- Gaelic Television Fund in the Broadcasting Act 1990
- Gagging Act 2
- Gaining Act 1845
- Gaining Act 1968 3
- Gains Act 34
- Gains Tax Act
- Gainsborough Bridge (Acquisition) Act 1927
- Gairloch Harbour Order Confirmation Act
- Gairloch Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1987
- Gairloch Piers Order Confirmation Act
- Gairloch Piers Order Confirmation Act 1979
- Galashiels Jurisdiction Act 2
- Gallery of Modern Act
- Galloway Water Power Act 1929 3
- Galway Act 3
- Galway and Salthill Tramways Act
- Galway Harbour and Port Act
- Galway Hospital Act 1892 3
- Galway Infirmary Act
- Galway Land Act
- Galway Town Improvement Act 1853
- Galwey's Divorce Act 1907
- Gam Act 1831
- Gambia Independence Act 1964
- Gamble Institute, Gourock, Order Confirmation Act 1916
- Gambling Act 11
- Gambling Act 1874
- Gambling and Wagering Act
- Gambling Policies Act
- Gambling Suppression Act
- Game (Day Trespass) Act 2
- Game (Scotland) Act 1772 5
- Game (Scotland) Act 1832 14
- Game Act 71
- Game Act 1692
- Game Act 1831 80
- Game Act 1832
- Game Act 1880
- Game Act 1970 2
- Game and Fish Act
- Game Certificates Act
- Game Certificates Act 1860
- Game Law (Amendment) Act
- Game Law (Scotland) Amendment Act 1877
- Game Law Act
- Game Law Amendment Act 1951
- Game Law Consolidating Act 1906
- Game Laws (Amendment) Act 1960 20
- Game Laws Act
- Game Laws Amending Act
- Game Laws Amendment (Scotland) Act 1877 5
- Game Laws Amendment (Scotland) Act 1897
- Game Laws Amendment Act 1960 3
- Game Licence Act 1860 4
- Game Licences (Scotland) Act 1860
- Game Licences Act 1860 36
- Game Licences Act 1861
- Game Licences Act 1960
- Game Licences, Act 1860
- Game Licenses Act
- Game Licensing Act 3
- Game Preservation (Amendment) Act 2
- Game Preservation (Northern Ireland) Act 1928
- Game Preservation Act 9
- Game Qualification Act
- Game Trespasses Act
- Games Act
- Games and Wagers Act 1845 2
- Games Licences Act 1860 2
- Gamine Act 1968
- Gaming (Amendment) Act 10
- Gaming (Amendment) Act 1973
- Gaming (Amendment) Act 1980 2
- Gaming (Amendment) Act 1982
- Gaming (Amendment) Act 1986 2
- Gaming (Amendment) Act 1987
- Gaming (Amendment) Act 1990 2
- Gaming (Bingo) Act 3
- Gaming (Bingo) Act 1985 10
- Gaming Act 1710 3
- Gaming Act 1738
- Gaming Act 1802 2
- Gaming Act 1835 12
- Gaming Act 1844
- Gaming Act 1845 47
- Gaming Act 1853 2
- Gaming Act 1854
- Gaming Act 1892 2
- Gaming Act 1922
- Gaming Act 1934
- Gaming Act 1960 6
- Gaming Act 1963
- Gaming Act 1968 623
- Gaming Act 1969
- Gaming Act 1978 2
- Gaming Act 1986 2
- Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963 2
- Gaming and Wagering Act 3
- Gaming and Wagering Act 1845 2
- Gaming and Wagering Act 1963
- Gaming House Act 1854 3
- Gaming Houses Act 1854 3
- Gaming Machines (Scotland) Act 1917 2
- Gaming-house Act
- Gamings Act 1854
- Gamings Act 1925
- Gang's Act
- Gangmaster's Act
- Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 7
- Ganie Act 1831
- Gaol Act 41
- Gaol and Crimes Act 2
- Gaols Act 3
- Garbling of Spices Act 1707
- Garden City Act 2
- Gardens in Towns Act
- Gardens in Towns Protection Act 1863 2
- Garnant Gas Act
- Garotters Act
- Garotting Act 3
- Garroters Act 1863
- Garroting Act 4
- Garrotters Act 1863 16
- Garrotting Act 23
- Garve and Ullapool Railway Act 1890 2
- Gas (Borrowing Powers) Act 1965 3
- Gas (Exempt Supplies) Act 1992 2
- Gas (Exempt Supplies) Act 1993 17
- Gas (Metropolis) Act
- Gas (Nationalisation) Act
- Gas (Northern Ireland) Act 1996
- Gas (Standard of Calorific Power) Act 1916 2
- Gas Act 1857
- Gas Act 1948 638
- Gas Act 1950
- Gas Act 1960 2
- Gas Act 1965 35
- Gas Act 1968
- Gas Act 1972 243
- Gas Act 1973 2
- Gas Act 1980 5
- Gas Act 1985 2
- Gas Act 1986 340
- Gas Act 1995 40
- Gas Act 1996
- Gas and Electricity (Borrowing Powers) Act 1954 5
- Gas and Electricity Act 1968 12
- Gas and Electricity Acts, in the Civil Aviation Act
- Gas and Electricity Boards (Pensions (Increase) Act
- Gas and Electricity Boards Act 1954
- Gas and Oil (Enterprise) Act
- Gas and Oil Leases Act
- Gas and Steam Vehicles (Excise Duties) Act 1940 2
- Gas and Water Districts) of the Canterbury Gas and Water Act 1866
- Gas and Water Facilities Act 1870 7
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1913
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1914
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1915
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1914 2
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1915
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1915
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation Act 1909
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation Act 1911
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation Act 1912
- Gas and Water Orders Confirmation Act 1918
- Gas and Water Works Facilities Act 1870 235
- Gas and Water Works Facilties Act 1870
- Gas and Water-Works Facilities Act 1870
- Gas and Waterworks Facilities Act 1870 51
- Gas Companies (Standard Burner) Act 1912
- Gas Companies Act 2
- Gas Companies Clauses Act
- Gas Company's Act
- Gas Corporation Act 1972
- Gas Exempt Supplies Act 1993
- Gas Levy Act 1981 20
- Gas Ley Act
- Gas Light and Coke Act 1931
- Gas Light and Coke and other Gas Companies Acts Amendment Act 1880
- Gas Light and Coke Companies Act 2
- Gas Light and Coke Company (No. 1) Act 1936
- Gas Light and Coke Company (No. 2) Act 1936
- Gas Light and Coke Company Act 1931
- Gas Light and Coke Company Act 1946
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1909
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1911
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1914
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1917
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1918
