Act 29
  1770. Road Act 1878
  1771. Road Act 1920
  1772. Road Act 1930 2
  1773. Road Act 1967
  1774. Road and Bail Traffic Act
  1775. Road and Rail Act 1933 5
  1776. Road and Rail Act 1934 4
  1777. Road and Rail Traffic Act 1930
  1778. Road and Rail Traffic Act 1933 445
  1779. Road and Rail Traffic Act 1936
  1780. Road and Rail Traffic Act 1953
  1781. Road and Rail Traffic Act 5933 2
  1782. Road Board Act 3
  1783. Road Boards Act
  1784. Road Development Act 2
  1785. Road Development Fund Act
  1786. Road Haulage (Wages) Act 1938 3
  1787. Road Haulage Act 20
  1788. Road Haulage Act 1938 6
  1789. Road Haulage Wages (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940 2
  1790. Road Haulage Wages Act 1938 53
  1791. Road Haulage Wages Act 1959
  1792. Road Improvement Act 8
  1793. Road Improvement Act 1925
  1794. Road Improvement Fund Act
  1795. Road Improvement Funds Act
  1796. Road Improvements Act
  1797. Road Plans Police Act 1847
  1798. Road Races Act
  1799. Road Races Act 1982
  1800. Road Rail Traffic Act
  1801. Road Registration Act 1984
  1802. Road Regulation Act 1984
  1803. Road Safety Act 71
  1804. Road Safety Act 1962
  1805. Road Safety Act 1965
  1806. Road Safety Act 1967 164
  1807. Road Safety Act 1974
  1808. Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 1931
  1809. Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 1960 2
  1810. Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 1967 5
  1811. Road Traffic (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988 3
  1812. Road Traffic (Disqualification) Act 1970 2
  1813. Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information System) Act 1989 2
  1814. Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information Systems) Act 1989 13
  1815. Road Traffic (Driver Licensing Information Systems) Act 1989
  1816. Road Traffic (Drivers' Ages and Drivers' Hours of Work) Act 1976
  1817. Road Traffic (Drivers' Ages and Hours of Work) Act
  1818. Road Traffic (Drivers' Ages and Hours of Work) Act 1976 10
  1819. Road Traffic (Driving Instruction by Disabled Persons) Act 2
  1820. Road Traffic (Driving Instruction by Disabled Persons) Act 1993 3
  1821. Road Traffic (Driving Instruction) Act 1967 11
  1822. Road Traffic (Driving Instruction) Act 1984 14
  1823. Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Act 1936 2
  1824. Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Act 1947 5
  1825. Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Act 1983 8
  1826. Road Traffic (Driving of Motor Cycles and Mopeds) Act 1960
  1827. Road Traffic (Driving of Motor Cycles) Act 1960 3
  1828. Road Traffic (Drivirg Licences) Act 1936
  1829. Road Traffic (Foreign Vehicles') Act 1972
  1830. Road Traffic (Foreign Vehicles) Act 1971
  1831. Road Traffic (Foreign Vehicles) Act 1972 50
  1832. Road Traffic (Lighting) Act 1927 2
  1833. Road Traffic (New Drivers) Act 1995 22
  1834. Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act 1999 59
  1835. Road Traffic (NHS) Charges Act 2
  1836. Road Traffic (NHS) Charges Act 1999 2
  1837. Road Traffic (Production of Documents) Act 1985 4
  1838. Road Traffic (Reduction) Act 2
  1839. Road Traffic (Regulation) Act 1967
  1840. Road Traffic (Regulation) Act 1984 3
  1841. Road Traffic (Regulations) Act 1967
  1842. Road Traffic (Speedometer) Act 1933
  1843. Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act
  1844. Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991 11
  1845. Road Traffic (Vehicle Testing) Act 1999
  1846. Road Traffic Act 1435
  1847. Road Traffic Act 1030 2
  1848. Road Traffic Act 1920 2
  1849. Road Traffic Act 1924
  1850. Road Traffic Act 1930 1167
  1851. Road Traffic Act 1931
  1852. Road Traffic Act 1932
  1853. Road Traffic Act 1933 16
  1854. Road Traffic Act 1934 220
  1855. Road Traffic Act 1936
  1856. Road Traffic Act 1937 6
