Written Answers (Commons) of 5 July 1999 Series 6 Vol. 334

    1. c323W
    2. Climate Change Levy 142 words
    3. c323W
    4. Ministerial Protection 81 words
    5. cc323-4W
    6. Restaurant Health Inspections 240 words
    7. cc324-5W
    8. Criminal Records Checks (Voluntary Sector) 480 words
    9. c325W
    10. M4 Bus Lane 35 words
    11. c325W
    12. Emergency Services 221 words
    13. c325W
    14. Immigration Detainees 55 words
    15. cc325-8W
    16. Extradition Treaties 564 words
    17. cc328-9W
    18. Millennium Compliance (Kent Emergency Services) 261 words
    19. c329W
    20. Prisoners (Cell Confinement) 209 words
    21. cc329-30W
    22. Police Forces (Minority Group Consultation) 421 words
    23. cc330-1W
    24. Special Constabulary Complement 696 words
    25. c331W
    26. Motorway Accidents (Vehicle Removal) 234 words
    27. cc331-2W
    28. Personal Data 166 words
    29. cc332-4W
    30. Animal Experiments 928 words
    31. c334W
    32. Drivers (Drug-testing Kits) 71 words
    33. cc334-6W
    34. Passport Agency 691 words
    35. c336W
    36. Martin McGartland 83 words
    37. c336W
    38. Child Care Workers (Criminal Offences) 290 words
    39. cc336-7W
    40. Personation 82 words
    1. cc337-8W
    2. Climate Change Levy 406 words
    3. c338W
    4. Specialist Shops 214 words
    5. c338W
    6. Financial Transactions 97 words
    7. cc338-9W
    8. Platform Lifts 162 words
    9. c339W
    10. Agency Nursing 42 words
    11. cc339-40W
    12. British Coal 314 words
    13. c340W
    14. Classic Cars 138 words
    1. c340W
    2. Efficiency Savings 130 words
    3. cc340-1W
    4. US National Ignition Facility 317 words
    5. c341W
    6. Russian Missile Propulsion System 150 words
    7. c341W
    8. Rosyth (Trident) 55 words
    9. cc341-2W
    10. Trawlerman IT Project 174 words
    11. c342W
    12. Sellafield 62 words
    13. c342W
    14. US Atomic Co-ordinating Offices 157 words
    15. cc342-3W
    16. Joint Working Groups (USA) 69 words
    17. c343W
    18. Trident 86 words
    19. c343W
    20. Airlift Programme 102 words
    21. c343W
    22. Antonov 124 52 words
    23. cc343-4W
    24. Kosovo 372 words
    25. c344W
    26. Front-line Troops 171 words
    27. cc344-5W
    28. Yugoslav Military Equipment 103 words
    29. c345W
    30. Statutory Instruments 66 words
    31. c345W
    32. Centre for Defence Medicine 258 words
    1. c346W
    2. Common Foreign and Security Policy 330 words
    3. cc346-7W
    4. Sudan 349 words
    5. c347W
    6. Statutory Instruments 129 words
    7. cc347-8W
    8. Loizidou v. Turkey Judgment 125 words
    9. c348W
    10. Kosovo 265 words
    11. cc348-50W
    12. EU Business 769 words
    13. cc350-1W
    14. Indonesia 239 words
    15. c351W
    16. Working Time Directive 94 words
    17. c351W
    18. Arms Exports 60 words
    1. cc351-2W
    2. Jobseeker's Allowance 291 words
    3. c352W
    4. State Pension (Over-80s) 109 words
    5. c352W
    6. Lone Parents 82 words
    7. cc352-3W
    8. Disabled People (Pensions) 100 words
    9. c353W
    10. Social Security Fraud 175 words
    11. c353W
    12. Child Support Agency 115 words
    13. c353W
    14. Widows Benefits 105 words
    15. cc353-4W
    16. Pension Reform 545 words
    17. cc354-5W
    18. Housing Benefit 67 words
    19. c355W
    20. Welfare Reform 80 words
    21. c355W
    22. Minimum Incomes 119 words
    23. cc355-6W
    24. Disabled Children 231 words
    25. c356W
    26. Pensioner Support 129 words
    27. c356W
    28. Maternity Costs 113 words
    29. c356W
    30. Invalidity Benefit 57 words
    31. cc356-7W
    32. Stakeholder Pensions 136 words
    33. c357W
    34. Pensioners (Benefit Take-up) 86 words
    35. c357W
    36. Departmental Spending 256 words
    37. cc357-8W
    38. Tax-benefit Model Tables 470 words
    39. c358W
    40. Personal Data 156 words
    41. cc358-9W
    42. Compensation 173 words
    43. c359W
    44. Market Research 66 words
    45. cc359-60W
    46. Earnings Statistics 512 words
