- R Dad Traffic Regulation Act 1967
- Rab Butler Act
- Rab Butler Education Act
- Rabbits Act 1939
- Rabbits and Hares Act
- Rabies Act 22
- Rabies Act 1974 34
- Race Course Betting Control Act 1928
- Race Course Licensing Act 1879
- Race Discrimination Act 2
- Race Regulations Act 1976
- Race Relation Act 1976 2
- Race Relations (Amendment) Act 1976 2
- Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 238
- Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2002 2
- Race Relations (Compliance) Act 2000
- Race Relations (Remedies) Act 1994 5
- Race Relations (RRA) Act 1976
- Race Relations Act 1445
- Race Relations Act 1938
- Race Relations Act 1955
- Race Relations Act 1963
- Race Relations Act 1965 122
- Race Relations Act 1966 2
- Race Relations Act 1967 3
- Race Relations Act 1968 168
- Race Relations Act 1970 4
- Race Relations Act 1971
- Race Relations Act 1972
- Race Relations Act 1974 3
- Race Relations Act 1975 6
- Race Relations Act 1976 1267
- Race Relations Act 1978
- Race Relations Act 1999
- Race Relations Amendment Act 7
- Race Relations Amendment Act 1976
- Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 22
- Race Relations Amendment Act 2001
- Race Relations Bill and Sex Discrimination Act
- Racecource Betting Act 1928
- Racecourse (Betting Control) Act
- Racecourse Betting Act 1923
- Racecourse Betting Act 1928 103
- Racecourse Betting Control Act 3
- Racecourse Licensing Act 1879 5
- Racecourses Licensing Act 1879
- Racehorse Betting Act 1928
- Racehorse Duty Act 2
- Racial and Religious Toleration Act
- Racial Discrimination Act 6
- Racial Discrimination Act 1979
- Racial Equality Act
- Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act
- Radcliffe Farnworth and District Gas Act 1938
- Radiactive Substances Act 1960
- Radiation Exposed Veterans Compensation Act 2
- Radical Act
- Radical Government in the Finance Act 1910
- Radio-active Substances Act 1960 4
- Radioactiive Substances Act 1960
- Radioactive Act 1993
- Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Act 1991 3
- Radioactive Materials (Road Transport) Act 1991
- Radioactive Substance Act 1948
- Radioactive Substance Act 1960 4
- Radioactive Substance Act 1993 2
- Radioactive Substances Act 1948 130
- Radioactive Substances Act 1960 481
- Radioactive Substances Act 1963 2
- Radioactive Substances Act 1966
- Radioactive Substances Act 1969
- Radioactive Substances Act 1980 2
- Radioactive Substances Act 1983 3
- Radioactive Substances Act 1993 177
- Radioactive Substances Protection Act
- Radiological Protection Act 1970 30
- Rag and Flock Act 1936
- Rag Flock (Other Filling Materials) Act 1951
- Rag Flock Act 1911 10
- Rag Flock Act 1951 21
- Rag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951 34
- Rag Flock and Other Filling Substances Act 1951
- Rag Flock and other Fillings Material Act 1951
- Rag Flocks Act 2
- Rag, Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951 5
- Rag, Flock and Other Fillings Materials Act 1953
- Rag, Flock, and Other Filling Materials Act 1951
- Ragged Schools Act
- Rags and Emblems (Display) Act
- Ragwort Control Act 3
- Ragwort Control Act 2003
- Rahabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
- Rail Finance Corporation Act 1935
- Rail-way and Canal Traffic Act 1888 2
- Rail-ways Act
- Railtrack (Waverley Station) Order Confirmation Act 2000 2
- Railway (Accounts and Returns) Act 2
- Railway (Additional Powers) Act 1862
- Railway (Additional Powers) Act 1867
- Railway (City Terminus) Act 1861
- Railway (Ireland) Act 1851
- Railway (New Lines) Act 1862
- Railway (Prevention of Accidents) Act
- Railway (Private Sidings) Act
- Railway Accidents Act 3
- Railway Accounts Act
- Railway Act 87
- Railway Act 1844
- Railway Act 1845 3
- Railway Act 1847 3
- Railway Act 1852
- Railway Act 1853
- Railway Act 1860
- Railway Act 1861
- Railway Act 1862 5
- Railway Act 1865
- Railway Act 1873
- Railway Act 1896 2
- Railway Act 1912
- Railway Act 1921 14
- Railway Act 1949
- Railway Act 1953
- Railway Act 1972
- Railway Act 1973
- Railway Act 1974 8
- Railway Act 1993 8
- Railway Agreement Act 1935 3
- Railway Amalgamation Act 1900
- Railway and Canal Act 1888 11
- Railway and Canal Amendment Act
- Railway and Canal Commission (Abolition) Act 1949 3
- Railway and Canal Commission Act 3
- Railway and Canal Commission and Traffic Act
- Railway and Canal Companies Act
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1838 2
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1854 48
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1864
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1873 3
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1884 2
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1885
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1886 2
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1888 259
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1892
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1894 178
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1912 5
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1913 7
- Railway and Canal Traffic, Act 1888 2
- Railway and Canal Traffiic Act 1888
- Railway and Canal Water Act 1888
- Railway and Canals Traffic Act 1888
- Railway and Dock Act 1853
- Railway and Land Clauses Act
- Railway and Pier Act 1847
- Railway Assessment Act
- Railway Assessors (Scotland) Superannuation Act 1897
- Railway Charges Act
- Railway Clearing Act 1850 3
- Railway Clearing System Super-annuation Fund Act
- Railway Clearing System Super-annuation Fund Act 1914
- Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1948
- Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1959
- Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1972
- Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1976
- Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Association Act 1873
- Railway Clearing Systems Superannuation Fund Act 1976
- Railway Commission Act 2
- Railway Commissioners Act
- Railway Companies (Accounts and Returns) Act 1911 21
- Railway Companies (Ireland) Temporary Advances Act 1866 4
- Railway Companies (Scotland) Act 1867
- Railway Companies Accounts Act
- Railway Companies Act 6
- Railway Companies Act 1867
- Railway Companies Powers Act
- Railway Companies Powers Act 1864 16
- Railway Companies Returns Act
- Railway Companies' Powers Act 1864 11
- Railway Company Accounts and Returns Act 1911
- Railway Consolidation Act 3
- Railway Construction Act
- Railway Construction Facilities Act 1864 26
- Railway Deposits Act
- Railway Employment (Prevention of Accident) Act 1900
- Railway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1890
- Railway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1900 25
- Railway Employment, Prevention of Accidents Act 1900
- Railway Finance Corporation Act
- Railway Finances Act 1957
- Railway Fires Act 34
- Railway Fires Act 1905 10
- Railway Freight Rebate Act
- Railway Freight Rebates Act 1936 2
- Railway Freight Rebates Act 1943 3
- Railway Freights Rebate Act
- Railway Grouping Act 1922
- Railway Heritage Act 1996 4
- Railway Hours Act 1893 7
- Railway Labour Disputes Act 1903
- Railway Lands Clauses (Consolidation) Act
- Railway Passenger Act 1842
- Railway Passenger Duties Act 1842 3
- Railway Passenger Duty Act 1842 5
- Railway Passenger Duty Act 1917 2
- Railway Passengers Act
- Railway Passengers Assurance Act 1959
- Railway Passengers Assurance Company (Transfer) Act
- Railway Passengers Assurance Company's Act
- Railway Passengers Assurance Consolidation Act 1918
- Railway Police Act
- Railway Prevention of Accidents Act
- Railway Prevention of Accidents Act 1900
- Railway Purchase Act
- Railway Purchase Act 1846
- Railway Rates Act 5
- Railway Rates Act 1921
- Railway Rates and Charges (Weston, Cleveland, and Portishead Light Railways) Order Confirmation Act 1909
- Railway Rates and Charges Act 1888 3
- Railway Rates and Charges No. 26 (Athenry and Ennis) Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Railway Rates and Charges Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Railway Rates and Charges, No. 16 (North London Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Railway Rates and Charges, No. 20 (Callander and Oban Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Railway Rates and Charges, No. 21 (City of Glasgow Union Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Railway Rates and Charges, No. 23 (Great North of Scotland Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Railway Rates and Charges, No. 24 (Highland Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Railway Regulation (Hours of Labour) Act 1893
- Railway Regulation (Servants' Hours) Act 1893
- Railway Regulation Act 1840 2
- Railway Regulation Act 1842 8
- Railway Regulation Act 1844
- Railway Regulation Act 1854
- Railway Regulation Act 1871 3
- Railway Regulation Act 1873 2
- Railway Regulation Act 1889 7
- Railway Regulation Act 1893 69
- Railway Regulation Amendment Act
- Railway Regulations Act 1840
- Railway Regulations Act 1893 9
- Railway Returns (Continuous Brakes) Act 1878 6
- Railway Rolling Stock Protection Act 1872
- Railway Securities Act 2
- Railway Servants (Hours of Labour) Act 6
- Railway Servants (Hours) Act 1893
- Railway Servants Act 2
- Railway Servants' Hours Act 2
- Railway Servants' Hours of Labour Act
- Railway Tickets Act
- Railway Traffic Act 8
- Railway Traffic and Canals Act
- Railway-Companies Act
- Railways (Agreement) Act 1935 18
- Railways (Electric Power) Act 1903 2
- Railways (Electrical Power) Act 1903
- Railways (Electrical Powers) Act 1903
- Railways (Ireland) Act 18
- Railways (Ireland) Act 1851 3
- Railways (Ireland) Act 1860
- Railways (Ireland) Act 1896 35
- Railways (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1900 7
- Railways (Private Sidings) Act 1904 4
- Railways Abandonment Act
- Railways Accidents Act
- Railways Accounts and Finance Act
- Railways Act 1021
- Railways Act 1821
- Railways Act 1840
- Railways Act 1845
- Railways Act 1853
- Railways Act 1871
- Railways Act 1873 2
- Railways Act 1889 3
- Railways Act 1896 3
- Railways Act 1901
- Railways Act 1912
- Railways Act 1921 336
- Railways Act 1923
- Railways Act 1930
- Railways Act 1933
- Railways Act 1962
- Railways Act 1968
- Railways Act 1974 710
- Railways Act 1992
- Railways Act 1993 625
- Railways Act 1994
- Railways Act 1995
- Railways Act 2001 2
- Railways Act 2005
- Railways Agreement Act 1933 3
