- NATO 42 words c93W
- Nuclear Proliferation 44 words c93W
- Intergovernmental Conference 60 words c93W
- Spending Reductions 74 words c93W
- Financial Waste 71 words cc93-4W
- Bosnia 197 words c94W
- Personnel (Middle East) 69 words c94W
- Racial Harassment 82 words c94W
- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 74 words cc94-5W
- Nuclear Weapons 55 words c95W
- Procurement 157 words c95W
- Beaufort's Dyke 80 words c95W
- Corporal Lee Clegg 78 words cc95-6W
- Mid-air Collisions 64 words c96W
- Royal Yacht 73 words c96W
- Gulf War 204 words cc96-7W
- Gulf War Syndrome 446 words cc97-8W
- Contractors 250 words c98W
- Redundant Equipment 178 words cc98-101W
- Army Technical Support Agency 1,619 words cc101-2W
- Training 193 words c102W
- Low Flying 68 words c102W
- Mutual Defence Agreement 48 words c102W
- Driffield Airfield 108 words cc102-3W
- Stolen and Lost Property 207 words cc103-4W
- White Vehicle Contracts 328 words c104W
- Internet 251 words
- Penalty Parking Notices 130 words c105W
- Department of Education Northern Ireland 44 words c105W
- George Finbar Ross 90 words c105W
- International Investments Ltd. (Gibraltar) 51 words c105W
- Badger Setts, Carnmoney Hill 67 words cc105-6W
- Advertising 195 words c106W
- Firearms 203 words cc106-7W
- Executive Agencies 117 words c107W
- Internet 132 words c107W
- Community Care and Income Support 73 words c107W
- Coinage 90 words cc107-8W
- Young People (Religion) 143 words c108W
- Greenpark Hospital Trust 88 words
- WALES cc108-9W
- Ministerial Travel and Accommodation Costs 139 words c109W
- Departmental Running Costs 276 words c109W
- Severe Head Injuries 66 words c109W
- Slow Learners 99 words cc109-10W
- Electronic Mail 89 words c110W
- School Milk 174 words cc110-1W
- Internet 167 words c111W
- Teaching Hospitals (Overheads) 148 words c111W
- Archive Services 38 words c111W
- Roads 56 words cc111-2W
- Cardiff Bay Barrage 224 words c112W
- Housing 127 words cc112-3W
- Mobile Telephones 75 words c113W
- Cervical Cancer Screening 49 words
- Upper Waiting Hall Exhibition 135 words c113W
- State Opening (Photographer) 59 words
- Engagements 86 words c114W
- Royal Household 74 words cc114-5W
- Monetary Union 619 words c115W
- Mobile Telephones 76 words cc115-7W
- The Euro (Information) 790 words c117W
- Nuclear Materials (Exports) 71 words c117W
- Princess of Wales 37 words c117W
- Civil Servants 86 words cc117-8W
- Scott Inquiry 53 words c118W
- Fouad Makhzoumi 44 words c118W
- Exchange Rate Mechanism 334 words
- Executive Agencies 122 words c119W
- Departmental Running Costs 387 words cc119-20W
- Fox Hunting 138 words c120W
- Public Opinion Surveys 123 words c120W
- Set-aside Land 53 words cc120-1W
- Efficiency Gains 79 words c121W
- Mobile Telephones 52 words c121W
- Photocopiers 192 words cc121-2W
- Open Government Code 614 words cc122-3W
- Internet 273 words c123W
- Ministerial Travel and Accommodation Costs 147 words cc123-4W
- Government Bills and Papers 127 words
- Departmental Staff (Members' Letters) 117 words cc124-5W
- EC Export Subsidies 434 words cc125-6W
- Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 621 words cc126-7W
- Southall Horse Market 172 words c127W
- Foot and Mouth Disease 87 words cc127-8W
- Arable Area Payments 345 words c128W
- Internet 204 words c128W
- Hormone Residues 77 words cc128-30W
- Fisheries Council 506 words c130W
- Agriculture Council 235 words