Commons Sitting of 23 January 1996 Series 6 Vol. 270

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c127
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc127-8
      2. Fraud 566 words
      3. cc128-9
      4. Income Support 447 words
      5. cc129-31
      6. Fraud 913 words
      7. cc131-2
      8. Incapacity Benefit 853 words
      9. cc132-3
      10. Family Credit 328 words
      11. cc133-4
      12. Habitual Residence Rules 338 words
      13. cc134-5
      14. Child Support Agency 845 words
      15. cc135-6
      16. Guaranteed Minimum Pension 458 words
      17. cc136-8
      18. Asylum Seekers 616 words
      19. c138
      20. Child Support Agency 298 words
      21. cc138-9
      22. Child Support Agency 175 words
      23. c139
      24. Asylum Seekers 227 words
      1. cc139-43
      2. Engagements 1,668 words
      3. c143
      4. Ministerial Visits 159 words
      5. cc143-4
      6. Engagements 295 words
  5. Child Support (Appeal) 1,354 words
    1. c147
    2. CHILD SUPPORT (APPEAL) 64 words
  6. Orders of the Day
    1. cc148-230
    2. Finance Bill 53 words
      1. Clause 36
        1. cc148-91
        2. CHARGE TO TAX 24,088 words, 1 division
      2. Clause 105
        1. cc191-230
        2. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED BY APPROVED SCHEMES 21,049 words, 1 division
      3. Schedule 15
        1. c230
    3. Asylum Seekers 14,059 words, 1 division
    4. cc258-64
    5. Mr. Amarjit Singh 3,719 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 23 January 1996 Series 6 Vol. 270