  1857. Road Traffic Act 1950
  1858. Road Traffic Act 1952
  1859. Road Traffic Act 1955
  1860. Road Traffic Act 1956 215
  1861. Road Traffic Act 1957 2
  1862. Road Traffic Act 1960 738
  1863. Road Traffic Act 1961
  1864. Road Traffic Act 1962 164
  1865. Road Traffic Act 1963
  1866. Road Traffic Act 1964
  1867. Road Traffic Act 1967 16
  1868. Road Traffic Act 1968 8
  1869. Road Traffic Act 1969 2
  1870. Road Traffic Act 1971 9
  1871. Road Traffic Act 1972 622
  1872. Road Traffic Act 1973 2
  1873. Road Traffic Act 1974 140
  1874. Road Traffic Act 1975 2
  1875. Road Traffic Act 1976
  1876. Road Traffic Act 1979
  1877. Road Traffic Act 1980 3
  1878. Road Traffic Act 1981
  1879. Road Traffic Act 1982
  1880. Road Traffic Act 1983 2
  1881. Road Traffic Act 1984 11
  1882. Road Traffic Act 1988 753
  1883. Road Traffic Act 1989
  1884. Road Traffic Act 1990 2
  1885. Road Traffic Act 1991 246
  1886. Road Traffic Act 1997
  1887. Road Traffic Act 1998 2
  1888. Road Traffic Act 1999
  1889. Road Traffic Amendment Act 1931
  1890. Road Traffic Amendment Act 1937 2
  1891. Road Traffic and Road Improvement Act 1960 5
  1892. Road Traffic and Road Improvements Act
  1893. Road Traffic and Road Improvements Act 1960
  1894. Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Act 12
  1895. Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Act 1960 47
  1896. Road Traffic Lighting Act 1957
  1897. Road Traffic Lighting Act 1967
  1898. Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 143
  1899. Road Traffic Offenders' Act 1988
  1900. Road Traffic Reduction (National Targets) Act 1998 32
  1901. Road Traffic Reduction (United Kingdom Targets) Act 1998
  1902. Road Traffic Reduction Act 1977
  1903. Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997 85
  1904. Road Traffic Reglation (Parking) Act 1986
  1905. Road Traffic Regualtion Act 1984
  1906. Road Traffic Regulation (Parking) Act 1986 10
  1907. Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Act 1994 5
  1908. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1948
  1909. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1957 2
  1910. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967 319
  1911. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1972 2
  1912. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1976
  1913. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 679
  1914. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1988 3
  1915. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1994
  1916. Road Traffic Regulations (Special Events) Act 1994
  1917. Road Traffic Regulations Act 1967 23
  1918. Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 35
  1919. Road Traffic Regulations Act 1988
  1920. Road Traffic Road Act 1988
  1921. Road Traffice Act 1972 2
  1922. Road Traffics Regulation Act 1967
  1923. Road Trafic Act 1991
  1924. Road Transport (Driving Instruction) Act
  1925. Road Transport Act 27
  1926. Road Transport Act 1927 2
  1927. Road Transport Act 1930 2
  1928. Road Transport Act 1947 2
  1929. Road Transport Act 1953 3
  1930. Road Transport Act 1956 2
  1931. Road Transport Act 1957
  1932. Road Transport Act 1960 4
  1933. Road Transport Act 1968
  1934. Road Transport Act 1980 2
  1935. Road Transport Licensing Act 1957
  1936. Road Transport Lighting (Amendment) Act 1958
  1937. Road Transport Lighting (Cycles) Act 2
  1938. Road Transport Lighting (Cycles) Act 1945 2
  1939. Road Transport Lighting (No. 2) Act 1953 6
  1940. Road Transport Lighting (Rear Lights) Act
  1941. Road Transport Lighting Act 1927 52
  1942. Road Transport Lighting Act 1929
  1943. Road Transport Lighting Act 1953 12
  1944. Road Transport Lighting Act 1957 33
  1945. Road Transport Lighting Act 1967 26
  1946. Road Transport Regulation Act 1967 2
  1947. Road Transport Vehicles Lighting Act 1927