    47. c360W
    48. Single Gateway 98 words
    49. cc360-1W
    50. Pensions 152 words
    51. c361W
    52. Disabled People 80 words
    1. c361W
    2. Serbia (Reconstruction) 91 words
    3. c361W
    4. Danube (Destroyed Bridges) 105 words
    5. cc361-2W
    6. EU Anti-fraud Office 115 words
    7. c362W
    8. Kosovo 113 words
    9. cc362-3W
    10. Cabinet Joint Consultative Committee 277 words
    11. c363W
    12. Inward Investment 125 words
    13. c363W
    14. EU Rights Charter 81 words
    15. cc363-4W
    16. European Commissioners 108 words
    17. c364W
    18. Ministerial Visits 64 words
    19. c364W
    20. Yugoslavia (Civilian Deaths) 88 words
    21. c364W
    22. Turkey (Arms Exports) 129 words
    23. c364W
    24. Parliamentary Questions 30 words
    25. c364W
    26. Telecommunications Masts (Chilterns) 33 words
    1. cc365-7W
    2. Genetically Modified Crops 1,188 words
    3. c367W
    4. Air Bags 74 words
    5. cc367-8W
    6. BMW Advertisement 155 words
    7. c368W
    8. Public Service Agreements (Environmental Objectives) 318 words
    9. cc368-9W
    10. London Transport (Consultants) 198 words
    11. c369W
    12. Leyton Yard 273 words
    13. cc369-71W
    14. London Underground 905 words
    15. cc371-2W
    16. Somerset Levels 195 words
    17. c372W
    18. Climate Change Levy 158 words
    19. c372W
    20. Renovated Empty Properties 115 words
    21. c372W
    22. Tunstall Floral Hall 31 words
    23. c372W
    24. London Taxis (Millennium) 73 words
    25. c373W
    26. Food Standards Agency 100 words
    27. c373W
    28. "Sustainable Energy from Waste" 146 words
    29. c373W
    30. Rural Housing 83 words
    31. cc373-4W
    32. Environment Agency (Estate) 202 words
    33. c374W
    34. Statutory Instruments 220 words
    35. cc374-5W
    36. Birth Certificates 192 words
    37. c375W
    38. Arts Grants (London) 66 words
    39. c375W
    40. Sellafield 256 words
    41. c376W
    42. Diesel Duty 147 words
    43. c376W
    44. Aircraft (Low Fuel) 147 words
    45. c376W
    46. Archaeological Services 103 words
    47. cc376-7W
    48. OSPAR Convention 316 words
    49. cc377-8W
    50. Raptors 246 words
    51. c378W
    52. Parliamentary Questions 48 words
    53. c378W
    54. Greater London Authority Elections 321 words
    55. cc378-9W
    56. EU Directives (Water Standards) 161 words
    57. cc379-80W
    58. Water Charges 467 words
    59. c380W
    60. Energy Efficiency (Pensioner Households) 250 words
    61. c380W
    62. Telecommunication Masts (Chilterns) 46 words
    63. cc380-1W
    64. Traffic Census (M56) 137 words
    65. c381W
    66. Remand Provisions (Housing Act 1996) 110 words
    67. c381W
    68. Departmental Car Pool 191 words
    1. c382W
    2. Market Research 81 words
    1. c382W
    2. Sports Clubs 120 words
    3. c382W
    4. European Communities Working Groups 157 words
    5. cc382-3W
    6. Lottery Funding 186 words
    7. cc383-4W
    8. Sports Governing Bodies 473 words
    9. c384W
    10. Newspapers 76 words
    11. c384W
    12. Acid Paper 100 words
    13. cc384-5W
    14. Newspapers (Microfilm) 351 words
    15. cc385-6W
    16. National Lottery 234 words
    1. c386W
    2. Law Reform Bills (Parliamentary Scrutiny) 122 words
    1. cc386-7W
    2. Crown Prosecution Service 626 words
    1. c388W
    2. Genetic Modification Committees 172 words
    3. c388W
    4. Market Research 65 words
    5. cc388-9W
    6. Public Sector Staff (Transfers) 320 words
    7. c389W
    8. Genetic Modification 412 words
    9. cc389-90W
    10. GP Lists (Removals) 62 words
  13. HEALTH
    1. c390W
    2. Residential and Nursing Homes 69 words
    3. c390W
    4. Medical Staff (Pay) 98 words
    5. cc390-1W
    6. Junior Doctors 284 words
    7. c391W
    8. Diamorphine 105 words
    9. cc391-2W
    10. Women's Unit 243 words
    11. c392W
    12. European Communities Working Groups 131 words
    13. c392W
    14. Influenza 32 words
    15. cc392-3W
    16. Cancer Services 237 words
