Written Answers (Commons) of 28 May 2004 Series 6 Vol. 422

    1. c1W
    2. A1 213 words
    3. cc1-2W
    4. Airports 230 words
    5. c2W
    6. Aviation White Paper 91 words
    7. c2W
    8. Departmental Annual Report 149 words
    9. cc2-3W
    10. Honours 161 words
    11. c3W
    12. International Ship and Ports Security Code 219 words
    13. cc3-4W
    14. Journey Distances 312 words
    15. c4W
    16. Rail Infrastructure 43 words
    17. c4W
    18. Rail Service Franchises 83 words
    19. cc4-5W
    20. Yellow School Buses 174 words
    1. c5W
    2. Plastic Baton Rounds 115 words
    1. cc5-7W
    2. Asbestos 789 words
    3. c7W
    4. Benefits (Bootle) 209 words
    5. cc7-8W
    6. Child Poverty 283 words
    7. cc8-12W
    8. Child Support Agency 1,957 words
    9. c12W
    10. Council Tax Benefit 144 words
    11. c12W
    12. Disability Discrimination Act (Advertising) 76 words
    13. cc12-3W
    14. Compensation Payments 411 words
    15. c13W
    16. Free Television Licences (Warrington) 119 words
    17. cc13-4W
    18. Passive Smoking (Entertainment Industry) 179 words
    19. cc14-5W
    20. Pension Credit (Mortgage Assistance) 108 words
    21. cc15-6W
    22. Pensioners 631 words
    23. cc16-9W
    24. Public Bodies 843 words
    25. c19W
    26. State Pensions 38 words
    27. c19W
    28. Winter Fuel Allowance (Warrington) 96 words
    1. cc19-20W
    2. Exports (Military Equipment) 180 words
    3. cc20-1W
    4. Gun Trafficking 124 words
    5. c21W
    6. Gershon Review 87 words
    7. cc21-2W
    8. GEC/BAE/Govan Shipyard 402 words
    9. cc22-3W
    10. Income Tax 661 words
    11. cc23-4W
    12. Repairs (VAT) 209 words
    13. c24W
    14. Staffing (Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise) 218 words
    1. c25W
    2. Business (Blackpool and Fleetwood) 242 words
    3. c25W
    4. Coal Compensation schemes 73 words
    5. c25W
    6. Correspondence 70 words
    7. cc25-6W
    8. Early Retirement 106 words
    9. c26W
    10. Business Regulation 57 words
    11. c26W
    12. Employers (Good Practice) 182 words
    13. cc26-7W
    14. Equality and Human Rights Commission 134 words
    15. c27W
    16. Export Credits Guarantee Department 140 words
    17. cc27-8W
    18. Flue Gas Desulphurised Power Stations 124 words
    19. c28W
    20. Imports 191 words
    21. c28W
    22. National Minimum Wage 104 words
    23. cc28-9W
    24. Nuclear Energy 238 words
    25. c29W
    26. Public Telephone Boxes 79 words
    27. c29W
    28. Regulatory Impact Unit 106 words
    29. c29W
    30. Regulatory Reform Action Plan 54 words
    31. cc29-30W
    32. Research and Development 235 words
    33. c30W
    34. Royal Mail 68 words
    35. cc30-1W
    36. Sellafield 316 words
    37. c31W
    38. Spam 169 words
    39. c31W
    40. Stem Cell/Embryo Research 108 words
    1. cc32-5W
    2. Contraception 2,210 words
    3. cc35-7W
    4. Departmental Annual Report 535 words
    5. cc37-8W
    6. Food Supplements 258 words
    7. c38W
    8. Foundation Trusts 306 words
    9. c38W
    10. GP Surgeries 50 words
    11. cc38-9W
    12. Health Service Premises 382 words
    13. cc39-40W
    14. Health Services (West Lancashire) 310 words
    15. c40W
    16. Hip Replacement 225 words
    17. cc40-1W
    18. IT Systems 231 words
    19. c41W
    20. Lung Cancer Screening 202 words
    21. cc41-2W
    22. Mesothelioma 125 words
    23. c42W
    24. Workforce Development Confederation 493 words
    25. cc42-3W
    26. Orthopaedics 90 words
    27. cc43-4W
    28. Skin Cancer 121 words
    1. c45W
    2. Arts Council 44 words
    3. c45W
    4. Arts Warehouse Fire 165 words
    5. c45W
    6. Bullying 115 words
    7. cc45-6W
    8. Community Radio 149 words
    9. c46W
    10. Correspondence 84 words
    11. c46W
    12. Creative Partnerships Programme 78 words
    13. c46W
    14. Departmental Administration Budget 76 words
    15. cc46-7W
    16. Departmental Budget 67 words
    17. c47W
    18. Departmental Priorities 54 words
    19. c47W