    1. c113W
    2. Magistrates (Doncaster) 342 words
    1. cc113-4W
    2. Newbury Bypass 85 words
    3. c114W
    4. Sex Offenders 243 words
    5. cc114-5W
    6. School Bus Drivers 264 words
    7. c115W
    8. Electro-shock Equipment 192 words
    9. cc115-6W
    10. Premium Telephone Numbers 267 words
    11. c116W
    12. Police Vehicles (Accidents) 134 words
    13. cc116-7W
    14. Special Constables 600 words
    15. c117W
    16. Standards in Public Life 88 words
    17. c117W
    18. Immigration and Asylum Interviews 54 words
    19. cc117-8W
    20. Juvenile Offenders 227 words
    21. c119W
    22. Dangerous Dogs Legislation 182 words
    23. c119W
    24. Crime Control (International Co-operation) 162 words
    25. cc119-20W
    26. Closed Circuit Television 221 words
    27. cc120-1W
    28. National DNA Database 429 words
    29. cc121-2W
    30. Crime (Retail Premises) 456 words
    31. c122W
    32. Party Conferences (Policing Costs) 104 words
    33. c122W
    34. Rough Sleepers 102 words
    35. c122W
    36. Mobile Phones 102 words
    37. cc122-3W
    38. Killings and Woundings (Toxteth) 52 words
    39. cc123-4W
    40. Private Finance Initiative 254 words
    1. c125W
    2. Committee on the Co-ordination and Presentation of Government Policy 45 words
    3. cc125-6W
    4. Ministerial Responsibilities 702 words
    5. cc126-31W
    6. Advertising 2,504 words
    7. c131W
    8. Information Technology 101 words
    9. c131W
    10. Private Finance Initiative 105 words
    11. cc131-2W
    12. Mobile Phones 101 words
    1. cc132-3W
    2. Historic Monuments 189 words
    1. c133W
    2. Furniture Inventory 90 words
    1. c133W
    2. Official Hospitality 107 words
    3. cc133-4W
    4. Steam-powered Vehicles 127 words
    5. c134W
    6. Regional Agents 93 words
    7. c134W
    8. Part-time Employment 66 words
    9. c134W
    10. Cash Machines 42 words
    11. cc134-5W
    12. Scott Inquiry 216 words
    13. c135W
    14. Biodiesel 50 words
    15. c135W
    16. Student Loans 43 words
    17. c135W
    18. Eurotunnel 127 words
    19. cc135-6W
    20. Mobile phones 92 words
    21. c136W
    22. Income Tax Relief 78 words
    1. c136W
    2. Royal Squadron 197 words
    3. cc136-7W
    4. Mr. David Hart 234 words
    5. c137W
    6. Consultancy Agreements 115 words
    7. c137W
    8. Marine Services 64 words
    9. cc138-9W
    10. Service Women (Pregnancy) 575 words
    11. c139W
    12. Equal Treatment Directive 21 words
    13. c139W
    14. Industrial Tribunal Orders 56 words
    15. c139W
    16. Ministerial Visits (Kuwait) 70 words
    17. c139W
    18. Conventionally Armed Stand-off Missile 74 words
    19. cc139-40W
    20. Portland Naval Base 144 words
    21. c140W
    22. Franco-German Armaments Agency 90 words
    1. c140W
    2. Asylum Seekers 116 words
    3. c140W
    4. Opposition Policies 82 words
    5. c141W
    6. Political Honours Scrutiny Committee 108 words
    7. c141W
    8. 2001 Census 287 words
    9. c142W
    10. Royal Yacht Britannia 75 words
    11. c142W
    12. Engagements 43 words
    1. cc142-3W
    2. Executive Agencies 634 words
    3. c143W
    4. Telecommunications Services 82 words
    5. cc143-4W
    6. Labour Statistics 188 words
    7. c144W
    8. Business and Innovation Centre 45 words
    9. cc144-5W
    10. Wylfa Power Station 338 words
    11. c145W
    12. Oil and Gas Consumption 270 words
    13. c145W
    14. ROM-Data Corporation 81 words
    15. c146W
    16. Scott Inquiry 233 words
    1. c146W
    2. Scott Inquiry 33 words
    1. cc146-7W
    2. General Electric Company 395 words
    3. cc147-8W
    4. Aid Procurement 400 words
    1. c148W
    2. Labour Statistics (Manchester) 68 words
    3. cc148-9W
    4. Access to Work 881 words
    5. c149W
    6. EU Universities (UK Students) 111 words
    7. c150W
    8. University Facilities 127 words
    9. c150W
    10. University Funding 110 words
    11. c151W
    12. Careers Service (London) 462 words
    13. c152W
    14. Business Links 64 words
    15. cc152-3W
    16. National Vocational Qualifications 737 words
    17. c153W
    18. Mobile Phones 64 words
    19. cc153-4W
    20. Employment Service 253 words
  13. HEALTH
    1. c154W
    2. Mortuaries 63 words
    3. c154W
    4. Medical Negligence 117 words
    5. cc154-5W
    6. Methadone 51 words
    7. c155W
    8. Meals on Wheels 68 words
    9. c155W
    10. Acute Beds 94 words
    11. c155W
    12. NHS Staff (Assaults) 49 words
    13. c155W
    14. NHS Finance 72 words
    15. cc155-6W
    16. Consultants 64 words
    17. c156W
    18. Suicide 123 words
    19. c156W
    20. Patient Hotels 93 words
    21. c156W
    22. Specialised Services 109 words
    23. cc156-7W
    24. Long-term Care 93 words
    25. c157W
    26. Residential Care 553 words
    27. c158W
    28. Intensive Care Beds (Yorkshire) 154 words
    29. cc158-9W
    30. Deaths (Winter Months) 312 words
    31. c159W
    32. Asylum Seekers 132 words
    33. c159W
    34. Mobile Phones 48 words
    35. cc159-61W
    36. Private Finance Initiative 849 words
    37. cc161-2W
    38. NHS Staff Salaries 144 words
    39. c162W
    40. Under-age Working 97 words
    1. c162W
    2. Departmental Officials 107 words
    3. cc162-3W
    4. Tibet 161 words
    5. c163W
    6. Pakistan (Murder) 74 words
    7. c163W
    8. Gulf States (Human Rights) 61 words
    9. c163W
    10. Scott Inquiry 180 words
    11. c164W
    12. European Directives 179 words
    13. c164W
    14. Official Gifts 71 words
    15. c164W
    16. Heads of Mission (Official Uniform) 96 words
    17. cc164-5W
    18. Private Finance Initiative 168 words
    19. c165W
    20. Gultasab Hussain 86 words
    21. c165W
    22. Civil Personnel (Costs) 133 words
    23. cc165-6W
    24. China 168 words
    25. c166W
    26. China and Iran (Entry Clearance) 92 words
    27. c166W
    28. Saudi Arabia 185 words
    29. c167W
    30. Mobile Phones 136 words
    31. c167W
    32. World Service (Oman Transmitter) 112 words
    33. c167W
    34. Sierra Leone 65 words
    35. c167W
    36. Cameroon 47 words
    1. cc168-9W
    2. Executive Agencies 718 words
    3. cc169-70W
    4. Official Hospitality 712 words
    5. cc170-1W
    6. Intervention Beef 515 words
    7. c171W