  1948. Road Vehicles (Construction and Use Regulations) Act 1986
  1949. Road, Traffic Act 1914
  1950. Road-Rail Act 2
  1951. Road-Rail Traffic Act 2
  1952. Roads (Scotland) Act 13
  1953. Roads (Scotland) Act 1970 44
  1954. Roads (Scotland) Act 1983
  1955. Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 237
  1956. Roads (Scotland) Act 1989
  1957. Roads Act 58
  1958. Roads Act 1860
  1959. Roads Act 1878
  1960. Roads Act 1920 189
  1961. Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act 1871
  1962. Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act 1878 89
  1963. Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Amendment Act 1892 4
  1964. Roads and Bridges Act 91
  1965. Roads and Bridges Act 1878 11
  1966. Roads and Bridges Scotland Act
  1967. Roads and Streets Act 1991
  1968. Roads and Streets in Police Burghs (Scotland) Act 1891 3
  1969. Roads and Streets in Police Burghs (Scotland) Act 1925
  1970. Roads Development and Improvement Act
  1971. Roads Development Improvements Act 1909
  1972. Roads Improvement Act 1925 42
  1973. Roads Improvement Fund Act
  1974. Roads Improvement Fund Act 1909
  1975. Roads Improvements Act 1925
  1976. Roads' Act 4
  1977. Roadside Act
  1978. Roadside Act 1878
  1979. ROADTRAFFIC ACT 1960
  1980. Roard Safety Act
  1981. Rob-son Act
  1982. Robben Island Act
  1983. Robert Earl of Leicester's Hospital Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1926
  1984. Robert Gordon's Colleges and Aberdeen Endowments Trust Order Confirmation Act 1923
  1985. Robert Gordon's Technical College and Aberdeen Endowments Trust Order Confirmation Act 1909
  1986. Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm (Navigation and Fishing) (Scotland) Act 2003
  1987. Robinson's Trust Scheme Confirmation Act 1912
  1988. Robson Act 5
  1989. Rochdale Canal Act 1935 2
  1990. Rochdale Canal Act 1949
  1991. Rochdale Canal Act 1952
  1992. Rochdale Canal Act 1965
  1993. Rochdale Corporation (General Powers) Act 1930
  1994. Rochdale Corporation Act
  1995. Rochdale Corporation Act 1925
  1996. Rochdale Corporation Act 1930
  1997. Rochdale Corporation Act 1932
  1998. Rochdale Corporation Act 1937
  1999. Rochdale Corporation Act 1958 2
  2000. Rochdale Corporation Act 1962
  2001. Rochdale Corporation Water Act 1930
  2002. Rochdale Waterways Act 1886
  2003. Rochester Bridge Act 1965
  2004. Rochester Corporation Act 1936
  2005. Rochester Corporation Act 1952
  2006. Rochester, Chatham, and Gillingham Gas Act 1920
  2007. Rockall Act 2
  2008. Rod Act
  2009. Roe Deer (Close Seasons) Act 1977 5
  2010. Roe Street (Macclesfield) Congregational Chapel Scheme Confirmation Act 1913
  2012. Rogue Money Act
  2013. Rogues and Vagabonds Act 3
  2014. Roles Publication Act 1893
  2015. Rolls Act
  2016. Rolls Estate Act 1837 5
  2017. Rolls Royce (Purchase) Act 1971 3
  2018. Rolls Royce Puchase Act
  2019. Rolls-Royce (Purchase) Act 1971 18
  2020. Rolls-Royce Act
  2021. Rolls-Royce Purchase Act 1971
  2022. Rom-ford Urban District Council Act 1931
  2023. Roman Catholic Act 3
  2024. Roman Catholic Belief Act 4
  2025. Roman Catholic Bequest Act
  2026. Roman Catholic Bequests Act 2
  2027. Roman Catholic Charities Act 1832 22
  2028. Roman Catholic Charities Act 1860 4
  2029. Roman Catholic Disabilities Act 2
  2030. Roman Catholic Disabilities Removal Act 2
  2031. Roman Catholic Emancipation Act 74
  2032. Roman Catholic Inhabitants of Butlers Town for the Repeal of the Subletting Act
  2033. Roman Catholic Inhabitants of Lismore, for the Repeal of the Vestry Act
  2034. Roman Catholic Oath Act
  2035. Roman Catholic Relief Act 146
  2036. Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791
  2037. Roman Catholic Relief Act 1825
  2038. Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 27
  2039. Roman Catholic Relief Act 1926 2
  2040. Roman Catholic Repeal Act