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1925
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1929
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1932
- Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1933 3
- Gas Order Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1914
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1892
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1909
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1911
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1912
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1892
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1893
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1894
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1909
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1911
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1912
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1911
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1914
- Gas Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1911
- Gas Orders Confirmation Act 1893
- Gas Orders Confirmation Act 1894
- Gas Orders Confirmation Act 1913
- Gas Orders Confirmation Act 1916
- Gas Orders Confirmation Act 1918
- Gas Provisional Order Act 1909
- Gas Reaulation Act 1920
- Gas Regulation Act 1920 629
- Gas Regulation Act 1950
- Gas Regulation Act 1990
- Gas Regulations Act 1920 3
- Gas Undertakings Act 1920
- Gas Undertakings Act 1929 4
- Gas Undertakings Act 1932 3
- Gas Undertakings Act 1934 12
- Gas Works Act
- Gas Works Act 1871
- Gas Works Clauses Act 1846 21
- Gas Works Clauses Act 1847 15
- Gas Works Clauses and Markets and Fair Clauses Act 1847
- Gaslight Company's Act
- Gasoline Tax Act
- Gasworks (Clauses) Act 1846
- Gasworks (Clauses) Act 1849
- Gasworks Act 2
- Gateshead and District Tramways Act 1909
- Gateshead and District Tramways Act 1950
- Gateshead and District Tramways and Trolley Vehicles Act 1938
- Gateshead Corporation Act 1938
- Gateshead Corporation Act 1970 2
- Gateshead Extension Act 1932
- Gateshead Extension Act 1950
- Gateshead Extension Act 1953
- GATT Final Act 2
- Gauge Act 3
- GB Act 2
- GB Food Safety Act 1990
- Geddes Act 4
- Geld Standard Act
- Gelligaer Urban District Council Act 1935
- Gender Recognition Act 2004 20
- General (Pensions) Increase Act
- General Abolition Act
- General Act 290
- General Arbitration Act
- General Army Act
- General Assembly Act 2
- General Assembly Act 1592
- General Assembly Election Act 1959
- General Assembly Elections Act
- General Assembly Elections Act 1946 2
- General Bier and Harbour Act 1861
- General Board of Health Act
- General Burgh Police Act
- General Carriers Act 1830 8
- General Carriers' Act 5
- General Cemetery Act 1937 2
- General Charitable Act
- General Companies Act
- General Companies' Clauses Consolidation Act
- General Confirmation of Charges Act
- General Consolidated Act
- General Consolidation Act
- General Constabulary Act 2
- General Continuance Act
- General Dealers' Act 1903
- General Defence Act 7
- General Drainage Act
- General Enclosure Act 10
- General Enclosure Act 1845
- General Evidence Act 1898
- General Excise Act 2
- General Excise Licensing Act
- General Friendly Societies Act
- General Game Act
- General Gaol Act 2
- General Grants Act
- General Health Act 2
- General Health of Towns Act
- General Highway Act 4
- General Highways Act 3
- General Inclosure Act 10
- General Inclosure Act 1845 3
- General Inclosures Act 1845
- General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act 1972 2
- General Interments Act
- General International Copyright Act
- General Interpretation Act 3
- General Joint Stock Act
- General Land Valuation Act
- General Law (Amendment) Act
- General Law Amendment Act 6
- General Law Amendment Act 1963 2
- General Laws (Amendment) Act 2002
- General Laws Amendment (Removal of Racial Discrimination) Act
- General Laws Amendment Act
- General Legacy Act
- General Licensing Act
- General Lighting and Watching Act
- General Local Government Act
- General Markets Act
- General Medical Act 3
- General Medical Council Act 1978 4
- General Merchant Seamen's Act
- General Merchant Shipping Act 2
- General Military Service Act 2
- General Militia Act
- General Municipal Act
- General Parks Act
- General Passenger Act
- General Paving (Metropolis) Act 1817
- General Pier and Harboun Act 1861
- General Pier and Harbour Act 1861 333
- General Pier and Harbour Act 1867
- General Pier and Harbour Acts, The Gas and Water Works Facilities Act
- General Pier and Harbours Act
- General Pier and Harhour Act 1861
- General Piers and Harbours Act
- General Piers and Harbours Act 1861
- General Police (Scotland) Act 1857 2
- General Police Act 23
- General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act 1862 89
- General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Supplemental Act 1862
- General Police and Improvement (Scotland,) Act 1862
- General Police and Improvement Act
- General Police and Improvements (Scotland) Act 1862
- General Police Improvement (Scotland) Act
- General Police Improvement Act
- General Powers Act 8
- General Powers Act 1907
- General Powers Act 1936
- General Powers Act 1958
- General Powers Act 1966
- General Powers Act 1973
- General Practitioners and Pharmacists Act 1947
- General Prisons (Ireland) Act 1877 37
- General Prisons Act 4
- General Prisons Act 1877
- General Prisons' Act
- General Public Act 2
- General Public Health Act 3
- General Purchase Act
- General Purposes Act
- General Railway Act 6
- General Rate (Public Utilities) Act 1977 3
- General Rate Act 1925
- General Rate Act 1949
- General Rate Act 1967 575
- General Rate Act 1970 5
- General Rate Act 1971
- General Rate Act 1974 2
- General Rate Act 1975 7
- General Rates Act 4
- General Rates Act 1967 7