- Railways and Canal Traffic Act 2
- Railways and Canal Traffic Act 1888
- Railways and Canals Act 1854
- Railways and Canals Act 1888
- Railways and Canals Regulation Act 2
- Railways and Canals Traffic Act 2
- Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003 38
- Railways Companies' Powers Act 1864 3
- Railways Compensation Act
- Railways Consolidation Act 2
- Railways Consolidation Clauses Act 1845
- Railways Construction Facilities Act 1844
- Railways Construction Facilities Act 1864 14
- Railways Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act 1900 7
- Railways Employment Act
- Railways Fires Act 1905 3
- Railways Hours Act
- Railways Regulation Act 1840
- Railways Regulation Act 1842
- Railways Regulation Act 1868
- Railways Regulation Act 1871 9
- Railways Regulation Act 1883
- Railways Regulation Act 1893 2
- Railways Regulations Act
- Railways Regulations Act 1844
- Railways Road Transport Act 1928
- Railways Traverse Act 2
- Railways Winding-up Act
- Railways' Act 1921
- Raiways Act 1974
- Raking and Valuation Act 1925
- Ramsbottom Act
- Ramsbottom Urban District Council Act 1926
- Ramsgate Act
- Ramsgate Corporation Act 1922
- Ramsgate Corporation Act 1934
- Ramsgate Improvement Act 1878 2
- Ranges Act 9
- Ranges Act 1891 2
- Rangoon (Emergency) Security Act 1938
- Rangoon University Act
- Rapparee Act
- Rate (Interim Relief) Act 2
- Rate Act 1967
- Rate Act 1984
- Rate in Aid Act 6
- Rate Rebate Act 1973 9
- Rate Relief Act
- Rate Support Grant (Derbyshire) Act
- Rate Support Grant Act 1986 13
- Rate Support Grant Act 1988
- Rate Support Grants Act 1986 27
- Rate Support Grants Act 1987 10
- Rate Support Grants Act 1988 23
- Rates (Proceedings for Recovery) Act 1914
- Rates Act 1929
- Rates Act 1984 494
- Rates Act 1985 2
- Rates Act 1986
- Rates and Charges No. 1 (Abbotsbury Railway) Order Confirmation Act 1892
- Rates and Charges Order Confirmation Act 4
- Rates Support Grant Act 1986
- Rates Support Grant Act 1987
- Rates Support Grant Act 1988
- Rates Support Grants Act 1986
- Rathmines Act 2
- Rathmines and Rathgar Improvement Act 1885
- Rathmines Township Act
- Ratification Act
- Ration Act 2
- Rations Act
- Rats Act
- Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act 1919 46
- Rats and Mice Act 1919 2
- Rats and Mice Destruction Act 1919 4
- Rats Destruction Act 1919
- Ratting Act
- Ravensbourne Act
- Raw Cotton Act
- Rawmarsh Urban District Council (Tramways) Act 1900
- Rawmarsh Urban District Council Act 1923
- Rawtenstall Corporation Act 1924
- RBN Act
- RDA Act 15
- RDA Act 1998 2
- Re-cord of Titles Act
- Re-election of Ministers (No. 2) Act 1916 2
- Re-election of Ministers Act 1915
- Re-election of Ministers Act 1916 2
- Re-election of Ministers Act 1919 22
- Re-enactment Act
- Re-enactment of the Labour Rate Act
- Re-enactment of the Labour-Rate Act
- Re-enactment of the Labour-Rate Employment Act
- Re-engagement Act 2
- Re-form Act 2
- Re-habitation of Offenders Act
- Re-instatement in Civil Employment Act 1944 3
- Re-presentation of the People Act 1867
- Re-presentation of the People Act 1884
- Re-valuation Act
- Re-venue Act 1911
- Read and Rail Traffic Act 1933
- Reading Almshouse and Municipal Charities Scheme Confirmation Act 1958
- Reading and District Electric Supply Act
- Reading Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1936
- Reading Corporation Act 1913
- Reading Corporation Act 1914
- Reading Corporation Act 1930
- Reading Corporation Act 1935 7
- Reading Corporation Act 1970
- Reading Excellence Act
- Reading Gas Act 1927
- Ready Money Football Betting Act 1920 9
- Ready-Money Football Betting Act 1920
- Real Estate Charges Act 6
- Real Property Act
- Real Property Act 1925
- Real Property Deeds Registration Act
- Real Property Limitation Act 2
- Real Rights Act 2
- Real Rights Act 1693 2
- Realm (Acquisition of Land) Act 1916 2
- Realm (No. 3) Act
- Realm Act 121
- Realm Act 1914
- Realm Act 1915 2
- Rebecca Act
- Recall of Army and Air Force Pensioners Act
- Recall of Army and Air Force Pensioners Act 1948 6
- Receivers Act
- Recent Aliens Act
- Recess Elections Act 1784 6
- Recess Elections Act 1975 12
- Recess of Parliament Act 1784
- Reciprocal Judgments Act
- Reciprocal Trade Act 2
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
- Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act 5
- Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act 1934
- Reciprocal Trading Act
- Reciprocities of Duties Act
- Reciprocity Act 19
- Reciprocity Duties Act 4
- Reciprocity of Duties Act 20
- Reciprocity of Duties' Act 4
- Recited Act 2
- Recognition Act 1971 4
- Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations Act 1971 14
- Recognition of Trusts Act
- Reconditioning Act 9
- Reconstitution Act
- Record Act 1958
- Record of Title (Ireland) Act 1865 10
- Record of Title (Ireland) Act 1895
- Record of Title Act 10
- Record of Title Act 1865 2
- Record of Titles Act 5
- Recorded Delivery Service Act 1962 9
- Recorder's Act 3
- Recorders, Stipendiary Magistrates and Clerks of the Peace Act 1906 2
- Recorders, Stipendiary Magistrates, and Clerks of the Peace Act 1906
- Recordings Act 1984
- Records Act
- Records Act 1958 3
- Recovery Act 8
- Recovery Act 1838
- Recovery of Compensation for Malicious Damage Act
- Recovery of Debts, Tramways (Ireland) Act
- Recovery of Tithe Rentcharge Act
- Recreation Act 1957
- Recreation Grounds Act 1859 4
- Recreation Grounds and Public Walks Act
- Recreational Charities Act 1958 34
- Recusant Act
- Red Cross and Order of Saint John Act 1918
- Red Deer (Amendment) (Scotland) Act
- Red Deer Act 1959
- Red Flag Act
- Red Herring Act
- Red Payments Act 1965
- Red Sea and India Telegraph Act 1859
- Red Sea and India Telegraph Company Act
- Red Sea and India Telegraph Company Act 1859
- Redcar Corporation Act 1938
- Redcar, Coatham, Manske, and Saltburn Gas Act 1913
- Redcross Street Burial Ground (Bristol) Act 1930
- Redemption Act 11
- Redemption Act 1886
- Redemption of Kent (Ireland) Act 1891 3
- Redemption of Kent Act 2
- Redemption of Land (Ireland) Act 2
- Redemption of Land (Ireland) Act 1891
- Redemption of Land Act
- Redemption of Rent (Ireland) Act 1891 33
- Redemption of Rent (Ireland) Act 1892
- Redemption of Rent Act 28
- Redemption of Rent Act 1887
- Redemption of Rent Act 1891 6
- Redemption of Standard Securities (Scotland) Act 1971 3
- Redemptions Act
- Redemptions Act 1661
- Redeployment and Training Act
- Redistribution Act 33
- Redistribution Act 1885
- Redistribution Act 1918
- Redistribution Act 1948
- Redistribution of Industries Act
- Redistribution of Industry Act 2
- Redistribution of Seats (Ireland) Act 1918 3
- Redistribution of Seats Act 1885 81
- Redistribution of Seats Act 1944 4
- Redistribution of Seats Act 1947
- Redistribution of Seats Act 1949 2
- Redistribution of Seats Act 1979 2
- Redress of Wrong, Army Discipline Act
- Reduced Light Dues Clause of the Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act
- Reduced Lights Dues Clause of the Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act
- Reduction of Rent Act
- Redundancies Payments Act 1965
- Redundancy Act 9
- Redundancy Act 1965
- Redundancy Compensation Act
- Redundancy Fund Act 1981 8
- Redundancy Payment Act 2
- Redundancy Payment Act 1965
- Redundancy Payments Act 532
- Redundancy Payments Act 1963
- Redundancy Payments Act 1964 2
- Redundancy Payments Act 1965 253
- Redundancy Payments Act 1968 2
- Redundancy Payments Act 1973
- Redundancy Payments Act 1975 3
- Redundancy Provisions of the Cotton Act 1954
- Redundancy Rebates Act 1969 4
- Redundancy Rebates Act 1977 20
- Redundancy, Payments Act
- Redundant Churches Act 4
- Redundant Churches and Other Religious Buildings Act 1969 28
- Redundany Payments Act
- Reelection of Ministers Act 2
- Reelection of Ministers Act 1919 2
- Reelection of Ministers Act 1926
- Referee Finance (No. 2) Act 1964
- Referee Finance (No. 2) Act 1966
- Referee Finance (No. 2) Act 1972
- Reference to Inclosure Act
- Reference to the Education Act
- Reference to the People Act
- References in Corrupt Practices Act 2
- References to Magistrates' Courts Act 1980
- References to the Government of Ireland Act
- Referendum (Scotland and Wales) Act 1998
- Referendum Act 1975 56
- Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Act 1997 25
- Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Act 1998
- Referendums Act 1999
- Refinery Act
- Refining Act
- Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1966
- Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1968
- Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934
- Reform (Scotland) Act 2
- Reform Act 2514
- Reform Act 1832 57
- Reform Act 1834
- Reform Act 1867 14
- Reform Act 1870
- Reform Act 1884 3
- Reform Act 1932
- Reform Act 1967
- Reform Act 1988 3
- Reform Act 2002
- Reform of Mental Health Act 1983
- Reform of Parliament (Ireland) Act 6
- Reform of the Caravan Sites Act 1968 8
- Reform of the Mental Health Act 1959
- Reform of the Mental Health Act 1983 13
- Reform of Unsolicited Goods and Service Act
- Reformation Act
- Reformatories Act 5
- Reformatory Act 15
- Reformatory and Industrial Schools Act 4
- Reformatory and Industrial Schools Act 1891 2
- Reformatory Schools (Ireland) Act 1868 2
- Reformatory Schools (Scotland) Act 1893
- Reformatory Schools Act 19
- Reformatory Schools Act 1866 5
- Reformatory Schools Act 1893 2
- Reformatory Schools Amendment Act 2
- Reformed Act
- Reforming Offences Against the Person Act 1861
- Reforms Act 8
- Refreshment Act 1860 3
- Refreshment and Wine Licences Act
- Refreshment Houses (Ireland) Act 1860 2
- Refreshment Houses Act 1860 35
- Refreshment Houses Act 1964
- Refreshment Houses Act 1967 2
- Refreshment Houses and Wine Licences Act
- Refreshment Houses and Wine Licences Act 1860
- Refuse (Amenity) Act 1978
- Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 70
- Refuse Disposal Act 1978
- Refuse Disposal Amenity Act 1978 2
- Regency Act 1910 3
- Regency Act 1937 88
- Regency Act 1943 2
- Regency Act 1953 2
- Regent Refinery Company Act 1962
- Regent Refining Company Act 1962
- Regent's Canal Act 1812 2
- Regent, Royal and Carlton Terrace Gardens, Edinburgh Order Confirmation Act 1970 2
- Regents Canal Act
- Regents Canal Act 1812
- Regents Canal and Dock Company (Grand Junction Canal Purchase) Act 1928 4
- Regicide Act
- Regimental Accounts Act 1908
- Regimental Benefit Societies Act
- Regimental Charitable Funds Act 1935