  2041. Roman Catholic's Relief Act
  2042. Roman Catholic-Emancipation Act
  2043. Roman Catholics Charities Act
  2044. Romford and District Tramways Act 1903
  2045. Romford Canal Act 1875
  2046. Romford Gas Act 1929
  2047. Romford Gas Act 1938
  2048. Romford Urban District Council Act 1931 10
  2049. Romilly's Act
  2050. Roosevelt Memorial Act 1946
  2051. Roscrea Crimes Act
  2052. Rosebush and Fishguard Railway Act 1878
  2053. Ross and Cromarty (Coastal Waters Pollution) Order Confirmation Act 1979 2
  2054. Ross and Cromarty (Strathcarron South Strome Road) Order Confirmation Act 1966
  2055. Ross and Cromarty County Council (Kyle of Lochalsh Fishery Pier) Order Confirmation Act 1950
  2056. Ross and Cromarty Road Act 1866
  2057. Rosslare Act 2
  2058. Rosslare Act 1898
  2059. Rosyth Dockyard Act
  2060. Rotherham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1927
  2061. Rotherham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1934
  2062. Rotherham Corporation Act 1911
  2063. Rotherham Corporation Act 1915
  2064. Rotherham Corporation Act 1918
  2065. Rotherham Corporation Act 1919
  2066. Rotherham Corporation Act 1924 2
  2067. Rotherham Corporation Act 1928 3
  2068. Rotherham Corporation Act 1930
  2069. Rotherham Corporation Act 1937
  2070. Rotherham Rural District Council Act 1931
  2071. Rotherhithe Tunnel Act
  2072. Rothesay Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1961
  2073. Rothesay Corporation Gas Order Confirmation Act 1935
  2074. Rothesay Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1937
  2075. Rothesay Tramways (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act
  2076. Rothesay Tramways (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act 1918
  2077. Rothesay Tramways and Omnibuses Order Confirmation Act 1930
  2078. Rothesay Water Order Confirmation Act 1937
  2079. Round Oak Steel Works (Level Crossings) Act 1948
  2080. Round Oak Steel Works (Level Crossings) Act 1959
  2081. Rouse of Commons Disqualification Act 1957
  2082. Rousing (Rural Workers) Act
  2083. Rousing (Temporary Accommodation) Act 1944
  2084. Rousing Act 1961
  2085. Rousing Act 1974
  2086. Rousing Act 1980
  2087. Rout Traffic Act
  2088. Rowlatt Act 44
  2089. Roxburgh County Council (Ale Water) Order Confirmation Act 1956
  2090. Roy Jenkins Police Act
  2091. Royal Act
  2092. Royal Air Force (Constitution) Act 1917 2
  2093. Royal Air Force Act 1917 6
  2094. Royal Air Force Act 1955
  2095. Royal Air Force, in the Reserve Forces Act 1980
  2096. Royal Albert Hall Act 1876
  2097. Royal Albert Hall Act 1927
  2098. Royal Albert Hall Act 1951
  2099. Royal Albert Hall Act 1966
  2100. Royal Alexandra and Albert School Act 1949
  2101. Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act
  2102. Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927 2
  2103. Royal Assent Act 1957
  2104. Royal Assent Act 1967 812
  2105. Royal Assent Act 1979
  2106. Royal Assent by Commission Act 1541 4
  2107. Royal Assent for the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act
  2108. Royal Assent for the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act
  2109. Royal Assent for the National Health Service and Community Care Act
  2110. Royal Assent in the Public Act
  2111. Royal Assent of the Social Security Act 1986 2
  2112. Royal Assent to Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1901
  2113. Royal Assent to Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1902
  2114. Royal Assent to Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1905 2
  2115. Royal Assent to London Coal Duties Abolition Act 1889
  2116. Royal Assent to Special Juries Act 1898
  2117. Royal Assent to the Appropriation Act 3
  2118. Royal Assent to the Army (Annual) Act
  2119. Royal Assent to the Army Annual Act 1889
  2120. Royal Assent to the British Leyland Act