- General Reduction Act
- General Register Act 3
- General Registration Act 2
- General Registry Act 2
- General Replevin Act
- General Rescissory Act
- General Road Act
- General Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act 1878
- General Rules in the First Schedule to the Income Tax Act 1918
- General Rules in the Income Tax Act 1918 2
- General Rules of the Income Tax Act 1918
- General Seamen's Act
- General Sewers Act
- General Shipping Act
- General Stamp Act
- General Superannuation Act 4
- General Teaching Council Act 1965 3
- General Telegraphs Act
- General Training Act 5
- General Tramways Act 1870 6
- General Trespass Act
- General Turnpike Act 27
- General Turnpike Act 1831 3
- General Valuation Act 2
- General Water Act
- General Working Incapacity Act 3
- Geneva Act 1957
- Geneva Convention (Amendment) Act 1995
- Geneva Convention Act 1911 6
- Geneva Convention Act 1937 2
- Geneva Convention Act 1957 5
- Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act 2
- Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act 1995 16
- Geneva Conventions (Amendments) Act 2
- Geneva Conventions Act 14
- Geneva Conventions Act 1956
- Geneva Conventions Act 1957 47
- Geneva Conventions Act 1975
- Geneva Conventions Act 1995
- Geneva Conventions Amendment Act
- Genocide Act 1969 35
- Gentleman's Act
- Geological Survey Act 1845 4
- George Donald Evans and Deborah Jane Evans (Marriage Enabling) Act
- George Donald Evans and Deborah Jane Evans (Marriage Enabling) Act 1987
- George III Act
- German Banking Act 1962
- German Conventions Act 1955 2
- German Employment Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance Act
- German Enemy Property Act 2
- German Government of the German Registration Act
- German Insurance Act 2
- German Invalidity Act
- German Naval Act
- German Navy Act 8
- German Navy Act 1900
- German Navy Law Extension Act
- German Parliament of the Workmen's Compensation Act
- German Princes Act
- German Registration Act
- German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 206
- German Reparation (Revocery) Act
- German Reparation Act 4
- German Reparation Recovery Act 5
- German Reparations (Recovery) Act 7
- German Reparations (Recovery) Act 1921 6
- German Reparations Act 4
- German Reparations Recovery Act 2
- German Separation (Recovery) Act
- German Works Councils Act
- Germany Navy Act
- Germany Reparation (Recovery) Act
- Ghana (Consequential Provision) Act 1960 2
- Ghana (Consequential Provisions) Act 1960
- Ghana Act 2
- Ghana Independence Act 18
- Ghana Independence Act 1957 5
- Ghana-Independence Act 1957
- Gibraltar Act
- Gibraltar Ordinance Act
- Gibson Bowles Act 9
- Gibson-Bowles Act 2
- Gil and Gas (Enterprise) Act
- Gilbert Act 29
- Gilbert Union Act 3
- Gilbert Unions Act
- Gilbert's Act 8
- Gillingham Corporation Act 1944
- Gillingham Corporation Act 3931
- Gilmour Act
- Gin Act 3
- Gipsy Caravan Sites Act
- Girvan and Portpatrick Junction Railway Act 1865
- Girvan Water Order Confirmation Act 1922
- GLA (Referendums) Act 1998
- GLA Act 71
- GLA Act 1999 16
- Gladstone Act 4
- Gladstone's Land Act
- Gladstonian Coercion Act
- Gladstonian Land Act 2
- Glamorgan County Council Act 1952 4
- Glamorgan County Council Act 1959 2
- Glamorgan County Council Act 1973
- Glanders Order Act 1892
- Glasgow (Tramways, Bridges, etc.) Act 1914
- Glasgow (Tramways, etc.) Order Confirmation Act 1922
- Glasgow Act 10
- Glasgow and Rutherglen Corporations Order Confirmation Act 1922
- Glasgow and South Western Railway Order Confirmation Act 1918
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway (Ayr Harbour Transfer) Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway Act 1897 2
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway Order Confirmation Act 1904
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway Order Confirmation Act 1911
- Glasgow Assay Office Act 1819
- Glasgow Boundaries Act 1912 9
- Glasgow Boundaries Act 1925
- Glasgow Boundaries Extension Act
- Glasgow Boundaries Extension Act 1925
- Glasgow Boundaries Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Glasgow Bridges Consolidation Act
- Glasgow Building Regulation Act 1890
- Glasgow Building Regulations Act 1900
- Glasgow Celluloid Act 1915
- Glasgow Corporation (Carnoustie Street) Bridge Order Confirmation Act 1966
- Glasgow Corporation (Control of Parking &c.) Order Confirmation Act
- Glasgow Corporation (Extension of Time) Order Confirmation Act 1955
- Glasgow Corporation (General Powers) Act 1896
- Glasgow Corporation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order Confirmation Act 1974 3
- Glasgow Corporation (No. 2) Order Confirmation Act 1965 2
- Glasgow Corporation (Parking Meters) Order Confirmation Act 1961
- Glasgow Corporation (Parks, Harbour Tunnel, Gas, etc.) Order Confirmation Act 1915
- Glasgow Corporation (Water and General) Order Confirmation Act 1902
- Glasgow Corporation Act 1895
- Glasgow Corporation Act 1909 2
- Glasgow Corporation Act 1929 5
- Glasgow Corporation Act 1930 3
- Glasgow Corporation Act 1946
- Glasgow Corporation and Police Act
- Glasgow Corporation and Police Act 1895
- Glasgow Corporation Confirmation Act 1969
- Glasgow Corporation Consolidation (Water, Transport and Markets) Order Confirmation Act
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1912 2
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1914
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1918
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1920
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1921
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1922
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1923
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1925
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1927