    8. Whales 94 words
    9. c172W
    10. Set-aside Payments 102 words
    11. c172W
    12. Egg Imports 142 words
    1. c172W
    2. National Rail Timetable 59 words
    3. cc172-3W
    4. Railways (Public Service Obligation Grant) 215 words
    5. c173W
    6. Local Authority Transport Packages 124 words
    7. cc173-4W
    8. Traffic Signs (Environmental Impact) 296 words
    9. c174W
    10. Mobile Phones 107 words
    11. cc174-5W
    12. National Rail Information System 163 words
    13. c175W
    14. Rail Users' Consultative Committees 86 words
    15. c175W
    16. Seat Belts 171 words
    17. cc175-6W
    18. Private Finance Initiative 267 words
    19. cc176-7W
    20. Kerbside Emission Tests 342 words
    21. c177W
    22. Transport Blueprint 70 words
    23. c177W
    24. Motorway Services 143 words
    25. cc177-8W
    26. Rail Privatisation, (Isle of Wight) 64 words
    27. c178W
    28. Minibuses 107 words
    29. c178W
    30. Technology Foresight Panel 193 words
    31. c178W
    32. Channel Tunnel Rail Link 81 words
    33. c179W
    34. Railway Freight 53 words
    35. c179W
    36. Lorry Drivers (EC Sight Testing Regulations) 140 words
    37. c179W
    38. Driving Licences 76 words
    39. c179W
    40. Vehicle Excise Duty Evasion 51 words
    41. cc179-80W
    42. Light Rapid Transit Schemes 75 words
    43. c180W
    44. Buses (North-west Region) 87 words
    45. c180W
    46. Mersey Docks and. Harbour Company 204 words
    47. c180W
    48. Railtrack (Station Sales) 58 words
    49. cc180-1W
    50. Porous Asphalt 142 words
    51. c181W
    52. Coastguard Agency 67 words
    53. cc181-2W
    54. Driving Standards Agency 783 words
    1. c183W
    2. Bail Hostels 77 words
    3. c183W
    4. National Museums and Galleries 181 words
    5. cc183-4W
    6. Health Boards (Competitive Tendering) 216 words
    7. c184W
    8. Child Offenders 301 words
    9. c185W
    10. Private Prisons 65 words
    11. c185W
    12. Residential Mobile Homes 117 words
    13. cc185-6W
    14. Local Government Finance 449 words
    15. cc186-7W
    16. Crofter Building Grants and Loan Scheme 206 words
    17. cc187-8W
    18. Housing Finance 535 words
    19. c188W
    20. Pregnant Women Prisoners 193 words
    21. cc188-90W
    22. Fishing (Norwegian Territorial Waters) 705 words
    23. cc190-1W
    24. Student Grants 689 words
    25. cc191-2W
    26. Mobile Phones 195 words
    27. c192W
    28. Rural Scotland White Paper 111 words
    29. c192W
    30. Forth Road Bridge 192 words
    31. cc192-3W
    32. NHS (Public Relations Officers) 137 words
    33. cc193-5W
    34. Monofilament Nets 720 words
    35. cc195-6W
    36. Porpoises 124 words
    37. c196W
    38. Ambulance Service 123 words
    1. c196W
    2. Rail Privatisation 112 words
    3. c196W
    4. Public Meeting Halls (Attacks) 140 words
    1. c197W
    2. Building Regulations 111 words
    3. c197W
    4. Water and Sewerage 43 words
    5. c197W
    6. Homelessness 101 words
    7. c197W
    8. Housing Stock 80 words
    9. cc197-9W
    10. Conservation 547 words
    11. c199W
    12. Wild Animal Imports 216 words
    13. cc199-200W
    14. Recycling Projects (Local Authorities) 222 words
    15. c200W
    16. Sewerage and Water Service Bills 106 words
    17. c200W
    18. Drought (Yorkshire) 64 words
    19. c200W
    20. River Derwent Emergency Drought Order 81 words
    21. cc200-2W
    22. Minerals Planning Guidance 892 words
    23. cc202-3W
    24. Local Government Finance 314 words
    25. c203W
    26. Rent Capping 64 words
    27. c203W
    28. Housing Benefit (Council Tenants) 88 words
    29. cc203-4W
    30. Rent Increases 57 words
    31. c204W
    32. Air Quality Assessments 147 words
    33. c204W
    34. Asylum Seekers (Benefits) 159 words
    35. c204W
    36. Mobile Phones 66 words
    37. c205W
    38. Local Government Reorganisation 53 words
    39. c205W
    40. Drought Orders 353 words
    41. c206W
    42. Leaseholders (Estate Action) 181 words
    43. c206W
    44. Hydrofluorocarbons 229 words
    45. c207W
    46. NRA (Prosecutions) 74 words
  20. WALES
    1. c207W
    2. Disabled Pupils 131 words
    3. c207W
    4. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 163 words
    5. c208W
    6. Community Health Councils 384 words
    7. cc208-9W
    8. Teachers (Retirement and Redundancy) 496 words
    9. c210W
    10. Homelessness 60 words
    11. c211W
    12. Cardiff Bay Opera House 96 words
    13. c211W
    14. Cancer Registration 93 words
    15. c211W
    16. Red Squirrels 172 words
    17. cc211-2W
    18. Wild Birds 150 words
    19. c212W
    20. Mobile Phones 47 words
    21. c212W
    22. Nurses (Training) 51 words
    23. cc212-3W
    24. Hospitals (Emergency Admissions) 197 words
    1. c213W
    2. Child Rearing Costs 74 words
    3. c213W
    4. Seasonal Workers (Benefits) 61 words
    5. cc213-4W
    6. Housing Benefit 561 words
    7. c214W
    8. Benefit Payment Card 40 words
    9. cc214-5W
    10. Benefit System Reform 150 words
    11. c215W
    12. Fraud 52 words
    13. cc215-6W
    14. Child Support Agency 553 words
    15. c216W
    16. Funded Pension Schemes 71 words
    17. c216W
    18. Income Support 31 words
    19. c216W
    20. State Pension 53 words
    21. c217W
    22. Pensions (Rebate Contributions) 106 words
    23. c217W
    24. Benefit Costs 75 words
    25. c217W
    26. Cold Weather Payments 239 words
    27. cc217-8W
    28. Claimants (Peterlee and Seaham) 282 words
    29. cc218-9W
    30. Reduced Earnings Allowance 335 words
    31. c219W
    32. Incapacity Benefit 140 words
    33. cc219-20W
    34. Pension Contributions 491 words
    35. c220W
    36. Mental Illness 46 words
    37. c220W
    38. Voluntary and Charitable Payments 57 words
    39. c220W
    40. Child Support Appeal Tribunals 80 words
    41. cc220-1W
    42. Pensioners (Consumer Durables) 238 words
    43. c221W
    44. War Pensions 92 words
    45. cc221-2W
    46. Pensioners (Income Support) 553 words
    47. c223W
    48. National Insurance Fund Subsidy 170 words
    49. cc223-4W
    50. State Earnings-related Pension Scheme 254 words
    51. c224W
    52. State Pension (Earnings Link) 61 words
    53. c224W
    54. Habitual Residence Rule 122 words