  2121. Royal Assent to the Children Act
  2122. Royal Assent to the Coal Industry Act 1994 2
  2123. Royal Assent to the Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1913
  2124. Royal Assent to the Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act
  2125. Royal Assent to the English Act
  2126. Royal Assent to the European Communities Act
  2127. Royal Assent to the Finance Act 4
  2128. Royal Assent to the Indemnity Act
  2129. Royal Assent to the Irish Free State (Confirmation of Agreement) Act 1924
  2130. Royal Assent to the Local Government (Elections) Act 1896
  2131. Royal Assent to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966
  2132. Royal Assent to the Local Government Act 1897
  2133. Royal Assent to the National Health Service and Community Care Act
  2134. Royal Assent to the Nature Conservancy Act
  2135. Royal Assent to the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988
  2136. Royal Assent to the Postponement of Payments Act 1914
  2137. Royal Assent to the Royal Titles Act 2
  2138. Royal Assent to the Scottish Planning Act 1947
  2139. Royal Assent to the Scottish Town and Country Planning Act 1947
  2140. Royal Assent to the Southern Rhodesia Natives Registration Act
  2141. Royal Assent to the Town and Country Planning Act 2
  2142. Royal Assent to the Treasury (Temporary Borrowing) Act 1910
  2143. Royal Bank of Scotland Act
  2144. Royal Bank of Scotland Act 1920
  2145. Royal Bank of Scotland Act 1985
  2146. Royal Bank of Scotland Limited Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1972
  2147. Royal Bank of Scotland Limited, Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act
  2148. Royal Bank of Scotland Officer's Widows' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1949
  2149. Royal Bank of Scotland Order Confirmation Act 1967
  2150. Royal Bank of Scotland Order Confirmation Act 1968
  2151. Royal Bank of Scotland Order Confirmation Act 1970 3
  2152. Royal Burgh of Dunfermline, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
  2153. Royal Burgh of Haddington, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
  2154. Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
  2155. Royal Burgh of Nairne, for Alteration of Prisons (Scotland) Act
  2156. Royal Burgh of Pittenween, for Alteration in the Prisons (Scotland) Act
  2157. Royal Burgh of Stranraer, for the Amendment of the Scottish Prisons Act
  2158. Royal Burgh of Whithorn, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
  2159. Royal Burghs Act 2
  2160. Royal Burghs Act 1487
  2161. Royal College of Art Act
  2162. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Order Confirmation Act 1962
  2163. Royal College of Physicians of London Act 1960
  2164. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Order Confirmation Act 1975 2
  2168. Royal Commission the Factory Act
  2169. Royal Commission's Report the Housing, Town Planning, etc. (Scotland) Act 1919
  2170. Royal Constabulary Act
  2171. Royal County of Berkshire (Public Entertainment) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1976 2
  2172. Royal Declaration Act
  2173. Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders Order Confirmation Act 1927
  2174. Royal Exchange Assurance Act 1925
  2175. Royal Exchange Assurance Act 1930
  2176. Royal Exchange Assurance Act 1960
  2177. Royal Four Towns Fishing Order Confirmation Act 1965
  2178. Royal Holloway and Bedford New College Act 1985 2
  2179. Royal Holloway College Act 1949
  2180. Royal Holloway College Act 1962
  2181. Royal Institution of Great Britain Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1958
  2182. Royal Insurance Company's Act 1891
  2183. Royal Insurance Company's Act 1907
  2184. Royal Irish Constabulary (Widows' Pension) Act 1954
  2185. Royal Irish Constabulary (Widows' Pensions) Act 1954 2
  2186. Royal Irish Constabulary Act 2