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1929
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1934
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1935
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1938
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1946
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1948
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1949
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1952
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1953
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1954
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1956
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1957
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1958
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1959 5
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1960
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1961
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1962
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1963
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1965
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1967
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1969
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1970
- Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1971
- Glasgow Corporation Sewage Order Confirmation Act 1935
- Glasgow Corporation Sewage Order Confirmation Act 1950
- Glasgow Corporation Tramways Act 1899 2
- Glasgow Corporation Waterworks Act 1855 2
- Glasgow Corporation Waterworks Act 1885
- Glasgow Corporation Waterworks Amendment Act 1865
- Glasgow Goldsmiths Company Confirmation Order Act 1926
- Glasgow Goldsmiths Company Order Confirmation Act 1926
- Glasgow Hospital for Skin Diseases Order Confirmation Act 1909
- Glasgow Local Act
- Glasgow Parks Act
- Glasgow Police Act 1866 26
- Glasgow Police Act 1890
- Glasgow Police Amendment Act 1890 2
- Glasgow Police, Sheriff Court Houses, Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act
- Glasgow Streets Sewers and Buildings Consolidation Order Confirmation Act 1937 2
- Glasgow Streets, Sewers and Buildings Consolidation Act 1937
- Glasgow Streets, Sewers and Buildings Consolidation Order Confirmation Act 1937 2
- Glasgow Subway Railway Order Confirmation Act 1914
- Glasgow Trades House Order Confirmation Act 1920
- Glasgow Tramways Act 1899
- Glasgow University (Chair of Clinical Medicine and Chair of Clinical Surgery) Order Confirmation Act
- Glasgow Water Act 1912
- Glasgow Water and Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1940
- Glasgow Water Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Glasgow Young Women's Christian Association Order Confirmation Act 1929
- Glasgow, Kirkintillock, and Baldernock Turnpike Road Trust Act 1855
- Glass Steagall Act 2
- Glass-Steagall Act
- Glass-Steagil Act
- Glass-Steagll Act
- GLC (General Powers) Act 1973
- GLC (General Powers) Act 1974 4
- GLC Money Act
- Glebe Act 4
- Glebe Land (Ireland) Act 2
- Glebe Land (Sales) Act
- Glebe Land Act 7
- Glebe Land Purchase Act
- Glebe Lands (Ireland) Act 1870
- Glebe Lands (Scotland) Act 1866
- Glebe Lands Act 1888 34
- Glebe Lauds Act 1888
- Glebe Loan (Ireland) Act 9
- Glebe Loan (Ireland) Act 1870 3
- Glebe Loan (Ireland) Amendment Act 1871
- Glebe Loan (Ireland) Amendment Act 1878 3
- Glebe Loans (Ireland) Act 2
- Glebe Loans (Ireland) Act 1870 3
- Glebe Loans (Ireland) Amendment Act 1875
- Glebe Loans Act 4
- Glebe Loans Act 1870 2
- Glebes Act
- Glebes Loan (Ireland) Act 2
- Glen Grey Act 3
- Glensanda Harbour Order Confirmation Act
- Glensanda Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1985
- Globe Lands Act 1888
- Globe Loan (Ireland) Act 1870
- Glossop Water Act 1952
- Gloucester Act 1956
- Gloucester and Sharpness Canal (Water) Act 1960
- Gloucester Corporation Act 1911
- Gloucester Corporation Act 1935
- Gloucester Corporation Act 1945
- Gloucester Corporation Act 1958 2
- Gloucester Corporation Act 1970
- Gloucester Extension Act 1950
- Gloucestershire County Council Act 1956
- Gloucestershire County Council Act 1959 2
- Gloucestershire County Council Act 1970
- Goal Mines (Eight Hours) Act
- Goal Mines Act 1911 5
- Goal Mines Regulation Act 2
- Goal Mines Regulation Act 1887
- Goercion Act
- Goff Act
- Gold (Export Control) Act
- Gold and Silver (Export Control) Act 1920
- Gold and Silver (Export Control, etc.) Act 1920 3
- Gold and Silver Export Control Act
- Gold and Silver Thread Act 1741
- Gold and Silver Thread Act 1788 6
- Gold and Silver Wares Act 1844
- Gold Coast Act
- Gold Coinage Act
- Gold Note Act 4
- Gold Reserves Act 1934
- Gold Standard (Amendment) Act 18
- Gold Standard (Amendment) Act 1931 6
- Gold Standard Act 1925 37
- Gold Standard Amendment Act 1931
- Goldsmiths' Consolidated Charities Scheme Confirmation Act 1932
- Gomm Heirlooms Act 1913
- Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act 1926
- Goods (Implied Terms) Act 1973
- Goods Act 5
- Goods Act 1893
- Goods and Services (Price Control) Act 1941 56
- Goods and Services Act 1939
- Goods and Services Act 1941 5
- Goods and Services Act 1970
- Goods and Services Price Control Act
- Goods Vehicle (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995 6
- Goods Vehicle Licensing of Operators Act 1995 2
- Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 3
- Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995 17
- Goods Vehicles (Licensing Operators) Act 1995
- Goondas Act
- Gore's Divorce Act 1916
- Goschen Act
- Gosport and Alverstoke Urban District Council Act 1919
- Gosport and Fareham Omnibus Services Act 1929
- Gosport Borough Council Act 1985 2
- Gosport Corporation Act 1939
- Gosport Corporation Act 1970
- Gosport Water Act 1937 2
- Gosport Water Act 1940
- Goulburn Act 2
