HC Deb 09 March 1994 vol 239 cc213-310W
  1. Shalfleet Bridge 131 words
  2. c213W
  3. Arts Council of England 25 words
    1. cc213-7W
    2. Child Support Agency 2,063 words
    3. c217W
    4. Child Poverty 156 words
    5. cc217-8W
    6. World Summit 100 words
    7. c218W
    8. Funeral Payments 79 words
    9. c218W
    10. Housing Benefit 79 words
    11. c218W
    12. Crisis Loans 52 words
    13. c218W
    14. Family Credit 172 words
    15. cc218-9W
    16. Income Support 529 words
    17. cc219-20W
    18. Benefits, Doncaster 324 words
    1. c220W
    2. Inheritance Tax 85 words
    3. c220W
    4. Council Tax 37 words
    5. cc220-1W
    6. Paris Club 146 words
    7. c221W
    8. Banknotes 60 words
    9. c221W
    10. Public Sector Borrowing Requirement 100 words
    11. c221W
    12. Air Passenger Duty 131 words
    13. cc221-2W
    14. Building Societies (Pre-tax Profits) 66 words
    15. c222W
    16. Betting Duty 107 words
    17. c222W
    18. VAT Penalty Regime 53 words
    19. c222W
    20. Sports Clubs (VAT) 77 words
    21. c222W
    22. Freephone and Freepost 85 words
    23. cc222-3W
    24. Public Interest Immunity Certificates 217 words
    25. cc223-4W
    26. Child Care 297 words
    1. c224W
    2. Young Offenders 226 words
    3. c224W
    4. Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 108 words
    5. cc224-6W
    6. Bail Hostels 616 words
    7. cc226-7W
    8. Prisoners 420 words
    9. cc227-8W
    10. Police Expenditure 424 words
    11. cc228-9W
    12. Arrests and Prosecutions 200 words
    13. c229W
    14. Police Capital Programmes 118 words
    15. c229W
    16. Bail (Reoffenders) 36 words
    17. c229W
    18. Fraudulent Trading 56 words
    19. cc229-30W
    20. West Midlands Probation Service 449 words
    21. cc230-1W
    22. Fines (Non-payment) 369 words
    23. c231W
    24. Immigration 84 words
    25. cc231-2W
    26. Moorlands Prison (Escape) 212 words
    27. c232W
    28. Deportation 212 words
    29. cc232-3W
    30. Prison Education 200 words
    31. c233W
    32. Animal Experimentation 76 words
    33. c233W
    34. Absences from Prison 330 words
    35. cc233-4W
    36. Crime (Street Lighting) 88 words
    1. cc234-5W
    2. Aid Statistics 677 words
    3. c235W
    4. Zimbabwe 86 words
    5. c235W
    6. Consultants (Contracts) 106 words
    1. c236W
    2. Sex Education 182 words
    3. c236W
    4. Nursery Education 124 words
    5. c236W
    6. Schools, Gloucestershire 69 words
    7. cc236-7W
    8. Performance League Tables 134 words
    9. c237W
    10. Freephone and Freepost 219 words
    11. cc237-8W
    12. Grant-maintained Schools 315 words
    13. cc238-40W
    14. Pupil Costs 999 words
    1. c240W
    2. Statistical Accuracy 98 words
    3. c240W
    4. Freephone and Freepost 82 words
    5. cc240-1W
    6. British Aerospace Redundancies 85 words
    7. c241W
    8. Financial Sector Employees 109 words
    9. c241W
    10. Workstart 83 words
    11. cc241-2W
    12. Channel Tunnel (Accidents) 297 words
    1. c242W
    2. North Korea (Magnox) 106 words
    3. c242W
    4. Milk Quotas 165 words
    5. cc242-3W
    6. Sudan 355 words
    7. c243W
    8. Armenia 57 words
    9. c243W
    10. Russian Army 107 words
    11. cc243-4W
    12. United Nations Human Rights Commissioner 78 words
    13. c244W
    14. Freephone and Freepost 116 words
    15. c244W
    16. Azerbaijan 57 words
    17. c244W
    18. Iraq 36 words
    19. c244W
    20. Israeli Settlers 87 words
    21. cc244-5W
    22. Foreign Affairs Council 326 words
    1. c245W
    2. Coal Privatisation 49 words
    3. c245W
    4. Electricity Industry 70 words
    5. cc245-6W
    6. Industrial Growth 68 words