    17. c393W
    18. Special Advisers (Costs) 128 words
    19. cc393-4W
    20. Maternity Units 75 words
    21. c394W
    22. Vaccinations 174 words
    23. c394W
    24. Market Testing 140 words
    25. cc394-5W
    26. NHS Direct 252 words
    27. c395W
    28. GP Consultations 115 words
    29. c395W
    30. Hospital Waiting Times (Oxfordshire) 74 words
    31. cc395-6W
    32. GP Prescribing 71 words
    33. c396W
    34. Patient Satisfaction Survey 68 words
    35. c396W
    36. Health Products 54 words
    37. c396W
    38. Processed Food (Salt Content) 108 words
    39. cc396-7W
    40. Millennium Compliance (West Kent) 170 words
    41. c397W
    42. Cloning 255 words
    43. cc397-8W
    44. Agency Nurses 119 words
    45. c398W
    46. NHS Staff Pay 51 words
    47. cc398-9W
    48. Clinical Terms 477 words
    49. c399W
    50. Health Act 1999 80 words
    51. cc399-400W
    52. Clinical Negligence 306 words
    53. c400W
    54. Prescriptions Charges 59 words
    1. c400W
    2. Ministerial Visits 79 words
    1. cc400-3W
    2. Departmental Expenditure 874 words
    3. c403W
    4. School Playing Fields 130 words
    5. c403W
    6. Schools Funding 115 words
    7. cc403-4W
    8. Special Educational Needs 105 words
    9. c404W
    10. Deprived Areas (Educational Achievement) 206 words
    11. c404W
    12. Head Teachers 55 words
    13. cc404-5W
    14. Equal Opportunities 121 words
    15. c405W
    16. Ethnic Minorities 99 words
    17. cc405-7W
    18. LEAs (Strategic Management) 1,305 words
    19. cc407-15W
    20. LEAs (Schools Budgets) 5,085 words
    21. c415W
    22. Learning Difficulties (Spending) 95 words
    23. cc415-6W
    24. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 386 words
    25. c416W
    26. Market Research 69 words
    27. cc416-7W
    28. New Deal (Lone Parents) 173 words
  16. WALES
    1. c417W
    2. Ancient Monuments (Disabled Access) 57 words
    1. cc417-8W
    2. Wal-Mart/Asda Merger 79 words
    3. c418W
    4. Parliamentary Questions 37 words
    5. c418W
    6. Genetic Modification 257 words
    1. c419W
    2. Working Families Tax Credit 99 words
    3. c419W
    4. Scottish Widows 44 words
    5. c419W
    6. Financial Services Authority 69 words
    7. c419W
    8. Inland Revenue 35 86 words
    9. cc419-20W
    10. Tax-free Savings 431 words
    11. cc420-1W
    12. Health and Education Spending 119 words
    13. c421W
    14. Disabled Person's Tax Credit 47 words
    15. c421W
    16. Correspondence 49 words
    17. c421W
    18. Death Totals 278 words
    1. c422W
    2. Statutory Instruments 85 words
    3. c422W
    4. Justices of the Peace 140 words
    5. c422W
    6. "Who Decides?" 91 words
    7. cc422-4W
    8. Market Research 521 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 5 July 1999 Series 5 Vol. 603

  1. Private Medical Insurance: OFT Report 84 words
  2. Coal Imports 210 words
  3. RAF Aircraft Service Re-programming 77 words
  4. NATO and the Kosovo Campaign 380 words
  5. Kosovo Liberation Army: Demilitarisation 201 words
  6. Environmental Spending 241 words
  7. A.303 Stonehenge Improvement Scheme 698 words
  8. Sudan: Dr. Abdeen's UK Visit 146 words
  9. River Danube: Environmental Restoration 85 words
  10. Kosovo 270 words
  11. Palestinian Refugees 136 words
  12. Syrian President's Meeting with Lord Levy 219 words
  13. Kosovo: Mine and Bomb Clearance 172 words
  14. Use of Military Force 80 words
  15. Bosnia Herzegovina: Train and Equip Programme 123 words
  16. Haemophiliacs Infected with Hepatitis C 120 words
  17. Meat Hygiene 274 words
  18. Food Standards Agency 234 words
  19. Salmonella Poisoning 157 words
  20. Smoking on Television 100 words
  21. Dioxins: Carcinogenicity 164 words
  22. Special Advisers: Pay 485 words
  23. Double Jeopardy 133 words
  24. Outstanding Asylum Applications 124 words
  25. Persistent Young Offenders: Sentencing 205 words
  26. Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum 1,680 words
  27. Law Commission Recommendations 87 words