Written Answers (Commons) of 11 December 1996 Series 6 Vol. 287

    1. c189W
    2. Computers 118 words
    3. cc189-90W
    4. Tax Law Rewrite 331 words
    5. cc190-201W
    6. Taxation 7,559 words
    7. cc201-2W
    8. Beer Taxes 240 words
    9. cc202-3W
    10. European Union Budget 459 words
    11. cc203-4W
    12. Christmas Expenditure 68 words
    13. cc204-5W
    14. Economic Statistics 442 words
    15. cc205-6W
    16. Household Incomes 923 words
    17. cc206-7W
    18. Budget Effects 399 words
    19. cc207-8W
    20. Tax Evasion 131 words
    21. c208W
    22. Tax (Tobacco Products) 129 words
    23. c208W
    24. Airport Passenger Taxes 95 words
    25. cc208-9W
    26. Prawns 205 words
    27. c209W
    28. Zaire 143 words
    29. c209W
    30. British Artists (Germany) 80 words
    31. c209W
    32. Petrol and Diesel 126 words
    33. cc209-10W
    34. National Insurance 471 words
    35. cc210-1W
    36. Private Finance Initiative (Universities) 162 words
    1. c211W
    2. Departmental Staff (Local Government) 58 words
    3. c211W
    4. Leader Project 176 words
    5. cc211-2W
    6. Stockton City Challenge 114 words
    7. c212W
    8. Rooms over Shops 153 words
    9. c212W
    10. Battersea Power Station 220 words
    11. cc212-3W
    12. New Housing (Access) 144 words
    13. cc213-4W
    14. Local Government Finance 682 words
    15. cc214-5W
    16. Access to Information 67 words
    17. c215W
    18. Genetically Modified Food 120 words
    19. c215W
    20. Energy Efficiency 49 words
    21. c215W
    22. Coastal Byelaws 96 words
    23. cc215-6W
    24. Sustainable Development 157 words
    1. c216W
    2. Cameroons 81 words
    3. c216W
    4. World Bank (Environmental Impact Assessments) 81 words
    5. cc216-7W
    6. Great Lakes Region 612 words
    7. cc217-8W
    8. Nigeria 151 words
    9. c218W
    10. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 59 words
    1. c218W
    2. Publicity 116 words
    3. cc218-9W
    4. National Lottery 243 words
    5. c219W
    6. Broadcasting 143 words
    7. c219W
    8. British Library Catalogue 57 words
    9. cc219-20W
    10. Television Licences (Revenue) 61 words
    11. c220W
    12. Christmas Expenditure 78 words
    13. cc220-1W
    14. Concessionary Television Licences 284 words
    15. cc221-2W
    16. Mid-week Lottery 83 words
    1. c222W
    2. The Union 100 words
    1. c223W
    2. Accident Prevention 188 words
    3. cc223-7W
    4. Dental Services 1,583 words
    5. cc227-8W
    6. Mental Health 738 words
    7. cc228-30W
    8. Meningitis 585 words
    9. cc230-1W
    10. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus 752 words
    11. cc231-2W
    12. Multiple Sclerosis 120 words
    13. c232W
    14. General Practitioner Fundholders 77 words
    15. c232W
    16. Repair and Maintenance Backlog 60 words
    17. c232W
    18. Disability Allowance 85 words
    19. cc232-3W
    20. Learning Difficulties 113 words
    21. c233W
    22. NHS Dentistry Contracts 57 words
    23. cc233-4W
    24. Vitamin B12 Unit 440 words
    25. c234W
    26. Injury Prevention and Control 66 words
  7. WALES
    1. c234W
    2. NHS Pension Scheme 74 words
    3. c234W
    4. Hospital Waiting Times 69 words
    5. cc234-5W
    6. Dental Services 309 words
    7. c235W
    8. Council House Repairs 157 words
    9. cc235-6W
    10. Physiotherapy 99 words
    11. c236W
    12. Public Appointments 45 words
    13. cc236-7W
    14. Housing 285 words
    15. c237W
    16. Departmental Running Costs 45 words
    17. c237W
    18. Community Health Councils 40 words
    19. c237W
    20. Graduate Unemployment 40 words
    21. c237W
    22. Injury Prevention and Control 91 words
    23. c237W
    24. NHS Expenditure 47 words
    1. c238W
    2. Part-time Working 69 words
    3. c238W
    4. Clinical Staff Pay 78 words
    5. c238W
    6. Education Budget (London) 85 words
    7. c238W
    8. Lifetime Learning 114 words
    9. cc238-9W
    10. Higher Education Vouchers 94 words
    11. c239W
    12. Examination Results 55 words
    13. c239W
    14. Private Finance Initiative 41 words
    15. c239W
    16. Assisted Places Scheme 56 words
    17. c239W
    18. Job Creation 74 words
    19. cc239-40W
    20. Corporal Punishment 101 words
    21. c240W
    22. Teachers (Payment for Extra Work) 76 words
    23. c240W
    24. Dyslexia 156 words
    25. c240W
    26. Age Discrimination 96 words
    27. cc240-1W
    28. Education Authority Expenditure 59 words
    29. c241W
    30. Primary School Standards 137 words
    31. c241W
    32. Project Work 136 words
    33. c241W
    34. School Discipline 78 words
    35. cc241-2W
    36. Pupil Achievements (Gender Differences) 122 words
    37. c242W
    38. School Performance Tables 59 words
    39. c242W
    40. Schools Access Initiative 95 words
    41. c242W
    42. Clinical Academic Salaries 91 words
    43. cc242-3W
    44. Education and Community Values 117 words
    45. c243W
    46. Secondary School Funding 209 words