- Goulburn's Act
- Govan Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1904
- Goverment Trading Funds Act 1973
- Governemnt Resources and Accounts Act 2000
- Governesses Benevolent Institution Act 1913
- Governesses Benevolent Institution Act 1952
- Governing Act
- Governing Schools etc. (Scotland) Act 1989
- Government (Access to Information) Act
- Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 2
- Government (Scotland) Act 1894
- Government (Scotland) Act 1929
- Government (Scotland) Act 1937
- Government (Scotland) Act 1947 2
- Government Act 1888 2
- Government Act 1894
- Government Act 1919
- Government Act 1929
- Government Act 1933 5
- Government Act 1947
- Government Act 1948
- Government Act 1958
- Government Act 1963 36
- Government Act 1966
- Government Act 1972 6
- Government Act 1985
- Government Act 1988 3
- Government Act 2000
- Government Amendment to the Housing (Scotland) Act 1974
- Government and Other Stocks (Emergency Provisions) Act 3
- Government and other Stocks (Emergency Provisions) Act 1939 3
- Government Annuities Act 1832
- Government Annuities Act 1853
- Government Annuities Act 1864
- Government Annuities Act 1882 6
- Government Annuities Act 1929 22
- Government Annuities and Insurance Act
- Government by Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1978
- Government Education Act
- Government Factory Act
- Government Finance Act
- Government Finance Act 1987
- Government Finance Act 1988 2
- Government for Rent Act
- Government for the British Shipping (Assistance) Act
- Government for the Coercion Act 2
- Government for the Crime and Disorder Act 1998
- Government for the Freedom of Information Act 2000
- Government for the Import Duties Act
- Government for the Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981
- Government for the Trade Disputes Act
- Government for the War Damage Act
- Government for the Youthful Offenders Act
- Government Housing Act 1989
- Government in Part II of the Rates Act 1984
- Government Insurance Act
- Government Investments Act 1864
- Government Land Act 2
- Government Licensing Act
- Government Life Annuity and Life Assurance Act
- Government Loans Act 5
- Government Loans Act 1957
- Government of Burma (Temporary Provisions) Act 1945 9
- Government of Burma Act 1935 263
- Government of Burma Act 1945 2
- Government of Burma Act 5935
- Government of Burma, Act 1935
- Government of Ghana to the United Kingdom Pensions (Increase) Act 1959
- Government of India (Aden) Act 1929
- Government of India (Amendment) Act 1916 13
- Government of India (Amendment) Act 1933
- Government of India (Civil Services) Act
- Government of India (Indian Navy) Act 1927
- Government of India (Leave of Absence) Act 1924 2
- Government of India (Reprinting) Act 1935
- Government of India (Statutory Commission) Act 1927
- Government of India Act 1071
- Government of India Act 1015
- Government of India Act 1833 5
- Government of India Act 1853
- Government of India Act 1854 4
- Government of India Act 1858 65
- Government of India Act 1859
- Government of India Act 1870 11
- Government of India Act 1910
- Government of India Act 1912
- Government of India Act 1915 42
- Government of India Act 1916
- Government of India Act 1917
- Government of India Act 1919 162
- Government of India Act 1933
- Government of India Act 1935 533
- Government of India Act 5935 3
- Government of India Amending Act
- Government of India Amendment Act 1916 2
- Government of India Amendment Act 1939
- Government of India in the Army Act
- Government of India Navy Act
- Government of India of the Criminal Law Amendment Act
- Government of India of the Workman's Breach of Contract Act
- Government of Irealnd Act 1920
- Government of Ireland (Temporary Provisions) Act
- Government of Ireland Act 519
- Government of Ireland Act 1020 2
- Government of Ireland Act 1911
- Government of Ireland Act 1912
- Government of Ireland Act 1914 54
- Government of Ireland Act 1917
- Government of Ireland Act 1920 821
- Government of Ireland Act 1921 3
- Government of Ireland Act 1947
- Government of Ireland Act 1949 11
- Government of Ireland's Freedom of Information Act 1997
- Government of Malaya to the United Kingdom's Pensions (Increase) Act 1959
- Government of Newfoundland Act 1933
- Government of Northern Ireland (Loan Guarantee) Act 1922 2
- Government of Northern Ireland Act 1920 8
- Government of Northern Ireland Act 1922 12
- Government of Scotland Act 2
- Government of Scotland Act 1998
- Government of Sierra Leone to the United Kingdom's Pensions Increase Act 1959
- Government of South Africa Act 2
- Government of the Commonwealth of Australia for the Governments of the States of New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria in the Pacific Cable Act 1901 2
- Government of the Helsinki Final Act 2
- Government of the Irish Land Act
- Government of the Sudan Loan (Amendment) Act 1922
- Government of the Wheatley Act
- Government of Wales Act 1997
- Government of Wales Act 1998 562
- Government of Wales Act 1999 2
- Government of Wales Act 2000
- Government Performance and Results Act
- Government Railways Act
- Government Resource Accounting Act 2000 3
- Government Resource Accounts Act 2000
- Government Resource and Accounts Act 2000 7
- Government Resources and Accounts Act 13
- Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 88
- Government Support Act
- Government to the Dyestuffs Act
- Government to the Falklanders in the British Nationality Act
- Government to the Housing (Rural Workers) Act
- Government to the Housing Act
- Government to the Mental Health Act 1959
- Government to the Metropolitan Interments Act
- Government to the Municipal Corporations Act
- Government to the Parliament Act
- Government to the Town and Country Planning Act 1947
