- C-Poultry Company Limited Act 1985 2
- Cab Act 1968
- Cabinet, Committee of Imperial Defence and Committee of Civil Research, University Grants Committee, Trade Facilities Act
- Cable Act 12
- Cable and Broadcasting Act 1984 214
- Cable and Wireless Act 14
- Cable and Wireless Act 1936
- Cable and Wireless Act 1946 4
- Cables and Wireless Act 2
- Caernarvon Corporation Act 1954
- Calcutta Improvement Act
- Calcutta Peace Act
- Calcutta Police Act 4
- Calcutta Police Act 1866
- Caldey Act
- Caldey Island Act 1990 13
- Caldy Island Act 1990
- Caledonian Insurance Company Act 1946
- Caledonian Insurance Company's Act 1923
- Caledonian Railway Act 1889 2
- Caledonian Railway Act 1923
- Caledonian Railway Company's Act
- Caledonian Railway Order Confirmation Act 1904
- Caledonian Railway Order Confirmation Act 1909
- Caledonian Railway Order Confirmation Act 1913
- Caledonian Railway Order Confirmation Act 1915
- Caledonian Railway Order Confirmation Act 1922 2
- Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 4
- Calendar Act 1751 8
- Calf Subsidies Act 1952 2
- Callander and Oban Railway Act 1897
- Calthorpe Estate Act 1918
- Camberwell, Bristol and Nottingham Elections (Validation) Act 1946 2
- Camborne Water Act 1935
- Cambrian Railways Act 1901
- Cambridge Act 16
- Cambridge and Oxford Act
- Cambridge Award Act 7
- Cambridge Award Act 1856
- Cambridge City Council Act
- Cambridge City Council Act 1985
- Cambridge Corporation Act 1922
- Cambridge Corporation Act 1932
- Cambridge Poor Law Union, for Repeal of Lunatics Act
- Cambridge Reform Act
- Cambridge University Act 7
- Cambridge University and Corporation Act 1894
- Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Act 1921
- Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Act 1934
- Cambridge University Reform Act 2
- Cambrige University Act
- Cammell Laird and Company Act 1956
- Cammell Laird and Company Act 1958
- Campbell Act 4
- Campbeltown Harbour and Gas Order Confirmation Act 1925
- Campbeltown Harbour, Water and Gas Order Confirmation Act 1935
- Camping and Caravanning Act 1980
- Camps Act 16
- Camps Act 1939 16
- Camps Act 1945
- Can Hill Cemetery Act 1980
- Canada Act 50
- Canada Act 1867
- Canada Act 1971
- Canada Act 1982
- Canada Clearing Act
- Canada Clergy Reserves Act 2
- Canada Coercion Act
- Canada Company's Act 1916
- Canada Corn Act 2
- Canada Corn Importation Act
- Canada Corporations Act
- Canada Defence Loans Act
- Canada Government Act 6
- Canada Loan Guarantee Act
- Canada Pure Food and Drugs Act
- Canada Shipping Act 2
- Canada Temperance Act 3
- Canada Tenure Act
- Canada Tenures Act 8
- Canada Trade Act 5
- Canada Union Act 7
- Canadas Tenures Act
- Canadia Old Age Security Act
- Canadian Access to Information Act
- Canadian Arbitration Act 2
- Canadian Bill of Rights Act
- Canadian Business Corporation Act 1975
- Canadian Citizenship Act 1945
- Canadian Citizenship Act 1946 8
- Canadian Clergy Reserves Act 2
- Canadian Combine Investigation Act
- Canadian Combines Investigation Act
- Canadian Companies Act
- Canadian Customs Act 6
- Canadian Customs Tariff Act
- Canadian Disputes (Investigation) Act 3
- Canadian Divorce Act
- Canadian Dominion Companies Act 1952
- Canadian Education Act
- Canadian Evidence Act 1998
- Canadian Family Allowances Act
- Canadian Federation Act 2
- Canadian Foreign Investment Review Act 1973
- Canadian Hazardous Products Act
- Canadian Human Rights Act 2
- Canadian Immigration Act 1978
- Canadian Industrial Disputes (Investigation) Act
- Canadian Industrial Disputes Investigation Act 4
- Canadian Inter-States Commerce Act
- Canadian Lands, Oil and Gas Act
- Canadian Lemieux Act
- Canadian Militia Act
- Canadian Oil and Gas Conservation Act
- Canadian Pacific Railway Act
- Canadian Pensions Act
- Canadian School Act 2
- Canadian Small Loans Act
- Canadian Tariff Act
- Canadian Tariff Board Act 1931
- Canadian Temperance Act
- Canadian Tenures Act 2
- Canadian Union Act 2
- Canadian War Crimes Act 2
- Canadian War Measures Act
- Canal Act 3
- Canal and Railway Traffic Act 1854
- Canal Boat Act 3
- Canal Boats Act 29
- Canal Boats Act 1877 15
- Canal Boats Act 1884 2
- Canal Boats Act 1929 3
- Canal Companies' Act
- Canal Rates and Charges (Regent's Canal) Order Confirmation Act 1904
- Canal Rates, Tolls, and Charges (No. 11) (Grand Canal) Order Confirmation Act 1894
- Canal Tolls and Charges (No. 5) (Regent's Canal) Order Confirmation Act 1894
- Canal Tolls and Charges (No. 7) (River Ancholme, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1894
- Canal Tolls and Charges (No. 8) (River Cam, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1894
- Canal Tolls and Charges (No. 9) (Canals of the Caledonian and North British Railway Companies) Order Confirmation Act 1894
- Canal Tolls and Charges Act 1894
- Canal Traffic Act
- Canal Traffic Act 1854
- Canals (Continuance of Charging Powers) Act 1922 3
- Canals (Continuation of Charging Powers) Act 1922
- Canals and Rivers Police Act 1840
- Canals Protection (London) Act 2
- Canals Protection (London) Act 1898 2
- Canals Traffic Act 3
- Cancer Act 11
- Cancer Act 1939 11
- Cancer Hospital (Free) Act 1933
- Cane Hill Cemetery Act 2
- Cannock Urban District Council Act 1919 2
- Cannock Urban District Council Act 1941
- Canongate Annuity Tax Act 3
- Canterbury and District Water Act 1952
- Canterbury and District Water Act 1960
- Canterbury Extension Act 1933
- Canterbury Extension Act 1951
- Canterbury Gas and Water Act 1938
- Cantonment Act 10
- Cantonment Acts Amendment Act
- Cantonments Act 12
- Cantonments Act 1889
- Cantonments Act 1897 2
- Cantonments Acts Amendment Act
- Cantonments' Act 2
- Canvey Island Urban District Council Act 1937
- Cape Act 4
- Cape Colony Immigration Act 2
- Cape Constitution Act
- Cape Indemnity Act
- Cape Mounted Riflemen Act 1878
- Cape Navy Contribution Act 1898
- Cape of Good Hope (Advance) Act 1885 2
- Cape Stamp and Licences Act
- Capital Allowance Act 1968 3
- Capital Allowances Act 1968 95
- Capital Allowances Act 1990 77
- Capital Allowances Act 1991
- Capital Allowances Act 2001 27
- Capital Expenditure (Money) Act 2
- Capital Expenditure (Money) Act 1904 4
- Capital Expenditure Act 2
- Capital Expenditure Act 1904
- Capital Expenditure Money Act 1904
- Capital Gains Act 1979 4
- Capital Gains Tax Act 1979 127
- Capital Gains Tax Act 1992 2
- Capital Gains Tax in the Finance Act 1965
- Capital Grants to Industry Act
- Capital Punishment (Amendment) Act 1868 5
- Capital Punishment (Ireland) Act 1842
- Capital Punishment Act 1868
- Capital Punishment Act 1967
- Capital Punishment Amendment Act 1868 17
- Capital Punishment Within Prisons Act 1868
- Capital Punishments' Abolition Act
- Capital Transfer Tax Act 1984 25
- Capitular Estates Management Act
- Capper-Volstead Act
- Capra Volstead Act
- Captive Birds Shooting (Prohibition) Act 1921
- Car Act 1903
- Car Tax (Abolition) Act 1992 2
- Car Tax Act 1983 21
- Caravan and Control of Development Act 1960
- Caravan Site (Control and Development) Act 1960
- Caravan Site Act 1968 4
- Caravan Site and Control and Development Act 1960
- Caravan Sites (Control and Development) Act 1960
- Caravan Sites (Control of Development) Act 1960 3
- Caravan Sites Act 1960 9
- Caravan Sites Act 1968 931
- Caravan Sites Act 1969 2
- Caravan Sites Act 1975
- Caravan Sites Act 1978
- Caravan Sites Act 1980
- Caravan Sites Act 1986 6
- Caravan Sites and Control and Development Act
- Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 270
- Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1961
- Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1976
- Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1996
- Caravan Sites and Control of Developments Act 1960 4
- Caravan Sites and Development Act
- Caravan Sites Control of Development Act 1960
- Caravans (Site and Control of Development) Act
- Caravans Act 1963
- Caravans Act 1966 2
- Caravans Act 1968 12
- Caravans Sites Act 1968 7
- Caravans Sites and Control of Development Act 1960
- Carbery's Divorce Act 1920
- Card-well Act
- Cardiff City Council Act
- Cardiff City Council Act 1984
- Cardiff Corporation (Extension of Time) Act 1948
- Cardiff Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1940
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1879
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1894 2
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1909
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1920
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1930
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1934 4
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1941 2
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1943 2
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1955
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1961
- Cardiff Corporation Act 1969
- Cardiff Corporation Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1927
- Cardiff Corporation, Act 1894
- Cardiff Extension Act 1937
- Cardiff Extension Act 1950 2
- Cardiff Railway Act 1897
- Cardiff Railway Act 1912 2
- Cardiff Railway Act 1914
- Cardiff Railway Act 1916
- Cardigan Union, for Alteration of the Poor Law Amendment Act
- Cardwell Act 2
- Care Homes Act
- Care of Animals Act 1876
- Care Stadards Act 2000
- Care Standards Act 201
- Care Standards Act 2000 465
- Care Standards Act 2001
- Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004 13
- Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995 140
- Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1996
- Carers (Recognition of Services) Act 1995 2
- Carers Act 5
- Carers Act 1995
- Carers and Direct Payments (Northern Ireland) Act 2002
- Carers and Direct Payments Act 3
- Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 100
- Carers and Disabled Children's Act 2000 2
- Carers Recognition and Services Act 1995 3
- Carers' Recognition and Services Act 1995
- Caribbean Development Act
- Caribbean Development Bank in the Diplomatic and other Privileges Act 1971
- Carlisle Act
- Carlisle Extension Act 1950
- Carnegie Hero Fund Trust Act 1931
- Carolin's Divorce Act 1913
- Carriage Act
- Carriage by Air (Supplementary Provisions) Act 1962 14
- Carriage by Air Act 1932 56
- Carriage by Air Act 1942
- Carriage by Air Act 1961 68
- Carriage by Air and Road Act 1979 7
- Carriage by Rail Act 1972
- Carriage by Railway Act 1972 11
- Carriage by Sea Act
- Carriage by Sea Act 1932
- Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965 5
- Carriage of Goods by Sea (Documents) Act
- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924 30
- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 9
- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 4
- Carriage of Grain Act 2
- Carriage of Grain Act 1880 2
- Carriage of Grain Cargoes Act
- Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea Act 1996
- Carriage of Munitions Act 2
- Carriage of Munitions to Spain Act 7
- Carriage of Munitions to Spain Act 1936 3
- Carriage of Passengers by Road Act 1974 10
- Carrier's Act
- Carriers Act 35
- Carriers Act 1830 2
- Carriers Liability Act 3
- Carriers' Act 10
- Carriers' Liabilities Act
- Carriers' Liability Act 5
- Casino Act
- Cassingwold Union, for Alteration of the Poor-law Amendment Act
- Castle Gate Congregational Church Burial Ground (Nottingham) Act 1956
- Castle Tensions Act
- Casual Pauper Regulations Act
- Casual Poor Act 1882 9
- Cat and Mouse Act 7
- Cat-and-Mouse Act
- Catastrophic Health Act
- Catchment Board Act
- Catering (Wages) Act 1943
- Catering Act 8
- Catering and Wages Act
- Catering Wages Act 315
- Catering Wages Act 1942
- Catering Wages Act 1943 38
- Cathcart District Railway Act 1889
- Cathcart's Divorce Act 1899
- Cathedral Act 2
- Cathedral Appointments Act 6
- Cathedral Reform Act
- Catholic Belief Act
- Catholic Bequests Act
- Catholic Emancipation Act 195
- Catholic Emancipation Act 1829 6
- Catholic Inhabitants of Ratoath, for the Repeal of the Burial Act
- Catholic Inhabitants of Rotoath, for the Repeal of Easement of Burial Act
- Catholic Relief Act 1829 41
- Cattewater Reclamation Act 1992 2
- Cattle (Emergency Provisions) Act
- Cattle Contagious Diseases Act
- Cattle Disease Act
- Cattle Disease Prevention Act
- Cattle Diseases (Animals) Act 1878
- Cattle Diseases (Ireland) Act 4
- Cattle Diseases (Ireland) Act 1866
- Cattle Diseases (Ireland) Act 1876
- Cattle Diseases Act 50
- Cattle Diseases Prevention Act 1866 28
- Cattle Grids Act 2
- Cattle Importation Act
- Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) (No. 2) Act 1935 8
- Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Act 1934 28
- Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Act 1935 11
- Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Act 1936
- Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) No. 2 Act 1935
- Cattle Industry (No. 2) Act
- Cattle Industry (Subsidy) Act 1934
- Cattle Industry No. 2 Act 1935
- Cattle Market Act
- Cattle Plague Act 17
- Cattle Plague Prevention Act
- Cattle Trade (Restrictions) Act
- Cattledown Wharves Act 1957
- Cattlesheds in Burghs (Scotland) Act 1866
- Causes Act 1937
- Causes Act 1973
- Cautley Act 17
- Cavendish Clarke's Divorce Act 1919
- Cawdor's Act
- Cawood Bridge Act 1870
- Cayman Islands Act 1863 2
- Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands Act 1958
- CDC Act 1978
- CDC Act 1995 4
- CDC Act 1999 2
- CDP Act
- Celluloid and Cinematograph Film Act 1922 14
- Celluloid and Cinematographic Film Act 1922
- Celluloid and Cinimatograph Film Act 1922
- Cemeteries (Ireland) Act
- Cemeteries Act 12
- Cemetery Act 3
- Censorship Act
- Census (Amendment) Act
- Census (Amendment) Act 2000 2
- Census (Confidentiality) Act 1991 20
- Census (England and Wales) Act 1890
- Census (Great Britain) Act 1900 3
- Census (Great Britain) Act 1910 2
- Census (Ireland) Act 1900 3
- Census (Ireland) Act 1910 2
- Census (Ireland) Act 1920
- Census Act 1890
- Census Act 1910 5
- Census Act 1911
- Census Act 1920 250
- Census Act 1921 2
- Census Act 1980
- Census Confidentiality Act 1991
- Census Great Britain Act 1910
- Census of Production Act 1006
- Census of Production Act 1906 136
- Census of Production Act 1917
- Census of Production Act 1939 2
- Census of Trades Act
- Census of-Production Act
- Census Production Act 4
- Centennial Act 1715
- Central African Federation Act 2
- Central African Trade Fair Act 1960
- Central Argentine Railway Act
- Central Committee of the Profiteering Act 2
- Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation, Agriculture Act 1967
- Central Criminal Court Act 5
- Central Criminal Court Act 1834 2
- Central Criminal Court Act 1856
- Central Criminal Court to the Schedule in the House of Commons Disqualification Act
- Central Criminal Courts Act 1856
- Central Electric Supply Companies Act 1899
- Central Electricity Act
- Central Ireland Railway Act 1896
- Central London and Metropolitan District Railway Companies Act 1924
- Central London Railway Act 1891
- Central London Railway Act 1892 3
- Central London Railway Act 1899
- Central London Railway Act 1900
- Central London Railway Act 1909
- Central London Railway Act 1911
- Central London Railway Act 1913
- Central London Railway Act 1914
- Central Provident Fund Act
- Central Provinces Act
- Central Provinces Village Sanitation Act
- Central Railway Act
- Cereal Marketing Act
- Cereals Marketing Act 13
- Cereals Marketing Act 1965 19
- Certificate Act
- Certified Industrial Schools Act 1866
- Cess Act 2
- Cessio Bonorum Act
- Ceylon Indemnity Act
- Ceylon Independence Act 1947 14
- CFE Final Act 9
- CFEIA Concluding Act
- Chaff Cutting Machine (Accidents) Act
- Chaff-Cutting Machines (Accidents) Act 1897 3
- Chain Cable and Anchor Act
- Chain Cables Act 2
- Chain Cables and Anchors Act 5
- Chain Cables and Anchors Act 1871
- Chairman and Legal Member Prevention of Fraud (Investment) Act 1958
- Chairman of the Mental Health Act
- Chairman of the West Derby Union, for Alteration of the Poor-law Amendment Act
- Chairmen of Traffic Commissioners, Etc. (Tenure of Office) Act 1937 3
- Challenge of Jurors Act 1305
- Chamberlain Act 111
- Chamberlain Housing Act
- Chamberlain's Act
- Chambers Institution, Peebles, Order Confirmation Act 1911
- Chancel Repairs Act 1932 2
- Chancellor of the Exchequer's Act
- Chancellor of the Exchequer's Industry Act
- Chancellor's ACT
- Chancellor's Defence Act
- Chancellor's Economy Act
- Chancellor's Law Reforms, and Lord Melbourne's Subletting Act
- Chancery Act 2
- Chancery Amendment Act 2
- Chancery Amendment Act 1858
- Chancery Appeal Court Act 1856
- Chancery Funds Act 4
- Chancery of Lancaster Act 1890 2
- Chancery Regulation (Ireland) Act 1862
- Chancery Regulation Act 9
- Chancery Regulation Act 1850
- Change of Venue (Ireland) Act 1833
- Change of Venue Clauses of the Crimes Act
- Channel Tunnel (Initial Finance) Act 3
- Channel Tunnel (Initial Finance) Act 1973
- Channel Tunnel Act 1987 316
- Channel Tunnel Act 1988
- Channel Tunnel Company (Limited) Act
- Channel Tunnel Rail Act
- Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) Act 1996
- Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996 46
- Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1997
- Channon Act
- Chantries Act 3
- Chantry Act 2
- Chapel Street Congregation Church (Southport) Burial Ground Act 1964
- Chapel Whaley and District Gas Act 1911
- Chaplin Act 4
- Chapters I and II of Part XVII of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970
- Charge Act
- Chargeable Gains Act 1992
- Charges Equalisation Act
- Charging Orders Act 1979 16
- Charing Cross Act
- Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School Act
- Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School Act 1984
- Charing Cross, Euston, and Hampstead Railway Act
- Charing-cross Act
- Charitable Act 5
- Charitable Bequest Act
- Charitable Bequests (Ireland) Act
- Charitable Bequests Act 135
- Charitable Bequests' Act
- Charitable Collections (Regulation) Act 1939
- Charitable Collections Act
- Charitable Donations Act
- Charitable Donations and Bequests (Ireland) Act 5
- Charitable Donations and Bequests Act 5
- Charitable Endowed Schools Act
- Charitable Funds Investment Act
- Charitable Loan Fund (Ireland) Act 1900 2
- Charitable Loan Fund Act 2
- Charitable Loan Funds (Ireland) Act 1843 2
- Charitable Loan Societies (Ireland) Act 1843 5
- Charitable Loan Societies (Ireland) Act 1900 2
- Charitable Loan Societies Act 1843
- Charitable Loans (Ireland) Act 1900 4
- Charitable Loans Act 1843 4
- Charitable Loans Fund Act
- Charitable Loans Society Act 1900 2
- Charitable Trust Act 4
- Charitable Trust Act 1853 2
- Charitable Trust Amendment Act 1855
- Charitable Trust Continuance Act
- Charitable Trustees Act
- Charitable Trustees Incorporated Act 1872
- Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act 1872 8
- Charitable Trusts (Amendment) Act 1885
- Charitable Trusts (Ireland) Act
- Charitable Trusts (Places of Religious Worship) Amendment Act 1894
- Charitable Trusts (Places of Worship) Amendment Act
- Charitable Trusts (Recovery) Act 1891 5
- Charitable Trusts (Validation) Act 1954 18
- Charitable Trusts Act 1852
- Charitable Trusts Act 1853 49
- Charitable Trusts Act 1855 2
- Charitable Trusts Act 1860 11
- Charitable Trusts Act 1869 125
- Charitable Trusts Act 1887
- Charitable Trusts Act 1888
- Charitable Trusts Amendment Act 1855 10
- Charitable Trusts Recovery Act 1891 2
- Charitable Trusts Validation Act 1954 2
- Charitable Uses Act 1601 9
- Charitable, Trusts Act
- Charities (Amendment) Act
- Charities (Amendment) Act 1995
- Charities (Ireland) Act 1832 2
- Charities Act 1916
- Charities Act 1958
- Charities Act 1960 620
- Charities Act 1962
- Charities Act 1968 2
- Charities Act 1980
- Charities Act 1985 42
- Charities Act 1992 91
- Charities Act 1993 186
- Charities Enquiries Act
- Charities Incorporation Act
- Charities Recovery Act
- Charities Trustees Act
- Charity Act 1960 8
- Charity Act 1992 2
- Charity Commission Act 4
- Charity Commissioners Act
- Charity Commissions Act
- Charity Inquiries (Expenses) Act 2
- Charity Inquiries (Expenses) Act 1892 4
- Charity Inquiries Expenses Act 1892
- Charity Organization Act 2
- Charity Trust Act
- Charity Trust Recovery Act
- Charity Trustees Act
- Charity Trusts Act 2
- Charity Trusts Recovery Act 1891
- Charles Beattie Indemnity Act 1956 2
- Charles II Act
- Charles Shell's Charity Act 1911
- Charlwood and Horley Act
- Charlwood and Horley Act 1974 2
- Charnwood Forest Railway Act 1910
- Charter Act 49
- Charter of the BBC and IBA Act
- Charter Trustees Act 1985 5
- Chartered and Other Bodies (Resumption of Elections) Act 1945
- Chartered and Other Bodies (Temporary Provisions) Act 1939 25
- Chartered and Other Bodies (Temporary Provisions) Act 1941
- Chartered and Other Bodies Act 1939 2
- Chartered Associations (Protection of Names and Uniforms) Act 1926
- Chartered Bodies Act 1939
- Charterhouse Japhet Act
- Charterhouse Japhet Act 1981
- Charters Act
- Charybdis of the Land Act
- Chase Act
- Chasetown Gas Act 1911
- Chataway Act
- Chatham and District Traction Act 1929 3
- Chatham and District Traction Act 1955
- Chatham and Sheerness Stipendiary Magistrate Act 1867
- Chatham and Sheerness Stipendiary Magistrate Act 1929
- Chatham Corporation Act
- Chatham Corporation Act 1923
- Chatham Intra Charity of Richard Watts and other Charities Scheme Confirmation Act 1955
- Cheap Train Act 2
- Cheap Trains Act 1844 2
- Cheap Trains Act 1883 217
- Cheap Trains Act 1885
- Cheap Transport Act 1883
- Check Weighing in Various Industries Act 1919
- Check Weight Act
- Check-weighing Act
- Check-Weighman's Act
- Checkweighers Act 4
- Checkweighing (Women's Trades) Factory Act
- Checkweighing in Various Industries Act 1919 2
- Checkweighman's Act
- Checkweighting in Various Industries Act 1919
- Cheekweighing Act