Lords Sitting of 23 January 1996 Series 5 Vol. 568

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc899-901
  3. Drivers' Eyesight Tests 1,135 words
  4. cc901-3
  5. Prayer Book: 450th Anniversary 860 words
  6. cc903-5
  7. Mileometers: Illegal Alteration 1,292 words
  8. cc906-8
  9. Chechnya: Mediation Prospects 1,216 words
  10. cc908-68
  11. Family Law Bill [H.L.] 33,350 words
  12. cc968-82
  13. Potato Marketing Scheme (Commencement of Revocation) Order 1995 7,189 words
  14. cc982-1026
  15. Family Law Bill [H.L.] 23,094 words

Grand Committee Report of 23 January 1996 Series 5 Vol. 568

  1. Official Report of the Committee on the Reserve Forces Bill [H.L.] 18,534 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 23 January 1996 Series 5 Vol. 568

  1. World Conference on Women, Beijing: Opposition to Abortion 73 words
  2. Chinese Orphanages: Allegations of Abuses 209 words
  3. Western Mediterranean Countries' Transport Ministers' Meetings: Outcome 214 words
  4. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: Review 183 words
  5. Asylum Seekers: Local Authority Costs 65 words
  6. Schools in Scotland: Cold Weather Precautions 100 words
  7. Unemployment among 50–65 Year-Olds 171 words
  8. Social Security Policy: Implications for VAT Revenue 102 words
  9. Housing Benefit and Young People 113 words
  10. Lone Parent Benefit Changes: Consultations with Department of Health 86 words
  11. Parents with Care: Return of Forms to CSA 137 words
  12. Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994: Offences under Section 145 112 words
  13. Special Constables Injured on Duty: Compensation 156 words
  14. Asylum Seekers: Deportations 165 words
  15. Organophosphorus Product Licensing: International Consultation 109 words
  16. European Legislation Affecting UK Interests 354 words
  17. Warble Fly 90 words
  18. Organophosphorus Insecticides: Use on Cows 107 words
  19. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Incidence by Area 730 words