  2187. Royal Irish Constabulary Act 1874
  2188. Royal Irish Constabulary of Police (Ireland) Act
  2189. Royal Irish Constabulary Revised Terms of Disbandment Act 1922
  2190. Royal Irish Constabulary to the Licensing Act
  2191. Royal Marines Act 6
  2192. Royal Marines Act 1847 3
  2193. Royal Marines Act 1857 2
  2194. Royal Marines Act 1914 3
  2195. Royal Marines Act 1946
  2196. Royal Marines Act 1948
  2197. Royal Marriage Act 20
  2198. Royal Marriages Act 1772 33
  2199. Royal Military Asylum Chelsea (Transfer) Act 1884
  2200. Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea (Transfer) Act 1884
  2201. Royal Military Canal Act 3
  2202. Royal Military Canal Act 1867
  2203. Royal Mines Act
  2204. Royal Mines Act 1424
  2205. Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses Act 1936
  2206. Royal Naval Reserve (Volunteer) Act 1850
  2207. Royal Naval Reserve (Volunteer) Act 1859 16
  2208. Royal Naval Reserve Act 1859 2
  2209. Royal Naval Reserve Act 1927 4
  2210. Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 2
  2211. Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 1849
  2212. Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 1859
  2213. Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 1896
  2214. Royal Naval Reserves (Volunteer) Act 1859
  2215. Royal Naval Reserves Act 1859
  2216. Royal Naval Volunteer Act
  2217. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Act
  2218. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Act 1917
  2219. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Act 1942
  2220. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves Act 1917
  2221. Royal Navy Act
  2222. Royal Niger Company Act 1899 6
  2223. Royal Ordnance Factories and Military Services Act 1984
  2224. Royal Parks (Trading) Act 2000 5
  2225. Royal Parks Act 2
  2226. Royal Parks and Gardens Act 1872 4
  2227. Royal Parks Regulation Act
  2228. Royal Parks Regulations Act 1872
  2229. Royal Parks Trading Act
  2230. Royal Patriotic Fund (Re-organisation) Act 1903
  2231. Royal Patriotic Fund (Reorganisation) Act 1903
  2232. Royal Patriotic Fund Act 1903
  2233. Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation Act 1950 2
  2234. Royal Pensions Warrant and War Pensions Act 1919
  2235. Royal Prince Albert Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity, for Extension of the Benefit Societies Act
  2236. Royal Russell School Act 1962
  2237. Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women Glasgow Order Confirmation Act 1937
  2238. Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, Glasgow, Order Confirmation Act 1924
  2239. Royal School for Deaf and Dumb Children (Margate) Act 1915
  2240. Royal School for Deaf Children Margate Act 1958
  2241. Royal Scottish Museum (Extension) Act 1912
  2242. Royal Sheffield Infirmary and Hospital Act 1938
  2243. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1940
  2244. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1958
  2245. Royal Styles and Titles Act
  2246. Royal Supremacy Act
  2247. Royal Titles Act 23
  2248. Royal Titles Act 1876
  2249. Royal Titles Act 1901
  2250. Royal Titles Act 1953 7
  2251. Royal University (Ireland) Act
  2252. Royal University Act 16
  2253. Royal University Act 1879
  2254. Royal Victoria and Other Docks Approaches (Improvement) Act 1929
  2255. Royal Victoria Dock Approaches (Improvement) Act 1929 2
  2257. Royal Wanstead School Act
  2258. Royal Wanstead School Act 1939
  2259. Royal Warehouseman Clerks and Drapers' Schools Act 1954
  2260. Royston and Brodsworth Gas Act 1931
  2261. RSPCA Act 1932
  2262. RTP Act 4
  2263. RTP Act 1976
  2264. RUC GC Foundation in the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000
  2265. Rugby Corporation Act 1933
  2266. Rugby Corporation Act 1956
  2267. Rugby School Act 1992
  2268. Rugby Urban District Council Act 1923