- Chelmsford Corporation Gas Act 1915
- Chelmsford Corporation Water Act 1923
- Chelmsford Gas Act 1914
- Chelsea Borough Council (Superannuation and Pensions) Act 1914 2
- Chelsea Borough Council (Superannuation and Pensions) Act 1927
- Chelsea Bridge Act 8
- Chelsea Bridge Amendment Act 2
- Chelsea College, University of London Act
- Chelsea College, University of London Act 1969
- Chelsea Hospital Lands Act
- Chelsea Pension Act
- Chelsea Water Works Act 1852
- Cheltenham District Traction Act 1929
- Chemical Weapons Act 1995
- Chemical Weapons Act 1996 59
- Chemicals Weapons Act
- Chepping Wycombe Corporation Act 1927
- Chepstow Gas Act 1918
- Chepstow Water Act
- Chequers Act
- Chequers Estate Act 1917 11
- Chequers Estate Act 1958 9
- Cheques (No. 2) Act 1957
- Cheques Act 103
- Cheques Act 1957 47
- Cheques Act 1992 6
- Chertsey Urban District Council Act 1956
- Chesham and District Gas Act 1911
- Cheshire Act 1953
- Cheshire and Lancashire (Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, etc.) Act 1947
- Cheshire and Lancashire County Councils (Runcorn-Widnes Bridge etc.) Act 1947
- Cheshire Brine Pumping (Compensation for Subsidence) Act 1952
- Cheshire Brine Pumping (Compensation for Subsidence) Act 1964
- Cheshire Brinepumping (Compensation for Subsidence) Act 1952
- Cheshire Constabulary Act
- Cheshire Constabulary Act 1852
- Cheshire County Council Act 6
- Cheshire County Council Act 1868
- Cheshire County Council Act 1953 3
- Cheshire County Council Act 1968 2
- Cheshire County Council Act 1980 10
- Cheshire Lines Act 1903
- Cheshunt Urban District Council Act 1955
- Chester Corporation Act 1929
- Chester Corporation Act 1932
- Chester Gas Act 1922
- Chester Waterworks Act 1911
- Chester Waterworks Act 1930
- Chester Waterworks Act 1935
- Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Act 1932
- Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Act 1944
- Chesterfield Corporation Act 1914
- Chesterfield Corporation Act 1923 4
- Chesterfield Corporation Railless Traction Act 1913
- Chesterfield Gas and Water Board Act 1911
- Chevening Estate Act 1959 17
- Chevening Estate Act 1986
- Chevening Estate Act 1987
- Chevening, Estate Act 1959
- Chichester Corporation Act 1935
- Chichester Corporation Act 1938
- Chichester Gas Act 1911
- Chichester Harbour Conservancy Act 1971 2
- Chichester Rural District Council Act 1964
- Chid Care Act 1980
- Chidren Act 1989
- Chidren and Young Persons Act 1933
- Chief Inspector for Wales) of the Learning and Skills Act 2000
- Chief Secretary for Ireland, Why the Admiralty (Ireland) Act
- Chief Secretary to the Land Act
- Chief Secretary's Land Act
- Child Abduction Act 1984 49
- Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 44
- Child Adoption Act
- Child and Young Persons Act 1969
- Child Benefit Act 68
- Child Benefit Act 1975 93
- Child Benefits Act 1975
- Child Care Act 1975
- Child Care Act 1980 309
- Child Care Act 1989
- Child Care Act 1990
- Child Care and Children Act
- Child Custody Act 1985
- Child Custody and Abduction Act 1985
- Child Endowment Act
- Child Feeding Act
- Child Marriage Act 2
- Child Marriage Restraint Act 13
- Child Marriage Restraint Act 1928
- Child Marriages Restraint Act 2
- Child Messenger Act 23
- Child Murder (Record of Sentence of Death) Act 1909
- Child Murder (Trial) Act 1922 3
- Child Pornography Act 1978
- Child Pornography Prevention Act 1996
- Child Poverty Act 2
- Child Protection Act 1978 6
- Child Protection Act 1999 3
- Child Support Act 1991 966
- Child Support Act 1992 2
- Child Support Act 1993
- Child Support Act 1995 43
- Child Support Agency Act 1991
- Child Support and Pensions Act
- Child Support Pensions Act 2000
- Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998
- Child Trust Fund Act 2
- Child Trust Funds Act 2004 2
- Child Welfare Act 2
- Child Welfare and Maternity Act
- Child's Act
- Child's Messenger Act
- Child-Marriage Restraint Act
- Childminders Regulation Act 1948
- Childred and Young Persons Act 1969
- Children (Employment Abroad) Act 1913 14
- Children (Employment Abroad) Act 1930
- Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 97
- Children (Leaving Care) Act 2001
- Children (Protection From Tobacco) Act 1991 2
- Children (Scotland) Act 1995 217
- Children (Scotland) Act 1996
- Children Act 1198
- Children Act 1548
- Children Act 1908 219
- Children Act 1926
- Children Act 1932
- Children Act 1933 5
- Children Act 1948 381
- Children Act 1949
- Children Act 1958 2738
- Children Act 1959
- Children Act 1960
- Children Act 1963
- Children Act 1965
- Children Act 1969 6
- Children Act 1972 12
- Children Act 1974 4
- Children Act 1975 569
- Children Act 1978 2
- Children Act 1981
- Children Act 1985
- Children Act 1988
- Children Act 1989 2969
- Children Act 1990 6
- Children Act 1993
- Children Act 1994 2
- Children Act 1998 3
- Children Act 1999 3
- Children Act 2004 71
- Children Adoption Act 1939
- Children and Persons Act 1933
- Children and You in Persons Act
- Children and Youne Persons Act 1969
- Children and Young Offenders Act 1933
- Children and Young Offenders Act 1969
- Children and Young People Act 1933
- Children and Young Perasons Act 1933
- Children and Young Person (Harmful Publications) Act 1955
- Children and Young Person Act
- Children and Young Person Act 1933 2
- Children and Young Person Act 1969 2
- Children and Young Person's Act 1933 2
- Children and Young Person's Act 1968 6
- Children and Young Person's Act 1969 2
- Children and Young Persona Act 1933
- Children and Young Persons (Amendment) Act 1952 4
- Children and Young Persons (Amendment) Act 1986 23
- Children and Young Persons (Employment) Act
- Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act 1955 50
- Children and Young Persons (Northern Ireland) Act 1968 2
- Children and Young Persons (Northern Ireland) Act 1986 2
- Children and Young Persons (Occasional Licences) Act
- Children and Young Persons (Protection From Tobacco) Act 1991
- Children and Young Persons (Registered Clubs) Act 1957
- Children and Young Persons (Scoltand) Act 1957
- Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1932 15
- Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937 226
- Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1939
- Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1947
- Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1957
- Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1973
- Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1983
- Children and Young Persons Act 1908 3
- Children and Young Persons Act 1932 17
- Children and Young Persons Act 1933 1130
- Children and Young Persons Act 1935 2
- Children and Young Persons Act 1937 4
- Children and Young Persons Act 1938 6
- Children and Young Persons Act 1944
- Children and Young Persons Act 1948 2
- Children and Young Persons Act 1952
- Children and Young Persons Act 1953
- Children and Young Persons Act 1956 3
- Children and Young Persons Act 1962
- Children and Young Persons Act 1963 861
- Children and Young Persons Act 1964
- Children and Young Persons Act 1967
- Children and Young Persons Act 1968 6
- Children and Young Persons Act 1969 876
- Children and Young Persons Act 1972
- Children and Young Persons Act 1975 3
- Children and Young Persons Act 1983
- Children and Young Persons Act 1986 3
- Children and Young Persons Act 1989
- Children and Young Persons Act 1993 13
- Children and Young Persons' (Harmful Publications) Act
- Children and Young Persons' (Scotland) Act 1937
- Children and Young Persons' Act 1933 2
- Children and Young Persons' Act 1963 2
- Children and Young Persons' Act 1969 16
- Children and Young Pesons Act 1933
- Children and Young-Persons Act 1933
- Children Employment Act 1903
- Children Leaving Care Act
- Children Leaving Care Act 2000
- Children Scotland Act 1995
- Children' Act 1975
- Children's (Employment Abroad) Act 2
- Children's Act 84
- Children's Act 1908 16
- Children's Act 1912
- Children's Act 1933 2
- Children's Act 1948 12
- Children's Act 1975 7
- Children's Act 1980
- Children's Act 1989 11
- Children's and Young Persons Act 2
- Children's and Young Persons Act 1908
- Children's and Young Persons Act 1933 2
- Children's and Young Persons Act 1936
- Children's and Young Persons Act 1969
- Children's and Young Persons' Act
- Children's Commissioner for Wales Act 2001 13
- Children's Dangerous Performances Act
- Children's Dangerous Performances Act 1879 6
- Children's Employment Act 2
- Children's Employment Act 1903
- Children's Homes Act 1982 21
- Children's Protection Act 2
- Childrens Act 6
- Childrens Act 1948
- Childrens Act 1975 4
- Childrens Act 1989
- Childrens and Young Persons Act
- Childrens and Young Persons Act 1963
- Childrens' Act 2
- Childrens' Act 1975
- Chimes Act
- Chimney Sweepers Act 1875 3
- Chimney Sweepers Act 1894 4
- Chimney Sweepers Acts (Repeal) Act 1938
- Chimney Sweepers and Chimneys Regulation Act 1840
- Chimney Sweepers Regulation Act 1864 5
- Chimney Sweepers' Act 3
- Chimney-Sweepers Act
- Chimneysweepers' Act
- Chin Act 1870
- China (Currency Stabilisation) Act 1939 3
- China Act
- China Indemnity (Application) Act 1925 16
- China Indemnity (Application) Act 1931 8
- China Indemnity Act 1925
- China Passenger Ships Act
- China Passengers Act
- China Trade Act 9
- Chinese Exclusion Act
- Chinese Indemnity Fund (Application) Act
- Chinese Passenger Act 8
- Chinese Passengers Act 4
- Chinese Passengers Act 1852
- Chinese Passengers' Act 3
- Chinese Passengers' Act 1855 2
- Chinese Restriction and Regulation Act
- Chinese Trade Act 2
- Chipping Sodbury Town Trust Scheme Confirmation Act 1960
- Chiropody Act
- Chiropractors Act 1994 23
- Chiropractos Act 1994
- Chiswick Urban District Council Act 1911
- Chiswick Urban District Council Act 1914
- Choice of Employment Act 1910 16
- Cholera Act 2
- Cholera Hospitals (Ireland) Act 1883
- Cholera Hospitals (Ireland) Act 1893
- Cholera Hospitals Act
- Cholera Prevention Act
- Chonically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) Act 1976
- Chonically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970
- Chorley Corporation Act 1926
- Chornically Sick and Disabled Persons Act
- Christ Church Woburn Square and Saint Matthew Oakley Square Act
- Christ Church Woburn Square and Saint Matthew Oakley Square Act 1978
- Christ Church, Glasgow, Order Confirmation Act 1911
- Christchurch and Bournemouth Tramways Act 1900
- Christchurch Corporation Act 1940
- Christchurch Gas Act 1912
- Christian Divorce Act
- Christian Marriage Act
- Christmas Day (Trading) Act 2004 3
- Christmas Island Act 1958
- Chronic Sick and Disabled Persons Act 3
- Chronic Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 2
- Chronic-ally Sick and Disabled Persons Act
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Act 9
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Act 1970 9
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Person (Northern Ireland) Act 1978
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Person Act 1970 4
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Person's Act 1970
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) Act 1976 8
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (NI) Act 1978 2
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Northern Ireland) Act 1978 43
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Scotland) Act 1970
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Scotland) Act 1972 27
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1968 2
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1969 3
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 2569
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1971 2
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1972 8
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1974
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1978
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1979 5
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1980
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1981
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 2000
- Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons' Act 1970 6
- Chronically Sick and Distabled Persons Act 1970
- Chronicaly Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 2
- Church Act 216
- Church Act 1579
- Church Act 1914
- Church Act 1921
- Church Amendment Act 5
- Church Amendment Act 1872
- Church and Churchyards Consecration Act 1867
- Church Assembly (Powers) Act 2
- Church Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 2
- Church Assembly Act 4
- Church Assembly Enabling Act 1919
- Church Assembly Powers Act 2
- Church Bate Abolition Act
- Church Bates Abolition Act
- Church Building Act 37
- Church Building Act 1839 4
- Church Building Act 1845 3
- Church Building Acts, New Parishes Acts, Union of Benefices Act
- Church Building and New Parishes Act 2
- Church Building Commissioners' Act
- Church Building Sites Act
- Church Buildings Act 5
- Church Buildings and New Parishes Act
- Church Commission Act 2
- Church Commissioners Act
- Church Discipline Act 168
- Church Discipline Act 1840 24
- Church Discipline Act 1850
- Church Discipline and Registry Act 1855 2
- Church Discipline and Regulation Act
- Church Disendowment Act
- Church Disestablishment Act 5
- Church Dislipline Act
- Church Enabling Act 2
- Church Endowment Act 6
- Church Estates Act
- Church House (Westminster) Act 1934
- Church Jurisdiction Act 2
- Church Jurisdiction Act 1567
- Church Jurisdiction Act 1579
- Church of England (Assembly) Powers Act 2
- Church of England (Assembly) Powers Act 1919
- Church of England (Powers) Act 1919 3
- Church of England Assembly (Power) Act 1919
- Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1019
- Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1319
- Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 796
- Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1927
- Church of England Assembly Act 3
- Church of England Assembly Act 1919 2
- Church of England Assembly Bowers Act 1919
- Church of England Assembly Powders Act 1919
- Church of England Assembly Powers Act 5
- Church of England Assembly Powers Act 1919 18
- Church of England Convocation Act 1966
- Church of England Convocations Act 1966 3
- Church of England Marriage Amendment Act 1891
- Church of England, and for the Amendment of the Tithe Commutation Act
- Church of Ireland Act 1869 2
- Church of Ireland Disestablishment Act
- Church of Scotland (General Trustees) Order Confirmation Act 1957
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowment) Act 1925
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowment) Amendment Order Confirmation Act 1995
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Act 7
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Act 1924 2
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Act 1925 14
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Act 1957
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Amendment Act 1933 2
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Amendment Order Confirmation Act
- Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Amendment Order Confirmation Act 1978 2
- Church of Scotland Act 1905 7
- Church of Scotland Act 1906
- Church of Scotland Act 1921 41
- Church of Scotland Act 1925 3
- Church of Scotland Ministers' and Scottish University Professors' Widows' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1923
- Church of Scotland Trust (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act
- Church of Scotland Trust (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act 1948
- Church of Scotland Trust Order Confirmation Act 1958
- Church Patronage (Scotland) Act
- Church Patronage (Scotland) Act 1874 4
- Church Patronage Act 1712 11
- Church Patronage Act 1874
- Church Postponement Act
- Church Postponement Explanation Act
- Church Property Act
- Church Rate Abolition Act 1868 4
- Church Rate Act 2
- Church Rates Abolition Act 1868 10
- Church Rates Act 1868
- Church Schools Act
- Church Subscription Act
- Church Surplus for the Intermediate Education Act
- Church Temporalites Act
- Church Temporalities (Ireland) Act 1833 13
- Church Temporalities Act 264
- Church Temporalities Amendment Act
- Church Temporalities' (Ireland) Act
- Church Temporalities' Act 55
- Church Temporality Act
- Church Temporalties Act 2
- Church's Act
- Church, and to the Veto Act
- Church, of the Veto Act
- Church-building Act 7
- Churches (Scotland) Act 1005
- Churches (Scotland) Act 1905 22
- Churches Act
- Churches and Universities (Scotland) Widows' and Orphans Fund (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act
- Churches and Universities (Scotland) Widows' and Orphans' Fund (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act 1967
- Churches and Universities (Scotland) Widows' and Orphans' Fund (Amendment) Order Confirmation Act 1981
- Churches and Universities (Scotland) Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1930
- Churches and Universities (Scotland) Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1954
- Churches Building Act
- Churches Disputes Act
- Churches of Scotland Act 1905 4
- Churches' Building Act
- Churchill Act
- Chuter Ede Act 3
- Cigarette Safety Act
- Ciminal Justice Act 1988
- Cinderella of the National Health Service Act 1946
- Cinema Act 1910
- Cinema Act 1972
- Cinema Films Act 1927 2
- Cinemas Act 1985 45
- Cinemategraph Act 1909
- Cinematograph (Amdt) Act 1982
- Cinematograph (Amendment) Act 6
- Cinematograph (Amendment) Act 1982 24
- Cinematograph Act 1897
- Cinematograph Act 1909 100
- Cinematograph Act 1918
- Cinematograph Act 1927 8
- Cinematograph Act 1935
- Cinematograph Act 1948
- Cinematograph Act 1952 101
- Cinematograph Act 1957 2
- Cinematograph Act 1962
- Cinematograph Act 1982 3
- Cinematograph Act 1983 2
- Cinematograph Amendment Act 1982 2
- Cinematograph and Celluloid Film Act 1922
- Cinematograph Film Act 1927
- Cinematograph Film Act 1948
- Cinematograph Film Production (Special Leans) Act 1954
- Cinematograph Film Production (Special Loans) Act 1949 21
- Cinematograph Film Production (Special Loans) Act 1950
- Cinematograph Film Production (Special Loans) Act 1952
- Cinematograph Film Production (Special Loans) Act 1953 4
- Cinematograph Film Production (Special Loans) Act 1954 6
- Cinematograph Film Productions (Special Loans) Act 1949
- Cinematograph Film Producton (Special Loans) Act 1949
- Cinematograph Films (Animals) Act 1937 18
- Cinematograph Films (Special Loans) Act 1952
- Cinematograph Films Act 1909
- Cinematograph Films Act 1927 136
- Cinematograph Films Act 1928
- Cinematograph Films Act 1938 82
- Cinematograph Films Act 1947
- Cinematograph Films Act 1948 53
- Cinematograph Films Act 1957 298
- Cinematograph Films Act 1960 5
- Cinematograph Films Act 1975 5
- Cinematograph Films Production (Special Loans) Act 1949 3
- Cinematograph Films Production (Special Loans) Act 1954
- Cinematograph Films Quota Act
- Cinematograph Films, Act 1927
- Cinematograph Finance (Special Loans) Act
- Cinematographers Act 1956
- Cinematographic Films Act 1927
- Cinematographs Films Act
- Cinematogrpah Films Act 1938
- Cinematogrph (Amendment) Act 1982
- Cinque Ports Act 4
- Circuit Courts (Scotland) Act 1709
- Circuit Courts and Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1925 2
- Cirencester Gas Act 1936
- Cirminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987
- Citation Act 6
- Citation Act 1592
- Citation Act 1686
- Citation Amendment (Scotland) Act 1882 2
- Citibank International Act
- Citibank International Act 1993
- Citizenship Act 9
- Citizenship of Southern Rhodesia and British Nationality Act 1963
- Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act 1984 3
- City Act 2
- City Agreement Act
- City and South London Railway Act 1893
- City and South London Railway Act 1896
- City and South London Railway Act 1913
- City and South London Railway Act 1923
- City Church Act
- City Corporation Act 3
- City Corporation in the Epping Forst Act 1878
- City Improvement Act
- City of Aberdeen District Council Order Confirmation Act 1976 2
- City of Belfast (Hospitals) Act
- City of Bombay Improvement Act 1898 2
- City of Bombay Vaccination Act
- City of Bristol (Portishead Docks) Act 1992 2
- City of Dublin Steam Packet Company's Act 1895
- City of Dublin Steam Packet Company's Act 1916
- City of Dublin Steam Packet Company's Act 1920
- City of Dundee District Council Order Confirmation Act 1980 3
- City of Dundee District Council Order Confirmation Act 1990
- City of Edinburgh (Guided Busways) Act 1998 2
- City of Edinburgh Council Order Confirmation Act 1996 2
- City of Edinburgh District Council Order Confirmation Act
- City of Edinburgh District Council Order Confirmation Act 1991
- City of Edinburgh, for Repeal of the Banks of Issue, and Banking (Scotland) Act
- City of Glasgow District Council Order Confirmation Act 2
- City of Glasgow District Council Order Confirmation Act 1977
- City of Glasgow District Council Order Confirmation Act 1988
- City of Glasgow Police Act
- City of London (Approved Premises for Marriage) Act
- City of London (Approved Premises for Marriage) Act 1996
- City of London (Central Criminal Court) Act 1951
- City of London (Central Criminal Court) Act 1953
- City of London (Central Criminal Court-House) Act 1904
- City of London (Courts) Act 1964 6
- City of London (Guild Churches) Act 1952 5
- City of London (Guild Churches) Act 1960 3
- City of London (Guild Churchs) Act
- City of London (Loans) Act
- City of London (Spitalfield's Market) Act 1902
- City of London (Spitalfields Market) Act 1902 3
- City of London (Spitalfields Market) Act 1989
- City of London (Spitalfields Market) Act 1990
- City of London (Street Traffic) Act 1909 6
- City of London (Tithes and Rates) Act
- City of London (Tithes) Act 1947