    7. c246W
    8. Nuclear Industry 74 words
    9. c246W
    10. Land Mines 50 words
    11. c246W
    12. Business Confidence 69 words
    13. c246W
    14. Manufacturing Industry 108 words
    15. cc246-7W
    16. Environmental Technology Exports 90 words
    17. c247W
    18. Small Firms 43 words
    19. c247W
    20. Pit Closures 55 words
    21. c247W
    22. Shipbuilding Industry 57 words
    23. c247W
    24. Motor Car Production 50 words
    25. c247W
    26. Companies (Political Donations) 58 words
    27. cc247-8W
    28. Mobile Phones 194 words
    29. c248W
    30. Iron And Steel Scrap 57 words
    31. c248W
    32. Wide-bodied Large Aircraft 55 words
    33. c248W
    34. Environmental Protection Act 1990 88 words
    35. cc248-9W
    36. Energy Exports 230 words
    37. c249W
    38. Motor Industry (Japanese Investment) 76 words
    39. cc249-50W
    40. Insolvency Service 228 words
    41. c250W
    42. Plutonium 112 words
    43. c250W
    44. Japanese Inward Investment 183 words
    45. c250W
    46. Charter Market Franchises 104 words
    47. cc250-1W
    48. British Coal 54 words
    49. c251W
    50. Child Care 129 words
    51. c251W
    52. Export Credits Guarantee Department 419 words
    53. cc251-2W
    54. United Kingdom Investment 370 words
    1. cc252-3W
    2. Headquarters 107 words
    3. c253W
    4. Public Appointments 69 words
    5. c253W
    6. Smiths Industries 81 words
    7. c253W
    8. British Aerospace, Bolton 70 words
    9. cc253-5W
    10. Defence Contracts 585 words
    11. c255W
    12. War Widows 53 words
    1. c255W
    2. Postgraduate Research 254 words
    3. cc255-6W
    4. "Permanent Secretary's Handbook" 128 words
    1. cc256-9W
    2. Fair Employment (Health Boards) 1,332 words
    3. c259W
    4. Bovine Tuberculosis 141 words
    5. c259W
    6. Illegal Fishing 91 words
    7. cc259-60W
    8. Campaigns 191 words
    9. cc260-1W
    10. Road Deaths Statistics 268 words
    11. c261W
    12. Prison Service (Costs) 68 words
    13. c261W
    14. Prison Sentences 138 words
    1. cc261-2W
    2. Salmon Farming 96 words
    3. c262W
    4. Limb Defects 395 words
    5. cc262-6W
    6. Prison Visiting Committees 2,089 words
    7. cc266-7W
    8. Cornton Vale Prison 155 words
    9. c267W
    10. Public Bodies 147 words
    11. cc267-8W
    12. Care of the Elderly 232 words
    13. c268W
    14. New Local Authorities 439 words
    1. cc268-9W
    2. British Rail Stations 210 words
    3. c269W
    4. Central Line 76 words
    5. c269W
    6. Registration Plates 76 words
    7. c269W
    8. Oil Discharges 144 words
    9. cc269-71W
    10. Railtrack 557 words
    11. c271W
    12. Marine Pollution 195 words
    13. c271W
    14. Heavy Goods Vehicles 134 words
    15. cc271-2W
    16. Diesel Fuel Duty 85 words
    17. c272W
    18. M25 53 words
    19. c272W
    20. A1 99 words
    21. c272W
    22. Shipping 80 words
    23. c272W
    24. Penalty Fares Regulations 84 words
    25. cc272-3W
    26. Road Safety 54 words
    27. c273W
    28. Fuel Duty Rebate 186 words
    1. c273W
    2. Public Bodies 60 words
    3. cc273-4W
    4. Olive Oil 163 words
    5. c274W
    6. Tobacco 215 words
    7. c274W
    8. Milk 227 words
    9. cc274-5W
    10. Rice 178 words
    11. cc275-6W
    12. Common Agricultural Policy 695 words
    13. cc276-7W
    14. Oilseeds 485 words
    15. cc277-8W
    16. Potatoes 612 words
    17. cc278-9W
    18. Dairy Quotas 45 words
    19. c279W
    20. Banana Trade Advisory Committee 42 words
    21. c279W
    22. Set-aside 103 words
    23. c279W
    24. Infant Food 86 words
    25. c279W
    26. Agricultural Base Rates 69 words
    27. cc279-80W
