- Jab Reservation Act
- Jamaica Act 1866 11
- Jamaica Church Disestablishment Act
- Jamaica Clergy Act 4
- Jamaica Immigration Act 4
- Jamaica Incumbered Estates Act 2
- Jamaica Indemnity Act
- Jamaica Independence Act 1962 2
- Jamaica Prisons Act
- Jamaican Agricultural Marketing Act
- James Griffiths' Act
- James Hugh Maxwell (Naturalisation) Act 1975 2
- Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act
- Japanese Factory Act 3
- Japanese Treaty of Peace Act 1951 5
- Jarrow Corporation Act
- Jarrow Improvement Act 1939
- Jersey and Guernsey (Financial Provisions) Act 1947
- Jersey Education Act
- Jerusalem Bishopric Act 2
- Jerusalem Consecration Act
- Jervis's Act 2
- Jesuits' Estates Act 2
- Jesus Hospital (Rothwell) Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1959
- Jewish Colonization Association Act 1944
- Jewish Disabilities Act
- Jewish Dissabilities Act
- Jewish Relief Act 2
- Jews Act 9
- Jews Relief Act 1858 2
- Jews Relief Act 1959
- Jews' Act 2
- Jhansi Incumbered Estates Act
- Job Creation and Enhancement Act
- Job Dispute Resolution Act
- Job Release Act 1977 27
- Job Reservation Act
- Job Seeker's Act
- Jobseeekers Act 1995
- Jobseeker's Act 1995 9
- Jobseekers Act 1944
- Jobseekers Act 1995 107
- Jobseekers Allowance Act
- Jobseekers' Act 1994
- John Burns' Act
- John Ernest Rolf and Florence Iveen Rolfe (Marriage Enabling) Act
- John Ernest Rolfe and Florence Iveen Rolfe (Marriage Enabling) Act 1987
- John Francis Dare and Gillian Loder Dare (Marriage Enabling) Act 1982 2
- John Hollis Trust for Employees (Amendment) Act
- John Hollis Trust for Employees (Amendment) Act 1971
- John Smith Memorial Act
- John Wheatley Act
- Johnson Act 12
- Johnston Act
- Johnstone Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1937
- Joint Development and Research Act
- Joint Exchequer Board, Government of Ireland Act
- Joint Portsmouth Railway Extension Act 1873 3
- Joint Stock Act 6
- Joint Stock Bank Act
- Joint Stock Companies Act 1844 56
- Joint Stock Companies Arrangement Act 1870 2
- Joint Stock Companies Winding-up Act
- Joint Stock Companies' Act 9
- Joint Stock Registration Act 2
- Joint Tenancy Act 2
- Joint-stock Act 2
- Joint-stock Companies Act 51
- Joint-stock Companies Act 1856 3
- Joint-Stock Companies Registration Act
- Joint-stock Companies Winding-up Act
- Joint-stock Companies' Act 9
- Joint-Stock Companies' Act 1862
- Joint-stock Company's Act 3
- Joint-stock Registration Act
- Jointure Act
- Jones Act 26
- Jones Act 1920
- Jones Shipping Act
- Jones-White Act
- Jopling Act
- Joseph Act
- Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust Act 1959
- Jubilee Coercion Act 3
- Jubilee Perpetual Coercion Act
- Judgements (Enforcement) Act
- Judgements Act
- Judgements Act 1838 2
- Judges Act 1540
- Judges Pensions (India and Burma) Act 1948
- Judges Pensions (Scotland) Act 1808
- Judges Pensions Act 1799
- Judges Remuneration Act 1954 4
- Judges' Pensions (India and Burma) Act
- Judges' Pensions (Scotland) Act 1808 2
- Judges' Pensions Act
- Judges' Remuneration Act 1954 10
- Judges' Remuneration Act 1965 6
- Judgment (Enforcement) Act
- Judgment Act 1838 2
- Judgment Debts Act
- Judgment Mortgage Act
- Judgments (Enforcement) Act 13
- Judgments (Enforcements) Act 2
- Judgments (Ireland) Act 3
- Judgments Act 1838 22
- Judgments Act 1839 3
- Judgments Act 1840
- Judgments Act 1855 4
- Judgments Act 1864 2
- Judgments Act 1938
- Judgments Extension Act 1868 19
- Judicature (Ireland) Act 1877 5
- Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978 107
- Judicature (Officers) Act 1879
- Judicature (Rule Committee) Act 1909
- Judicature Act 567
- Judicature Act 1873 33
- Judicature Act 1874
- Judicature Act 1875 9
- Judicature Act 1876 3
- Judicature Act 1877 4
- Judicature Act 1878
- Judicature Act 1881 2
- Judicature Act 1891
- Judicature Act 1902
- Judicature Act 1910
- Judicature Act 1925 34
- Judicature Act 1935
- Judicature Act 1978
- Judicature Amendment Act 4
- Judicature Consolidation Act 1925 2
- Judicature Officers' Act 1879
- Judicature Reform Act
- Judicial Committee Act 1821
- Judicial Committee Act 1833 23
- Judicial Committee Act 1843 7
- Judicial Committee Act 1844 2
- Judicial Committee Act 1871
- Judicial Committee Act 1881 5
- Judicial Committee Act 1883 2
- Judicial Committee Act 1895
- Judicial Committee Act 1915 5
- Judicial Committee Act 1933
- Judicial Committee Amendment Act 1895 10
