Written Answers (Commons) of 2 March 1909 Series 5 Vol. 1

  1. Territorial Force (Civil Servants). 72 words
  2. cc1384-5W
  3. Ordnance Survey (Ireland). 305 words
  4. cc1385-6W
  5. Provincial Telegraphists (Saturday Half-Holiday). 234 words
  6. c1386W
  7. Post Office (Presentation of Case). 103 words
  8. c1386W
  9. Cotton Trade (Workpeople and Wages). 129 words
  10. cc1386-7W
  11. Infectious Diseases (Notification). 122 words
  12. c1387W
  13. Army Ordnance Department (Island Bridge). 199 words
  14. cc1387-8W
  15. Clerks to Pension Committees (Ireland). 173 words
  16. c1388W
  17. Old Age Pensions (Orkneys and Shetlands). 195 words
  18. c1388W
  19. Gaelic and Welsh in Examinations. 87 words
  20. cc1389-91W
  21. Army Officers (Deficiency). 361 words
    1. c1391W
    2. Civil Service (Boy Clerks). 179 words
  22. Staff Ride Manœuvres, 1908 (Report). 50 words
  23. c1391W
  24. British Troops in S. Africa (Cost). 100 words
  25. c1392W
  26. Municipal Elections Act (Bengal). 98 words
  27. c1392W
  28. Local Boards in Bengal. 119 words
  29. cc1392-3W
  30. Medical Department (India). 240 words
  31. c1393W
  32. Canadian Trades Unions Unemployed. 56 words
  33. c1393W
  34. The Poor Law Commission. 120 words
  35. cc1393-4W
  36. Ulster Flax Buyers. 333 words
  37. cc1394-5W
  38. Teaching Irish. 415 words
  39. cc1395-6W
  40. Irish School Regulations. 54 words
  41. c1396W
  42. Overdue Land Purchase Annuities. 172 words
  43. c1396W
  44. Belfast Local Authorities. 65 words
  45. cc1396-7W
  46. New York Stock Market. 109 words
  47. c1397W
  48. Egyptian Legislative Assembly. 100 words
  49. c1397W
  50. Houses in Cairo. 178 words
  51. cc1397-8W
  52. German Battleships (Payment). 88 words
  53. c1398W
  54. High Courts and County Courts. 95 words
  55. c1398W
  56. Post Office Rural Messenger (Cunningham). 186 words
  57. cc1398-9W
  58. Moneymore Post Office (County Tyrone). 104 words
  59. c1399W
  60. Post-Marking Letters. 127 words
  61. cc1399-400W
  62. Belfast Post Office. 159 words
  63. c1400W
  64. Tunbridge Wells Postmastership. 38 words
  65. c1400W
  66. Fair Wage Resolution (Messrs. Charles Webster). 106 words
  67. c1400W
  68. Evicted Tenants (Bawn Mountain). 93 words