- Regimental Deaths Act
- Regimental Debt Act
- Regimental Debts (Deposit of Wills) (Scotland) Act 1919
- Regimental Debts Act 1893 75
- Regimental Exchanges Act 2
- Regimental Exchanges Act 1875
- Regional AIDS (Control) Act
- Regional Assemblies (Preparation) Act 2003
- Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Act 2003 61
- Regional Commissioners Act 2
- Regional Commissioners Act 1939 2
- Regional Development Act 1998 3
- Regional Development Agencies Act 1988 3
- Regional Development Agencies Act 1998 162
- Regional Development Grants (Termination) Act
- Regional Development Grants (Termination) Act 1988
- Regional Employment Premium, Finance Act 1967 2
- Regional Government (Facilitation) Act
- Regional Transport Act
- Register Act 2
- Register and Electors Act
- Register of Business Names Act
- Register of Sasines (Scotland) Act
- Register of Sasines Act
- Register of Sasines Act 1693
- Register of Sasines Act 1987
- Registered Care Homes Act 1984
- Registered Charities Act 2
- Registered Design Act 2
- Registered Design Act 1949 3
- Registered Designs Act 1948
- Registered Designs Act 1949 189
- Registered Establishments (Scotland) Act 1987 14
- Registered Establishments (Scotland) Act 1998
- Registered Establishments Act
- Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 5
- Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 1991 39
- Registered Homes Act 1984 619
- Registered Homes Act 1994 2
- Registered Houses Act 1984
- Registered Housing Associations Act 1985
- Registered Nursing Homes Act 1938
- Registered Nursing Homes Act 1975
- Registered Nursing Homes Act 1984
- Registered Partnership Act
- Registered Partnership Act 1997
- Registered Seamen's Act 3
- Registered Trade Practices Act
- Registering Act 2
- Registraiion Act 1885
- Registration (Ireland) Act 1885 4
- Registration (Ireland) Act 1898 18
- Registration Acceleration Act 1894
- Registration Act 243
- Registration Act 1617
- Registration Act 1661
- Registration Act 1693
- Registration Act 1696
- Registration Act 1836
- Registration Act 1843 2
- Registration Act 1850
- Registration Act 1868
- Registration Act 1874 7
- Registration Act 1878
- Registration Act 1885 15
- Registration Act 1891
- Registration Act 1898
- Registration Act 1915
- Registration Act 1925 2
- Registration Act 1953
- Registration Act 1965 2
- Registration Act 1997 2
- Registration Aliens Act
- Registration Amendment (Scotland) Act 1885 3
- Registration Amendment Act
- Registration Ireland Act 1898
- Registration of Aliens Act 1838 3
- Registration of Arms Act
- Registration of Birth, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965
- Registration of Births Act 3
- Registration of Births Act 1907
- Registration of Births and Deaths Act 5
- Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1874
- Registration of Births and Marriages Act 2
- Registration of Births' (Scotland) Act
- Registration of Births, Death and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1945
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Army) Act
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Army) Act 1879 4
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees, etc.) Act 2
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1854 6
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1855
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1860 2
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965 23
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Special Provisions) Act 1957 3
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Act
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Scotland Act 1965
- Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) (Amendment) Act 1934
- Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1854 3
- Registration of Births, etc. (Scotland) Act 1854
- Registration of Burials Act 1864
- Registration of Business Names Act 1616
- Registration of Business Names Act 1914
- Registration of Business Names Act 1916 182
- Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act 1904 2
- Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Act 1967 3
- Registration of Clubs Act 8
- Registration of Common Rights Act 1853
- Registration of Commons Act 2
- Registration of Commons Act 1965 2
- Registration of Companies Act
- Registration of Companies Act 1916
- Registration of County Electors Act 1889
- Registration of County Voters (Ireland) Act 1864
- Registration of County Voters (Scotland) Act
- Registration of Deaths, Births and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965
- Registration of Deeds (Northern Ireland) Act 1970
- Registration of Deeds Act 4
- Registration of Deeds Act 1970
- Registration of Designs Act 3
- Registration of Electors Act 1888 2
- Registration of Electors Act 1891 2
- Registration of Firms Act 2
- Registration of Foreigners Act
- Registration of Homes Act 1984
- Registration of Labourers Act 2
- Registration of Labourers' Act
- Registration of Land (Scotland) Act
- Registration of Land Act
- Registration of Leases (Scotland) Act 1857 21
- Registration of Marriages Act 2
- Registration of Names Act 1916 2
- Registration of Newspapers Act
- Registration of Nursing Homes Act 1927
- Registration of Political Parties Act 1998 63
- Registration of Seamen Act
- Registration of Service Act 1953
- Registration of Still Births (Scotland) Act
- Registration of Still-Births (Scotland) Act 1938 4
- Registration of Stillbirths (Scotland) Act 1938
- Registration of the People Act 1884
- Registration of Title (Ireland) Act 1891 3
- Registration of Title Act 12
- Registration of Title Act 1891
- Registration of Titles (Ireland) Act 1891
- Registration of Titles (Ireland) Amendment Act 1908
- Registration of Titles Act 9
- Registration of Trade Marks Act 3
- Registration of Traffic Act
- Registration of Voters (Ireland) Act 1873
- Registration of Voters (Ireland) Act 1883 11
- Registration of Voters (Scotland) Act
- Registration of Voters Act 6
- Registration of Voters Ireland Act
- Registration of Votes Act
- Registration Service Act 1953 21
- Registry Act 21
- Registry Act 1898
- Registry of Deeds (Ireland) Holidays Act 2
- Registry of Deeds Holidays Act
- Registry of Deeds Office (Ireland) Holidays Act 1883
- Registry of Fishing Boats Act
- Reguation of Railway Act 1889
- Regular Monastic Orders in the Emancipation Act
- Regulating Act 7
- Regulation (Amendment) Act 1926
- Regulation Act 1872
- Regulation Act 1890
- Regulation Act 1920 4
- Regulation Act 1984 9
- Regulation of Railways Act 1889
- Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 3
- Regulation of Coal Mines Act 1887
- Regulation of Forces Act 1871 5
- Regulation of Investigating Powers Act 2000
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000 8
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 517
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2002
- Regulation of Investigatory, Powers Act
- Regulation of Labour Act 3
- Regulation of Mines Act
- Regulation of Railway Act 1871 2
- Regulation of Railways (Servants' Hours) Act 1893 2
- Regulation of Railways Act 78
- Regulation of Railways Act 1842
- Regulation of Railways Act 1844 2
- Regulation of Railways Act 1868 35
- Regulation of Railways Act 1871 53
- Regulation of Railways Act 1873 49
- Regulation of Railways Act 1881
- Regulation of Railways Act 1889 76
- Regulation of Railways Act 1890
- Regulation of Railways Act 1893 2
- Regulation of Railways Act 1899
- Regulation of Railways-Act 1889
- Regulation of the Defence of the Realm Act 2
- Regulation of the Forces Act 1831
- Regulation of the Forces Act 1871 58
- Regulation of the Forces, Act 1871
- Regulation of the Railaways Act 1842
- Regulation of the Railways Act 1873
- Regulation of Traffic Act 1967
- Regulation of Wages Act
- Regulation Railways Act
- Regulations Under the Fertiliser and Feeding Stuffs Act
- Regulatory Flexibility Act 1980 15
- Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
- Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Tax Credits Act 1999
- Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act
- Regulatory of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
- Regulatory Reform Act 2000 2
- Regulatory Reform Act 2001 184
- Regulatory Reform Act 2002 3
- Rehabilitatioin of Offenders Act
- Rehabilitation Act 1963
- Rehabilitation Act 1973 5
- Rehabilitation Act 1974 3
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 268
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1964
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1973
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 348
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1975
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1978
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1979
- Rehabilitation of Wenders Act 1974
- Rehabilitations of Offenders Act 1974
- Rehousing Act 1949
- Reigate Congregational Church Act 1972 2
- Reigate Corporation Act 1919
- Reigate Corporation Act 1945
- Reinstatement (Civil Employment) Act 1944
- Reinstatement Act 22
- Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act 1914
- Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act 1944 39
- Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act 1950 64
- Reinstatement in Civilian Employment Act
- Reinstatement in Industry Act
- Reinstatement of Civil Employment Act 1950
- Reinstatement of Employment Act
- Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 16
- Reinsurance Act
- Relation of Licences Granted Under Act
- Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
- Relations (Consolidation) Act
- Relations Act 13
- Relations Act 1965
- Relations Act 1971
- Relations Act 1974 2
- Relations Act 1999
- Relief Act 168
- Relief Extension Act
- Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act 43
- Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act 1879
- Relief of Distress (Ireland) Act 1880 29
- Relief of Distress (Ireland) Amendment Act 4
- Relief of Distress (Ireland) Amendment Act 1880 4
- Relief of Distress Act 46
- Relief of Distress Act 1880 10
- Relief of Distress Amendment Act 2
- Relief of Distressed Unions Act
- Relief Works Act 2
- Religions Opinions Act
- Religious Disabilities Act
- Religious Disabilities Act 1846 2
- Religious Disability Act 1844
- Religious Endowment Act
- Religious Endowments Act 2
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act
- Religious Instruction in State Schools Referendum Act 1908 2
- Religious Oaths Amendment Act