- City of London (Union of Parishes) Act 1907 4
- City of London (Various Powers) (No. 2) Act 1971
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1911 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1912 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1914
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1920 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1922 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1924 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1931
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1933
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1937 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1939
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1944
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1946
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1949
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1950
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1952
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1954 15
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1956
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1957 10
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1958
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1959
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1960
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1961
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1962 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1963
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1965 4
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1967 5
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1969 3
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1970 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1971
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1973 2
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1977 3
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1979 3
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1987
- City of London (Various Powers) Act 1990
- City of London (Ward Elections) Act 1999
- City of London (Ward Elections) Act 2002 2
- City of London Act 2
- City of London Act 1967
- City of London Ballot Act 1887
- City of London Corporation Act
- City of London Courts) Act 1964
- City of London Fire Inquest Act
- City of London Fire Inquest Act 1888 2
- City of London Fire Inquests Act 4
- City of London Fire Inquests Act 1888 10
- City of London Gas Act 6
- City of London Gas Act 1868 2
- City of London Municipal Elections (Amendment) Act 1867 2
- City of London Municipal Elections Amendment Act 1867
- City of London Parochial Charities Act 1883 26
- City of London Police Act 1839 11
- City of London Police Act 1840
- City of London Sewers Act 1848 4
- City of London the Representation of the People Act 1949
- City of London Tithes Act
- City of London Various Powers Act 1959
- City of London, for the Repeal of the Septennial Act
- City of Loudon Parochial Charities Act 1883
- City of Madras Municipal Act
- City of Norwich Act 1867 3
- City of Stoke-on-Trent Tunstall Northern By-Pass Local Government Act 2
- City of Westminster Act 4
- City of Westminster Act 1988 4
- City of Westminster Act 1996 10
- City of Westminster Act 1999 11
- City Parochial Charities Act 8
- City Parochial Charities Act 1883 4
- City Police Act 3
- City Police Act 1839
- City Sewers Act
- City Small Debts Act
- City Tithes Act 2
- City University Act 1967
- Civic Amenities Act 1967 216
- Civic Amenities Act 1968 2
- Civic Amenity Act
- Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1981
- Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 243
- Civic Government Act 15
- Civic Government Act 1982
- Civic Restaurant Act
- Civic Restaurants Act 39
- Civic Restaurants Act 1947 12
- Civil Act
- Civil Aeronautics Act
- Civil Amenities Act 1967 11
- Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act 6
- Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act 1982 2
- Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act 1996 6
- Civil Aviation (Declaratory Provisions) Act 2
- Civil Aviation (Declaratory Provisions) Act 1971 2
- Civil Aviation (Euro-control) Act 1962 3
- Civil Aviation (Eurocontrol) Act 1962 9
- Civil Aviation (Eurocontrol) Act 1983 3
- Civil Aviation (Licenising) Act
- Civil Aviation (Licensing) Act 1960 118
- Civil Aviation Act 1944
- Civil Aviation Act 1945
- Civil Aviation Act 1946 77
- Civil Aviation Act 1947
- Civil Aviation Act 1948
- Civil Aviation Act 1949 236
- Civil Aviation Act 1956
- Civil Aviation Act 1959 2
- Civil Aviation Act 1960 4
- Civil Aviation Act 1962
- Civil Aviation Act 1968 65
- Civil Aviation Act 1969 2
- Civil Aviation Act 1971 245
- Civil Aviation Act 1972
- Civil Aviation Act 1973
- Civil Aviation Act 1977
- Civil Aviation Act 1978 17
- Civil Aviation Act 1979 3
- Civil Aviation Act 1980 346
- Civil Aviation Act 1982 296
- Civil Aviation Air Licensing Act
- Civil Aviation Licensing Act 1960 25
- Civil Aviaton Act 1946
- Civil Bill (Ireland) Act 1851 3
- Civil Bill Act 4
- Civil Bill Courts (Ireland) Act 1851 3
- Civil Bill Courts Act 2
- Civil Bill Courts Procedure (Ireland) Act 8
- Civil Bill Courts Procedure Act
- Civil Bill Courts Procedure Amendment Act 5
- Civil Bill Ejectment Act 2
- Civil Bills Act
- Civil Contingencies Act 2004 9
- Civil Contingencies Fund (Advances) Act
- Civil Contingencies Fund (Extension) Act
- Civil Contingencies Fund Act 1919 6
- Civil Contingencies Fund Act 1952 11
- Civil Contingency Fund Act
- Civil Defence (Armed Forces) Act 1954 2
- Civil Defence (Electricity Undertakings) Act 1954
- Civil Defence (Grant) Act 2002 6
- Civil Defence (Grants) Act 2002
- Civil Defence (Powers) Act 1945
- Civil Defence (Scotland) Act 1948
- Civil Defence (Suspension of Powers) Act 1945 6
- Civil Defence Act 1937
- Civil Defence Act 1939 207
- Civil Defence Act 1945
- Civil Defence Act 1948 224
- Civil Defence Act 1949
- Civil Defence Act 1984 3
- Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002
- Civil Defences Act 1948
- Civil Employment Act 2
- Civil Evidence (Family Mediation) (Scotland) Act 3
- Civil Evidence (Family Mediation) (Scotland) Act 1995 6
- Civil Evidence (Northern Ireland) Act 1971 2
- Civil Evidence (Scotland) Act 1987 2
- Civil Evidence (Scotland) Act 1988 15
- Civil Evidence Act 46
- Civil Evidence Act 1968 58
- Civil Evidence Act 1970 2
- Civil Evidence Act 1972 9
- Civil Evidence Act 1995 34
- Civil Fund Act 1882
- Civil Government (Scotland) Act 1981
- Civil Government (Scotland) Act 1982 7
- Civil Imprisonment (Scotland) Act 1882 10
- Civil Jurisdiction Act
- Civil Jurisdiction and Judgements Act 1982 19
- Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 105
- Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991 2
- Civil Jurisdiction and Procedure (Scotland) Act 1963
- Civil Jurisdictions and Judgments Act 1982
- Civil Jursidiction and Judgments Act 1982
- Civil Justices Act 1972
- Civil Liabiliity (Contribution) Act 1978
- Civil Liabilities Act 4
- Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978 14
- Civil Liability (Contributions) Act 1978
- Civil List Act 147
- Civil List Act 1702
- Civil List Act 1837 5
- Civil List Act 1901 19
- Civil List Act 1910 15
- Civil List Act 1936 2
- Civil List Act 1937 15
- Civil List Act 1952 36
- Civil List Act 1972 51
- Civil List Act 1975 11
- Civil List and Secret Service Money Act 1782 2
- Civil List Audit Act 1816 7
- Civil Offices (Pensions) Act 1869
- Civil Offices Pensions Act 1870
- Civil Partnership Act 13
- Civil Partnership Act 2004 91
- Civil Partnerships Act
- Civil Partnerships Act 2004
- Civil Prisons Act
- Civil Procedure Act 1833 6
- Civil Procedure Act 1977
- Civil Procedure Act 1997 36
- Civil Protection Act
- Civil Protection in Peacetime Act 1985
- Civil Protection in Peacetime Act 1986 39
- Civil Protection of Peacetime Act
- Civil Restaurants Act
- Civil Restaurants Act 1947
- Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Act 1944
- Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Act 1994 3
- Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Act 1995
- Civil Rights Act 1964 10
- Civil Rights of Convicts Act 1828 3
- Civil Servants Superannuation Act
- Civil Servants' Superannuation Act
- Civil Service (Management Functions) Act 1992 43
- Civil Service (Managemment Functions) Act 1992
- Civil Service Act 27
- Civil Service Act 1859
- Civil Service Pension Act
- Civil Service Pensions Act
- Civil Service Regulation Act
- Civil Service Superannuation Act 20
- Civil-list Act 5
- Clackmannan County Water Order Confirmation Act 1915
- Clacton Urban District Council Act 1938
- Clacton-on-Sea Pier Act 1930
- Clacton-on-Sea Pier Act 1935
- Clacton-on-Sea Special Drainage District Act 1880 2
- Claim of Right Act 1689 10
- Clancy Act 2
- Clandestine Marriage Act
- Clarence Railway Act
- Clarke Act 5
- Class Act
- Classes Act
- Clayhithe Bridge Act 1871
- Clayton Act 30
- Clayton Aniline Company, Limited (Railways) Act 1916
- Clean Air Act 518
- Clean Air Act 1950
- Clean Air Act 1952
- Clean Air Act 1953
- Clean Air Act 1956 291
- Clean Air Act 1957 2
- Clean Air Act 1966 3
- Clean Air Act 1968 45
- Clean Air Act 1970
- Clean Air Act 1993 28
- Clean Art Act 1956
- Clean Diamond Trade Act
- Clean Food Act
- Clean Milk Act 2
- Clean River (Estuaries and Tidal Waters) Act 1960
- Clean Rivers (Estuaries and Tidal Waters) Act 1960 23
- Clean Rivers Act 1960 2
- Cleansing of Persons Act 2
- Cleansing of Persons Act 1897
- Cleansing of the Persons Act
- Clear Air Act 1956 3
- Clear, Air Act
- Cleckheaton Urban District Council Act 1914
- Cleethorpes Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Cleethorpes Urban District Council Act 1928
- Clergy (Discipline) Act
- Clergy Act 4
- Clergy and Magistrates of Deal, for the Repeal of the Beer Act
- Clergy Disabilities Act 1870
- Clergy Discipline Act 1840 2
- Clergy Discipline Act 1892 99
- Clergy Disqualification Act 1801 2
- Clergy Disqualification Act 1870 2
- Clergy Mutual Assurance Society Act 1914
- Clergy of Lancaster, for the Repeal of the Sale of Beer Act
- Clergy Offences Act
- Clergy Ordination Act 1804
- Clergy Orphan Corporation Act 1958
- Clergy Pluralities Act
- Clergy Reserves Act 15
- Clergy Reserves' Act
- Clergy Residences Repair Act 1776 2
- Clergy Resignation Bonds Act 2
- Clergy Subscription Act
- Clerical (Disabilities) Act 1870
- Clerical Disabilities Act 1870 32
- Clerical Disabilities Removal Act 1870 2
- Clerical Disability Act 1870
- Clerical Subscription Act 1865 12
- Clerical, Disabilities Act 1870
- Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Act 1961
- Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Act 1974 2
- Clerk of Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act 1858 2
- Clerk of the Parliaments Act 1824 24
- Clerks Act
- Clerks of Session (Scotland) Regulation Act 1913
- Clerks of Session Regulation Act 1889
- Clevedon Water Act 1909
- Cleveland and District Act 1928
- Cleveland and Durham County Electric Power Act 1913
- Clewedgog Reservoir Act
- Clifton Suspension Bridge Act 1861
- Clifton Suspension Bridge Act 1952 2
- Clifton Suspension Bridge Act 1980 4
- Clifton Suspension Bridge Act 1986
- Climes Act
- Clinger-Cohen Act 1996 3
- Clipping Act
- Clonakilty Extension Railway Act 1881
- Clonmel Corporation Act 1895 2
- Closer Settlement Act 1932
- Closing Act 5
- Clowes Settled Estate Act 1919
- Clubs (Ireland) Act 1904
- Clubs (Temporary Provisions) Act 1915
- Clubs Act 1966 3
- Clubs Act 1967
- Clwyd Act 1985
- Clwyd County Council Act
- Clwyd County Council Act 1985
- Clwyd Valley Electrical Power Order Confirmation Act 1918
- Clyde Lighthouses Act 1880
- Clyde Lighthouses Consolidation Order Confirmation Act 1940
- Clyde Lighthouses Order Confirmation Act 1957
- Clyde River Purification Board Act 1972 3
- Clyde Valley Electric Power Act 1901
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Act 1904
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Act 1924
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Order Confirmation Act 1912
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Order Confirmation Act 1934
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Clyde Valley Planning Advisory Committee to the English Town Development Act
- Clydebank and District Water Order Confirmation Act 1909
- Clydebank and District Water Order Confirmation Act 1914
- Clydebank and District Water Order Confirmation Act 1924
- Clydebank and District Water Order Confirmation Act 1934
- Clydebank and District Water Order Confirmation Act 1943
- Clydebank Burgh Extension Act 1925
- Clydebank Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1931
- Clydebank Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Clydebank Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1949
- Clywedog Reservoir Act
- Co-operative Act
- Co-operative Agency and Industrial Development Act
- Co-operative and Provident Act
- Co-operative Bank Act
- Co-operative Bank Act 1971
- Co-operative Development Agency Act 1978 31
- Co-operative Development Agency and Industrial Development Act 1984 32
- Co-operative Societies Act 2
- Co-operative Societies Act 1912
- Co-operatives Act
- Co-operatives and Community Benefit Societies Act 2003 3
- Coal (Borrowing Powers) Act 1951
- Coal (Borrowing Powers) Act 1956
- Coal (Concurrent Leases) Act 1942
- Coal (Emergency) Act
- Coal (Minimum Prices) Act
- Coal (Nationalisation) Act
- Coal (Registration of Ownership) Act 4
- Coal (Registration of Ownership) Act 1937 6
- Coal Act 1911 2
- Coal Act 1937
- Coal Act 1938 220
- Coal Act 1943 2
- Coal Act 1946 2
- Coal Act 1965 2
- Coal Act 1967 2
- Coal Act 1971
- Coal Act 1976
- Coal Agreement (Confirmation) Act
- Coal Agreement Continuation Act 1917
- Coal and Wine Duties Act
- Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act 1868 3
- Coal and Wine Duty Act
- Coal Board (Additional Powers) Act 1966
- Coal Commission Act
- Coal Confirmation Act
- Coal Consumers' Councils (Northern Irish Interests) Act 1962
- Coal Control Act 4
- Coal Control Agreement (Confirmation) Act 1918
- Coal Control Agreement Act 2
- Coal Control Compensation Act
- Coal Crisis Limitation Act
- Coal Emergency Act 5
- Coal Industrial Nationalisation Act 1946
- Coal Industry (Borrowing Powers) Act
- Coal Industry (Nationalisation) Act 20
- Coal Industry (Nationalisation) Act 1946 5
- Coal Industry (No. 2) Act 1949 4
- Coal Industry Act 161
- Coal Industry Act 1946 6
- Coal Industry Act 1947
- Coal Industry Act 1949 12
- Coal Industry Act 1951 3
- Coal Industry Act 1956 4
- Coal Industry Act 1960 3
- Coal Industry Act 1961 2
- Coal Industry Act 1962
- Coal Industry Act 1965 54
- Coal Industry Act 1967 95
- Coal Industry Act 1971 38
- Coal Industry Act 1973 50
- Coal Industry Act 1975 35
- Coal Industry Act 1977 71
- Coal Industry Act 1980 62
- Coal Industry Act 1982 12
- Coal Industry Act 1983 9
- Coal Industry Act 1984 2
- Coal Industry Act 1985 5
- Coal Industry Act 1987 46
- Coal Industry Act 1990 32
- Coal Industry Act 1992 9
- Coal Industry Act 1994 91
- Coal Industry Commission Act 2
- Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 512
- Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1947 3
- Coal Industry Nationalisation, Act 1947
- Coal Industry Nationalization Act 1946 12
- Coal Industry Nationization Act
- Coal Junes Act 1930
- Coal Limitation Act 2
- Coal Limitation of Prices Act
- Coal Measures Reconstruction Act
- Coal Mine Regulation Act
- Coal Miners (Eight Hours) Act
- Coal Miners Regulations Act 1908
- Coal Mines (Check Weigher) Act 1894 2
- Coal Mines (Control Agreement) Act
- Coal Mines (Eight Hours) Act 21
- Coal Mines (Eight Hours) Act 1908
- Coal Mines (Emergency) Act 1920 38
- Coal Mines (Employment of Boys) Act 1937
- Coal Mines (Hours) Regulation Act
- Coal Mines (Limitation) Act 2
- Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act 1912 93
- Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act 1913
- Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act 1921
- Coal Mines (Minimum Wages) Act 4
- Coal Mines (Minimum Wages) Act 1912
- Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act 2
- Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act 1946
- Coal Mines (Regulation) Act 1911 14
- Coal Mines (Regulations) Act 1908
- Coal Mines (Weighing of Minerals) Act 1905 5
- Coal Mines (Working Facilities) Act 2
- Coal Mines Act 893
- Coal Mines Act 1872 2
- Coal Mines Act 1887 10
- Coal Mines Act 1908 23
- Coal Mines Act 1909
- Coal Mines Act 1911 457
- Coal Mines Act 1912 2
- Coal Mines Act 1914
- Coal Mines Act 1919 16
- Coal Mines Act 1920 2
- Coal Mines Act 1923
- Coal Mines Act 1924
- Coal Mines Act 1926 42
- Coal Mines Act 1930 360
- Coal Mines Act 1931 9
- Coal Mines Act 1932 2
- Coal Mines Act 1938 4
- Coal Mines Act 1946 3
- Coal Mines Act 1949
- Coal Mines Agreement (Confirmation) Act 3
- Coal Mines Agreement (Confirmation) Act 1918
- Coal Mines Agreement Act 4
- Coal Mines Agreement Confirmation Act 1918
- Coal Mines Control Act
- Coal Mines Control Agreement (Confirmation) Act 1018
- Coal Mines Control Agreement (Confirmation) Act 1917
- Coal Mines Control Agreement (Confirmation) Act 1918 33
- Coal Mines Control Agreement Act 1918
- Coal Mines Control Agreement Confirmation Act
- Coal Mines Eight Hours Act 5
- Coal Mines Emergency Act 1920 7
- Coal Mines Facilities Act
- Coal Mines Limitation Act
- Coal Mines Limitation Prices Act
- Coal Mines Minimum Wage Act 1912 5
- Coal Mines Nationalisation Act 1946 2
- Coal Mines Refuse (Scotland) Act
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1857
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1872 21
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1873
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1877
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1887 118
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1888
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1896 3
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1908 135
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1911 298
- Coal Mines Regulation Act 1980
- Coal Mines Regulations Act 1887 3
- Coal Mines Regulations Act 1908 4
- Coal Mines Regulations Act 1909 11
- Coal Mines Regulations Act 1911 3
- Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission by Part II of the Coal Mines Act 1930
- Coal Mines Working Facilities Act
- Coal Mines' Act 2
- Coal Mines' Regulation Act 2
- Coal Mines, &c. Regulation Act 1887 27
- Coal Mining (Subsidence) Act 1950 20
- Coal Mining (Subsidence) Act 1957 66
- Coal Mining (Subsidence) Compensation Act
- Coal Mining Act
- Coal Mining Industry Act 1956
- Coal Mining Redundancy Act
- Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1950 12
- Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1957 2
- Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1991 51
- Coal Nationalisation Act 25
- Coal Nationalisation Act 1946 7
- Coal Nationalisation Act 1947
- Coal Prices (Limitation) Act 10
- Coal Prices (Limitations) Act 1915 3
- Coal Prices Limitation Act 9
- Coal Prices Restriction Act
- Coal Production Act
- Coal Quota Act 2
- Coal Sellers Act
- Coal Term Act
- Coal Venders Penalties Act
- Coal Whipping Act
- Coal-mining (Subsidence) Act 8
- Coal-Mining (Subsidence) Act 1950 17
- Coal-Mining (Subsidence) Act 1957 29
- Coal-Mining Act 1950 2
- Coal-Mining Subsidence Act 1950
- Coalition Government the Finance Act
- Coalition Government's Family Allowances Act
- Coalmines Act 2
- Coalmines Act 1908
- Coalmines Minimum Wage Act
- Coalmining (Subsidence) Act 2
- Coalmining (Subsidence) Act 1950
- Coalmining (Subsidence) Act 1957 3
- Coalmining Subsidence Act 1957 4
- Coalowners' Act
- Coals Mining (Subsidence) Act 1957
- Coalwhippers Act 4
- Coalwhippers' Act 2
- Coast Erosion Act 2
- Coast Mines Act 1938
- Coast of Africa Act 2
- Coast Protection Act 1939 24
- Coast Protection Act 1947 2
- Coast Protection Act 1949 382
- Coastal Flooding (Emerfency Provisions) Act 1953
- Coastal Flooding (Emergency Provisions) Act 1953 12
- Coastal Flooding Act 2
- Coastal Protection Act 1949 6
- Coastal Reservation Act 2
- Coastal Zone Management Act
- Coastguard Act 1925 5
- Coastguard Service Act 1856 2
- Coastwise Trade Act 1903
- Coat Industry Nationalisation Act 1946
- Coat Mines (Emergency) Act 1920
- Coat Mines Act 1911
- Coat Mines Act 1919
- Coat-bridge and Springburn Elections (Validation) Act 1945
- Coatbridge and Springburn Act
- Coatbridge and Springburn Elections (Validation) Act 1945 4
- Coatbridge Burgh Extension Order Confirmation Act 1965
- Coatbridge Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1920
- Coatbridge Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1970
- Coatbridge Drainage and Burgh Extension Order Confirmation Act 1914
- Coatbridge Drainage Order Confirmation Act 1928
- Coatbridge Gas Order Confirmation Act 1916
- Cobham Enclosure Act 1793 2
- Cockade Act
- Cockerton Act 8
- Cockerton Judgment Act
- Cockfighting Act 1952 14
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955
- Cocos Islands Act 1955 2
- Code A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act
- Code Act 1890
- Code of Practice to the Mental Health Act 1983
- Coercion Act 1962
- Coercion Act 1887 3
- Coercive Act 4
- Coereion Act
- Coerion Act
- Cohen Act 2
- Coil Mines Act 1911
- Coin Production Act 2
- Coinage Act 1870 53
- Coinage Act 1891 4
- Coinage Act 1893
- Coinage Act 1920 6
- Coinage Act 1936
- Coinage Act 1946 3
- Coinage Act 1971 27
- Coinage Age Act 1920
- Coinage Offences Act 1861 4
- Coinage Offences Act 1936 20
- Coity Wallia Act
- Coity Wallia Commons Act 1976 2
- Colchester Borough Council Act 2001 2
- Colchester Corporation Act 1927
- Colchester Gas Act 1916
- Colinton Tramways Extension Order Confirmation Act 1914