    47. cc243-4W
    48. Further Education Colleges (London) 438 words
    49. c244W
    50. Jobseeker's Allowance (Students) 118 words
    51. cc244-5W
    52. Teacher Training 917 words
    53. cc245-6W
    54. Vocational Qualifications 372 words
    55. cc246-7W
    56. GCSE League Tables (Error) 70 words
    57. c247W
    58. School Rolls 174 words
    59. c247W
    60. Sickness Absence 179 words
    61. cc247-8W
    62. National Curriculum Publications 412 words
    1. c249W
    2. Public Defender Scheme 30 words
    3. c249W
    4. Rights of Audience 78 words
    5. c249W
    6. Legal Education and Conduct (Report) 55 words
    1. cc249-50W
    2. Seat Belts 375 words
    3. cc250-1W
    4. Schools 582 words
    5. cc251-2W
    6. Electricity Interconnector 89 words
    1. c252W
    2. Motorway Service Stations 133 words
    3. c252W
    4. Aircraft Noise Limits 120 words
    5. cc252-3W
    6. Road Signs 129 words
    7. c253W
    8. Aircraft Safety Standards 105 words
    9. c253W
    10. Air Passenger Carriers' Liability 261 words
    11. cc253-4W
    12. Channel Tunnel 176 words
    13. c254W
    14. North-west Traffic Area Office 58 words
    15. cc254-5W
    16. Seat Belts 184 words
    17. cc255-6W
    18. Roads Programme 441 words
    19. c256W
    20. Traffic Cones and Road Signs 124 words
    21. c256W
    22. A1 293 words
    23. cc256-7W
    24. Cones Hotline 275 words
    25. c257W
    26. Injury Prevention and Control 26 words
    27. cc257-8W
    28. Shipping 351 words
    1. cc258-9W
    2. Police National Computer 497 words
    3. cc259-60W
    4. Criminal Records 294 words
    5. c260W
    6. Fire Safety 122 words
    7. cc260-1W
    8. Asylum Division 316 words
    9. c261W
    10. French Fishermen (Minquiers) 63 words
    11. cc261-2W
    12. CS Gas 426 words
    13. cc262-3W
    14. Closed Circuit Television 254 words
    15. c263W
    16. Child Abduction 66 words
    17. c263W
    18. Overseas Domestic Workers 154 words
    19. c263W
    20. Green Goddesses 41 words
    21. cc263-4W
    22. Workplace (Fire Precautions) Regulations 189 words
    23. c264W
    24. Plastic Baton Rounds 57 words
    25. c264W
    26. Science and Technology Group 79 words
    27. cc264-5W
    28. Bilingual Learners' Support 168 words
    29. c265W
    30. Drug Dealers 183 words
    31. c265W
    32. Wiltshire Constabulary 154 words
    33. cc265-6W
    34. Knives 244 words
    35. c266W
    36. Christmas Expenditure 160 words
    37. cc266-7W
    38. Metropolitan Police (Vauxhall) 251 words
    1. c267W
    2. Army Radio System 146 words
    3. cc267-9W
    4. Low Flying 586 words
    5. c269W
    6. Nuclear Submarines (Disposal) 81 words
    7. c269W
    8. Nuclear Weapons 65 words
    1. cc269-70W
    2. Law of the Sea Convention 177 words
    3. c270W
    4. Gold Reserves (Hong Kong) 89 words
    5. c270W
    6. Ministerial Visit (Cyprus) 117 words
    7. c270W
    8. Council of Ministers Working Group 143 words
    9. cc270-1W
    10. Arms Embargoes 410 words
    11. cc271-3W
    12. General Affairs Council 1,005 words
    1. cc273-4W
    2. Irradiated Food 83 words
    3. c274W
    4. EU Fish Stocks 129 words
    5. c274W
    6. Fishing (Poland) 88 words
    1. c274W
    2. European Energy Council 149 words
    3. cc274-5W
    4. Nuclear Power Stations 952 words
    5. cc275-7W
    6. Industrial Tribunals 455 words
    7. c277W
    8. Offshore Oil and Gas Installations 222 words
    9. cc277-8W
    10. Telephones 201 words
    11. c278W
    12. Wages Councils 97 words
    13. cc278-9W
    14. British Airways and American Airlines 139 words
    15. c279W
    16. Balance of Trade 153 words
    17. cc279-80W
    18. Fuel Prices 305 words
    19. c280W
    20. Public Appointments 139 words
    1. cc280-3W
    2. Public Appointments 1,278 words
    3. c283W
    4. Landfill Tax 124 words
    5. cc283-4W
    6. Water Authorities 116 words
    7. cc284-5W
    8. Overseas Travel (Diseases) 363 words
    9. c285W
    10. Seat Belts 114 words
    11. cc285-6W
    12. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus 158 words
    13. c286W
    14. Injury Prevention and Control 70 words
    15. c286W
    16. Public Appointments 131 words
    1. cc286-7W
    2. Pensioners' Incomes 269 words
    3. c287W
    4. Mortgage Interest Payments 54 words
    5. cc287-8W
    6. War Pensions 451 words
    7. cc288-9W
    8. Data Matching 95 words
    9. cc289-90W
    10. Housing Benefit 801 words
    11. cc290-2W
    12. Residential Home Allowances 112 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 11 December 1996 Series 5 Vol. 576

  1. General Affairs Council, 6th December 1,013 words
  2. Prison Escapes 458 words
  3. British Crime Survey 1994: Racial Attacks 96 words
  4. Manchester Bombing: Restoration Funding 282 words
  5. The Coast: By-law Powers 93 words
  6. Legal Education and Conduct: Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee Report 53 words
  7. Horse Guards Road: Temporary Closure 158 words