    28. EC Fisheries Inquiry 142 words
    29. c280W
    30. Milk Marketing Board 192 words
    31. cc280-1W
    32. Danish Sand Eel Fishing 231 words
    33. c281W
    34. Fish 64 words
    35. c281W
    36. School Milk Scheme 201 words
    37. cc281-2W
    38. Public Information Campaigns 315 words
    39. c282W
    40. Nuclear Waste 246 words
  18. WALES
    1. cc282-3W
    2. Non-departmental Public Bodies 117 words
    3. c283W
    4. Assisted Places Scheme 77 words
    5. c283W
    6. Health Service Manpower 361 words
    7. cc283-4W
    8. Training 169 words
    9. c284W
    10. Land Use 63 words
    11. cc284-5W
    12. Deaf-blind Service 268 words
    13. cc285-6W
    14. GPs 1,118 words
    15. cc286-7W
    16. Council House Sales 74 words
    17. c287W
    18. Amenity Charges 64 words
    19. c287W
    20. Ministerial Offices 44 words
    21. cc287-8W
    22. Environmentally Sensitive Areas 295 words
    23. c288W
    24. Ministerial Receptions 45 words
    25. c288W
    26. Nursery Education 111 words
    27. cc288-9W
    28. Housing 339 words
    1. cc289-90W
    2. Local Government Finance 304 words
    3. c290W
    4. Environmental Protection 138 words
    5. cc290-1W
    6. Planning Regulations (Water Services) 268 words
    7. c291W
    8. Audit Commission (Staff Sickness) 61 words
    9. c291W
    10. Councillors (Surcharges) 29 words
    11. c291W
    12. Nuclear Waste 55 words
    13. cc291-3W
    14. Homelessness 1,065 words
    15. cc293-4W
    16. Energy Industries 79 words
    17. c294W
    18. Housing Tenure 116 words
    19. c294W
    20. Living Over the Shop 183 words
    21. cc294-5W
    22. Minerals Planning Guidance 68 words
    23. c295W
    24. Temporary Accommodation 163 words
    25. cc295-6W
    26. Contractor Management Information 247 words
    27. c296W
    28. Water and Sewage Services 333 words
    29. cc296-7W
    30. Mobile Homes 103 words
    31. c297W
    32. Local Government (Redundancies) 48 words
    33. c297W
    34. Boundaries Review 60 words
    35. c297W
    36. Sustainable Development 120 words
    37. c297W
    38. Careers Service 53 words
    39. cc297-9W
    40. Rural Areas 575 words
    41. c299W
    42. Drinking Water 117 words
    43. c299W
    44. Hedgerows 30 words
    45. cc299-300W
    46. Air Pollution Control 259 words
    47. c300W
    48. Building Regulation A4 219 words
    49. cc300-1W
    50. Offshore Oil Licensing 228 words
    51. c301W
    52. English Nature 131 words
    53. c301W
    54. Housing Investment Programmes 178 words
    55. cc301-2W
    56. Sea Birds 160 words
    57. c302W
    58. Correspondence 49 words
  20. HEALTH
    1. c302W
    2. Financial Information Project Ltd. 130 words
    3. c302W
    4. Emergency Communications 93 words
    5. cc302-3W
    6. GP Fundholders 74 words
    7. c303W
    8. Sodium Valproate 232 words
    9. c303W
    10. Manchester University Health Services Management Unit 124 words
    11. c303W
    12. Directly-managed Hospitals 66 words
    13. cc303-4W
    14. Wharfedale and Seacroft Hospitals 239 words
    15. cc304-5W
    16. Drug Abuse 466 words
    17. c305W
    18. St. Albans General Hospital 184 words
    19. cc305-6W
    20. Pregnancy Terminations 93 words
    21. c306W
    22. Hospital Catering 86 words
    23. cc306-7W
    24. Local Purchasing Plans 139 words
    25. c307W
    26. Mental Health 70 words
    27. c307W
    28. Health Authorities 78 words
    29. c307W
    30. Patient Priority 232 words
    31. cc307-8W
    32. Abortion 129 words
    33. c308W
    34. Special Transitional Grant 97 words
    35. c308W
    36. Children (Foreign Trips) 54 words
    37. cc308-10W
    38. Population Statistics 234 words