- Colinton Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1909
- Collecting Societies Act 1896
- Collecting Societies and Industrial and Assurance Companies Act 1896
- Collecting Societies and Industrial Assurance Companies Act 1890 2
- Collecting Societies and Industrial Assurance Companies Act 1896 10
- Collecting Society Act
- Collection of Bates, Dublin Act
- Collection of Information Act
- Collection of Land Act
- Collection of Rates (Dublin) Act 2
- Collection of Rates (Dublin) Act 1849
- Collection of Rates Act 7
- Collection of Rates Act 1849 2
- Collection of Taxes Act 7
- Collection of Taxes Act 1913
- Collection of Taxes Act 1968
- Collections of Tax Act
- Collector General's Act
- College Act 2
- College and University Estates Act
- College Charter Act 1871 44
- College Charters Act 1871 3
- College Leases in Perpetuity Act 1851
- College of Justice Act 2
- College of Justice Act 1532
- College of Justice Act 1540
- College Perpetuity Act
- Colleges Act 2
- Colleges Act 1845
- Colleges and Schools Act 1868
- Collieries Act
- Collieries Act 1911
- Collieries of Oxenford, and Clackmannan, for the Repeal of the Mines and Collieries Act
- Colliers Act
- Colliery Act 4
- Colliery Inspection Act
- Collooney, Ballina, and Belmullet Railways and Piers Act 1907
- Collooney, Ballina, and Belmullet Railways and Piers Act 1909
- Colne and Marsden Local Board Act 1881
- Colne Corporation Act 1913
- Colne Corporation Act 1933
- Colne Valley and Northwood Electricity Act 1936
- Colne Valley Electricity Act 1936
- Colne Valley Water Act 2
- Colne Valley Water Act 1922
- Colne Valley Water Act 1939
- Colne Valley Water Act 1945
- Colonial Act 51
- Colonial Acts Confirmation Act 1894
- Colonial and Development and Welfare Act
- Colonial and Development Welfare Act 1959 2
- Colonial and Foreign Banks Guarantee Corporation (Transfer to Alliance Assurance) Act 1920
- Colonial and Foreign Banks Guarantee Corporation Act 1913
- Colonial and Foreign Banks Guarantee Corporation Act 1914
- Colonial and Foreign Banks Guarantee Fund Incorporation Act 1899 2
- Colonial and Other Territories (Divorce Jurisdiction) Act 1950
- Colonial and Welfare Development Act 2
- Colonial Attorneys Belief Act 2
- Colonial Attorneys Relief Act 6
- Colonial Attornies Belief Act 2
- Colonial Attornies Relief Act 2
- Colonial Bait Act
- Colonial Bank Act 1900
- Colonial Bank Act 1916
- Colonial Bank Act 1925
- Colonial Bishops Act 4
- Colonial Boundaries Act 1895 3
- Colonial Church Act 2
- Colonial Church Temporalities Act
- Colonial Clergy Act 2
- Colonial Clergy Act 1874
- Colonial Constitution Act
- Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890 7
- Colonial Defence Act 2
- Colonial Develepment and Welfare Act
- Colonial Develop-and Welfare Act
- Colonial Development Act 1929 162
- Colonial Development Act 1940 4
- Colonial Development and Service Act
- Colonial Development and Walfare Act
- Colonial Development and Welfare (Amendment) Act 1959 6
- Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1040
- Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1940 79
- Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1945 16
- Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1949
- Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1950 2
- Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1955 2
- Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1959 509
- Colonial Development Corporation Act 4
- Colonial Development Fund and Welfare Act
- Colonial Development Welfare Act
- Colonial Disabilities Act 2
- Colonial Docks (Loans) Act 2
- Colonial Docks (Loans) Act 1865
- Colonial Docks Act
- Colonial Evidence Act 2
- Colonial Forces Act 1892
- Colonial Gaol Act
- Colonial Government Act 2
- Colonial Government and Welfare Act 1945
- Colonial Governors (Pensions) Act
- Colonial Governors (Pensions) Act 1865
- Colonial Governors (Retiring Pensions) Act 3
- Colonial Governors Act 2
- Colonial Governors Pension Act 1911
- Colonial Governors Pensions Act 2
- Colonial Governors Tensions Act
- Colonial Governors' Pension Act
- Colonial Governors' Pensions Act 8
- Colonial Inscribed Stock Act
- Colonial Lands Administration Act
- Colonial Law of Validity Act
- Colonial Laws (Validity) Act
- Colonial Laws Act 1865 4
- Colonial Laws and Liberties Act
- Colonial Laws Validily Act
- Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 67
- Colonial Legislature, of the Natal Indemnity Act
- Colonial Loans Act 16
- Colonial Loans Act 1899 13
- Colonial Loans Act 1949 11
- Colonial Loans Act 1952
- Colonial Loans Act 1962 2
- Colonial Loans Fund Act
- Colonial Marriages Act 6
- Colonial Marriages Act 1865
- Colonial Naval Defence Act 1831
- Colonial Naval Defence Act 1865 6
- Colonial Naval Defence Act 1909
- Colonial Naval Defence Act 1931 11
- Colonial Naval Defence Act 1949
- Colonial Passengers' Act 3
- Colonial Pensions (Increase) Act 1962
- Colonial Pensions Act 1887 2
- Colonial Possessions Act
- Colonial Prisoners (Removal) Act 1869 3
- Colonial Prisoners Removal Act 1869 20
- Colonial Prisoners Removal Act 1884 59
- Colonial Prisoners' (Removal) Act 1869
- Colonial Prisoners' Removal Act 1869
- Colonial Prisoners' Removal Act 1884 7
- Colonial Probate Act
- Colonial Probate Act 1892
- Colonial Probates (Protected States and Mandated Territories) Act 1927
- Colonial Probates Act 1892 40
- Colonial Securities Act 5
- Colonial Solicitors Act 1900 15
- Colonial Solicitors' Act
- Colonial Stock Act 1877 67
- Colonial Stock Act 1892
- Colonial Stock Act 1900 59
- Colonial Stock Act 1934 5
- Colonial Stock Act 1948 3
- Colonial Stock Trustee Act
- Colonial Stocks Act 8
- Colonial Stocks Act 1877
- Colonial Stocks Act 1887
- Colonial Stocks Investment Act 1900
- Colonial Trustee Act
- Colonial Trustee Investment Act
- Colonial Trustees Act 2
- Colonial War Risks Insurance (Guarantees) Act 1941
- Colonial Welfare Act 6
- Colonial Welfare Act 1940
- Colonial Welfare and Development Act 40
- Colonial Welfare and Development Act 1940
- Colonial Welfare Development Act 2
- Colonial, Trustees Act
- Colonies (Amendment) Act
- Colonies Act 4
- Colonies Common Law Courts Act
- Colonies to the Easter Act
- Colonies, Whether the Clergy Act
- Colonisation Act 3
- Com Production Act 3
- Com Production Act 1917
- Combination Act 12
- Combination Act 1800
- Combination Act 1825
- Combinations Act 1824
- Combinations Act 1825
- Combines Act
- Combines Investigation Act 5
- Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar (Eriskay Causeway) Order Confirmation Act 2000
- Coming into Operation of the Town and Country Planning Act 1947
- Coming to the Rowlatt Act
- Coming to the Unemployment Insurance Act 1922
- Comity Constabulary Act
- Commerce Act 2
- Commercial and Private Bank Act
- Commercial and Private Bank Act 1991
- Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited (Merger) Act 1982 2
- Commercial Gas Act 1918
- Commercial Gas Act 1927
- Commercial Gas Act 1932
- Commercial Gas Act 1933
- Commercial Gas Act 1940 2
- Commercial Gas Act 1945
- Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited, Act 1886
- Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited, Act 1890
- Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited, Act 1900
- Commisioners of Works Act 1894
- Commission Act 5
- Commission for Health Improvement in the Health Act 1999
- Commission for Racial Equality's Third Review of the Race Relations Act 1976 5
- Commission of the Road and Rail Traffic Act 1933
- Commission of Works Act 1852
- Commissioner Act 1967 3
- Commissioner Complaints Act
- Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2003 2
- Commissioner for Complaints (Northern Ireland) Act 1959
- Commissioner for Complaints (Northern Ireland) Act 1969 3
- Commissioner for Complaints Act 17
- Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland Act 1997
- Commissioner for Oaths Act 1889
- Commissioner of Complaints (Northern Ireland) Act 1969
- Commissioners Act
- Commissioners for Oaths Act 1889 40
- Commissioners for Oaths Amendment Act 1890
- Commissioners of Public Buildings Act
- Commissioners of Supply (Scotland) Act 1856 3
- Commissioners of the Charitable Trusts Act
- Commissioners of the Insurance Act
- Commissioners of the National Insurance Act 3
- Commissioners of Works Act 1852 23
- Commissioners of Works Act 1894
- Commissioners Waterworks Act 1863
- Commissioners' Clauses Act 1847 8
- Committee Act 1802
- Committee Act 1862 3
- Committee and Second Reading Debates of the Civil Aviation Act
- Committee for the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996
- Committee Stage of the Expiring Laws Continuance Act
- Committee to the Agricultural Rates Act 1896
- Committee to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act
- Committee to the Irish Free State (Agreement) Act
- Committee to the Mutiny Act
- Committee, of the Canadian Federation Act
- Commodities (Reserves) Act
- Common Carriers Act 4
- Common Council in the Transport (London) Act 1969
- Common Fields Act
- Common Fields Inclosure Act
- Common Fields Land Act
- Common Good Act
- Common Good Act 1491
- Common Informers Act 2
- Common Informers Act 1951 4
- Common Informers' Act
- Common Land (Rectification of Registers) Act 1989 3
- Common Lands Registration Act
- Common Law and Criminal Justice Act 1987
- Common Law and Offences Against the Person Act 1861
- Common Law Procedure (Ireland) Act 1850 7
- Common Law Procedure (Ireland) Act 1856 7
- Common Law Procedure Act 98
- Common Law Procedure Act 1834
- Common Law Procedure Act 1852 7
- Common Law Procedure Act 1854 7
- Common Law Procedure Act 1860
- Common Law Procedure Act 1862
- Common Law Procedure Amendment Act 4
- Common Lodging House Act 1851 2
- Common Lodging Houses Act 5
- Common Lodging Houses Act 1851
- Common Lodging-House Act 1851
- Common Lodging-houses Act 12
- Common Poor Act
- Common Registration Act 1965 2
- Common Sense Legal Reforms Act
- Common Service Discipline Act
- Commonable Rights Compensation Act 1882
- Commonhold and Leasehold Act 2002
- Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2000
- Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2001 6
- Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 51
- Commons (Registration) Act 1965 2
- Commons Act 55
- Commons Act 1235
- Commons Act 1376
- Commons Act 1876 92
- Commons Act 1889
- Commons Act 1899 36
- Commons Act 1908 9
- Commons Amendment Act
- Commons Committee Stage of the Broadcasting Act 1996
- Commons Enclosure Act
- Commons Inclosurc Act 1845
- Commons Inclosure Act 12
- Commons Land (Regulation) Act 1876
- Commons Registration (Cardiganshire) Act
- Commons Registration (Cardiganshire) Act 1978
- Commons Registration (East Sussex) Act 1994
- Commons Registration (Glamorgan) Act 1983 2
- Commons Registration (Hast Sussex) Act
- Commons Registration Act 1965 184
- Commons Registration Act 1966
- Commons Regulation (Burrington) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1911
- Commons Regulation (Coity Wallia) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Commons Regulation (Gosford Green) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1914
- Commons Regulation (Merrow) Provisional Order Act 1904
- Commons Regulation (Oxshott) Provisional Order Act 1904
- Commons Regulation (Redhill and Earlswood Commons) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1884
- Commons Regulation (Winton and Kaber) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1911
- Commons Regulation (Wolstanton Marsh) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1898
- Commons Regulation Act 1876
- Commons Regulations (Coity Wallia) Provisional Order Confirmation Act
- Commons Regulations (Therfield) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1988
- Commons to the Lords' Amendments of the Municipal Corporation Act
- Commons' Amendment to the Prisons' Act
- Commonwealth Act 24
- Commonwealth Act 2002
- Commonwealth and Empire Settlement Act 2
- Commonwealth Bank Act 2
- Commonwealth Constitution Act
- Commonwealth Defence Act 3
- Commonwealth Defence Act 1903
- Commonwealth Development Act 1963 10
- Commonwealth Development Act 1978
- Commonwealth Development Act 1999
- Commonwealth Development and Welfare Act
- Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1978 22
- Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1982 2
- Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1986 2
- Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1995 4
- Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1996 3
- Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1999 24
- Commonwealth Development Finance Company Act 1963
- Commonwealth Electoral Act
- Commonwealth Forces Act
- Commonwealth Immigrant Act
- Commonwealth Immigrantion Act 1962
- Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 865
- Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1963
- Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968 115
- Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1971 3
- Commonwealth Immigrants' Act 2
- Commonwealth Immigration Act 27
- Commonwealth Immigration Act 1962 8
- Commonwealth Immigration Act 1968
- Commonwealth Immigration Restriction Act 1901
- Commonwealth Immigrations Act
- Commonwealth Institute Act 1958 12
- Commonwealth of Australia Act 10
- Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 11
- Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 11
- Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1990
- Commonwealth Portland Cement Company, Limited Act 1975 2
- Commonwealth Public Service Act 1922
- Commonwealth Relations Act
- Commonwealth Scholarships (Amendment) Act 1963
- Commonwealth Scholarships Act 1959 22
- Commonwealth Secretariat Act 1966 26
- Commonwealth Settlement Act 21
- Commonwealth Settlement Act 1957 2
- Commonwealth Settlement Act 1962 2
- Commonwealth Settlements Act
- Commonwealth Teachers Act 1960 44
- Commonwealth Telecommunications Act 1968 5
- Commonwealth Telegraph Act 1949 2
- Commonwealth Telegraphs Act 1949 16
- Commonwealth Visiting Forces Act
- Communication Act 2
- Communications (Assistance for Law Enforcement) Act
- Communications Act 1985 2
- Communications Act 2000 2
- Communications Act 2003 207
- Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
- Communities (Amdt) Act 1988
- Communities (Amendment) Act 1986 2
- Communities (Finance) Act
- Communities Act 1972 10
- Communities Act 1973
- Communities Act 2000
- Community Act 6
- Community Act 1955
- Community Care (Delayed Discharge) Act 2003 2
- Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc) Act 2003 2
- Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Act 16
- Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Act 2003 35
- Community Care (Delayed Discharges) Act 2003 2
- Community Care (Delayed Discharges, etc.) Act 2003
- Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 29
- Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Act 1992 14
- Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Act 1993
- Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Act 1998 4
- Community Care (Residential Homes) Act 1993
- Community Care Act 12
- Community Care Act 1990 4
- Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002 3
- Community Charge (General Reduction) Act 1991 4
- Community Charge (Scotland) Act
- Community Charges (General Reduction) Act 1991 50
- Community Charges (General Reductions) Act 1991
- Community Charges (Substitute Setting) Act 1991 8
- Community Health and Standards Act
- Community Health Council (Access to Information) Act 1988
- Community Health Councils (Access to Information) Act 2
- Community Health Councils (Access to Information) Act 1988 6
- Community Land Act 1022
- Community Land Act 1975 230
- Community Land Act 1976 2
- Community Land Act 1977
- Community Land Tax Act
- Community of the United States Toxic Substances Act 2
- Community Reinvestment Act
- Community Relations Act 2
- Community Relations Act 1973 5
- Community Sea Act
- Community Service (Scotland) Act 1978
- Community Service by Offenders (Scotland) Act 1978 32
- Communty Land Act
- Commutation Act 127
- Commutation Act 1878
- Commutation of Tithes Act 5
- Comonwealth Immigrants Act
- Compaines Act 1948
- Compaines Act 1976
- Companes Act 1948
- Companie Act
- Companies (Amendment) Act
- Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004 8
- Companies (Beneficial Interests) Act 1983 3
- Companies (Colonial Registers) Act 1883 3
- Companies (Consolidated) Act 1908 2
- Companies (Consolidation) (Consequential Provisions) Act
- Companies (Consolidation) Act 1808
- Companies (Consolidation) Act 1906
- Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908 181
- Companies (Death Duties) Act 1899
- Companies (Disqualification of Directors) Act 1985
- Companies (Floating Charges and Receivers) (Scotland) Act 1972 13
- Companies (Floating Charges) (Scotland) Act 1961 9
- Companies (Limited Liability) Act 2
- Companies (No. 2) Act 3
- Companies (Northern Ireland) Act 1960
- Companies (Winding Up) Act
- Companies (Winding-up) Act 1890 78
- Companies Act 1585
- Companies Act 1802
- Companies Act 1862 91
- Companies Act 1867 23
- Companies Act 1874 2
- Companies Act 1879 3
- Companies Act 1880 10
- Companies Act 1892
- Companies Act 1898
- Companies Act 1900 24
- Companies Act 1905
- Companies Act 1907 5
- Companies Act 1908 12
- Companies Act 1909
- Companies Act 1913
- Companies Act 1917
- Companies Act 1920
- Companies Act 1925
- Companies Act 1928 15
- Companies Act 1929 366
- Companies Act 1930
- Companies Act 1935 2
- Companies Act 1939
- Companies Act 1942
- Companies Act 1946
- Companies Act 1947 23
- Companies Act 1948 5159
- Companies Act 1949
- Companies Act 1960
- Companies Act 1966
- Companies Act 1967 498
- Companies Act 1968 2
- Companies Act 1969
- Companies Act 1974 3
- Companies Act 1975 2
- Companies Act 1976 103
- Companies Act 1979 6
- Companies Act 1980 142
- Companies Act 1981 83
- Companies Act 1982 2
- Companies Act 1983
- Companies Act 1984
- Companies Act 1985 1935
- Companies Act 1986 2
- Companies Act 1987 2
- Companies Act 1988 2
- Companies Act 1989 500
- Companies Act 1995
- Companies Act 1998
- Companies Act 2000
- Companies Acts, Financial Services Act 1986
- Companies Amendment Act 1867 2
- Companies Assurance Act 1909
- Companies Beneficial Interests) Act 1983
- Companies Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act
- Companies Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985 4
- Companies Consolidation Act 1908 71
- Companies Corporation Act
- Companies Death Duties Act
- Companies Directors Disqualification Act 1986 4
- Companies Dissolution Act
- Companies Limited Liability Act
- Companies Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985 5
- Companies Securities (Insider Dealings) Act 1985
- Companies Winding Up Act 2
- Companies Winding-up Act 1890 14
- Companies' Act 1862 7
- Companies' Act 1867 2
- Companies' Act 1928
- Companies' Act 1929
- Companies' Act 1948 65
- Companies' Act 1976
- Companies' Act 1980
- Companies' Clauses Act 7
- Companies' Clauses Act 1845
- Companies' Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act
- Companies' Clauses Consolidation Act 3
- Companies' Consolidated Act
- Companits Act 1907
- Company (Particulars of Directors) Act 1917
- Company Act 1967 4
- Company and Business Names (Chamber of Commerce etc.) Act 1999
- Company and Business Names (Chamber of Commerce, Etc) Act 1999 2
- Company and Business Names (Chamber of Commerce, Etc.) Act 1999
- Company Director Disqualification Act 1986
- Company Directors Disqualifcation Act 1986
- Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 238
- Company Directors Disqualifications Act 1986 2
- Company Directors' Disqualification Act 1986 2
- Company Disqualification Act
- Company Law Amendment Act 1928
- Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985 31
- Company Securities (Insider Dealings) Act 1985 2
- Company Trading Act
- Company's (Foreign Interests) Act 1917
- Company's Act 28
- Company's Clauses Consolidation Act
- Company's Savings Bank Act
- Company's Special Act
- Compensation (Defence) Act 1939 371
- Compensation (Defence) Act 5939
- Compensation (Supplementary Allowances) Act
- Compensation Act 338
- Compensation Act 1592
- Compensation Act 1897 4
- Compensation Act 1904
- Compensation Act 1906 4
- Compensation Act 1923 5
- Compensation Act 1925 2
- Compensation Act 1927 2
- Compensation Act 1931
- Compensation Act 1939 6
- Compensation Act 1961
- Compensation Act 1973 3
- Compensation Defence Act 6
- Compensation Defence Act 1939 15
- Compensation for Accident (Workmen) Act 1897 2
- Compensation for Accidents Act 3
- Compensation for Accidents to Workmen Act
- Compensation for Agricultural Improvements Act
- Compensation for Crops Act
- Compensation for Disturbance Act 3
- Compensation for Improvements Act
- Compensation for Improvements' Act
- Compensation for Injuries Act
- Compensation of Displaced Officers (War Service) Act 2
- Compensation of Displaced Officers (War Service) Act 1945 2
- Compensation of Workmen Act
- Compensation Provisions Act
- Compensation Provisions of Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
- Compensation to Workmen Act 4
- Compensation to Workmen's Act
- Competition Act 532
- Competition Act 1199
- Competition Act 1971
- Competition Act 1979
- Competition Act 1980 398
- Competition Act 1988 3
- Competition Act 1998 487
- Competition and Service (Utilities) Act 1992 34
- Competition and Services (Utilities) Act 1992 4
- Competitions Act 1980
- Competiton Act
- Complication of Voting Act
- Composition Act 79
- Compound Householder Act 2
- Compound Householders Act 10
- Compound Tenements Act
- Compound-householders Act
- Compounders Act
- Compounding Act 20
- Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act 1986 4
- Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act