- Religious Opinions Act 8
- Religious Opinions Relief Act
- Religious Worship Act 5
- Remembrance Act
- Remission of Penalties Act 1875 5
- Remission of Rates (London) Act 1940
- Remission of Surcharges (Dublin) Act 1909
- Remoteness Grants, Agriculture Act 1957 2
- Removal Act 5
- Removal of Nuisances Act
- Removal of Undesirables Act 1920
- Removal of Wrecks Act 15
- Removal of Wrecks Act 1877 5
- Removal Terms (Burghs) (Scotland) Act 3
- Removal Terms (Burghs) (Scotland) Act 1881
- Removal Terms (Scotland) Act 1886 22
- Removal Terms (Scotland) Burghs Act
- Removings Act
- Removings Act 1693
- Remuneration Charges and Grants Act 1975 14
- Remuneration Grant and Charges Act
- Remuneration of Teachers (Scotland) Act 6
- Remuneration of Teachers (Scotland) Act 1967 13
- Remuneration of Teachers Act 1963 11
- Remuneration of Teachers Act 1965 181
- Remuneration of Teachers Act 1969
- Remuneration of Teachers' Act 1965
- Remuneration of the of Teachers Act 1965
- Remuneration, Charges and Grants Act 1975 86
- Renewable Leasehold Conversion (Ireland) Act 5
- Renewable Leasehold Conversion Act 1849 6
- Renewable Leaseholds Conversion Act 2
- Renewal and Extension of the Labour-Rate Act 2
- Renewal of Licensing (Ireland) Act 1902
- Renewal of the Bills of Exchange Act
- Renewal of the Labourers' Employment Act
- Renewal of the Linen Manufactures' (Ireland) Act
- Renewal of the Lisburn and Monaghan Road Act
- Renewal of the Monaghan and Lurgan Road Act
- Renewal of the Poor Law Union Charges Act
- Renewing and Extending of the Labour Rate Act
- Renfrew Burgh and Harbour Extension Act 1899 3
- Renfrew Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1932
- Renfrew County Council Order Confirmation Act 1974 2
- Renfrewshire County Council (Eastwood and Mearns) Water Order Confirmation Act 1934
- Renfrewshire County Council (Giffnock Railway Bridges) Order Confirmation Act 1927
- Renfrewshire Upper District (Eastwood and Mearns) Water Order Confirmation Act 1930
- Rent (Agriculture) (Amendment) Act 1977
- Rent (Agriculture) Act 1967
- Rent (Agriculture) Act 1976 251
- Rent (Agriculture) Amendment Act 1977
- Rent (Amendment) Act 2
- Rent (Amendment) Act 1984
- Rent (Amendment) Act 1985 2
- Rent (Control of Increase) Act 1969 2
- Rent (Control of Increases) Act 1969 26
- Rent (Restrictions) Act 2
- Rent (Scotland) Act 1965
- Rent (Scotland) Act 1971 117
- Rent (Scotland) Act 1974 2
- Rent (Scotland) Act 1984 93
- Rent Act 1915 2
- Rent Act 1920 19
- Rent Act 1932
- Rent Act 1933 3
- Rent Act 1938
- Rent Act 1939 3
- Rent Act 1955 2
- Rent Act 1956
- Rent Act 1957 639
- Rent Act 1958 5
- Rent Act 1962
- Rent Act 1964 2
- Rent Act 1965 4190
- Rent Act 1966 4
- Rent Act 1967
- Rent Act 1968 517
- Rent Act 1971 2
- Rent Act 1974 273
- Rent Act 1975
- Rent Act 1977 397
- Rent Act 1979
- Rent Act 1984 3
- Rent Agriculture Act 2
- Rent Agriculture Act 1976
- Rent Allowance Act
- Rent Amendment Act 1919
- Rent and Mortgage (Interest Restrictions) Act 1939
- Rent and Mortgage (War Restrictions) Act 1915
- Rent and Mortgage Increase (Restrictions) Act
- Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1920 13
- Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1923 2
- Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1939 2
- Rent and Mortgage Interest (War Restrictions) Act
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Act 2
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction (Amendment) Act 1933 3
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act 4
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act 1923 3
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restriction Act 1939
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 41
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1920 2
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1923 40
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1933 2
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1939 21
- Rent and Mortgage Interest Rrestrictions (Amendment) Act 1933
- Rent and Mortgage Restriction Act
- Rent and Mortgage Restriction Act 1920
- Rent and Mortgage Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 3
- Rent and Mortgage Restrictions Act 1933
- Rent and Mortgage Restrictions Act 1939 2
- Rent and Mortgages Act 2
- Rent and Repairs Act
- Rent and Subsidies Act 1975
- Rent Charge (Rates) Act
- Rent Charge Act
- Rent Charges Act 2
- Rent Charges Act 1977 3
- Rent Control Act 3
- Rent Control Act 1949
- Rent Control Act 1957 2
- Rent Controls Act
- Rent Courts Act 2
- Rent Increases Act 2
- Rent Increases Act 1969
- Rent Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 2
- Rent of Furnished Houses (Control) (Scotland) Act 1943 3
- Rent of Furnished Houses (Scotland) Act 1943 4
- Rent of Furnished Houses Control (Scotland) Act 1943 84
- Rent of Furnished Houses Control (Scotland) Act 1946
- Rent of Furnished Houses Control Act
- Rent Redemption Act 9
- Rent Restriction (Amendment) Act 1933 2
- Rent Restriction (Continuance) Act
- Rent Restriction (Notices of Increase) Act 1923 3
- Rent Restriction Act 1915 3
- Rent Restriction Act 1919
- Rent Restriction Act 1920 8
- Rent Restriction Act 1933 219
- Rent Restriction Act 1938 2
- Rent Restriction Act 1939
- Rent Restriction Act 1968
- Rent Restrictions (Furnished Premises) Act 1945
- Rent Restrictions (Notices of Increase) Act 1923 11
- Rent Restrictions Act 693
- Rent Restrictions Act 1920 18
- Rent Restrictions Act 1923 10
- Rent Restrictions Act 1933 2
- Rent Restrictions Act 1939 5
- Rent Restrictions Amendment Act 1920
- Rent Restrictions Amendment Act 1933
- Rent Restrictions and Mortgage Interest (Amendment) Act 1933
- Rent Tribunals Act 4
- Rent, Act 1965
- Rent-Charge Act
- Rent-charges Act 1977 2
- Rent-Fixing Act 2
- Rentcharge Act
- Rentcharges Act 10
- Rentcharges Act 1977 15
- Rents (Control of Increases) Act
- Rents (Notice of Increase) Act 1923 2
- Rents (Scotland) Act 1971
- Rents (Scotland) Act 1984 2
- Rents Act 1954
- Rents Act 1965 19
- Rents and Subsidies Act 1975 2
- Rents of Furnished Houses (Scotland) Act
- Rents Restriction Act 13
- Rents Restrictions Act 1917 6
- Renunciation Act 2
- Reorganisation Act 7
- Reorganisation Act 1974
- Reorganisation Corporation Act
- Reorganisation of Mines Act
- Reorganisation of Offices (Scotland) Act 1928
- Reorganisation of Offices (Scotland) Act 1939 12
- Reorganisation of Offices Act 1928 3
- Rep-representation of the People Act 1948
- Repair of War Damage Act 1941 4
- Repairs Act
- Repairs and Rent (Scotland) Act
- Repairs and Rents Act 10
- Repairs and Rents Act 1954
- Reparation (Recovery) Act 33
- Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 2
- Reparation Act 22
- Reparation Recovery Act 22
- Reparations (Recovery) Act 3
- Reparations Act 4
- Reparations Recovery Act 5
- Repatriation of Prisoners Act 1984 62
- Repayment of Debt Act
- Repayment of War Damage (Commodities) Act
- Repeal Act 9
- Repeal Act 1825
- Repeal and Alteration of the Factories' Regulation Act
- Repeal in Industrial Assurance Act 1929
- Repeal in Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act 1948
- Repealing Act 2
- Repealing of the Subletting Act
- Replacement of Betting Act
- Report in Pursuance of Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964
- Representation Act
- Representation of of the People Act
- Representation of of the People Act 1949
- Representation of People Act 1867
- Representation of People Act 1983
- Representation of People Act 2000 2
- Representation of Peoples Act 1985 2
- Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 1918 2
- Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 1957
- Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 1958 2
- Representation of the People (Armed Forces) Act 1976 22
- Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1918
- Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1928 6
- Representation of the People (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Act
- Representation of the People (Ireland) Act 1850 2
- Representation of the People (Ireland) Act 1861 5
- Representation of the People (Ireland) Act 1868 19
- Representation of the People (No. 2) Act 1920
- Representation of the People (No. 2) Act 1922 6
- Representation of the People (No. 2) Act 1974 4
- Representation of the People (No. 3) Act 1920
- Representation of the People (Northern Ireland) Act 1985
- Representation of the People (Reading University) Act 1928
- Representation of the People (Returning Officers' Expenses) Act 1919
- Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1832 8
- Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1868 35
- Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1884
- Representation of the People (Scotland) Act 1949 11
- Representation of the People (Women) Act 1918
- Representation of the People Act 1018
- Representation of the People Act 1832 4
- Representation of the People Act 1867 64
- Representation of the People Act 1868 2
- Representation of the People Act 1869
- Representation of the People Act 1876
- Representation of the People Act 1881
- Representation of the People Act 1882
- Representation of the People Act 1884 73
- Representation of the People Act 1898
- Representation of the People Act 1917 5
- Representation of the People Act 1918 1172
- Representation of the People Act 1919
- Representation of the People Act 1920 2
- Representation of the People Act 1921
- Representation of the People Act 1922 4
- Representation of the People Act 1927
- Representation of the People Act 1928
- Representation of the People Act 1931 4
- Representation of the People Act 1939
- Representation of the People Act 1945 34
- Representation of the People Act 1948 93
- Representation of the People Act 1949 519
- Representation of the People Act 1968
- Representation of the People Act 1969 74
- Representation of the People Act 1974 9
- Representation of the People Act 1976 2
- Representation of the People Act 1977 4
- Representation of the People Act 1978 7
- Representation of the People Act 1979 6
- Representation of the People Act 1980 9
- Representation of the People Act 1981 18
- Representation of the People Act 1983 504
- Representation of the People Act 1985 123
- Representation of the People Act 1986 2
- Representation of the People Act 1989 40
- Representation of the People Act 1990 15
- Representation of the People Act 1991 5
- Representation of the People Act 1993 3
- Representation of the People Act 2000 147