- Government Town Planning Act
- Government Trading Act 1990 14
- Government Trading Fund Act 1973 4
- Government Trading Funds Act 1973 79
- Government Trading Funds Act 1983
- Government Vaccination Act
- Government War Obligation Act 1915
- Government War Obligations Act 5
- Government War Obligations Act 1914 11
- Government War Obligations Act 1915 16
- Government War Obligations Act 1916 5
- Government War Obligations Act 1918
- Government, of India Act 1838
- Government, of India Act 1915
- Government, of Ireland Act
- Government, Planning and Land Act 1980
- Governments Stock and Other Securities Investment Company, Limited, Act 1928
- Governments Stock Investment Company, Limited, Act 1887
- Governor and Company of Copper Miners Act 1851
- Governor's Act
- Governors Colonial Governors Pension Act
- Governors Pension Act 2
- Governors Pension Act 1865
- Governors Pension Act 1957
- Governors Pensions Act 1957 2
- Governors' Pensions Act 1956
- Governors' Pensions Act 1957 5
- Gowerton Gas Act
- Grading Act
- Grading and Marketing Act
- Grading and Marking Act 2
- Grading of Agricultural Produce Act
- Grain Cargoes Act
- Grain Production Act 2
- Gramal-Rudman-Hollings Act
- Grammar School Act
- Grammar Schools Act 3
- Grampian Company's Act
- Grampian Electric Supply Act
- Grampian Electricity Act
- Grampian Electricity Supply Act 1924
- Grampian Electricity Supply Order Confirmation Act 1927
- Grampian Electricity Supply Order Confirmation Act 1933
- Grampian Electricity Supply Order Confirmation Act 1936
- Grampian Electricty Supply Act 1922
- Grampian Regional Council (Harbour) Order Confirmation Act
- Grampian Regional Council (Harbours) Order Confirmation Act 1987
- Grand I Jury Act
- Grand July (Ireland) Act 2
- Grand Junction Company Act 1929
- Grand Junction Railway Act
- Grand Junction Waterworks Act 1852
- Grand Junction Waterworks Act 1878
- Grand Juries (Ireland) Act 1833 8
- Grand Juries (Ireland) Act 1836 3
- Grand Juries (Suspension) Act 1917 5
- Grand Juries Act 17
- Grand Juries Act 1836 15
- Grand Juries Act 1856
- Grand Juries Presentment Act
- Grand Juries Suspension Act 1917 2
- Grand Juries' (Ireland) Act
- Grand Juries' Act
- Grand Jurors Act
- Grand Jury (Abolition) Act 6
- Grand Jury (Ireland) Act 1836 16
- Grand Jury (Ireland) Act 1853
- Grand Jury (Ireland) Act 1873
- Grand Jury (Irland) Act 1836
- Grand Jury Act 101
- Grand Jury Act 1836 7
- Grand Jury Cess Act
- Grand Jury Law Amendment Act 2
- Grand Jury of Cheshire, for the Repeal of the Beer Act
- Grand Jury of Wiltshire for the Amendment of the Beer Act
- Grand Jury Presentment Act
- Grand Jury Presentments (Ireland) Act
- Grand Jury Suspension Act
- Grand Union Canal Act 1931
- Grand Union Canal Act 1943
- Grangemouth and Stirling Water Order Confirmation Act 1932
- Grangemouth Burgh Extension Order Confirmation Act 1922
- Grangemouth Burgh Extension Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Grant of Administration (Bonds) Act 1919
- Grant-in-Aid for the Diseases of Animals Act
- Grantham Waterworks Act 1909
- Granton Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Granton Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1950
- Grants and Awards Act 1984 2
- Granville Act 3
- Gravesend and Milton Waterwork, Act 1936
- Gravitation Water Company Act 1846
- Grays and Tilbury Gas Act 1913
- Grayson, Rollo and Clover Docks Act 1956
- Grazings Act 2
- Great Britain Act 48
- Great Britain Act 1969
- Great Britain Breeding of Dogs Act
- Great Britain Contributions and Benefits Act 2
- Great Britain Credit Unions Act 1979
- Great Britain Guard Dogs Act
- Great Britain Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
- Great Britain Wages Act 1979
- Great Britian Employment Act 1982
- Great Central and Midland Railway Companies Act 1904
- Great Central and Sheffield District Railways Act 1916
- Great Central Railway (Grimsby Fish Dock) Act 1912
- Great Central Railway (Pension Fund) Act 1914
- Great Central Railway (Various Powers) Act 1909
- Great Central Railway Act 1904
- Great Central Railway Act 1912 2
- Great Central Railway Act 1915
- Great Eastern Act
- Great Eastern Railway Act 1912
- Great Eastern Railway Act 1913
- Great Eastern Railway Act 1915
- Great Grimsby Gas Act
- Great Haywood and Tompkin Congregational Chapels Scheme Confirmation Act 1913
- Great Heresy Act
- Great Holdings Act
- Great Indian Peninsula Railway Annuities Act 1927
- Great Indian Peninsula Railway Purchase Act 1900
- Great Land Purchase Act
- Great North of Scotland Railway Order Confirmation Act 1909
- Great North of Scotland Railway Order Confirmation Act 1915
- Great Northern (Ireland) and Midland Railways Act
- Great Northern Act 2
- Great Northern Act 1872
- Great Northern and City Railway Act 1892
- Great Northern and City Railway Act 1902 2
- Great Northern and Western (of Ireland) Railway Act 1861
- Great Northern London Cemetery (Crematorium) Act 1953
- Great Northern London Cemetery Act 1976 2
- Great Northern London Cemetery Company Act 1961
- Great Northern London Cemetery Company Act 1968 2
- Great Northern Railway (Ireland) Act 1897
- Great Northern Railway (Ireland) Act 1911
- Great Northern Railway (No. 2) Act 1902 2
- Great Northern Railway Act 1904
- Great Northern Railway Act 1911
- Great Northern Railway Act 1912 3
- Great Northern Railway Act 1913
- Great Northern Railway Act 1914
- Great Northern Railway Act 1922
- Great Northern Railways Act 2
- Great Orme Tramways Act 1936
- Great Ouse Act 1961 5
- Great Ouse Water Act 1961 5
- Great Reform Act 1832 16
- Great Seal (Offices) Act 1874 3
- Great Seal Act 2
- Great Seal Act 1884
- Great Seal Offices Act
- Great Southern and Western and Waterford and Limerick Railway Companies Amalgamation Act
- Great Southern and Western and Waterford, Limerick and Western Railway Companies Amalgamation Act 1900