- Compromise Act 15
- Comptroller and Auditor General Act
- Compulsion Act 6
- Compulsory Acquisition Act
- Compulsory Act 4
- Compulsory Attendance Clauses of the Irish Education Act
- Compulsory Ballot Act
- Compulsory Church Rate Abolition Act
- Compulsory Church Rates Abolition Act 4
- Compulsory Composition Act 4
- Compulsory Education Act 16
- Compulsory Education Act 1892
- Compulsory Mass Medication (Fluoridation) Act 1985
- Compulsory Military Service Act 10
- Compulsory Notification of Infectious Diseases Act
- Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 7
- Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 141
- Compulsory Purchase Act 1974 2
- Compulsory Purchase Act 1976
- Compulsory Registration Act 3
- Compulsory Sale and Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act
- Compulsory School Attendance Act 2
- Compulsory Service Act 7
- Compulsory Transfer Act
- Compulsory Vaccination Act 14
- Computer Act 1990
- Computer Misuse Act 1980
- Computer Misuse Act 1990 168
- Comunity Land Act 1975
- Concentration of Industries Act
- Concessionary Travel for Handicapped Persons (Scotland) Act 1980 12
- Concessionary Travel of Handicapped Persons (Scotland) Act 1980
- Concessions to Ulster Unionists Act 1978
- Conciliation (Trade Disputes) Act 1896 6
- Conciliation (Trades Disputes) Act
- Conciliation Act 158
- Conciliation Act 1896 48
- Conciliation Act 1906
- Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1896
- Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1956 4
- Conciliation Board Act 2
- Conciliaton Act 1896
- Concluding Act 3
- Concorde Aircraft Act 1973 9
- Conditions Act 1987
- Conditions of Employment Act 1936 2
- Conditions of Service Act 3
- Confederation Act 13
- Confederation of Canada Act 1867
- Conference Act
- Confession of Faith Ratification Act 3
- Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560
- Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1690
- Confirmation Act 3
- Confirmation Act 1690
- Confirmation Act 1695
- Confirmation Act 1891
- Confirmation Act 1958
- Confirmation and Probate Act 1858
- Confirmation of Agreements Act
- Confirmation of Executors (Scotland) Act 1823
- Confirmation of Executors (Scotland) Act 1940
- Confirmation of Executors (War Service) (Scotland) Act 1940 4
- Confirmation of Executors Act
- Confirmation of Probate Act
- Confirmation to Small Estates (Scotland) Act 1979 5
- Confirming Act 4
- Confiscation Act 6
- Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Act 1997 29
- Confiscation of Alcohol Act 1997 2
- Congenital Disabilities (Civil Liabilities) Act 1976
- Congenital Disabilities (Civil Liability) Act 1976 23
- Congested Board Act 2
- Congested District (Scotland) Act 1897 4
- Congested District Act
- Congested Districts (Ireland) Act
- Congested Districts (Scotland) Act 1897 177
- Congested Districts Act 60
- Congested Districts Act 1897 6
- Congested Districts Act 1987
- Congested Districts and Burgh Land Relief (Scotland) Act
- Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Act 1893 7
- Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Act 1894 8
- Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Act 1899 2
- Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Act 1901 8
- Congested Districts Board (Scotland) Act
- Congested Districts Board (Scotland) Act 1897
- Congested Districts Board Act 13
- Congested Districts Board Act 1897
- Congested Districts Board Act 1901 2
- Congested Districts Boards Act
- Congested Districts Relief (Scotland) Act
- Congested Districts Relief Act 2
- Congo Act 2
- Congo Treaty of Cession and Additional Act
- Congregational Chapel and Trust Property Deptford Act 1972 2
- Congregational Chapels Scheme Confirmation Act 1916
- Congregational Chapels Scheme Confirmation Act 1919
- Congress Act
- Congressional Act
- Conjugal Eights (Scotland) Act 3
- Conjugal Rights (Scotland) (Amendment) Act 1861 2
- Conjugal Rights (Scotland) Act 4
- Conjugal Rights (Scotland) Amendment Act 1861 3
- Conjugal Rights Act 1861
- Connah's Quay Gas Act 1944
- Connah's Quay Urban District Council Water Act 1926
- Conscientious Objectors Act 2
- Conscription Act 54
- Consecration of Churchyards Act 1867 24
- Consequences of the Rent Act 1957 2
- Consequential Amendments of Insurance Act 2
- Consequential Amendments of Naval Discipline Act
- Consequential Amendments of the Eighth Schedule to the Unemployment Act
- Consequential and Minor Amendments of Principal Act
- Consequential Provisions Act 3
- Consequential Provisions Act 1922
- Consequently, in Part III of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
- Conservancy Act 7
- Conservancy's Act
- Conservation Act 2
- Conservation Clean Air Act
- Conservation Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1871
- Conservation Immigration Act
- Conservation of Seals Act 1970 156
- Conservation of Wild Animals and Wild Plants Act 1975
- Conservation of Wild Creature and Wild Plants Act
- Conservation of Wild Creatures Act
- Conservation of Wild Creatures and Plants Act 1975 3
- Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plant Act 1975
- Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plants Act 22
- Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plants Act 1975 103
- Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plants Act 1985
- Conservation of Wild Plants and Wild Creatures Act
- Consideration of the Agriculture Act
- Consideration of the Draft Army Act 1955
- Consideration of the Environmental Protection Act
- Consoliated Fund Act 1966
- Consolidated Act 25
- Consolidated Act 1924
- Consolidated Act 1943
- Consolidated Act 1994 3
- Consolidated and Lottery Act
- Consolidated Annuities (Ireland) Act 2
- Consolidated Annuities Act 3
- Consolidated Bankruptcy Act
- Consolidated Building Act
- Consolidated Compensation Act 1925
- Consolidated Customs Act 1876 2
- Consolidated Factories Act
- Consolidated Factory Act
- Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Act 1855 3
- Consolidated Fund (Civil List Provisions) Act 1951
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1890
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1891
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1892
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1893
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1894
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1895
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1896
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1898
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1900
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1903
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1904
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1907
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1908
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1911
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1912
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1913
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1914 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1916
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1917
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1919
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1920
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1924
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1925
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1926
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1927
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1928 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1929
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1932 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1934
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1936
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1937
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1938
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1939 6
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1940
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1941 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1943
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1944
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1945
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1947
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1948
- Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1949
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 35
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1889
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1892
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1893
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1894
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1900
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1909 4
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1910
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1911
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1913
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1915 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1917
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1918
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1919
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1922
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1929
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1930
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1933
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1935
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1936
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1937
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1940
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1942
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1943
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1944
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1945
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1951
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1953
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1957
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1958
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1960
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1961
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1962
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1963
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1964
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1965
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1968
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1970 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1971
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1972
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1973
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1974
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1975
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1976
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1977
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1978
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1980 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1981
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1983
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1984
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1985
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1986
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1988
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1989
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1990
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1991
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1992
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1993
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1996
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1997
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1998
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2000
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2001
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2002
- Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2003
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1889
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1893
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1894
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1915
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1916
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1918
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1930
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1940
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1941
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1942
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1943
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1944
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1945
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1951 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1971
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1972
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1974
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1975 2
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1983
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1985
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1987
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1991
- Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1992
- Consolidated Fund (No. 4) Act 1915
- Consolidated Fund (No. 4) Act 1916
- Consolidated Fund (No. 4) Act 1974 3
- Consolidated Fund (No. 5) Act 1916
- Consolidated Fund (Permanent Charges Redemption) Act 1873 3
- Consolidated Fund Act 1816 82
- Consolidated Fund Act 1866
- Consolidated Fund Act 1950
- Consolidated Fund Act 1951
- Consolidated Fund Act 1952
- Consolidated Fund Act 1953
- Consolidated Fund Act 1955
- Consolidated Fund Act 1956
- Consolidated Fund Act 1957
- Consolidated Fund Act 1958
- Consolidated Fund Act 1959
- Consolidated Fund Act 1960 12
- Consolidated Fund Act 1961 4
- Consolidated Fund Act 1962
- Consolidated Fund Act 1963
- Consolidated Fund Act 1964
- Consolidated Fund Act 1967
- Consolidated Fund Act 1969
- Consolidated Fund Act 1970
- Consolidated Fund Act 1971
- Consolidated Fund Act 1972
- Consolidated Fund Act 1974
- Consolidated Fund Act 1975
- Consolidated Fund Act 1976 2
- Consolidated Fund Act 1977 2
- Consolidated Fund Act 1978 2
- Consolidated Fund Act 1979
- Consolidated Fund Act 1980
- Consolidated Fund Act 1981
- Consolidated Fund Act 1982
- Consolidated Fund Act 1983
- Consolidated Fund Act 1984
- Consolidated Fund Act 1985
- Consolidated Fund Act 1986
- Consolidated Fund Act 1987
- Consolidated Fund Act 1988
- Consolidated Fund Act 1989 2
- Consolidated Fund Act 1990
- Consolidated Fund Act 1991
- Consolidated Fund Act 1992
- Consolidated Fund Act 1993
- Consolidated Fund Act 1994
- Consolidated Fund Act 1995
- Consolidated Fund Act 1996 2
- Consolidated Fund Act 1997
- Consolidated Fund Act 1998
- Consolidated Fund Act 1999
- Consolidated Fund Act 2000
- Consolidated Fund Act 2001 2
- Consolidated Fund Act 2002
- Consolidated Fund Act 2003 2
- Consolidated Fund Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, Currency (Defence) Bill, Prize Bill, Government of India Act
- Consolidated Fund Appropriation Act
- Consolidated Fund Bill and Human Rights Act 1998
- Consolidated Fund, &c. (Permanent Charges of Redemption) Act 2
- Consolidated Fund, &c. (Permanent Charges Redemption) Act 5
- Consolidated Housing Act 1925
- Consolidated Income Tax Act 1918
- Consolidated Income Tax Act 1952 3
- Consolidated Licensing Act
- Consolidated Limitation Act 1980
- Consolidated Petroleum Act
- Consolidated Public Health Act
- Consolidated Rent Act 1970 2
- Consolidated Slave Act 3
- Consolidated Slave Trade Abolition Act
- Consolidated Slave Trade Act
- Consolidated Slave-trade Act
- Consolidated Town and Planning Act 1962
- Consolidating Act 42
- Consolidating Insurance Act
- Consolidating Military Lands Act
- Consolidation Act 141
- Consolidation Act 1816
- Consolidation Act 1845 2
- Consolidation Act 1914 2
- Consolidation Act 1918
- Consolidation Act 1925
- Consolidation Act 1949
- Consolidation Act 1968
- Consolidation Act 1970
- Consolidation Act 1978
- Consolidation Act 1992 3
- Consolidation and Amendment Act
- Consolidation and Amendment of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1889 2
- Consolidation Enactments (Procedure) Act 1949 3
- Consolidation Enactments Act
- Consolidation Enactments Procedure Act 1949 2
- Consolidation of County Courts Act
- Consolidation of Enactment (Procedure) Act 1949
- Consolidation of Enactments (Procedure) Act 1949 251
- Consolidation of Enactments Act 1949 7
- Consolidation of Enactments Procedure Act
- Consolidation of Enactments Procedure Act 1949
- Consolidation of Sewers Act
- Consolidation of the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act
- Consolidation of the Waterworks (Clauses) Act
- Consolidation Procedure Act
- Consolidationi Act
- Conspiracy (Protection of Property) Act
- Conspiracy Act 57
- Conspiracy Act 1875 8
- Conspiracy and Law of Property Act
- Conspiracy and Law of Property Act 1875 2
- Conspiracy and Prootection of Property Act 1875
- Conspiracy and Property Act 1875 6
- Conspiracy and Property Protection Act
- Conspiracy and Protection of Properly Act 1875
- Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1872
- Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1874 3
- Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 276
- Conspiracy and Protection to Property Act 3
- Conspiracy and Protection to Property Act 1875 2
- Conspiracy, and Protection of Property Act 1875 14
- Constables Act 2
- Constables Expenses Act
- Constables Protection Act 1750
- Constables' Act
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1830
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1836 13
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1839
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1848 2
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1866 2
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1874 16
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1883 2
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1908 3
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1918
- Constabulary (Ireland) Act 1922 3
- Constabulary (Ireland) Amendment Act 1865 4
- Constabulary (Ireland) Amendment Act 1870
- Constabulary (Ireland) Amendment Act 1882 3
- Constabulary (Ireland) Redistribution Act 1885 5
- Constabulary Act 54
- Constabulary Act 1846
- Constabulary Act 1882
- Constabulary Act 1883 2
- Constabulary Act 1908
- Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act 1883 9
- Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act 1888
- Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act 1914 4
- Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act 1916 10
- Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act 1918
- Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act 1919 9
- Constabulary and Police (Naval and Military Service) Act 1914
- Constabulary and Police Act
- Constabulary Force (Ireland) Act 12
- Constabulary Force (Ireland) Act 1866 2
- Constituent Act 14
- Constitution (Amendment No. 26) Act
- Constitution (Amendment) Act 1965
- Constitution Act 349
- Constitution Act 1903 3
- Constitution Act 1906 3
- Constitution Act 1935
- Constitution Act 1973 32
- Constitution Act 1982 17
- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 4
- Constitution Amendment Act 9
- Constitution Amendment Act 1899 4
- Constitution Amendment Act 1901 2
- Constitution Amendment Act 1964
- Constitution Amendment Act 1965
- Constitution of Crimes Act
- Constitution of India Act 3
- Constitution of Northern Ireland Act
- Constitution of Rhodesia Act 1965
- Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstat Eireann) Act 1922 3
- Constitution of the Irish Free State Act 1922 3
- Constitutionah Reform Act 2004
- Constitutional Act 79
- Constitutional Act 1973
- Constitutional Amendment Act
- Constitutional Referendum Act
- Constitutional Reform Act 2002
- Constitutional Reform Act 2004 213
- Constitutional Reform Act 2005 2
- Constitutive Act
- Construction Act 1908
- Construction of Principal Act
- Consular Act 7
- Consular Chaplains Act
- Consular Conventions Act 1949 3
- Consular Expenditure Act
- Consular Fees Act 1980 14
- Consular Marriage Act 1849
- Consular Marriages Act
- Consular Relations Act 1968 68
- Consular Salaries and Fees Act 1891 11
- Consumer Act
- Consumer Arbitration Agreements Act
- Consumer Arbitration Agreements Act 1988 5
- Consumer Credit Act 1973 2
- Consumer Credit Act 1974 1180
- Consumer Credit Act 1975 2
- Consumer Credit Act 1984 2
- Consumer Creditor Act 1974
- Consumer Protection (Registration of Professional Chemists) Act 1988
- Consumer Protection (Trade Descriptions) Act
- Consumer Protection Act 1961 148
- Consumer Protection Act 1968 2
- Consumer Protection Act 1971 7
- Consumer Protection Act 1972
- Consumer Protection Act 1974 3
- Consumer Protection Act 1978 4
- Consumer Protection Act 1982
- Consumer Protection Act 1987 625
- Consumer Protection Act 1988
- Consumer Protection Act 1998
- Consumer Protection, Act 1987
- Consumer Safety (Amendment) Act 1986 33
- Consumer Safety Act 45
- Consumer Safety Act 1978 134
- Consumers Credit Act 1974
- Consumers Protection Act 2
- Consumers' Protection Act 1958 2
- Consumers' Protection Act 1961
- Consummer Credit Act 1974
- Contadora Act 6
- Contagions Diseases (Animals) Act
- Contagions Diseases (Animals) Act 1878
- Contagions Diseases Act 3
- Contagions Diseases Act 1866
- Contagious (Animals) Act
- Contagious Discases Act
- Contagious Disease Act
- Contagious Disease of Animals Act 2