- Representation of the People Act 2001
- Representation of the People' Act
- Representation of the People's Act 4
- Representation of the People, Act 1918
- Representation of the Peoples Act 1884 8
- Representation of the Peoples Act 1918
- Representation of the Peoples Act 1989
- Representation of the Taxpayers Act
- Representations of the People Act
- Representations of the People Act 1983
- Representative Peers Act 1847
- Representative Peers for Scotland Act 2
- Representaton of the People Act 1983
- Represention of the People Act
- Repression of Crimes Act 2
- Reproductive Loan Fund Act 7
- Reproductive Loans Fund Act
- Republic of Eire Act
- Republic of Ireland Act 1949 23
- Republic of Ireland Merchant Shipping Act 1894
- Republic of Ireland of the Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act 1976
- Republic of Ireland's Criminal Appeal Act 1993
- Republic of Ireland's Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976 2
- Republic of Ireland's Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act 1976 2
- Republic of Ireland's Decommissioning Act 1997
- Republic of Ireland's Electoral Act 1997 2
- Republic of Ireland's Extradition Act 1987
- Republic of Ireland's National Cultural Institutions Act 1997
- Republic of Ireland's Official Languages Act 2003 8
- Republic of Ireland) Act
- Republic of Ireland) Act 1952
- Republic of Ireland) Act 1961
- Republic of Singapore Independence Act
- Republic of South Africa (Temporary Provisions) Act 3
- Republic of South Africa (Temporary Provisions) Act 1961 6
- Republic of Sri Lanka Act 1972
- Republic of The Gambia Act 1970
- Republic's Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976
- Republic's Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act
- Republic's Electoral Act 1997 11
- Republic's Electoral Law Act 1997
- Republic's Extra-Territorial Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act
- Republic's Extradition Act 1965 4
- Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 6
- Requisition Land and War Works Act 1945
- Requisition of Land Act
- Requisition of Land and War Works Act
- Requisition of Land and War Works Act 1945 2
- Requisition of Land and War Works Act 1948 2
- Requisitioned Houses (Amendment) Act
- Requisitioned Houses Act 5
- Requisitioned Houses Act 1960
- Requisitioned Houses and Housing (Amendment) Act 1955 81
- Requisitioned Houses and Housing Amendment Act 1955 2
- Requisitioned Land (War Works) Act 1945 4
- Requisitioned Land Act 7
- Requisitioned Land Act 1945 2
- Requisitioned Land and War Workers Act 1945
- Requisitioned Land and War Works Act 1945 209
- Requisitioned Land and War Works Act 1948 15
- Requisitioned Lands Act 5
- Requisitioned Lands Act 1945
- Requisitioned Lands and War Works Act
- Requisitioning (Land and Works) Act
- Requistioned Land and War Works Act 1945
- Resale Price Act
- Resale Price Maintenance Act 4
- Resale Prices Act 1964 23
- Resale Prices Act 1967
- Resale Prices Act 1976 154
- Resale Prices Act 1980
- Rescissory Act
- Rescue Act 1821 4
- Rescue and Aid Act
- Rescue and Aid Act 1910
- Reservation of Separate Amenities Act
- Reserve Act 1950
- Reserve Act 1962
- Reserve Act 1980 7
- Reserve Acts the Auxiliary Forces Act
- Reserve and Auxiliary Air Force and Air Force Reserve Act 1924
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Act 1951 53
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civilian Interests) Act 1951
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Training) Act 1950
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Training) Act 1951 24
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act 43
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act 1939 21
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act 1953
- Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Training Act 1951
- Reserve and Auxxiliary Forces Act
- Reserve Bank Act
- Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act
- Reserve Bank of Rhodesia Act 1964 8
- Reserve Farces Act 1882
- Reserve Forces (Safe-guard of Employment) Act 1985 2
- Reserve Forces (Safeguard of Employment) Act 1985 49
- Reserve Forces Act 1882 50
- Reserve Forces Act 1890 2
- Reserve Forces Act 1907 2
- Reserve Forces Act 1937
- Reserve Forces Act 1966 12
- Reserve Forces Act 1980 122
- Reserve Forces Act 1982 4
- Reserve Forces Act 1996 314
- Reserve Forces Amendment Act
- Reserve Forces and Militia Act 2
- Reserve Forces and Militia Act 1898 2
- Reserve Forces Safeguard of Employment Act 1985
- Reserve, Militia and Defence Act
- Reserved Forces Act
- Reserves Act 1882 3
- Reserves and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Act 1951 2
- Reserves and Auxiliary Forces (Training) Act 1951
- Reserves and Auxiliary Forces Act
- Reserves Forces Act 1996
- Reservoir (Safety Provisions) Act 1930 3
- Reservoir Act 1975
- Reservoir Safety Provisions Act 1930
- Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 6
- Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 1930 48
- Reservoirs Act 1930 5
- Reservoirs Act 1975 149
- Reservoirs Safety Act 1975
- Reservoirs Safety Provisions Act 1930
- Reset, Contravention of Misuse of Drugs Act
- Resettlement in Civil Employment Act
- Resettlement Services Act 2
- Residence Act
- Residences Act 3
- Resident Magistrates (Belfast) Act
- Resident Magistrates (Belfast) Act 1911 2
- Resident Magistrates (Ireland) Act 1920 2
- Resident Magistrates and Police Commissioners Salaries Act 1874
- Resident Magistrates' Pension Act 2
- Resident Magistrates' Pensions Act 10
- Residential Care Act 2000
- Residential Home Act
- Residential Homes Act 1980 57
- Residential Homes Act 1984 14
- Residential Homes Under Part III of the National Assistance Act 1948
- Resolution of Accession to the General Act
- Responsibility for the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979
- Restirctive Practices Act 1964
- Restitution Act 3
- Restoration Act 5
- Restoration of Older (Ireland) Act
- Restoration of Order (Ireland) Act 14
- Restoration of Order Act 1920 16
- Restoration of Order in Ireland Act 71
- Restoration of Order in Ireland Act 1920 15
- Restoration of Order Ireland (Indemnity) Act 1923
- Restoration of Pre-war Practices Act 16
- Restoration of Pre-War Practices Act 1919 6
- Restoration of Pre-War Practices Act 1942 2
- Restoration of Pre-War Trade Practices Act 4
- Restoration of Pre-War Trade Practices Act 1942 15
- Restoration of Pre-War Trade Practices Act 1950
- Restoration of Prewar Practices Act 1942
- Restoration of Prewar Trade Practices Act 1942
- Restoration of Trade Practices Act 4
- Restraining Act 4
- Restraint Act
- Restraint of Competition Act
- Restriction Act 20
- Restriction Act 1919
- Restriction of Liability) Act 1985
- Restriction of Advertisement (War Risks Insurance) Act 1939 3
- Restriction of Aliens Act
- Restriction of Beer Output Act
- Restriction of Development Act 1935
- Restriction of Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975 2
- Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959 51
- Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1961 2
- Restriction of Pre-War Trade Practices Act
- Restriction of Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 3
- Restriction of Rent Act 7
- Restriction of Rent and Mortgages Act
- Restriction of Rents Act 4
- Restriction of Ribbon Development (Temporary Development) Act 1943
- Restriction of Ribbon Development Act 49
- Restriction of Ribbon Development Act 1935 78
- Restriction of Sunday Trading Act
- Restriction Order Mental Health Act 1983
- Restriction, of Ribbon Development Act 1935
- Restrictions Act 4
- Restrictions of Offensive Weapons Act 1959
- Restrictions of Ribbon Development Act 1935
- Restrictions Under the Unemployed Workmen Act
- Restrictive Act
- Restrictive Practices (Inquiry and Control) Act 1948
- Restrictive Practices Act 1956 96
- Restrictive Practices Act 1968
- Restrictive Practices Act 1976 4
- Restrictive Practices Court Act 1976 9
- Restrictive Practices Court and to the Fair Trading Act 1973
- Restrictive Trace Practices Act
- Restrictive Trade Practice Act 1976 3
- Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Act
- Restrictive Trade Practices (Stock Exchange) Act 1984 5
- Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956 758
- Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1957 2
- Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1964
- Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1968 22
- Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 267
- Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1977 3
- Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1956 18
- Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1957 2
- Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1976
- Result of Labourers Act
- Results Act
- Retail Business Holidays Act
- Retail Meat Dealers' Shops (Sunday Closing) Act 1936 5
- Retail Meat Traders' Shops (Sunday Closing) Act
- Retail Prices Act 2
- Retail Prices Act 1964
- Retail Prices Act 1984
- Retailers for Shop Act
- Retailers for Shops Act 19
- Retained by Companies Consolidation (Consecutive Provisions) Act 1985
- Retired Officers (Civil Employment) Act 1919 6
- Retirement Act 1992
- Retirement of Teachers (Scotland) Act 1976 2
- Retirement of Vestrymen (London) Act 1896
- Return of Working of the Wireless Telegraph Act
- Return, Local Government Act
- Return, Local Government Act 1888
- Returning Officers (Scotland) Act 1891 3
- Returning Officers (Scotland) Act 1977 4
- Returning Officers Act 3
- Returning Officers Act 1875
- Returning Officers' (Scotland) Act 1886
- Returning Officers' Election Expenses Act 1875
- Returning Officers' Expenses Act
- Returning to the Disability Discrimination Act
- Returns Act 1882
- Returns Made Under the Insurance Companies Act
- Reunion Act
- Revaluation Act 1925
- Revaluation Act 1953
- Revaluation and Local Government Act 2003
- Revenue (No. 1) Act 1861
- Revenue (No. 2) Act 1861 6
- Revenue (No. 2) Act 1864
- Revenue (No. 2) Act 1968
- Revenue Act 1764
- Revenue Act 1862 6
- Revenue Act 1863 7
- Revenue Act 1864 8
- Revenue Act 1865 8
- Revenue Act 1866
- Revenue Act 1867 2
- Revenue Act 1868
- Revenue Act 1869 6
- Revenue Act 1880 4
- Revenue Act 1881 3
- Revenue Act 1883 11
- Revenue Act 1884 9
- Revenue Act 1887 2
- Revenue Act 1888
- Revenue Act 1889 24
- Revenue Act 1898 13
- Revenue Act 1903 8
- Revenue Act 1906 13
- Revenue Act 1909 9