- Great Southern and Western and Waterford, Limerick, and Western Railway Companies Act 1900
- Great Southern and Western and Waterford, Limerick, and Western Railway Companies Amalgamated Act 1900
- Great Southern and Western and Waterford, Limerick, and Western Railway Companies Amalgamation Act 1900
- Great Southern and Western Company Act
- Great Southern and Western Railway Act 1895
- Great Southern Cemetery and Crematorium Company Act 1971 2
- Great to the Moneylenders Act 1927
- Great Tower Bill Act 1869
- Great Western Act 3
- Great Western Act 1855
- Great Western Railway (Additional Powers) Act 1923 2
- Great Western Railway (Additional Powers) Act 1924 2
- Great Western Railway (Additional Powers) Act 1936
- Great Western Railway (Air Transport) Act 1929
- Great Western Railway (Dock Charges) Act 1924
- Great Western Railway (Docks) Act 1930
- Great Western Railway (Ealing and Shepherd's Bush Railway Extension) Act 1936
- Great Western Railway (General Powers) Act 1909 3
- Great Western Railway (No. 1) Act 1894
- Great Western Railway (Steam Vessels) Act 1909
- Great Western Railway (Superannuation Fund) Act 1941
- Great Western Railway (Superannuation Scheme) Act 1908
- Great Western Railway (Swansea Harbour Vesting) Act 1923
- Great Western Railway (Swansea North Dock Abandonment) Act 1928
- Great Western Railway Act 1864
- Great Western Railway Act 1911
- Great Western Railway Act 1912
- Great Western Railway Act 1913
- Great Western Railway Act 1914
- Great Western Railway Act 1923
- Great Western Railway Act 1927 2
- Great Western Railway Act 1929
- Great Western Railway Act 1930
- Great Western Railway Act 1931
- Great Western Railway Act 1933
- Great Western Railway Act 1935
- Great Western Railway Act 1937
- Great Western Railway Act 1946
- Great Western Railway Company's Act
- Great Western Railway, Liskeard and Looe, and Liskeard and Caradon Railways Act 1909
- Great Yarmouth (Burgh Castle Drainage) Act 1909
- Great Yarmouth Borough Council Act 1981 2
- Great Yarmouth Haven Bridge Act 1925
- Great Yarmouth Outer Harbour Act 1986 3
- Great Yarmouth Port and Haven Act 1911
- Great Yarmouth Port and Haven Act 1951
- Great Yarmouth Port and Haven Act 1963 2
- Great Yarmouth Waterworks Act 1920
- Greater Glasgow Passenger Transport Order Confirmation Act 1975 3
- Greater London (General Powers) Act 1968
- Greater London (General Powers) Act 1981
- Greater London (General Powers) Act 1984
- Greater London (Referendum) Act 1998 2
- Greater London Act 14
- Greater London Act 1999 2
- Greater London Council (General Powers) (No. 2) Act 1978 3
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1965
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1966 4
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1967 7
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1968 6
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1969 4
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1970 3
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1971 2
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1972 5
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1973 10
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1974 30
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1975 11
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1976 2
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1978 4
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1979 2
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1981 13
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1982 2
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1983
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1984 9
- Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1986 3
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1965
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1966
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1967 19
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1968
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1969
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1970
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1971
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1972
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1973
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1974
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1975 3
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1976 2
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1977 2
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1978
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1979
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1980
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1981
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1982 2
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1983
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1984
- Greater London Council (Money) Act 1985
- Greater London Council (Various Powers) Act 1969
- Greater London Council (Vauxhall Cross Improvement) Act
- Greater London Council Act 6
- Greater London Council General Powers Act 1968
- Greater London Council in the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1967
- Greater London Council the Planning Act
- Greater London Government Act
- Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 2) Act 1988 2
- Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 2) Act 1990
- Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 4) Act 1992
- Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 5) Act 1991
- Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1988 6
- Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1990
- Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1994
- Greater Manchester Act 1981 18