    20. Licensing Act 205 words
    21. cc47-8W
    22. Museums 88 words
    23. c48W
    24. New Opportunities Fund 109 words
    25. c48W
    26. Olympics 2012 150 words
    27. cc48-9W
    28. Portable Electrical Equipment 220 words
    29. c49W
    30. Positive Activities for Young People Programme 240 words
    31. cc49-50W
    32. Public Libraries 149 words
    33. c50W
    34. Regional Assemblies 200 words
    35. cc50-1W
    36. Television (Disabled Access) 283 words
    1. cc51-2W
    2. Bananas 214 words
    3. c52W
    4. Bangladesh 134 words
    5. cc52-3W
    6. Bulgaria 374 words
    7. c53W
    8. Colombia 268 words
    9. cc53-4W
    10. Computer Misuse 142 words
    11. cc54-6W
    12. Cyprus 803 words
    13. c56W
    14. Departmental Administration Budget 77 words
    15. c56W
    16. Departmental Secondments 132 words
    17. cc56-7W
    18. European Constitution 171 words
    19. c57W
    20. Export Promotion 74 words
    21. c57W
    22. Falkland Islands 158 words
    23. cc57-8W
    24. Gibraltar 334 words
    25. c58W
    26. Gmice 74 words
    27. cc58-9W
    28. International Criminal Court 214 words
    29. c59W
    30. Investment Promotion Activities 325 words
    31. cc59-60W
    32. Iran 299 words
    33. cc60-4W
    34. Iraq 1,617 words
    35. c64W
    36. Kashmir 180 words
    37. c64W
    38. Kongra-Gel 96 words
    39. cc64-5W
    40. Leaflet Production (Costs) 109 words
    41. c65W
    42. Overseas Employment 43 words
    43. c65W
    44. Portable Electrical Equipment 323 words
    45. cc65-6W
    46. Sudan 288 words
    47. c66W
    48. UK Personnel 76 words
    49. cc66-7W
    50. Visas 129 words
    51. c67W
    52. Zimbabwe 220 words
    1. cc67-8W
    2. Alleged Offenders (Photographs) 97 words
    3. c68W
    4. Crown Prosecution Service 302 words
    5. cc68-9W
    6. Operation Antler 203 words
    1. c69W
    2. A249 101 words
    3. c69W
    4. A50 43 words
    5. c69W
    6. Bedford Park 61 words
    7. cc69-70W
    8. Crime (Public Transport) 146 words
    9. c70W
    10. International Shipping and Ports Security Code 109 words
    11. c70W
    12. Montague Report 62 words
    13. cc70-1W
    14. Noise Pollution (Roads) 110 words
    15. c71W
    16. Oil Transfers (Lyme Bay) 294 words
    17. cc71-2W
    18. Ports Police 222 words
    19. c72W
    20. Rail Service Franchises 156 words
    21. cc72-3W
    22. Rural Transport Policy 171 words
    23. cc73-4W
    24. Secure Stations Scheme 387 words
    25. c74W
    26. Sustainable Transport Plan 110 words
    1. c75W
    2. Jobseeker's Allowance 72 words
    3. c75W
    4. Means-tested Benefits 124 words
    5. cc75-7W
    6. Pensions 573 words
    7. c77W
    8. Asbestos 110 words
    9. cc77-8W
    10. Sure Start Maternity Grant 642 words
    11. cc78-9W
    12. Carers 119 words
    13. c79W
    14. Child Support Agency 177 words
    15. cc79-80W
    16. Circus Performers (North-West) 475 words
    17. c80W
    18. Correspondence 119 words
    19. c80W
    20. Council Tax Benefit 35 words
    21. cc80-2W
    22. Income Support 730 words
    23. c82W
    24. Mr. Graham Cotton 131 words
    25. cc82-3W
    26. Pension Protection Fund 150 words
    27. cc83-4W
    28. Pension Schemes 437 words
    29. c84W
    30. Post Office Card Account 108 words
    31. cc84-5W
    32. RNIB (Tactile Markings) 213 words
    33. cc85-6W
    34. Sure Start 671 words
    35. c86W
    36. Unemployment Benefits 37 words
    37. cc86-8W
    38. Winter Fuel Allowance 869 words
    1. cc88-90W
    2. Afghanistan 656 words
    3. cc90-1W
    4. Bananas 214 words
    5. c91W
    6. Children and Young People Unit 111 words
    7. cc91-2W
    8. China 303 words
    9. c92W
    10. Consultants 200 words
    11. cc92-3W
    12. Crisis Management 161 words
    13. c93W
    14. Departmental Budget 191 words
    15. cc93-4W
    16. Departmental Staff 221 words
    17. cc94-5W
    18. East Timor 428 words
    19. c95W
    20. Honours 130 words
    21. cc95-6W
    22. Iraq 146 words
    23. c96W
    24. Official Vehicles 151 words