- Judicial Committee of Privy Council Act 1833
- Judicial Factors (Scotland) Act 1880 2
- Judicial Factors (Scotland) Act 1889 17
- Judicial Factors (Scotland) Act 1899
- Judicial Factors (Scotland) Act 1989
- Judicial Factors Act 2
- Judicial Factors Act 1849 5
- Judicial Factors Act 1889
- Judicial Offices (Salaries and Pensions) Act 1957 12
- Judicial Offices (Salaries and Pensions) Act 1959
- Judicial Offices (Salaries, etc.) Act 1952 2
- Judicial Offices Act 1952
- Judicial Offices Salaries and Pensions Act 1957
- Judicial Offices, Salaries and Pensions Act 1957
- Judicial Pension Act 1981
- Judicial Pensions (Consolidation) Act 1981
- Judicial Pensions Act 22
- Judicial Pensions Act 1959 13
- Judicial Pensions Act 1965
- Judicial Pensions Act 1981 29
- Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1992 69
- Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993 48
- Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act 1925
- Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act 1926 22
- Judicial Proceedings (Reports) Act
- Judicial Proceedings Act 1926 7
- Judicial Salaries Act
- Judicial Statistics (Scotland) Act 1869 11
- Judicial Trust Act
- Judicial Trustee Act 15
- Judicial Trustee Act 1890
- Judicial Trustee Act 1896 4
- Judicial Trustees Act 12
- Judicial Trustees Act 1896 21
- Judiciary (Safeguarding) Act 1934
- Judiciary Act
- July Act 2
- Jumbo Companies Act
- June Act
- Juries (Disqualification) Act 1984 5
- Juries (Emergency Provisions) Act 1920
- Juries (Ireland) Act 1871 9
- Juries (Northern Ireland) Act 1974
- Juries Act 1825 34
- Juries Act 1835
- Juries Act 1862 3
- Juries Act 1870 113
- Juries Act 1918 32
- Juries Act 1919
- Juries Act 1922 9
- Juries Act 1949 16
- Juries Act 1954
- Juries Act 1974 141
- Juries Act 1984 3
- Juries Detention Act 2
- Juries Detention Act 1897
- Juries Procedure (Ireland) Act 2
- Juries Procedure (Ireland) Act 1876 5
- Juries Procedure Act 1876 2
- Juries Procedure Ireland Act 1876
- Juries Protection Act
- Juries' Act 2
- Juries' Act 1874
- Juries' Act 1974
- Jurisdiction Act 7
- Jurisdiction Act 1876
- Jurisdiction in Homicides Act 1862
- Jurisdiction in Liberties Act 1535 2
- Jurors (Enrolment of Women) (Scotland) Act 1920 2
- Jurors (Ireland) Act 1871 2
- Jurors (Scotland) Act 1825 6
- Jurors Act 1587
- Jurors Act 1870
- Jurors Act 1922
- Jurors Act 1974 3
- Jurors Qualification (Ireland) Act 1876 3
- Jurors' Act 5
- Jurors' Qualification (Ireland) Act 1876
- Jury (Scotland) Act
- Jury Act 31
- Jury Act 1918
- Jury Act 1974
- Jury Consolidation Act
- Jury Laws (Amendment) Act 1926
- Jury Trial (Scotland) Act 2
- Jury Trials (Scotland) Act 1815 2
- Jury Trials Amendment (Scotland) Act 1910 2
- Justice (NI) Act 2002
- Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 126
- Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2004 11
- Justice (Pensions) Act
- Justice (Scotland) Act 1949
- Justice Act 1925
- Justice Act 1948 5
- Justice Act 1961
- Justice Act 1967
- Justice Act 1988
- Justice Act 1991
- Justice Act 1993
- Justice Act 1999 4
- Justice Administration Act 1914
- Justice and Court Services Act 2000
- Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999
- Justice and Police Act 2001
- Justice and Public Order Act 1994
- Justice of the Peace Act 1360
- Justice of the Peace Act 1361 8
- Justice of the Peace Act 1949 3
- Justice of the Peace Act 1979 4
- Justice of the Peace Act 1997 4
- Justices (Scotland) Act 1856
- Justices (Supplemental List) Act 1941 2
- Justices Act 14
- Justices Clerks Act 1877
- Justices Jurisdiction Act 3
- Justices of the Peace Act 1361 56
- Justices of the Peace Act 1906 4
- Justices of the Peace Act 1949 239
- Justices of the Peace Act 1965
- Justices of the Peace Act 1968 22
- Justices of the Peace Act 1973
- Justices of the Peace Act 1979 128
- Justices of the Peace Act 1997 195
- Justices of the Peace of Carmarthenshire, for the Repeal of the Sale of Beer Act
- Justices of the Peace Small Debt (Scotland) Act
- Justices Protection (Ireland) Act 1849
- Justices' Act
- Justices' Clerks Act 1877 9
- Justices' Protection Act 2
- Justices' Supplemental List Act 1941
- Justices, of the Peace Act 1949
- Juvenile Courts (Metropolis) Act 1920 4
- Juvenile Courts Act
- Juvenile Courts Metropolis Act 1920
- Juvenile Delinquency Act
- Juvenile Offenders Act 20
- Juvenile Offenders' Act 4
- Juvenile Reformatory Act 2
- Juveniles Employment Act 2
41,870 acts in total