- Contagious Diseases (Animal) Act
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) (Pleuro-pneumonia) Act 1890 2
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 271
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1869 26
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1870 4
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1878 72
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1880
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1884 2
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1886 6
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1890
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1892
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1894 3
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1896 6
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts, in the Cattlesheds in Burghs Act 1866
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Amendment Act
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Transfer of Parts of Districts Act 1884
- Contagious Diseases (Aninals) Act
- Contagious Diseases (Man's) Act
- Contagious Diseases (Women's) Act
- Contagious Diseases (Women) Act
- Contagious Diseases Act 176
- Contagious Diseases Act 1864
- Contagious Diseases Act 1866 10
- Contagious Diseases Act 1894
- Contagious Diseases Animals Act 22
- Contagious Diseases Animals Act 1878 2
- Contagious Diseases Animals) Act 1878
- Contagious Diseases Notification Act
- Contagious Diseases of Animals Act 1894 12
- Contagious Diseases Prevention Act 9
- Contagious Diseases Prevention Act 1864
- Contagious Diseases' (Animals) Act
- Contaminated Land Regime in Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
- Contaminated Land Regime, Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 2
- Contempt Act
- Contempt of Court Act 57
- Contempt of Court Act 1891
- Contempt of Court Act 1980 3
- Contempt of Court Act 1981 184
- Contempt of Court Act 1987 2
- Contempt of Court Act 1988
- Contempt of Courts Act 1926 2
- Contempt of Government Act 1981 2
- Contention Act
- Continenal Shelf Act 1964
- Continental Shelf Act 111
- Continental Shelf Act 1954
- Continental Shelf Act 1964 223
- Continental Shelf Act 1989 2
- Continental Shelf Regulations of the National Insurance Act
- Continential Shelf Act 1964
- Contingencies Fund Act 1947 3
- Contingencies Fund Act 1970
- Contingencies Fund Act 1974 4
- Contingency Act
- Continuance Act 42
- Continuance and Extension of the Labour Rate Act 2
- Continuance Bill of the Peace Preservation Act
- Continuance Bill the Irish Sunday Closing Act
- Continuance Mutiny Act
- Continuance of Corm Production Act 1917
- Continuance of Corn Production Act 1917
- Continuance of the Gilbert Act
- Continuance of the Labour Rate Act
- Continuance of the Mines Act 1926
- Continuance Order of the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act
- Continuation Act 2
- Continuation of Part II of Prices and Incomes Act 1966 2
- Continuing Act
- Continuous Brakes Act 1878 5
- Continuous Service Act 2
- Contngious Diseases Act
- Contract (Scotland) Act 1997
- Contract Act
- Contract of Employment Act 8
- Contract of Employment Act 1963 2
- Contract of Employment Act 1972 3
- Contract of Employment and Redundancy Payments Act
- Contract Terms Act
- Contracting Out Act
- Contractor's Act 2
- Contractors Act 7
- Contractors' Act 11
- Contracts (Applicable Law) Act
- Contracts (Applicable Law) Act 1990 21
- Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999
- Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 7
- Contracts Act 6
- Contracts of Employment Act 222
- Contracts of Employment Act 1963 95
- Contracts of Employment Act 1964 2
- Contracts of Employment Act 1965
- Contracts of Employment Act 1972 28
- Contracts of Employment Act 1973 3
- Contracts of Employment and Redundancy Payment Act 2
- Contracts of Employment and Redundancy Payments (Northern Ireland) Act 1965 2
- Contracts of Employment and Redundancy Payments Act 30
- Contracts of Employments Act 1963
- Contravention of Bail (Scotland) Act 7
- Contravention of Bail Act 2
- Contravention of Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1972
- Contravention of Civic Government Act
- Contravention of Criminal Justice Act 3
- Contravention of Criminal Law Act 1977
- Contravention of Customs Act
- Contravention of Explosive Substances Act
- Contravention of Firearms Act 2
- Contravention of Firearms Act 1968
- Contravention of Police (Scotland) Act
- Contravention of Prevention of Crime Act 1953
- Contravention of Road Traffic Act 1972 3
- Contravention of the Firearms Act
- Contravention Road Traffic Act
- Contributions and Benefits (Northern Ireland) Act 1992
- Contributions and Benefits Act 96
- Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 6
- Contributions Pensions Act
- Contributory Act 4
- Contributory Negligence Act 4
- Contributory Negligence Act 1945
- Contributory Old Age Pension Act
- Contributory Old Age Pensions Act
- Contributory Pension Act
- Contributory Pensions (Voluntary Contributors) Act 1937 13
- Contributory Pensions Act 546
- Contributory Pensions Act 1025
- Contributory Pensions Act 1925 64
- Contributory Pensions Act 1929 23
- Contributory Pensions Act 1930
- Contributory Pensions Act 1931
- Contributory Pensions Act 1936 8
- Contributory Pensions Act 1937 6
- Contributory Pensions Voluntary Contributors Pensions Act 1937
- Control (Scotland) Act
- Control (Services and Supplies) Act
- Control Act 2
- Control Act 1947
- Control Act 1981
- Control Agreement Act
- Control of Borrowing Act 1947 2
- Control of Development Act 1960
- Control of Disease Act 1984
- Control of Diseases Act 2
- Control of Employment Act 15
- Control of Employment Act 1939 4
- Control of Environment Act
- Control of Exchange Act 1947 2
- Control of Food Premises (Scotland) Act 1977 6
- Control of Food Premises Act 1976
- Control of Goods Act 3
- Control of Greyhounds Act 2
- Control of Liquid Fuel Act 1967 2
- Control of Location of Industries Act
- Control of Manufacturers Act
- Control of Manufactures Act 1934
- Control of Medicines Act 1968
- Control of Office and Development Act
- Control of Office and Industrial Development Act 1965 41
- Control of Office Development Act 1966
- Control of Office Development Act 1977 4
- Control of Offices Act 2
- Control of Offices and Industrial Development Act 3
- Control of Offices and Industrial Development Act 1965 3
- Control of Offices and Industrial Developments Act
- Control of Persons and Property Act
- Control of Pesticides Act 1986
- Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 4
- Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989 72
- Control of Pollution (Special Waste) Act 1980
- Control of Pollution (Special Waste) Regulations Act 1980
- Control of Pollution Act 1971
- Control of Pollution Act 1974 1597
- Control of Pollution Act 1976 3
- Control of Pollution Act 1978
- Control of Pollutions Act 1974
- Control of Prices Act 1941
- Control of Rent Act
- Control of Smoke Pollution Act 1989 4
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Act
- Control of the Office and Industrial Development Act 1965
- Control of Water Pollution Act 1974
- Control Pollution Act 1974
- Controlled Drugs (Penalties) Act 1985 8
- Controlled Substance Act
- Controlled Substances Act 2
- Controverted Election Petitions Trial Act
- Controverted Elections Act 3
- Conventicle Act 11
- Conventicles Act
- Convention (Ireland) Act 19
- Convention Act 100
- Convention and to the Additional Act
- Convention of Burghs Act 2
- Convention of Royal Burghs (Scotland) Act 9
- Convention of Royal Burghs (Scotland) Act 1879 7
- Convention Rights (Compliance) (Scotland) Act 2001
- Conventions Act 1957 2
- Conversion Act 3
- Converson Act
- Conveyance of Mails Act 1893 5
- Conveyance of Real Property Act 4
- Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 1874 35
- Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 1924 29
- Conveyancing Act 47
- Conveyancing Act 1881 14
- Conveyancing Act 1911 4
- Conveyancing Act 1938
- Conveyancing Amendment (Scot-land) Act 1938
- Conveyancing and Feudal Reform (Scotland) Act 3
- Conveyancing and Feudal Reform (Scotland) Act 1970 42
- Conveyancing and Feudal Reform Act 2
- Conveyancing and Land Transfer (Scotland) Act 1874 10
- Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1881 69
- Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1892 3
- Conveyancing and Law Property Act
- Conveyancing and Law Property Act 1881 2
- Conveyancing and Settled Lands Act 1881
- Conveynance of Real Property Act
- Convict Prison Act
- Convoy Act 2
- Conway and Colwyn Bay Joint Water Supply Board Act 1916 2
- Conway Corporation Act 1965
- Conway Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1915
- Conway Gas Act 1909
- Conway Gas Act 1939
- Conwy Tunnel (Supplementary Powers) Act 1983 6
- Conyngham Heirlooms Act 1913
- Coolie Act
- Coombe Street (Exeter) Independent Chapel Scheme Confirmation Act 1914
- Cooper's Divorce Act 1920
- Cooperative Development Agency Act 1978 2
- Cooperative Development Agency and Industrial Development Act
- Cooperatives and Community Benefit Societies Act 2003
- Cootehill Union, for Alteration of Poor Relief (Ireland) Act
- Copy of Accession of Hayti to the Additional Act
- Copy of General Act
- Copy of the Arms Act
- Copy of the Deeds of Arrangement Act
- Copy of the New United States Tariff Act
- Copy Right Act
- Copy-hold Act 1894 4
- Copy-right Act 2
- Copyhold Act 11
- Copyhold Act 1837
- Copyhold Act 1858
- Copyhold Act 1887 5
- Copyhold Act 1894 13
- Copyhold and Customary Tenure Act 2
- Copyhold Enfranchisement Act 7
- Copyhold Inclosure Act
- Copyholds Act 2
- Copyholds Amendment Act
- Copyright (Amendment) Act 1971 2
- Copyright (Amendment) Act 1983 18
- Copyright (British Museum) Act 1915 4
- Copyright (Computer Software) Amendment Act 1985 12
- Copyright (Musical Compositions) Act 1882 2
- Copyright (Preservation) Act 1929 3
- Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002 14
- Copyright Act 250
- Copyright Act 1735
- Copyright Act 1775 6
- Copyright Act 1842 8
- Copyright Act 1845
- Copyright Act 1875
- Copyright Act 1911 118
- Copyright Act 1926
- Copyright Act 1955 2
- Copyright Act 1956 294
- Copyright Act 1968
- Copyright Act 1976 2
- Copyright Act 1988 3
- Copyright Amendment Act 1983
- Copyright and Patents Act
- Copyright Bill to the Registered Trademarks Act
- Copyright Design Act 1968
- Copyright Design and Patents Act
- Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 7
- Copyright etc. and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Act 2002
- Copyright Law Amendment Act 1812
- Copyright of Designs Act 5
- Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 34
- Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988 2
- Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 267
- Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998 2
- Copyright, Designs and Patients Act 1978
- Copyright, etc. and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Act
- Copyright, Etc. and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Act 2002
- Copyright, etc. Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Act 2002
- Copyright, Patents and Designs Act 1988 2
- Coquet Fisheries Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1930
- Cora Production Act
- Corby (Northants) and District Water Act 1931 2
- Corby (Northants) and District Water Act 1934
- Corecion Act
- Cork Act
- Cork and Kenmare Railway Act 1881
- Cork Black-rock and Passage Railway Act 1901
- Cork Bridges and Water Works Act
- Cork Harbour (Pilotage) Act 1892
- Cork Improvement Act 1852 5
- Cork Improvement Act 1917
- Cork, Bandon, and South Coast Railway Act 1909
- Corn (Production (Repeal) Act 1921
- Corn Act 9
- Corn and Provisions Act
- Corn Average Act
- Corn Averages Act 2
- Corn Exchange Act 1914
- Corn Exchange Act 1929
- Corn Exchange Act 1955
- Corn Exchange Act 1969
- Corn Exchange Act 1975 4
- Corn Exchange Act 1988
- Corn Importation Act 10
- Corn Intercourse Act 4
- Corn Law Act 2
- Corn Markets (Ireland) Act
- Corn Prodction Act
- Corn Production (Amendment) Act 1018 8
- Corn Production (Amendment) Act 1918 15
- Corn Production (Repeal) Act 1921 10
- Corn Production Act 881
- Corn Production Act 1017
- Corn Production Act 1917 133
- Corn Production Act 1918
- Corn Production Act 1920 2
- Corn Production Act 1921 6
- Corn Production Acts (Repeal) Act 1921 54
- Corn Production Acts Repeal Act
- Corn Production Acts Repeal Act 1921
- Corn Production Amendment Act 1918 4
- Corn Production Repeal Act 4
- Corn Production Repeal Act 1921
- Corn Production' Act 1917
- Corn Productions Act
- Corn Prodution Act 2
- Corn Rents Act 1963
- Corn Returns Act 1822
- Corn Returns Act 1882 151
- Corn Sales Act 1921 51
- Corn Sales Act 1931 2
- Corn-law Act 3
- Corneal Grafting Act 1952 38
- Corneal Tissue Act 1986 9
- Cornwall Building and Provident Institution, for Alteration of Benefit Building Societies Act
- Cornwall County Council Act 1960
- Cornwall County Council Act 1971 3
- Cornwall County Council Act 1983
- Cornwall County Council Act 1984 2
- Cornwall Electric Power Act 1936
- Cornwall Electric Power Act 1940
- Cornwall Submarine Act
- Cornwall Submarine Mines Act 6
- Coronation Oath Act 1567
- Coronation Oath Act 1688 5
- Coronation Oaths Act 2
- Coroner's Act 1887 5
- Coroner's Act 1988
- Coroners (Amendment) Act 1926 46
- Coroners (Amendment) Act 1929
- Coroners (Dublin) Act 1876
- Coroners (Emergency Provisions Continuance) Act 1922
- Coroners (Emergency Provisions) Act 1917 9
- Coroners (Ireland) Act 1846
- Coroners (Northern Ireland) Act 1959 2
- Coroners Act 1844 2
- Coroners Act 1857
- Coroners Act 1877
- Coroners Act 1881 2
- Coroners Act 1887 141
- Coroners Act 1892 3
- Coroners Act 1917 3
- Coroners Act 1926 3
- Coroners Act 1954
- Coroners Act 1980 4
- Coroners Act 1981
- Coroners Act 1988 91
- Coroners Amendment Act 1926 4
- Coroners Juries Act 1983
- Coroners' (Ireland) Act 1881 2
- Coroners' Act 8
- Coroners' Act 1844 2
- Coroners' Act 1887 6
- Coroners' Act 1892
- Coroners' Act 1959
- Coroners' Amendment Act 1926
- Coroners' Juries Act 1983 3
- Corporaion Taxes Act 1998
- Corporate Bodies Contracts Act 1960 2
- Corporate Bodies' Contracts Act 2
- Corporate Bodies' Contracts Act 1960 2
- Corporate Reform Act
- Corporation Act 36
- Corporation Act 1925 2
- Corporation Act 1978
- Corporation and Taxes Act
- Corporation and Test Act 2
- Corporation by Patriotic Fund Reorganisation Act 1903
- Corporation Funds' Act
- Corporation Markets Act 1853
- Corporation Markets Act 1860
- Corporation of Foreign Bond-holders Act
- Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Act
- Corporation of Foreign Bondholders Act 1898
- Corporation of Liverpool Act 1966
- Corporation of London (Bridges) Act 1911 2
- Corporation of London (Open Spaces) Act 1878 7
- Corporation of London (Tower Bridge) Act 2
- Corporation of London Open Spaces Act
- Corporation of London Open Spaces Act 1878
- Corporation of the Compulsory Education Act
- Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy Charities Scheme Confirmation Act 1958
- Corporation of the Trinity House of Leith Order Confirmation Act 1965
- Corporation Reform Act 7
- Corporation Tax Act 1970
- Corporation Tax Act 1988
- Corporation Taxes Act 1970 4
- Corporation Taxes Act 1988 2
- Corporation Waterworks Act 1847
- Corporation Waterworks Act 1861
- Corporation's Act 2
- Corporation's Various Powers Act 1954
- Corporations (Ireland) Act
- Corporations (Superannuation) Act
- Corporations Act 19
- Corporations Act 1882 2
- Corporations Amendment Act
- Corpus Act 6
- Corresponding Act
- Corresponding Societies' Act 2
- Corris Railway Act 1864
- Corris, Machynlleth, and River Dovey Tramway Act 1858
- Corrupt and Illegal Practice Act 1883
- Corrupt and Illegal Practice Prevention Act 1883
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices (Prevention) Act
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices (Prevention) Act 1883
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices (Prevention) Act 1885
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices Act 26
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices Act 1883 16
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices Act 1893
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices Act 1895
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act 1863
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act 1883 165
- Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act 1895 4
- Corrupt and Illegal Practics Prevention Act 1883
- Corrupt Practice (Municipal Elections) Act 1872
- Corrupt Practice Act
- Corrupt Practices (Municipal Elections) Act 1872
- Corrupt Practices (Suspension of Elections) Act 1883
- Corrupt Practices Act 547
- Corrupt Practices Act 1854 9
- Corrupt Practices Act 1883 17
- Corrupt Practices Act 1884
- Corrupt Practices Act 1885
- Corrupt Practices Amendment Act 2
- Corrupt Practices Commission Expenses Act 1869 4
- Corrupt Practices Commissioners Expenses Act 1869 2
- Corrupt Practices Election Act 2
- Corrupt Practices Encouragement Act 2
- Corrupt Practices Prevention Act 1851
- Corrupt Practices Prevention Act 1854 123
- Corrupt Practices Prevention Act 1883 3
- Corrupt Practices Prevention Continuance Act
- Corrupt Practices Protection Act
- Corrupt Practices' Prevention Act 2
- Corrupt Pratices Act
- Corruption Act 5
- Corruption Act 1906
- Corruption of Blood Act 1814
- Corruption of Blood Act 1840
- Corruption of the People Act
- Corruption Practices Prevention Act
- Corsefochno Inclosure Act
- Cosh Act
- Cost Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
- Cost in Criminal Cases Act 1973 2
- Cost of Medical Benefit Act
- Cost of Medical Benefit Act 1924
- Costs Act
- Costs and Benefits in the Environment Act 1995
- Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1908 30
- Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1952 58
- Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1973 30
- Costs in Criminal Prosecutions Act
- Costs of Criminal Cases Act 2
- Costs of Leases Act 1958 6
- Cottage Act
- Cottage Gardens Act
- Cottage Gardens Compensation for Crops Act 1887
- Cottages Act
- Cottages and Allotment Act
- Cottier Tenant (Ireland) Act
- Cottier Tenant (Ireland) Act 1856 3
- Cottier Tenant Act
- Cottier Tenant Ireland Act 1856 2
- Cottier Tenement Act
- Cottier Tenements Act
- Cottiers' Tenement Act
- Cotton Act 1947
- Cotton Act 1954 30
- Cotton Act 1959 2
- Cotton Associations (Emergency Action) Act 1915
- Cotton Board Act 1959
- Cotton Board of the Cotton Industry Act 1940
- Cotton Cloth Act 1889 4
- Cotton Cloth Factories Act 1889 7
- Cotton Cloth Factories Act 1897 2
- Cotton Cloth Factories Act 1911 8
- Cotton Cloth Factory Act
- Cotton Cloth Factory's Act
- Cotton Cloths Factories Act 2
- Cotton Control Act
- Cotton Duties Act 1894
- Cotton Duties Act 1896 3
- Cotton Factories Act 2
- Cotton Factory Act 2
- Cotton Frauds Act
- Cotton Industries Bounty Act 1930
- Cotton Industry (Compensation for Redundancy) Act
- Cotton Industry (Emergency Provisions) Act
- Cotton Industry (Re-organisation) Act 2
- Cotton Industry (Reorganisation) Act 10
- Cotton Industry (Reorganisation) Act 1939 6
- Cotton Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act
- Cotton Industry Act 1923 6
- Cotton Industry Act 1928 2
- Cotton Industry Act 1933 2
- Cotton Industry Act 1938 2
- Cotton Industry Act 1940 5
- Cotton Industry Act 1959 202
- Cotton Industry Reorganisation Act 2
- Cotton Industry Reorganisation Act 1939 2
- Cotton Industry War Memorial Trust Act 1947 2
- Cotton Industry, Act 1959
- Cotton Machinery Subsidies Act
- Cotton Manufacturing (Temporary Provisions) Act
- Cotton Manufacturing Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1934 58
- Cotton Manufacturing Industry Act 2
- Cotton Manufacturing Industry Act 1934
- Cotton Spindles Act 3
- Cotton Spindles Act 1936
- Cotton Spinners of Renfrew, for Amending the Factories' Regulation Act
- Cotton Spinning (Re-equipment Subsidy) Act 9
- Cotton Spinning (Re-equipment Subsidy) Act 1948 17
- Cotton Spinning Act 5
- Cotton Spinning Industry Act 29
- Cotton Spinning Industry Act 1936 17
- Cotton Spinning Re-equipment Act
- Cotton Spinning Re-equipment Subsidy Act 1948 5
- Cotton Statistics Act 1868 2
- Cotton Subsidies Act
- Cotton Subsidy Act 2
- Cotton Textile Industry Protection Act
- Cotton Textiles Industries Protection Act
- Cotton Wages Act
- Cotton-Spinning (Re-equipment Subsidy) Act
- Coulsdon and Purley Urban District Council Act 1937
- Council Act 18
- Council Act 1968
- Council Act 2002
- Council for Licensed Conveyancers in the Administration of Justice Act 1985
- Council of India Act 1876
- Council of India Act 1907 3
- Council of India to the Vernacular Press Act
- Council of Pollution Act 1974
- Council of Tribunals and Inquiries Act 2
- Councils (Scotland) Act 1894
- Councils Act 16
- Councils Act 1957
- Couner-Inflation Act 1973
- Counter Inflation (Temporary Provisions) Act 1972 2
- Counter Inflation Act 1973 10
- Counter-Infiatiorl Act
- Counter-Inflation (Modification of the Remuneration of Teachers (Scotland) Act 1967
- Counter-Inflation (No. 2) Act
- Counter-Inflation (Temporary Provisions) Act 67
- Counter-Inflation (Temporary Provisions) Act 1972 36
- Counter-Inflation Act 252
- Counter-Inflation Act 1972 3
- Counter-Inflation Act 1973 229
- Counter-Inflation Act 1977
- Counter-Inflation Temporary Provisions Act
- Counter-Inflationary (Temporary Provisions) Act
- Counter-Inflationary Act 1973
- Counter-lnflation Act
- Counter-Terrorism Act
- Counterfeit Currency (Convention) Act
- Counterfeit Currency (Convention) Act 1935
- Counterfeit Medal Act 1883 2
- Countervailing Duties Act 2
- Counties Courts Act
- Country Courts Act 1984
- Country Planning (Minerals) Act 1981
- Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1947
- Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972 4
- Country Planning Act 5
- Country Planning Act 1932
- Country Planning Act 1947 6
- Country Planning Act 1951
- Country Planning Act 1954
- Country Planning Act 1968
- Country Planning Act 1971 7
- Country Planning Act 1990
- Country Planning Development Plans Direction Act 1975
- Country Planning Directions Act 1992
- Countryside (Amendment) Act 1991
- Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967 140
- Countryside (Scotland) Act 1968
- Countryside (Scotland) Act 1981 6
- Countryside Act 1949 18
- Countryside Act 1967 2
- Countryside Act 1968 589
- Countryside Act 1969
- Countryside Act 1981 8
- Countryside Act 1986
- Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 6
- Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 442
- Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2001
- Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2002
- Countryside and Wildlife Act 4
- Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981 2
- Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000 4
- Countryside Scotland Act 1967 2
- Counts Act
- County Act 2
- County and Borough Councils (Qualification) Act 1914 2
- County and Borough Police Act 1856 20
- County and Borough Police Act 1859 3
- County and Borough Police Act 1919
- County Assessment Act
- County Asylum Act
- County Borough Act 1881
- County Borough Police Act 1856
- County Boroughs Act
- County Cess (Ireland) Act 1848 7
- County Company's Act 3
- County Constabulary Act 10
- County Coroners Act
- County Coroners Act 1860
- County Council Act 22
- County Council Finance Consolidation Act
- County Council Site Act
- County Councils (Election) Act 1891
- County Councils (Elections) Act 12
- County Councils (Elections) Act 1891 3
- County Councils (Special Qualifications) Act
- County Councils Act 42
- County Councils Act 1888 2
- County Councils Act 1889 2
- County Councils Association (Scotland) Expenses Act 1894 2
- County Councils Association Expenses (Amendment) Act 1937
- County Councils Association Expenses (Amendment) Act 1947
- County Councils Association Expenses Act 1890
- County Councils Mortgages Act 1909
- County Councils of the Technical Instruction Act
- County Councils Smallholdings Act
- County Court (Ireland) Act 1877
- County Court Act 54
- County Court Act 1888 8
- County Court Act 1903
- County Court Act 1911 2
- County Court Act 1919 2
- County Court Act 1934 5
- County Court Act 1955
- County Court Act 1959 6
- County Court Act 1984
- County Court Amendment Act 1888
- County Court and Officers Act 1877
- County Court Appeals Act 3
- County Court Consolidation Act
- County Court Equitable Jurisdiction Act
- County Court Extension Act 7
- County Court Judge in the Workmen's Compensation Act
- County Court Judges (Retirement and Deputies) Act 1919
- County Court Judges (Retirement Pensions and Deputies) Act 1919
- County Court Judges (Retirement, Pension and Deputies) Act 1919
- County Court Judges (Retirement, Pensions and Deputies) Act
- County Court Judges Act
- County Court Jurisdiction Extension Act 2
- County Court Officers Act 2
- County Court Officers Act 1877
- County Court Procedure Act
- County Court Trustees Act
- County Courts (Admiralty Jurisdiction) Act 1868 7
- County Courts (Amendment) Act 1934 6
- County Courts (Jurisdiction) Act 1963
- County Courts (Northern Ireland) Act 1959
- County Courts (Penalties for Contempt) Act 1982 2
- County Courts (Penalties for Contempt) Act 1983
- County Courts Act 1846 3
- County Courts Act 1852
- County Courts Act 1866
- County Courts Act 1867 5
- County Courts Act 1877
- County Courts Act 1888 76
- County Courts Act 1903 8
- County Courts Act 1919 9
- County Courts Act 1924 8
- County Courts Act 1934 54
- County Courts Act 1949
- County Courts Act 1955 13
- County Courts Act 1959 464
- County Courts Act 1961
- County Courts Act 1971
- County Courts Act 1984 167
- County Courts Admiralty Jurisdiction Act 1868 3
- County Courts Amendment Act 1867 2
- County Courts and Officers (Ireland) Act 1877
- County Courts Appeals Act 3
- County Courts Consolidation Act 2
- County Courts Jurisdiction Act
- County Dublin Grand Jury Act 1844 2
- County Elections (Scotland) Act 1853 3
- County Elections Act 1888
- County Electorate Act
- County Electors (Scotland) Act 1853 3
- County Electors Act 24
- County Electors Act 1888 27
- County Electors Act 1988
- County Electors' Act 1888 2
- County Franchise Act 2
- County General Assessment (Scotland) Act 1868
- County Government Act 6
- County Infirmary Act
- County Juries' Act 1825
- County of Avon Act 1982 7
- County of Buckingham (Fenny Stratford Urban District Extension) Confirmation Act 1898
- County of Cleveland Act 1987 2
- County of Cornwall Act 1929
- County of Cornwall, for Alteration of the Duchy of Cornwall Lands Act
- County of Dublin Jurors' and Voters' Revision Act 1884
- County of Durham Electric Power Supply Act 1909
- County of Hertford Act 1878 2
- County of Kent Act 2
- County of Kent Act 1981 12
- County of Lancashire Act 1984 5
- County of London Electric Supply Company Act 1918
- County of London Electric Supply Company's Act 1927
- County of London Electricity Supply Act
- County of London the London (Equalisation of Rates) Act 1894
- County of Merseyside Act 1980 34
- County of Oxford, for Alteration of Savings' Banks Act
- County of South Glamorgan (General Powers) Act
- County of South Glamorgan (Taff Crossing) Act 1988 2
- County of Stirling, for Repeal of the Bank of England Charter Act
- County of Sussex Act 1865 2
- County of the City of Glasgow Act
- County of the City of Glasgow Act 1893
- County Office Site (London) Act 1906 2
- County Officers (Ireland) Act
- County Officers (Ireland) Act 1877
- County Officers Act
- County Officers and Councils (Ireland) Act 1877
- County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act 1877 71
- County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act 1878
- County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act 1887 2
- County Officers and Courts Act 1877 14
- County Officers and Courts in Ireland Act 1877
- County Officers and Courts of Ireland Act 1887
- County Offices and Courts Act 2
- County Palatine of Lancaster Act
- County Police Act 6
- County Police Act 1839 5
- County Police Act 1840 2
- County Police Act 1857
- County Presentment Act
- County Rate Act 2
- County Rate Basis Act
- County Rates Act 1852 2
- County Representation Act
- County Roads Act 1878
- County Surveyors (Ireland) Act 1862 4
- County Surveyors (Ireland) Act 1893
- County Surveyors Act 1861
- County Surveyors Act 1862
- County Town and Parish Councils (Qualification) (Scotland) Act 1914
- County Treasurer Act
- County Treasurers Act 1867
- County Voters Act 6
- County Voters Registration (Scotland) Act 1861 4
- County Voters Registration Act 1803
- County Voters Registration Act 1861
- County Voters Registration Act 1865
- County Voters' Act
- County, Town, and Parish Councils (Qualification) (Scotland) Act 1914
- County-rate Act
- Court (Emergency Powers) Act
- Court Act 2
- Court Act 1952
- Court Act 1971
- Court Act 1981
- Court and Legal Services Act 1990 3
- Court Exchequer (Scotland) Act 1707
- Court Fees Act 2
- Court Houses (Ireland) Act 1815
- Court Martial (Appeals) Act 1968
- Court of Admiralty (Ireland) Act 1867 6
- Court of Admiralty (Ireland) Amendment Act 1876 5
- Court of Appeal Act 1968 2
- Court of Appeal of the Settled Land Act 1925
- Court of Chancery (Funds) Act 1872
- Court of Chancery (Ireland) Regulation Act 3
- Court of Chancery Act 1851
- Court of Chancery Act 1860 2
- Court of Chancery Funds Act
- Court of Chancery of Lancaster (Amendment) Act 1961
- Court of Chancery of Lancaster Act 1952 5
- Court of Criminal Appeal Act 1907 19
- Court of Inquiry Act 1916
- Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925
- Court of Probate (Ireland) Act 1857 2
- Court of Probate Act 1857 11
- Court of Queen's Bench Act
- Court of Requests Act
- Court of Requests for Stockport, Brinnington, Edgeley, and Brinksway, for Repeal of Insolvent Debtors Act
- Court of Session (Extracts) Act 1916
- Court of Session (No. 2) Act 1838 2
- Court of Session (Scotland) Act 1868 4
- Court of Session Act 1693
- Court of Session Act 1825
- Court of Session Act 1868 40
- Court of Session Act 1988 27
- Court of Session Clerks Act
- Court of Sessions Act 1988
- Court-Martial Appeals Act
- Courts (Emergency Powers) (Amendment) Act 1916
- Courts (Emergency Powers) (Ireland) Act 1914 4
- Courts (Emergency Powers) (No. 2) Act 1915
- Courts (Emergency Powers) (No. 2) Act 1916 9
- Courts (Emergency Powers) (Scotland) Act 1939 7
- Courts (Emergency Powers) (Scotland) Act 1944
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1914 65
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1915
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1917 9
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1919 155
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1939 35
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1943 14
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 2939
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 5939
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Amendment Act 1942 2
- Courts (Emergency Powers) Scotland Act 1939
- Courts (Emergency) Act 1914
- Courts (Emergency) Powers Act
- Courts (Emergency) Powers Act 1917
- Courts (Emergency) Powers Act 1939
- Courts (Scotland) Act 1828
- Courts (Scotland) Act 1853 2
- Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 2
- Courts Act 1672
- Courts Act 1952
- Courts Act 1959
- Courts Act 1970
- Courts Act 1971 356
- Courts Act 1972
- Courts Act 1973
- Courts Act 1991 2
- Courts Act 2003 107
- Courts and Legal Service Act 1990
- Courts and Legal Services Act 1989
- Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 528
- Courts and Legal Services Act 1991 2
- Courts Emergency Act 12
- Courts Emergency Act 1917
- Courts Emergency Powers Act 1914 3
- Courts Emergency Powers Act 1939 25
- Courts Emergency Powers) Act 1914
- Courts Emergency-Powers Act 1914
- Courts Fees Act
- Courts Judgments Extension Act 1882
- Courts Martial (Appeal) Act
- Courts Martial (Appeals) Act 1951 3
- Courts Martial (Appeals) Act 1968 3
- Courts Martial Act
- Courts Martial Appeal Act
- Courts Martial Appeals Act
- Courts of Common Law Procedure Act
- Courts of Justice (Additional Site) Act 1871
- Courts of Justice Act 2
- Courts of Justice Building Act 1865 28
- Courts of Justice Building Sites Act
- Courts of Justice Buildings Act
- Courts of Justice Concentration (Site) Act 1865 4
- Courts of Justice Concentration Act 1865 2
- Courts of Justice Salaries and Funds Act 1869 4
- Courts of Law Fees (Scotland) Act 1895 4
- Courts of Law Officers (Ireland) Act 1867
- Courts of Summary Jurisdiction Act
- Courts of the Land Act
- Courts-(Emergency Powers) Act 1914
- Courts-Emergency (Powers) Act
- Courts-Martial (Appeals) Act 1951 37
- Courts-Martial (Appeals) Act 1968 37
- Courts-Martial Act
- Courts-Martial Appeal Act 1951 3
- Courts-Martial Appeals Act 1968 4
- Courts-Martial Appeals Courts Act
- Covent Garden Act
- Covent Garden Area the Covent Garden Market Act 1961
- Covent Garden Market (Financial Provisions) Act 1977 4
- Covent Garden Market Act 8
- Covent Garden Market Act 1961 24
- Covent Garden Market Act 1966 8
- Covent Garden Market Act 1969
- Coventry Act
- Coventry Cathedral Act 1953
- Coventry Corporation (Boundary Extension) Act 1927
- Coventry Corporation Act 1911
- Coventry Corporation Act 1913
- Coventry Corporation Act 1920 5
- Coventry Corporation Act 1927
- Coventry Corporation Act 1936
- Coventry Corporation Act 1940
- Coventry Corporation Act 1942
- Coventry Corporation Act 1948
- Coventry Corporation Act 1954
- Coventry Corporation Act 1958
- Coventry Corporation Act 1969
- Coventry Corporation Act 1972
- Coventry Extension Act 1931
- Coventry Poor Act 4
- Cow-pox and Workmen's Compensation Act
- Cowdenbeath Water Order Confirmation Act 1918
- Cowes Urban District Council Act 1938
- Coyright Act 1956
- Crab and Lobster Act 2
- Crafters (Scotland) Act 1955
- Crafting Act
- Craven Estates Act 1916
- Crawford Act 7
- Crawford and Schaffer Act
- Crayford Enclosure Act
- Credit Act 6
- Credit Act 1974
- Credit Facilities Act 4
- Credit Foncier of Mauritius (Limited) Act 1895
- Credit Foncier of Mauritius, Limited, Act 1895
- Credit Insurance of Exports Act
- Credit Sale Agreements (Scotland) Act 1961 2
- Credit Union Act 1979 7
- Credit Unions Act 1979 39
- Credit Unions Act 1997
- Credit-Sale Agreement (Scotland) Act 1961
- Credit-Sale Agreements (Scotland) Act 1961 9
- Credits Act 3
- Cremation Act 1900
- Cremation Act 1902 42
- Cremation Act 1952 22
- Cremation Act 1962
- Cremation Regulations Amendment Act 1965
- Crew Space Act
- Crewe Corporation Act 1938
- Crewe Corporation Act 1949
- Crewe Corporation Act 1954
- Cricksea Bridge Act 1869
- Criimnal Law Act 1977
- Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003 29
- Crime (International Co-opsration) Act
- Crime (International Cooperation) Act 2003 6
- Crime (Scotland) Act 1997
- Crime (Sentence) Act 1997
- Crime (Sentences) Act 1997 270
- Crime (Sentencing) Act 1997
- Crime Act 4
- Crime Act 2002
- Crime and Disorder Act 1988 4
- Crime and Disorder Act 1997
- Crime and Disorder Act 1998 1466
- Crime and Outrage (Ireland) Act 10
- Crime and Outrage Act 51
- Crime and Outrage Act 1847 2
- Crime and Outrage Prevention Act
- Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Act 1997 32
- Crime and Punishment Act
- Crime and Security Act 2001
- Crime International (Co-operation) Act 2003
- Crime Prevention Act 22
- Crime Sentences Act 1997 2
- Crimea Act 10
- Crimes Act 2902
- Crimes Act 1870
- Crimes Act 1882 2
- Crimes Act 1887 5
- Crimes I Act
- Crimes Preservation Act
- Crimes Prevention (Ireland) Act
- Crimes Prevention Act 20
- Crimes' Act
- Criminal Justice Act 1988
- Criminal Act 2
- Criminal Administration Act 1914
- Criminal Aliens Act
- Criminal Amendment (Insanity) Act 1964
- Criminal Amendment Act 1885 3
- Criminal and Dangerous Lunatics (Scotland) Amendment Act 1871 2
- Criminal and Malicious Injuries (Ireland) Act 4
- Criminal and Malicious Injuries Act 1920
- Criminal and Public Order Act
- Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act 1930 6
- Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act 1968 13
- Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act 1980 36
- Criminal Appeal (Scotland) Act 5
- Criminal Appeal (Scotland) Act 1922
- Criminal Appeal (Scotland) Act 1926 28
- Criminal Appeal (Scotland) Act 1927
- Criminal Appeal Act 1907 349
- Criminal Appeal Act 1908
- Criminal Appeal Act 1964 11
- Criminal Appeal Act 1965
- Criminal Appeal Act 1966 27
- Criminal Appeal Act 1967
- Criminal Appeal Act 1968 351
- Criminal Appeal Act 1986
- Criminal Appeal Act 1995 72
- Criminal Appeals Act 1968 21
- Criminal Appeals Act 1995 3
- Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996
- Criminal Attempts Act 1981 89
- Criminal Breaches of Trust Act
- Criminal Cases Act 1908
- Criminal Cases Act 1952
- Criminal Cases Act 1973
- Criminal Cases Review (Insanity) Act 1999 3
- Criminal Code Act
- Criminal Code Amendment (Slavery and Sexual Servitude) Act 1999
- Criminal Code Amendment Act 3
- Criminal Consolidation Act 3
- Criminal Contempt Act
- Criminal Court (Sentencing) Act 2000
- Criminal Court of Appeal Act
- Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 14
- Criminal Courts Act 1963
- Criminal Courts Act 1973 12
- Criminal Courts Administration Act 1914
- Criminal Damage Act 51
- Criminal Damage Act 1971 165
- Criminal Damage and Terrorism Act 9
- Criminal Damages Act 1971 6
- Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Act
- Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Act 2001
- Criminal Evidence (Amendment) Act 1997 5
- Criminal Evidence Act 1892
- Criminal Evidence Act 1898 86
- Criminal Evidence Act 1965 17
- Criminal Evidence Act 1979
- Criminal Evidence Act 1984 3
- Criminal Evidence Act 2001 3
- Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 2
- Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1968
- Criminal Injuries (Ireland) Act 1919 7
- Criminal Injuries (Ireland) Act 1920 7
- Criminal Injuries (Northern Ireland) Act 1956
- Criminal Injuries (Northern Ireland) Act 1968
- Criminal Injuries Act 44
- Criminal Injuries Act 1919
- Criminal Injuries Act 1920
- Criminal Injuries and Compensation Act
- Criminal Injuries Compensation (Northern Ireland) Act 1968
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1995 56
- Criminal Injuries Property Compensation Act
- Criminal Injuries to Person (Compensation) Act
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Compen-cation) Act
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Act
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Act 1963
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Act 1968
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Compensation) Act 104
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Compensation) Act 1968 4
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Compensations) Act
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Northern Ireland) (Compensation) Act 1968
- Criminal Injuries to Persons (Northern Ireland) Act
- Criminal Injuries to Persons Act
- Criminal Injuries to Persons Compensation Act 1971
- Criminal Injuries to Persons Compensation) Act
- Criminal Injuries to Property (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Act 1971
- Criminal Injuries to Property (Compensation) Act 28
- Criminal Injuries to Property (Compensation) Act 1971 2
- Criminal Injuries to Property Act
- Criminal Injuries to Property Compensation Act 1968
- Criminal Injury to Persons Compensation Act
- Criminal Jurisdiction (Scotland) Act 1980
- Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1802 2
- Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1914
- Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1975 101
- Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1976 4
- Criminal Justice (Administration) Act 1914 5
- Criminal Justice (Administration) Act 1962
- Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 3
- Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 1914
- Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 1926
- Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 1981 3
- Criminal Justice (Increase of Penalties) Act 1926
- Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) (Amendment) Act 1998 2
- Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990 128
- Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) Act 1990 22
- Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 10
- Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1968
- Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 1945 3
- Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 1966 3
- Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1890
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1949 55
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1961
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1963 48
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1973
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1975 2
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980 370
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1981
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1986
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987 85
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1989
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1995 28
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 9
- Criminal Justice (Temporary Provisions) Act 6
- Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Act 1998 118
- Criminal Justice Act 1855 2
- Criminal Justice Act 1898
- Criminal Justice Act 1905
- Criminal Justice Act 1914 5
- Criminal Justice Act 1925 147
- Criminal Justice Act 1933
- Criminal Justice Act 1938
- Criminal Justice Act 1945
- Criminal Justice Act 1947
- Criminal Justice Act 1948 1255
- Criminal Justice Act 1949 3
- Criminal Justice Act 1956
- Criminal Justice Act 1960 4
- Criminal Justice Act 1961 265
- Criminal Justice Act 1962 2
- Criminal Justice Act 1963 3
- Criminal Justice Act 1965 3
- Criminal Justice Act 1966 6
- Criminal Justice Act 1967 707
- Criminal Justice Act 1968 6
- Criminal Justice Act 1969
- Criminal Justice Act 1971 3
- Criminal Justice Act 1972 230
- Criminal Justice Act 1973
- Criminal Justice Act 1975
- Criminal Justice Act 1976
- Criminal Justice Act 1977 4
- Criminal Justice Act 1980 11
- Criminal Justice Act 1981 4
- Criminal Justice Act 1982 523
- Criminal Justice Act 1983 2
- Criminal Justice Act 1984 3
- Criminal Justice Act 1985
- Criminal Justice Act 1986 3
- Criminal Justice Act 1987 137
- Criminal Justice Act 1988 1063
- Criminal Justice Act 1989 2
- Criminal Justice Act 1990
- Criminal Justice Act 1991 1213
- Criminal Justice Act 1992 6
- Criminal Justice Act 1993 131
- Criminal Justice Act 1994 12
- Criminal Justice Act 1996 3
- Criminal Justice Act 1998 10
- Criminal Justice Act 2000 2
- Criminal Justice Act 2001 2
- Criminal Justice Act 2003 312
- Criminal Justice Administration (Amendment) Act 1959
- Criminal Justice Administration Act 27
- Criminal Justice Administration Act 1851 4
- Criminal Justice Administration Act 1914 110
- Criminal Justice Administration Act 1925
- Criminal Justice Administration Act 1956 18
- Criminal Justice Administration Act 1961 7
- Criminal Justice Administration Act 1962 13
- Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 4
- Criminal Justice and Court Service Act 2000 2
- Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 243
- Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2001 3