- Greater Manchester Act 1985
- Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Act 1980 3
- Greater Nottingham Light Rapid Transit Act 1994 2
- Greek Act
- Greek Marriages Act 1884 4
- Green Belt (London and Home Counties) Act 1938 47
- Green Belt Act 1938 11
- Green Belts (London and Home Counties) Act 1938
- Green Paper Reform of the Mental Health Act 1983
- Green, Aberdeen (Boots the Chemist Limited) Order Confirmation Act 1974
- Green, Aberdeen (Boots the Chemists Limited) Order Confirmation Act 1974
- Greenham and Crookham Commons Act 2002 2
- Greenock Burgh Extension Act 1927
- Greenock Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1929
- Greenock Corporation (Electricity) Act 1923
- Greenock Corporation Act 1909 3
- Greenock Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1923
- Greenock Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1933
- Greenock Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1952 2
- Greenock Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1967
- Greenock Improvement (Extension of Time) Order Confirmation Act 1924
- Greenock Improvement Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Greenock Police Act 1877
- Greenock Port and Harbours Act 1867 2
- Greenock Port and Harbours Consolidated Act 1913
- Greenock Port and Harbours Consolidation Act 1913 3
- Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1919
- Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1920
- Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1922
- Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1941
- Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1943
- Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1950
- Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1957
- Greenway Act
- Greenwich Age Pension Act
- Greenwich Hospital (Disused Burial Ground) Act 1925
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1865 23
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1869 58
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1872
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1883 2
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1885 2
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1942
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1947
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1967
- Greenwich Hospital Act 1990
- Greenwich Hospitals Act
- Greenwich Markets Act 1849 3
- Greenwich Time Act 2
- Greenwood Act 57
- Greenwood Act 1930
- Grenville Act 243
- Grenville Election Act
- Gretna Green Act
- Grey Seal Protection Act 1932 2
- Grey Seals (Protection) (Scotland) Act 1932
- Grey Seals (Protection) Act 1914
- Grey Seals (Protection) Act 1932 2
- Grey Seals Protection Act 1914 7
- Grey Seals Protection Act 1924
- Grey Seals Protection Act 1932 29
- Grey's Reform Act
- Grimes Act 14
- Griminal Law Amendment Act 1912
- Grimsby Corporation (Dock, etc.) Act 1929
- Grimsby Corporation (Grimsby Cleethorpes and District Water, etc.) Act 1937
- Grimsby Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1936
- Grimsby Corporation Act 1921
- Grimsby Corporation Act 1927 2
- Grimsby Corporation Act 1949
- Grimsby Corporation Act 1962
- Grimsby Corporation Act 1970
- Grimsby Docks Act 1845
- Grinding Act 12
- Grocers' Licence Act
- Grosvenor Estate Act 1933
- Grosvenor Street Chapel, Manchester, Trustees Act
- Ground Game (Amendment) Act 1906
- Ground Game Act 158
- Ground Game Act 1880 93
- Ground Game Act 1881 3
- Ground Game Amendment Act
- Ground Games Act
- Grounds Act
- Grounds Act 1975
- Group Area Act
- Group Areas Act 100
- Group Areas and Registrations Act 3
- Groups Areas Act
- Grown Lands Act
- Gruelty to Animals Act
- Guadwara Act
- Guarantee Act 3
- Guarantee Act 1896
- Guarantee Fund of the Irish Land Act
- Guaranteed Loans Act 4
- Guarantees Act 1939
- Guarantees Act 1968
- Guarantees Act 1975
- Guard Dog Act
- Guard Dogs Act 14
- Guard Dogs Act 1975 48
- Guardian-ship of Minors Act 1971
- Guardians (Default) Act 9
- Guardians Act
- Guardians Default Act 6
- Guardians of Berwick-upon-Tweed Union, and Launceston Union, for Alteration of the Poor-law Amendment Act
- Guardians of Infants Act
- Guardians of Thame Union, for the Poor-law Act
- Guardians of the Aston Union, Warwickshire, for Repeal of the Poor Removal Act
- Guardians of the Isle of Thanet Union, for Poor Law Act
- Guardians of the Londonderry Union, for Amendment of the Poor Relief (Ireland) Act
- Guardians of the Poor in the Isle of Thanet, for the Amendment of the Poor-law Act
- Guardians' Default Act
- Guardianship (Refugee Children) Act 1944
- Guardianship Act 1971 2
- Guardianship Act 1973 77
- Guardianship and Maintenance Act 1951
- Guardianship and Maintenance of Infants Act 1951 3
- Guardianship of Infants Act 56
- Guardianship of Infants Act 1836
- Guardianship of Infants Act 1886 26
- Guardianship of Infants Act 1925 40
- Guardianship of Minors Act 1971 137
- Guardianship of Minors Act 1973 2
- Guardianships (Refugee Children) Act 1944
- Guardisnship Act 1973
- Guiana Act
- Guides to the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1976
- Guild Churches Act 4
- Guild Churches Act 1952
- Guildford Corporation Act 1926 2
- Guildford Corporation Act 1938
- Guildford Corporation Act 1967
- Guildford Gas and Cranleigh Electricity Act 1931
- Guildford Rural District Council Act 1930
- Gulf Oil Refining Act 1965 3
- Gull Island Protection Act 1986 2
- Gun Act 2
- Gun Act 1870
- Gun and Game Licence Act
- Gun Licence Act 1870 57
- Gun Licences Act 12
- Gun Licences Act 1870 3
- Gun Licenser Act 1870
- Gun Licensing Act 3
- Gun Licensing Act 1870
- Gun Proof Act
- Gun Tax Act
- Gunpowder Act 7
- Gurdwara (Shrine) Act
- Gurdwara Act
- Guyana Independence Act 1966 3
- Guyana Republic Act 1970 2
- Gypsies Act 2
41,870 acts in total