- Revenue Act 1910
- Revenue Act 1911 150
- Revenue Act 1921
- Revenue Act 1968
- Revenue and Insurance Act
- Revenue Friendly Societies and National Debt Act 1882
- Revenue Officers Disabilities' Removal Act
- Revenue Officers Electoral Disabilities Removal Act
- Revenue Officers' Disabilities Act
- Revenue Officers' Disabilities Removal Act 3
- Revenue Offices (Scotland) Holidays Act 1880
- Revenue, Friendly Societies and National Debt Act 1882
- Revenue, Friendly Societies, and National Debt Act 1882
- Revenue-Act 1911
- Reversion Act 2
- Reversion Act 1469
- Reverter of Sites Act 1987 26
- Revervoirs (Safety Provisions) Act 1930
- Review Committee of Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
- Review Conference of the Helsinki Act
- Revised General Act
- Revival of Parts of Naval Discipline Act
- Revolutionary and Anarchical Crimes Act 1919 2
- Rhoanglo Group Act 1953
- Rhodes Estate Act 1916
- Rhodes Trust Act 1929
- Rhodes Trust Act 1946
- Rhodesia Act 5
- Rhodesia Act 1965 3
- Rhodesia Act 1979
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Federation) Act 2
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland Act 1953 4
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland Act 1963 2
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland Federation Act 1953 8
- Rhodesia Law and Maintenance Act
- Rhodesia Railways Limited (Pensions Schemes and Contracts) Act 1949
- Rhodesian and Nyasaland Act
- Rhodesian Electoral Act 1979
- Rhodesian Emergency Powers Act
- Rhodesian Industrial Conciliation Act
- Rhodesian Land Tenure Act
- Rhodesian Official Secrets Act
- Rhodesian Pensions Act
- Rhodesian Selection Trust Limited and Associated Companies Act 1954
- Rhodesian State Services Pension Act
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Act 1892
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Act 1914
- Rhondda Corporation Act 1973 2
- Rhondda Tramways (Railless Traction) Act 1913
- Rhondda Urban District Council (Tramways Extensions, etc.) Act 1915
- Rhondda Urban District Council Act 1911
- Rhyl Bridge Act 1861
- Rhyl Urban District Council Act 1932
- Rhyl Urban District Council Act 1935 2
- Rhyl Urban District Council Act 1956
- Rhymney and Aber Gas Act 1924
- Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Act 1914
- Rhymney Railway Act 1911
- Rhymney Railway Act 1914
- Rhymney Valley Gas and Water Act 1892
- Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Act 1912
- Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Act 1936
- Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Act 1967
- Rhymney Valley Water Act 1921
- Rhymney Valley Water Act 1926
- Ribband Act
- Ribble Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1913
- Ribbon Development Act 62
- Ribbon Development Act 1935 10
- Richard Jaeger's Patent Act 1904
- Richmond (Surrey) Corporation Act 1937
- Richmond (Surrey) Electricity Supply Act 1913
- Richmond Footbridge, Sluices, Lock, and Slipway Act 1890
- Richmond Lunatic Asylums Act 1897 3
- Richmond Parish Charity Lands Scheme Confirmation Act 1928
- Richmond, Petersham and Ham Open Spaces Act 1902
- Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1928
- Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1936
- Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1937
- Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Act 1938
- RICO Act
- Riddings District Gas Act 1914
- Riding Establishment Act 1964
- Riding Establishments Act 1939 11
- Riding Establishments Act 1954
- Riding Establishments Act 1964 28
- Riding Establishments Act 1970 2
- Rifle Volunteer Grounds Act 2
- Rifle Volunteer Grounds Act 1860
- Right of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act
- Right to Know Act 2
- Right to Time Off for Study Act 2
- Rights (Dispute Resolution) Act 1998
- Rights (Scotland) Amendment Act 1861
- Rights Act 1993
- Rights Act 1998 5
- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electericity Boards) Act 1954
- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954 38
- Rights of Entry Act 1954
- Rights of Entry' (Gas and Electricity) Boards Act 1954
- Rights of Light Act 1959 3
- Rights of Reverter Act 1987
- Rights of the Child and Human Rights Act
- Rights of Way Act 6
- Rights of Way Act 1932 7
- Rights of Way Act 1990 8
- Ringelmann Chart in the Clean Air Act 1956
- Rio Tinto Rhodesian Mining Limited Act 1961
- Riot (Damage) Act 1886
- Riot (Damages) Act 1866
- Riot (Damages) Act 1886 128
- Riot (Damages) Act 1986
- Riot (Defence) Act 1886
- Riot Act 404
- Riot Act 1714 7
- Riot Act 1881
- Riot and Damage Act
- Riot and Disturbance Act
- Riot Compensation Act
- Riot Damage Act 1886 2
- Riot Damages Act 1886 23
- Riotous Assemblies Act 2
- Riotous Assembly Act 2
- Riots Act
- RIP Act 24
- RIP Act 2000
- RIPA Act 2000 2
- Ripon Corporation Act
- Risca Urban District Council Act 1909
- Risca Urban District Council Act 1920
- Risks Insurance Act
- Ritualist Act
- River (Prevention of Pollution) Act 2
- River (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1951 2
- River (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1961
- River Board Act 5
- River Board Act 1948 2
- River Board's Act 1948
- River Boards Act 1948 189
- River Cam Conservancy Act 1922
- River Drainage Act
- River Glen Act 1916
- River Great Ouse (Flood Protection) Act 1949 2
- River Humber (Burcom Outfall) Act 1986 3
- River Humber (Upper Pyewipe Outfall) Act 1992 2
- River Lea Act
- River Lea Conservancy Act 2
- River Lee (Flood Relief, etc.) Act 1936
- River Lee Water Act 1855 2
- River Medway (Flood Relief) Act 1976 2
- River Mersey Act 1964
- River Pollution (Prevention) Act
- River Pollution Act 3
- River Pollution Act 1876
- River Pollution Prevention Act 1876 2
- River Pollution Prevention Border Counties Act 1898
- River Purification Act
- River Suck Drainage (Provision of Funds) Act 1890 3
- River Suck Drainage Act
- River Suck Drainage Act 1886
- River Suck Drainage Act 1889 3
- River Tweed of the Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976
- River Wandle Protection Act
- River Wear Watch (Dissolution) Act 1961
- River Wear Watch Act 1923
- Rivers (Pollution) Act
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1951 90
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1961
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1965 10
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 20
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1950 3
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1951 129
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1961 48
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1970
- Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Scotland Act 1951
- Rivers (Scotland) Pollution Act 1951 2
- Rivers Act 4
- Rivers Act 1951
- Rivers Board Act 2
- Rivers Board Act 1948
- Rivers Boards Act 1948 2
- Rivers Pollution (Border Councils) Act
- Rivers Pollution (Prevention) Act 2
- Rivers Pollution (Scotland) Act
- Rivers Pollution Act 54
- Rivers Pollution Act 1875
- Rivers Pollution Act 1876 12
- Rivers Pollution Act 1939
- Rivers Pollution Prevention (Border Councils) Act 1898 4
- Rivers Pollution Prevention (Scotland) Act
- Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 50
- Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 1875
- Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 1876 63
- Rivers Pollution Prevention Act 1893
- Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts of the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) (Scotland) Act 1951
- Rivers Prevention of Pollution Act
- Rivers Prevention of Pollution Act 1876
- Rivers Prevention of Pollution Act 1951
- Rivers' Pollution Act
- Rixton and Warburton Toll Bridge Act 1863
- Road (Ireland) Act
- Road Act 29
- Road Act 1878
- Road Act 1920
- Road Act 1930 2
- Road Act 1967
- Road and Bail Traffic Act
- Road and Rail Act 1933 5
- Road and Rail Act 1934 4
- Road and Rail Traffic Act 1930
- Road and Rail Traffic Act 1933 445
- Road and Rail Traffic Act 1936
- Road and Rail Traffic Act 1953
- Road and Rail Traffic Act 5933 2
- Road Board Act 3
- Road Boards Act
- Road Development Act 2
- Road Development Fund Act
- Road Haulage (Wages) Act 1938 3
- Road Haulage Act 20
- Road Haulage Act 1938 6
- Road Haulage Wages (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940 2
- Road Haulage Wages Act 1938 53
- Road Haulage Wages Act 1959
- Road Improvement Act 8
- Road Improvement Act 1925
- Road Improvement Fund Act
- Road Improvement Funds Act
- Road Improvements Act
- Road Plans Police Act 1847
- Road Races Act
- Road Races Act 1982
- Road Rail Traffic Act
- Road Registration Act 1984
- Road Regulation Act 1984
- Road Safety Act 71
- Road Safety Act 1962
- Road Safety Act 1965
- Road Safety Act 1967 164
- Road Safety Act 1974
- Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 1931
- Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 1960 2
- Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 1967 5
- Road Traffic (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988 3
- Road Traffic (Disqualification) Act 1970 2
- Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information System) Act 1989 2
- Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information Systems) Act 1989 13
- Road Traffic (Driver Licensing Information Systems) Act 1989
- Road Traffic (Drivers' Ages and Drivers' Hours of Work) Act 1976
- Road Traffic (Drivers' Ages and Hours of Work) Act
- Road Traffic (Drivers' Ages and Hours of Work) Act 1976 10
- Road Traffic (Driving Instruction by Disabled Persons) Act 2
- Road Traffic (Driving Instruction by Disabled Persons) Act 1993 3
- Road Traffic (Driving Instruction) Act 1967 11
- Road Traffic (Driving Instruction) Act 1984 14
- Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Act 1936 2
- Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Act 1947 5
- Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Act 1983 8
- Road Traffic (Driving of Motor Cycles and Mopeds) Act 1960
- Road Traffic (Driving of Motor Cycles) Act 1960 3
- Road Traffic (Drivirg Licences) Act 1936
- Road Traffic (Foreign Vehicles') Act 1972
- Road Traffic (Foreign Vehicles) Act 1971
- Road Traffic (Foreign Vehicles) Act 1972 50
- Road Traffic (Lighting) Act 1927 2
- Road Traffic (New Drivers) Act 1995 22
- Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act 1999 59
- Road Traffic (NHS) Charges Act 2
- Road Traffic (NHS) Charges Act 1999 2
- Road Traffic (Production of Documents) Act 1985 4