- Criminal Justice and Courts Act
- Criminal Justice and Courts Service Act 2000
- Criminal Justice and Courts Services Act 2000 14
- Criminal Justice and Drug Trafficking Offences Act
- Criminal Justice and Order Act 1994
- Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 223
- Criminal Justice and Police Act 2002
- Criminal Justice and Procedure Act
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1904
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1944
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1964 2
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1984
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1988 5
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1991
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1993
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 951
- Criminal Justice and Sentencing Act
- Criminal Justice Commission Act
- Criminal Justice Commissions Act 6
- Criminal Justice Jurisdiction Act 4
- Criminal Justice Justice Act 1972
- Criminal Justice Provisions Act
- Criminal Justice Public Order Act 1994 2
- Criminal Justice Scotland Act 1980
- Criminal Justices Act 4
- Criminal Justices Act 1948
- Criminal Justices Act 1967
- Criminal Justices Act 1972
- Criminal Justices Act 1988 2
- Criminal Justices Administration Act 1956
- Criminal Justive Administration Act 1914
- Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 1885 6
- Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 1887
- Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 1912 18
- Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 1922
- Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 1949
- Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995 53
- Criminal Law (Ireland) Amendment Act
- Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1975 2
- Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976 20
- Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1977
- Criminal Law (Northern Ireland) Act 1967 4
- Criminal Law (Procedure) Act 3
- Criminal Law (Rape) (Amendment) Act 1990
- Criminal Law (Scotland) Act
- Criminal Law (Scotland) Act 1829 8
- Criminal Law Act 1826 5
- Criminal Law Act 1827
- Criminal Law Act 1887
- Criminal Law Act 1966
- Criminal Law Act 1967 285
- Criminal Law Act 1977 564
- Criminal Law Act 1987
- Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland) Act 45
- Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland) Act 1887 5
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 392
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1867 9
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1871 17
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1876
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1880 2
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 134
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1886 2
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1887 2
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1908 9
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1912 24
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1922 2
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1925
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1928
- Criminal Law Amendment Act 1951
- Criminal Law Amendments Act
- Criminal Law and Precedure (Ireland) Act
- Criminal Law and Procedure (Amendment) Act
- Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act 1877 2
- Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act 1887 720
- Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act 1889
- Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Amendment Act 1887
- Criminal Law and Procedure Act 101
- Criminal Law and Procedure Act 1887 9
- Criminal Law and Procedure Amendment (Ireland) Act
- Criminal Law and Procedure Bill (Ireland) Act
- Criminal Law and Procedure Ireland Act
- Criminal Law and Procedure Ireland) Act 1887
- Criminal Law and Procedure-(Ireland) Act 1887
- Criminal Law Consolidation Act
- Criminal Law Continuance Act
- Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act 1975 23
- Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act 1976 6
- Criminal Law Procedure (Ireland) Act 12
- Criminal Law Procedure (Ireland) Act 1887 11
- Criminal Law Procedure (Scotland) Act
- Criminal Law Procedure Act 20
- Criminal Law Procedure Act 1887 3
- Criminal Law Procedure Amendment Act 2
- Criminal Law Prosecution of Offences Act 1884
- Criminal Law Reform Act 1967
- Criminal Law-Amendment Act 1887
- Criminal Laws Amendment Act
- Criminal Letters Act
- Criminal Letters Act 1579
- Criminal Libel Act 1819 3
- Criminal Libel Act 1820
- Criminal Libel Act 1843
- Criminal Lunatic (Scotland) Act 1935
- Criminal Lunatic Act 1881
- Criminal Lunatic Act 1884 2
- Criminal Lunatic Asylum Act 1860
- Criminal Lunatic Asylumns Act 1860
- Criminal Lunatic Asylums Act 1860 6
- Criminal Lunatics (Ireland) Act 1837
- Criminal Lunatics (Scotland) Act 1935 4
- Criminal Lunatics Act 1800 6
- Criminal Lunatics Act 1880 2
- Criminal Lunatics Act 1883
- Criminal Lunatics Act 1884 49
- Criminal Penalties Act 1967
- Criminal Procedure (Attendance of Witnesses) Act 1965 27
- Criminal Procedure (Consequential In Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1995
- Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 2
- Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1995 3
- Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead) Act 1991 14
- Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 7
- Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1964 83
- Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1974
- Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1984
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1887 19
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1938 6
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1965
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1967
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1974
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1975 418
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1978
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1980
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 150
- Criminal Procedure Act 15
- Criminal Procedure Act 1851
- Criminal Procedure Act 1853 4
- Criminal Procedure Act 1865 14
- Criminal Procedure Act 1887
- Criminal Procedure Act 1975 5
- Criminal Procedure Amendment Act
- Criminal Procedure and Investigation Act 1996 3
- Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 129
- Criminal Procedure Insanity Act
- Criminal Procedures (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead) Act 1991
- Criminal Procedures (Insanity) Act
- Criminal Procedures (Insanity) Act 1964
- Criminal Procedures (Scotland) Act 1975 6
- Criminal Procedures (Scotland) Act 1995 9
- Criminal Procedures and Investigations Act 1996 3
- Criminal Proceedings (Insanity) Act
- Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1975
- Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993 2
- Criminal Proceedings and Human Rights Act
- Criminal Prosecutions Act
- Criminal Statutes Repeal Act
- Criminal Trespass Act
- Criminal Tribes Act 4
- Criminals Influx Prevention Act
- Crinimal Appeal Act 1968
- Critics of the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1976
- Crminal Justice Act 1988
- Crofter (Scotland) Act 1886
- Crofter (Scotland) Act 1955
- Crofter Act 18
- Crofter Act 1886 6
- Crofter Forestry (Scotland) Act 1991 3
- Crofter's (Scotland) Act 1961
- Crofters (Scotland) Act 32
- Crofters (Scotland) Act 1886 5
- Crofters (Scotland) Act 1955 88
- Crofters (Scotland) Act 1961 9
- Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993 5
- Crofters (Scotland) Holdings Act 1886
- Crofters Act 1886 975
- Crofters Act 1947
- Crofters Act 1955 3
- Crofters and Cottars Act 2
- Crofters Common Grazings Regulation Act 1891 6
- Crofters Common Grazings Regulation Act 1908 2
- Crofters Forestry (Scotland) Act 1991
- Crofters Grazing Act
- Crofters Holding (Scotland) Act 1886 2
- Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Act 1884 2
- Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Act 1886 48
- Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Act 1887 2
- Crofters Holdings Act 12
- Crofters Holdings Act 1886 5
- Crofters Holdings Amendment Act
- Crofters' Act 307
- Crofters' Act 1886 11
- Crofters' Act 1896
- Crofters' Commission (Delegation of Powers) Act 1888
- Crofters' Common Grazings Regulation Act 1891 2
- Crofters' Holding (Scotland) Act 1886
- Crofters' Holding Act
- Crofters' Holding's (Scotland) Act 1886 2
- Crofters' Holdings (Scotland) Act 1880
- Crofters' Holdings (Scotland) Act 1886 137
- Crofters' Holdings (Scotland) Act 1887
- Crofters' Holdings (Scotland) Act 1889
- Crofters' Holdings Act 1886 15
- Crofters' Holdings Amendment Act
- Crofting Act 1976 8
- Crofting Holding Act 1886
- Crofting Parishes (Scotland) Act 1909
- Crofting Parishes Act 1908
- Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 1976 14
- Crofting Reform Act 1976 7
- Crofting Reforms (Scotland) Act 1976
- Crofts' Divorce Act 1922
- Cromarty Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1976 2
- Cromer Urban District Council Act 1948
- Crops (Prevention of Damage) Act 1938
- Crosby Corporation Act 1956 2
- Cross and Torrens Act
- Cross's Act
- Crossbows Act 1987 15
- Crossbows-and-Handguns Act
- Crossed Cheques Act
- Crossed Cheques Act 1876 3
- Crouch Harbour Act 1974 2
- CROW Act 29
- CROW Act 2000 2
- Crowborough District Gas and Electricity Act 1913
- Crowborough District Water Act 1929
- Crowded Dwellings Prevention Act 1857 2
- Crown (Transfer of Functions) Act 2
- Crown (Transfer of Functions) Act 1946 2
- Crown Act 3
- Crown Act 1707 2
- CROWN ACT 1975
- Crown Agencies Act 1979
- Crown Agents (Amendment) Act 2
- Crown Agents (Amendment) Act 1986
- Crown Agents Act 7
- Crown Agents Act 1979 50
- Crown Agents Act 1995 4
- Crown Agents Act 1996
- Crown Allotments Act 1331
- Crown and Duchy Land Revenues Improvement Act 1808
- Crown and Duchy Lands Act 1812
- Crown Appointments Act
- Crown Appointments Act 1661
- Crown Cases Act 1848 14
- Crown Cases Reserved Act 3
- Crown Commissioners (Transfer of Woods) Act 1923 2
- Crown Court Act 1971
- Crown Court Rules Act
- Crown Debts Act
- Crown Debts Act 1541 2
- Crown Estate Act 5
- Crown Estate Act 1956 6
- Crown Estate Act 1961 79
- Crown Estate Paving Act 1851 3
- Crown Estates Act 1961 15
- Crown Estates Paving Act
- Crown in Parliament Act
- Crown Lands (Scotland) Act 1833
- Crown Lands Act 29
- Crown Lands Act 1581
- Crown Lands Act 1702 6
- Crown Lands Act 1829 19
- Crown Lands Act 1851 25
- Crown Lands Act 1866 16
- Crown Lands Act 1873
- Crown Lands Act 1894 4
- Crown Lands Act 1902
- Crown Lands Act 1906 10
- Crown Lands Act 1913
- Crown Lands Act 1927 7
- Crown Lands Act 1929
- Crown Lands Act 1936 2
- Crown Lands Act 1943
- Crown Lauds Act 1866 2
- Crown Lessees (Protection of Sub-tenants) Act 1952 5
- Crown of Ireland Act 1542 4
- Crown of the Colonial Act
- Crown Office Act 1877 11
- Crown Office Act 1890
- Crown Private Estate Act
- Crown Private Estates Act 1862 9
- Crown Procedure Act 1947
- Crown Proceeding Act 2
- Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1987 60
- Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1992
- Crown Proceedings Act 211
- Crown Proceedings Act 1600
- Crown Proceedings Act 1947 363
- Crown Proceedings Act 1949 3
- Crown Proceedings Act 1974 5
- Crown Proceedings Act 1979
- Crown Proceedings Act 1987
- Crown Prosecution Service Act 2000
- Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate Act 2000 4
- Crown Prosecutions (Army) Act 1987 2
- Crown Protection Act 1947 2
- Crown Redress (No. 2) Act 2
- Crown Redress Act
- Crown Suits (Scotland) Act 1856
- Crown Suits (Scotland) Act 1857 6
- Crown Suits Act 1857 5
- Crown Suits Scotland) Act 1857
- Crown to the Colonial Act
- Croydon Corporation Act 2
- Croydon Corporation Act 1923
- Croydon Corporation Act 1924 2
- Croydon Corporation Act 1927
- Croydon Corporation Act 1930
- Croydon Corporation Act 1935
- Croydon Corporation Act 1939 3
- Croydon Corporation Act 1956
- Croydon Corporation Act 1957
- Croydon Corporation Act 1960 5
- Croydon Gas Act 1922
- Croydon Tramlink Act 1994 4
- Crude Income Tax (Householders Only) Act
- Crude Oil Terminals (Humber) Act 1965 3
- Crude Oil Terminals (Humber) Act 1974 2
- Cruelty Act
- Cruelty of Animals Act 1876 5
- Cruelty to Animals (Scotland) Act 6
- Cruelty to Animals (Scotland) Act 1850
- Cruelty to Animals (Vivisection) Act
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1800
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1847
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1849 2
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1867
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1874
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1876 1118
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1878
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1879
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1890 2
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1896 2
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1911 5
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1976 4
- Cruelty to Animals Prevention Act 3
- Cruelty to Animals Prevention Act 1849 2
- Cruelty to Children Act 6
- Cruelty to Children Act 1894
- Cruelty to Children Act 1904
- Cruelty to Pigeons Prevention Act
- Cruely to Animals Act 1876 2
- Crumford Canal Sale Act 1846
- Crystal Palace Act 1914 5
- Crystal Palace Act 1951
- Crystal Palace Company's Act 5
- Crystal Palace I Act
- CSCE Final Act 35
- CSDP Act 5
- CSE Final Act
- CTRL Act 8
- CTRL Act 1996 3
- Cty of London Fire Inquests Act 1888
- Cuba Democracy Act
- Cuba of the Cuba Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act
- Cuban Democracy Act 3
- Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act 3
- Culag (Lochinver) Pier Order Confirmation Act 1972 2
- Cultivation of Lands Act
- Cultivation of Lands Orders of the Defence of the Realm Act
- Cumberland Act 1948 2
- Cumberland Act 1964
- Cumberland County Council Act 1964 6
- Cumberland County Council Act 1970
- Cumbria Act 1982 3
- Cumnock and Doon Valley District Council Order Confirmation Act 1981 2
- Cunard (Insurance) Agreement Act 1930 6
- Cunard Agreement (Money) Act 1904 4
- Cunard Agreement Act 2
- Cunard Agreement Money Act 1904
- Cunard Insurance Agreement Act
- Cunard Insurance Agreement Act 1930
- Cunninghame District Council Order Confirmation Act
- Cunninghame District Council Order Confirmation Act 1978
- Curates Act
- Curates' Act
- Curators Act
- Curators Act 1585 2
- Curfew Act
- Curragh Act 3
- Curragh of Kildare Act 1868 2
- Currency (Defence) Act 1939 3
- Currency Act 25
- Currency Act 1928 5
- Currency Act 1982
- Currency Act 1983 2
- Currency and Bank Note Act 1914 3
- Currency and Bank Notes (Amendment) Act 1914
- Currency and Bank Notes Act 1914 14
- Currency and Bank Notes Act 1928 98
- Currency and Bank Notes Act 1939 3
- Currency and Bank Notes Act 1954 27
- Currency and Bank-notes Act 1928 2
- Currency and Bank-notes Act 1939
- Currency and Banknote Act 1928
- Currency and Banknotes Act 1928 4
- Currency and Banknotes Act 1939
- Currency and Banknotes Act 1954
- Currency Banknotes Act 1914
- Currency Defence Act 1939
- Currency of Banknotes Act 1928
- Current Children Act
- Cus-tome and Inland Revenue Act 1889
- Custody of Children (Scotland) Act 1939 2
- Custody of Children Act 4
- Custody of Children Act 1891 4
- Custody of Infants Act 1856
- Custody of Infants Act 1873 6
- Custody of Infants Act 1925
- Custody of Minors Act
- Custom and Inland Revenue Act 1890
- Custom's Act 2
- Custom-house Act
- Customs (Consolidation) Act 1875
- Customs (Consolidation) Act 1876 9
- Customs (Consolidation) Act 1886 2
- Customs (Exportation Prohibition) Act 1914 2
- Customs (Exportation Restriction) Act 1914 5
- Customs (Exportation Restriction) Act 1915
- Customs (Exportation Restrictions) Act 1914
- Customs (Import Deposit) Act 1968
- Customs (Import Deposits) Act 1968 28
- Customs (Import Deposits) Act 1969
- Customs (Isle of Man) Tariff Act 1874
- Customs (Tariff) Act
- Customs (War Powers) (No. 2) Act 1915 2
- Customs (War Powers) Act 1915 11
- Customs (Wine Duty) Act 1888 6
- Customs Act 123
- Customs Act 1842 5
- Customs Act 1866
- Customs Act 1876 5
- Customs Act 1922
- Customs Act 1952 2
- Customs Amendment Act 1842 2
- Customs Amendment Act 1886 5
- Customs Amendment Act 1921
- Customs Amendment Act 1922
- Customs and Corn Importation Act 2
- Customs and Duties (Dumping and Subsidies) Act 1957
- Customs and Excise Management Act 1979
- Customs and Excise (Dumping and Subsidies) Act
- Customs and Excise (Management) Act 1979 6
- Customs and Excise Act 1876
- Customs and Excise Act 1890 4
- Customs and Excise Act 1952 439
- Customs and Excise Act 1962 2
- Customs and Excise Act 1979 3
- Customs and Excise Act 2001
- Customs and Excise Consolidation Act
- Customs and Excise Duties (General Reliefs) Act 1979 11
- Customs and Excise Duties Act 2
- Customs and Excise Management Act 1879
- Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 247
- Customs and Excise Managment Act 1979
- Customs and Excise Tax Act 1952
- Customs and Excise Warehousing Act 1869
- Customs and Excise, Act 1890
- Customs and Inland Re-venue Act 1888
- Customs and Inland Rev Act 1888
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1863
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1869
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1870
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1872 2
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1873
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1874
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1875 2
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1876 26
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1878 99
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1879 19
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1880 5
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1881 37
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1882 2
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1883 3
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1884 4
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1885 42
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1887 6
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1888 46
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1889 18
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1890 36
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1892 2
- Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1893 4
- Customs and Inland Revenue Bill, National Debt Bill, Naval Defence Bill, Public Libraries Act
- Customs and Management Act 1979
- Customs and Revenue Act 1889 3
- Customs and Tariff Act
- Customs Annuity and Benevolent Fund Act 1964
- Customs Annuity and Benevolent Fund Act 1978 2
- Customs Consolidated Act 6
- Customs Consolidated Act 1842
- Customs Consolidated Act 1876 4
- Customs Consolidation Act 1676
- Customs Consolidation Act 1853 4
- Customs Consolidation Act 1863
- Customs Consolidation Act 1870
- Customs Consolidation Act 1872 2
- Customs Consolidation Act 1874 2
- Customs Consolidation Act 1875
- Customs Consolidation Act 1876 294
- Customs Consolidation Act 1959
- Customs Consolidatory Act 1876
- Customs Duties (Dumping and Excise) Act
- Customs Duties (Dumping and Subsides) Act 1957
- Customs Duties (Dumping and Subsidies) (Amendment) Act 1968
- Customs Duties (Dumping and Subsidies) Act 1957 158
- Customs Duties (Dumping and Subsidies) Act 1969 65
- Customs Duties (Dumping and Subsidies) Amendment Act 1968 11
- Customs Duties (Dumping Subsidies) Act 1969
- Customs Duties (Imports and Subsidies) Act 1957
- Customs Duties (Isle of Man) Act
- Customs Duties Act 5
- Customs Duties Act 1969
- Customs Duties Consolidation Act 2
- Customs Duties Dumping and Subsidies Act 1957
- Customs Duty (Dumping and Subsidies) Act 1957 2
- Customs Duty (Dumping and Subsidies) Act 1969 2
- Customs Exportation Prohibition Act
- Customs Law Consolidation Act 1876 2
- Customs Laws Act
- Customs Laws Consolidation Act 6
- Customs Laws Consolidation Act 1856
- Customs Laws Consolidation Act 1875
- Customs Laws Consolidation Act 1876 7
- Customs Management Act 1979 2
- Customs Offices (Southampton) Act 1898
- Customs Powers (Defence) Act
- Customs Recovery Act
- Customs Tariff (Industries Preservation) Act 1921
- Customs Tariff (South African Preference) Act 1906
- Customs Tariff Act 1876 31
- Customs Tariff Act 1921
- Customs Tariff Act 1926
- Customs Tariff Act 1928
- Customs Tariff Act 1929
- Customs Tariff and Excise Duties Amendment Act 1925
- Customs Tax Act
- Customs' Act 11
- Customs' Consolidation Act
- Customs' Duties Act 2
- Customs' Laws Consolidation Act
- Customs' Regulation Act
- Customs, Harbours, and Public Purposes Act 1866
- Customs, Inland Revenue and Savings Banks Act 1877
- Customs, Inland Revenue, and Savings Banks Act 1877
- Cuts and Slavery Act
- CWC Act
- Cyberspace Electronic Security Act
- Cycle Tax Act 1985
- Cycle Tracks Act 4
- Cycle Tracks Act 1984 11
- Cyprus Act 1960 16
- Cyprus Offical Secrets Act
- Cyprus Official Secrets Act 7
- Czech-Slovakia (Restrictions of Banking Accounts, etc.) Act
- Czecho-Slovakia (Financial Assistance) Act 1939 4
- Czecho-Slovakia (Financial Claims and Refugees) Act 1940 6
- Czecho-Slovakia (Financial Claims) Act
- Czecho-Slovakia (Restriction of Banking Accounts, etc.) Act 2
- Czecho-Slovakia (Restrictions of Banking Accounts) Act
- Czechoslovak (Financial Claims and Refugees) Act 1940
- Czechoslovakia (Financial Claims and Refugees) Act 1940 4
- Czechoslovakia Financial Assistance Act
41,870 acts in total