  2269. Rule of Procedure, Army Act
  2270. Rules (Procedure) Act
  2271. Rules (Publication) Act 1893 2
  2272. Rules (Publications) Act
  2273. Rules Act
  2274. Rules and Publications Act 1893 2
  2275. Rules of Cases IV and V of Schedule D of the Income Tax Act 1918
  2276. Rules of Procedure Act
  2277. Rules of Publication Act 1893 5
  2278. Rules of Schedule E in the Income Tax Act 1918 3
  2279. Rules of Schedule E of the Income Tax Act 1918 3
  2280. Rules of the English Act
  2281. Rules of the Income Tax Act
  2282. Rules of the Publication Act 1893
  2283. Rules of the Superannuation Act
  2284. Rules of the Supreme Court (Juries) Act 1918
  2285. Rules Procedure Act
  2286. Rules Publication Act 140
  2287. Rules Publication Act 1493
  2288. Rules Publication Act 1889
  2289. Rules Publication Act 1893 144
  2290. Rules Publications Act 1893 3
  2291. Rules' Publication Act 1893
  2292. Rum Duty Act
  2293. Runcorn District Water Board Act 1962
  2294. Runcorn-Widnes Bridge Act 1950
  2295. Runcorn-Widnes Bridge Act 1955
  2296. Running Away Act 1983
  2297. Runrig Lands Act
  2298. Runrig Lands Act 1695
  2299. Rupert's Land Act 6
  2301. Rural Constabulary Act
  2302. Rural Cottages Act
  2303. Rural Housing (Scotland) Act 3
  2304. Rural Housing (Scotland) Act 1925
  2305. Rural Housing (Scotland) Act 1926 2
  2306. Rural Housing Act 71
  2307. Rural Housing Act 1912
  2308. Rural Housing Act 1923
  2309. Rural Housing Act 1925
  2310. Rural Housing Act 1926 8
  2311. Rural Housing Act 1931 2
  2312. Rural Landlord's Housing Act
  2313. Rural Libraries (Ireland) Act
  2314. Rural Libraries Act 4
  2315. Rural Police Act 38
  2316. Rural Policy Act
  2317. Rural Reconditioning Act
  2318. Rural Water Act
  2319. Rural Water and Sewerage Act 2
  2320. Rural Water and Sewerage Act 1944
  2321. Rural Water Supplies Act 1931
  2322. Rural Water Supplies Act 1934 45
  2323. Rural Water Supplies Act 1944 4
  2324. Rural Water Supplies and Sewage Act 1944 2
  2325. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage (No. 2) Act 1955 2
  2326. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1944 2
  2327. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1970 2
  2328. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1944 156
  2329. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1951 2
  2330. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1955 6
  2331. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1961 3
  2332. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1965
  2333. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1971 2
  2334. Rural Water Supplies and Sewereage Act 1944
  2335. Rural Water Supplies Sewerage Act 1944
  2336. Rural Water Supply Act 1934 3
  2337. Rural Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1944
  2339. Rural Workers (Housing) Act 5
  2340. Rural Workers (Housing) Act 1931
  2341. Rural Workers Act 51
  2342. Rural Workers Act 1926 3
  2343. Rural Workers Act 1931 2
  2344. Rural Workers Housing Act 20
  2345. Rural Workers Housing Act 1926
  2346. Rural Workers Housing Act 1931
  2347. Rural Workers' Act 2
  2348. Rural Workers' Housing Act 2
  2350. Rush Common Act 2
  2351. Rush-common Act
  2352. Rushden District Gas Act 1946
  2353. Russell Gurney Act
  2354. Russia-NATO Founding Act
  2355. Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) Act 12
  2356. Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) Act 1933 10
  2357. Russian Goods Importation Act
  2358. Russian Goody (Import Prohibition) Act
  2359. Rutherford Act 16
  2360. Rutherfurd Act 7
  2361. Rutherglen Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1937
  2362. Rutherglen Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1954
  2363. Ryde Corporation Act 1969 3
  2364. Ryde Corporation Act 1973
  2365. Rye Harbour Act

41,870 acts in total