- Road Traffic (Reduction) Act 2
- Road Traffic (Regulation) Act 1967
- Road Traffic (Regulation) Act 1984 3
- Road Traffic (Regulations) Act 1967
- Road Traffic (Speedometer) Act 1933
- Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act
- Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991 11
- Road Traffic (Vehicle Testing) Act 1999
- Road Traffic Act 1435
- Road Traffic Act 1030 2
- Road Traffic Act 1920 2
- Road Traffic Act 1924
- Road Traffic Act 1930 1167
- Road Traffic Act 1931
- Road Traffic Act 1932
- Road Traffic Act 1933 16
- Road Traffic Act 1934 220
- Road Traffic Act 1936
- Road Traffic Act 1937 6
- Road Traffic Act 1950
- Road Traffic Act 1952
- Road Traffic Act 1955
- Road Traffic Act 1956 215
- Road Traffic Act 1957 2
- Road Traffic Act 1960 738
- Road Traffic Act 1961
- Road Traffic Act 1962 164
- Road Traffic Act 1963
- Road Traffic Act 1964
- Road Traffic Act 1967 16
- Road Traffic Act 1968 8
- Road Traffic Act 1969 2
- Road Traffic Act 1971 9
- Road Traffic Act 1972 622
- Road Traffic Act 1973 2
- Road Traffic Act 1974 140
- Road Traffic Act 1975 2
- Road Traffic Act 1976
- Road Traffic Act 1979
- Road Traffic Act 1980 3
- Road Traffic Act 1981
- Road Traffic Act 1982
- Road Traffic Act 1983 2
- Road Traffic Act 1984 11
- Road Traffic Act 1988 753
- Road Traffic Act 1989
- Road Traffic Act 1990 2
- Road Traffic Act 1991 246
- Road Traffic Act 1997
- Road Traffic Act 1998 2
- Road Traffic Act 1999
- Road Traffic Amendment Act 1931
- Road Traffic Amendment Act 1937 2
- Road Traffic and Road Improvement Act 1960 5
- Road Traffic and Road Improvements Act
- Road Traffic and Road Improvements Act 1960
- Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Act 12
- Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Act 1960 47
- Road Traffic Lighting Act 1957
- Road Traffic Lighting Act 1967
- Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 143
- Road Traffic Offenders' Act 1988
- Road Traffic Reduction (National Targets) Act 1998 32
- Road Traffic Reduction (United Kingdom Targets) Act 1998
- Road Traffic Reduction Act 1977
- Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997 85
- Road Traffic Reglation (Parking) Act 1986
- Road Traffic Regualtion Act 1984
- Road Traffic Regulation (Parking) Act 1986 10
- Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Act 1994 5
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1948
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1957 2
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967 319
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1972 2
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1976
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 679
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1988 3
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1994
- Road Traffic Regulations (Special Events) Act 1994
- Road Traffic Regulations Act 1967 23
- Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 35
- Road Traffic Regulations Act 1988
- Road Traffic Road Act 1988
- Road Traffice Act 1972 2
- Road Traffics Regulation Act 1967
- Road Trafic Act 1991
- Road Transport (Driving Instruction) Act
- Road Transport Act 27
- Road Transport Act 1927 2
- Road Transport Act 1930 2
- Road Transport Act 1947 2
- Road Transport Act 1953 3
- Road Transport Act 1956 2
- Road Transport Act 1957
- Road Transport Act 1960 4
- Road Transport Act 1968
- Road Transport Act 1980 2
- Road Transport Licensing Act 1957
- Road Transport Lighting (Amendment) Act 1958
- Road Transport Lighting (Cycles) Act 2
- Road Transport Lighting (Cycles) Act 1945 2
- Road Transport Lighting (No. 2) Act 1953 6
- Road Transport Lighting (Rear Lights) Act
- Road Transport Lighting Act 1927 52
- Road Transport Lighting Act 1929
- Road Transport Lighting Act 1953 12
- Road Transport Lighting Act 1957 33
- Road Transport Lighting Act 1967 26
- Road Transport Regulation Act 1967 2
- Road Transport Vehicles Lighting Act 1927
- Road Vehicles (Construction and Use Regulations) Act 1986
- Road, Traffic Act 1914
- Road-Rail Act 2
- Road-Rail Traffic Act 2
- Roads (Scotland) Act 13
- Roads (Scotland) Act 1970 44
- Roads (Scotland) Act 1983
- Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 237
- Roads (Scotland) Act 1989
- Roads Act 58
- Roads Act 1860
- Roads Act 1878
- Roads Act 1920 189
- Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act 1871
- Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act 1878 89
- Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Amendment Act 1892 4
- Roads and Bridges Act 91
- Roads and Bridges Act 1878 11
- Roads and Bridges Scotland Act
- Roads and Streets Act 1991
- Roads and Streets in Police Burghs (Scotland) Act 1891 3
- Roads and Streets in Police Burghs (Scotland) Act 1925
- Roads Development and Improvement Act
- Roads Development Improvements Act 1909
- Roads Improvement Act 1925 42
- Roads Improvement Fund Act
- Roads Improvement Fund Act 1909
- Roads Improvements Act 1925
- Roads' Act 4
- Roadside Act
- Roadside Act 1878
- Roard Safety Act
- Rob-son Act
- Robben Island Act
- Robert Earl of Leicester's Hospital Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1926
- Robert Gordon's Colleges and Aberdeen Endowments Trust Order Confirmation Act 1923
- Robert Gordon's Technical College and Aberdeen Endowments Trust Order Confirmation Act 1909
- Robinson's Trust Scheme Confirmation Act 1912
- Robson Act 5
- Rochdale Canal Act 1935 2
- Rochdale Canal Act 1949
- Rochdale Canal Act 1952
- Rochdale Canal Act 1965
- Rochdale Corporation (General Powers) Act 1930
- Rochdale Corporation Act
- Rochdale Corporation Act 1925
- Rochdale Corporation Act 1930
- Rochdale Corporation Act 1932
- Rochdale Corporation Act 1937
- Rochdale Corporation Act 1958 2
- Rochdale Corporation Act 1962
- Rochdale Corporation Water Act 1930
- Rochdale Waterways Act 1886
- Rochester Bridge Act 1965
- Rochester Corporation Act 1936
- Rochester Corporation Act 1952
- Rochester, Chatham, and Gillingham Gas Act 1920
- Rockall Act 2
- Rod Act
- Roe Deer (Close Seasons) Act 1977 5
- Roe Street (Macclesfield) Congregational Chapel Scheme Confirmation Act 1913
- Rogue Money Act
- Rogues and Vagabonds Act 3
- Roles Publication Act 1893
- Rolls Act
- Rolls Estate Act 1837 5
- Rolls Royce (Purchase) Act 1971 3
- Rolls Royce Puchase Act
- Rolls-Royce (Purchase) Act 1971 18
- Rolls-Royce Act
- Rolls-Royce Purchase Act 1971
- Rom-ford Urban District Council Act 1931
- Roman Catholic Act 3
- Roman Catholic Belief Act 4
- Roman Catholic Bequest Act
- Roman Catholic Bequests Act 2
- Roman Catholic Charities Act 1832 22
- Roman Catholic Charities Act 1860 4
- Roman Catholic Disabilities Act 2
- Roman Catholic Disabilities Removal Act 2
- Roman Catholic Emancipation Act 74
- Roman Catholic Inhabitants of Butlers Town for the Repeal of the Subletting Act
- Roman Catholic Inhabitants of Lismore, for the Repeal of the Vestry Act
- Roman Catholic Oath Act
- Roman Catholic Relief Act 146
- Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791
- Roman Catholic Relief Act 1825
- Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 27
- Roman Catholic Relief Act 1926 2
- Roman Catholic Repeal Act
- Roman Catholic's Relief Act
- Roman Catholic-Emancipation Act
- Roman Catholics Charities Act
- Romford and District Tramways Act 1903
- Romford Canal Act 1875
- Romford Gas Act 1929
- Romford Gas Act 1938
- Romford Urban District Council Act 1931 10
- Romilly's Act
- Roosevelt Memorial Act 1946
- Roscrea Crimes Act
- Rosebush and Fishguard Railway Act 1878
- Ross and Cromarty (Coastal Waters Pollution) Order Confirmation Act 1979 2
- Ross and Cromarty (Strathcarron South Strome Road) Order Confirmation Act 1966
- Ross and Cromarty County Council (Kyle of Lochalsh Fishery Pier) Order Confirmation Act 1950
- Ross and Cromarty Road Act 1866
- Rosslare Act 2
- Rosslare Act 1898
- Rosyth Dockyard Act
- Rotherham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1927
- Rotherham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1934
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1911
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1915
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1918
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1919
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1924 2
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1928 3
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1930
- Rotherham Corporation Act 1937
- Rotherham Rural District Council Act 1931
- Rotherhithe Tunnel Act
- Rothesay Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1961
- Rothesay Corporation Gas Order Confirmation Act 1935
- Rothesay Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Rothesay Tramways (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act
- Rothesay Tramways (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act 1918
- Rothesay Tramways and Omnibuses Order Confirmation Act 1930
- Rothesay Water Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Round Oak Steel Works (Level Crossings) Act 1948
- Round Oak Steel Works (Level Crossings) Act 1959
- Rouse of Commons Disqualification Act 1957
- Rousing (Rural Workers) Act
- Rousing (Temporary Accommodation) Act 1944
- Rousing Act 1961
- Rousing Act 1974
- Rousing Act 1980
- Rout Traffic Act
- Rowlatt Act 44
- Roxburgh County Council (Ale Water) Order Confirmation Act 1956
- Roy Jenkins Police Act
- Royal Act
- Royal Air Force (Constitution) Act 1917 2
- Royal Air Force Act 1917 6
- Royal Air Force Act 1955
- Royal Air Force, in the Reserve Forces Act 1980
- Royal Albert Hall Act 1876
- Royal Albert Hall Act 1927
- Royal Albert Hall Act 1951
- Royal Albert Hall Act 1966
- Royal Alexandra and Albert School Act 1949
- Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act
- Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927 2
- Royal Assent Act 1957
- Royal Assent Act 1967 812
- Royal Assent Act 1979
- Royal Assent by Commission Act 1541 4
- Royal Assent for the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act
- Royal Assent for the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act
- Royal Assent for the National Health Service and Community Care Act
- Royal Assent in the Public Act
- Royal Assent to Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1901
- Royal Assent to Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1902
- Royal Assent to Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1905 2
- Royal Assent to London Coal Duties Abolition Act 1889
- Royal Assent to Special Juries Act 1898
- Royal Assent to the Appropriation Act 3
- Royal Assent to the Army (Annual) Act
- Royal Assent to the Army Annual Act 1889
- Royal Assent to the British Leyland Act
- Royal Assent to the Children Act
- Royal Assent to the Coal Industry Act 1994 2
- Royal Assent to the Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1913
- Royal Assent to the Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act
- Royal Assent to the English Act
- Royal Assent to the European Communities Act
- Royal Assent to the Finance Act 4
- Royal Assent to the Indemnity Act
- Royal Assent to the Irish Free State (Confirmation of Agreement) Act 1924
- Royal Assent to the Local Government (Elections) Act 1896
- Royal Assent to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966
- Royal Assent to the Local Government Act 1897
- Royal Assent to the National Health Service and Community Care Act
- Royal Assent to the Nature Conservancy Act
- Royal Assent to the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988
- Royal Assent to the Postponement of Payments Act 1914
- Royal Assent to the Royal Titles Act 2
- Royal Assent to the Scottish Planning Act 1947
- Royal Assent to the Scottish Town and Country Planning Act 1947
- Royal Assent to the Southern Rhodesia Natives Registration Act
- Royal Assent to the Town and Country Planning Act 2
- Royal Assent to the Treasury (Temporary Borrowing) Act 1910
- Royal Bank of Scotland Act
- Royal Bank of Scotland Act 1920
- Royal Bank of Scotland Act 1985
- Royal Bank of Scotland Limited Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1972
- Royal Bank of Scotland Limited, Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act
- Royal Bank of Scotland Officer's Widows' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1949
- Royal Bank of Scotland Order Confirmation Act 1967
- Royal Bank of Scotland Order Confirmation Act 1968
- Royal Bank of Scotland Order Confirmation Act 1970 3
- Royal Burgh of Dunfermline, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
- Royal Burgh of Haddington, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
- Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
- Royal Burgh of Nairne, for Alteration of Prisons (Scotland) Act
- Royal Burgh of Pittenween, for Alteration in the Prisons (Scotland) Act
- Royal Burgh of Stranraer, for the Amendment of the Scottish Prisons Act
- Royal Burgh of Whithorn, for Alteration of the Prisons (Scotland) Act
- Royal Burghs Act 2
- Royal Burghs Act 1487
- Royal College of Art Act
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Order Confirmation Act 1962
- Royal College of Physicians of London Act 1960
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Order Confirmation Act 1975 2
- Royal Commission the Factory Act
- Royal Commission's Report the Housing, Town Planning, etc. (Scotland) Act 1919
- Royal Constabulary Act
- Royal County of Berkshire (Public Entertainment) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1976 2
- Royal Declaration Act
- Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders Order Confirmation Act 1927
- Royal Exchange Assurance Act 1925
- Royal Exchange Assurance Act 1930
- Royal Exchange Assurance Act 1960
- Royal Four Towns Fishing Order Confirmation Act 1965
- Royal Holloway and Bedford New College Act 1985 2
- Royal Holloway College Act 1949
- Royal Holloway College Act 1962
- Royal Institution of Great Britain Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1958
- Royal Insurance Company's Act 1891
- Royal Insurance Company's Act 1907
- Royal Irish Constabulary (Widows' Pension) Act 1954
- Royal Irish Constabulary (Widows' Pensions) Act 1954 2
- Royal Irish Constabulary Act 2
- Royal Irish Constabulary Act 1874
- Royal Irish Constabulary of Police (Ireland) Act
- Royal Irish Constabulary Revised Terms of Disbandment Act 1922
- Royal Irish Constabulary to the Licensing Act
- Royal Marines Act 6
- Royal Marines Act 1847 3
- Royal Marines Act 1857 2
- Royal Marines Act 1914 3
- Royal Marines Act 1946
- Royal Marines Act 1948
- Royal Marriage Act 20
- Royal Marriages Act 1772 33
- Royal Military Asylum Chelsea (Transfer) Act 1884
- Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea (Transfer) Act 1884
- Royal Military Canal Act 3
- Royal Military Canal Act 1867
- Royal Mines Act
- Royal Mines Act 1424
- Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses Act 1936
- Royal Naval Reserve (Volunteer) Act 1850
- Royal Naval Reserve (Volunteer) Act 1859 16
- Royal Naval Reserve Act 1859 2
- Royal Naval Reserve Act 1927 4
- Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 2
- Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 1849
- Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 1859
- Royal Naval Reserve Volunteer Act 1896
- Royal Naval Reserves (Volunteer) Act 1859
- Royal Naval Reserves Act 1859
- Royal Naval Volunteer Act
- Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Act
- Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Act 1917
- Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Act 1942
- Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves Act 1917
- Royal Navy Act
- Royal Niger Company Act 1899 6
- Royal Ordnance Factories and Military Services Act 1984
- Royal Parks (Trading) Act 2000 5
- Royal Parks Act 2
- Royal Parks and Gardens Act 1872 4
- Royal Parks Regulation Act
- Royal Parks Regulations Act 1872
- Royal Parks Trading Act
- Royal Patriotic Fund (Re-organisation) Act 1903
- Royal Patriotic Fund (Reorganisation) Act 1903
- Royal Patriotic Fund Act 1903
- Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation Act 1950 2
- Royal Pensions Warrant and War Pensions Act 1919
- Royal Prince Albert Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity, for Extension of the Benefit Societies Act
- Royal Russell School Act 1962
- Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women Glasgow Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, Glasgow, Order Confirmation Act 1924
- Royal School for Deaf and Dumb Children (Margate) Act 1915
- Royal School for Deaf Children Margate Act 1958
- Royal Scottish Museum (Extension) Act 1912
- Royal Sheffield Infirmary and Hospital Act 1938
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1940
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1958
- Royal Styles and Titles Act
- Royal Supremacy Act
- Royal Titles Act 23
- Royal Titles Act 1876
- Royal Titles Act 1901
- Royal Titles Act 1953 7
- Royal University (Ireland) Act
- Royal University Act 16
- Royal University Act 1879
- Royal Victoria and Other Docks Approaches (Improvement) Act 1929
- Royal Victoria Dock Approaches (Improvement) Act 1929 2
- Royal Wanstead School Act
- Royal Wanstead School Act 1939
- Royal Warehouseman Clerks and Drapers' Schools Act 1954
- Royston and Brodsworth Gas Act 1931
- RSPCA Act 1932
- RTP Act 4
- RTP Act 1976
- RUC GC Foundation in the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000
- Rugby Corporation Act 1933
- Rugby Corporation Act 1956
- Rugby School Act 1992
- Rugby Urban District Council Act 1923
- Rule of Procedure, Army Act
- Rules (Procedure) Act
- Rules (Publication) Act 1893 2
- Rules (Publications) Act
- Rules Act
- Rules and Publications Act 1893 2
- Rules of Cases IV and V of Schedule D of the Income Tax Act 1918
- Rules of Procedure Act
- Rules of Publication Act 1893 5
- Rules of Schedule E in the Income Tax Act 1918 3
- Rules of Schedule E of the Income Tax Act 1918 3
- Rules of the English Act
- Rules of the Income Tax Act
- Rules of the Publication Act 1893
- Rules of the Superannuation Act
- Rules of the Supreme Court (Juries) Act 1918
- Rules Procedure Act
- Rules Publication Act 140
- Rules Publication Act 1493
- Rules Publication Act 1889
- Rules Publication Act 1893 144
- Rules Publications Act 1893 3
- Rules' Publication Act 1893
- Rum Duty Act
- Runcorn District Water Board Act 1962
- Runcorn-Widnes Bridge Act 1950
- Runcorn-Widnes Bridge Act 1955
- Running Away Act 1983
- Runrig Lands Act
- Runrig Lands Act 1695
- Rupert's Land Act 6
- Rural Constabulary Act
- Rural Cottages Act
- Rural Housing (Scotland) Act 3
- Rural Housing (Scotland) Act 1925
- Rural Housing (Scotland) Act 1926 2
- Rural Housing Act 71
- Rural Housing Act 1912
- Rural Housing Act 1923
- Rural Housing Act 1925
- Rural Housing Act 1926 8
- Rural Housing Act 1931 2
- Rural Landlord's Housing Act
- Rural Libraries (Ireland) Act
- Rural Libraries Act 4
- Rural Police Act 38
- Rural Policy Act
- Rural Reconditioning Act
- Rural Water Act
- Rural Water and Sewerage Act 2
- Rural Water and Sewerage Act 1944
- Rural Water Supplies Act 1931
- Rural Water Supplies Act 1934 45
- Rural Water Supplies Act 1944 4
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewage Act 1944 2
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage (No. 2) Act 1955 2
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1944 2
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1970 2
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1944 156
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1951 2
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1955 6
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1961 3
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1965
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1971 2
- Rural Water Supplies and Sewereage Act 1944
- Rural Water Supplies Sewerage Act 1944
- Rural Water Supply Act 1934 3
- Rural Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1944
- Rural Workers (Housing) Act 5
- Rural Workers (Housing) Act 1931
- Rural Workers Act 51
- Rural Workers Act 1926 3
- Rural Workers Act 1931 2
- Rural Workers Housing Act 20
- Rural Workers Housing Act 1926
- Rural Workers Housing Act 1931
- Rural Workers' Act 2
- Rural Workers' Housing Act 2
- Rush Common Act 2
- Rush-common Act
- Rushden District Gas Act 1946
- Russell Gurney Act
- Russia-NATO Founding Act
- Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) Act 12
- Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) Act 1933 10
- Russian Goods Importation Act
- Russian Goody (Import Prohibition) Act
- Rutherford Act 16
- Rutherfurd Act 7
- Rutherglen Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Rutherglen Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1954
- Ryde Corporation Act 1969 3
- Ryde Corporation Act 1973
- Rye Harbour Act
41,870 acts in total