    25. c96W
    26. Private Security Forces 218 words
    27. cc96-7W
    28. Public Attitude Surveys 290 words
    29. cc97-8W
    30. Sudan 373 words
    1. c98W
    2. Emergency Planning 138 words
    1. c99W
    2. Afghanistan 21 words
    3. c99W
    4. East Timor 82 words
    5. c99W
    6. Engagements 78 words
    7. c99W
    8. EU Directives 55 words
    9. c99W
    10. Govan Shipyard 73 words
    11. cc99-100W
    12. Hunting 69 words
    13. c100W
    14. Iraq 60 words
    15. c100W
    16. Israel/Palestine 175 words
    17. c100W
    18. Official Minutes 65 words
    19. cc100-1W
    20. Prime Ministerial Advisers 65 words
    21. c101W
    22. Public Perception Surveys 72 words
    1. c101W
    2. Career Breaks 83 words
    3. c101W
    4. Circus Performers (North-west) 138 words
    5. cc101-2W
    6. Commission for Equality and Human Rights 142 words
    7. cc102-3W
    8. Govan Shipyard 558 words
    9. c103W
    10. Honours 137 words
    11. cc103-4W
    12. Inward Investment 259 words
    13. cc104-5W
    14. Maternity/Paternity Leave 360 words
    15. c105W
    16. Military Support Vehicles 86 words
    17. c105W
    18. National Minimum Wage (Bootle) 94 words
    19. cc105-6W
    20. Official Vehicles 159 words
    21. c106W
    22. Phthalates 106 words
    23. c106W
    24. Royal Mail 151 words
    25. c106W
    26. TVS UK Ltd. 119 words
    27. cc106-7W
    28. Working Week (Bootle) 87 words
    1. c107W
    2. School Buses 354 words
    3. cc107-8W
    4. A National Voice 150 words
    5. c108W
    6. A-Levels (Funding) 252 words
    7. cc108-9W
    8. Bureaucracy 443 words
    9. cc109-10W
    10. Capital Funding (Brighton and Hove) 151 words
    11. c110W
    12. Child Care 236 words
    13. c110W
    14. Children's Commissioner for England 64 words
    15. cc110-1W
    16. Children's Trusts 112 words
    17. c111W
    18. Connexions 83 words
    19. cc111-2W
    20. Education Services (Essex) 397 words
    21. c112W
    22. Education Statistics (London) 92 words
    23. c112W
    24. Excellence in Cities Programme 177 words
    25. cc112-3W
    26. Further Education 130 words
    27. c113W
    28. Gender Pay Gap 48 words
    29. c113W
    30. Illiteracy 222 words
    31. cc113-4W
    32. Intercountry Adoption 123 words
    33. c114W
    34. Local Authority Secure Units 337 words
    35. cc114-5W
    36. Medical Courses (Drop-out Rates) 162 words
    37. c115W
    38. Medical Students 170 words
    39. cc115-6W
    40. National Child Care Strategy 100 words
    41. c116W
    42. Pre-school Places 286 words
    43. cc116-7W
    44. Pupil Spending (Elmet) 463 words
    45. c117W
    46. Schools (Fire Prevention) 106 words
    47. cc117-8W
    48. Schools (Support Staff) 118 words
    49. c118W
    50. Secondary Schools 47 words
    51. c118W
    52. Social Sciences 53 words
    53. cc118-9W
    54. Special Educational Needs 400 words
    55. cc119-20W
    56. Sports Facilities (Blackpool, North and Fleetwood) 286 words
    57. c120W
    58. State Schools 124 words
    59. cc120-1W
    60. Statistics 503 words
    61. cc121-2W
    62. Student Loan Company 262 words
    63. c122W
    64. Student Loans (Online Applications) 211 words
    65. c122W
    66. Teachers (Brighton and Hove) 72 words
    67. cc122-3W
    68. Tuition Fees 359 words
    69. cc123-4W
    70. Voluntary Family Support Agencies 113 words
    1. c124W
    2. Asbestosis 286 words
    3. cc124-5W
    4. Departmental Secondments 128 words
    5. cc125-6W
    6. Drug Seizures 803 words
    7. cc126-7W
    8. Eating Disorders 135 words
    9. cc127-8W
    10. Government Investment 549 words
    11. cc128-9W
    12. Grammar Schools 254 words
    13. c129W
    14. Health Services 321 words
    15. cc129-33W
    16. Regional Information Branch, DHSSPS 1,557 words
    17. cc133-4W
    18. Irish Language 241 words
    19. c134W
    20. July Orange Celebrations 78 words
    21. cc134-5W
    22. Maiden City Festival 69 words
    23. c135W
    24. Medical Prescriptions 101 words
    25. c135W
    26. Milk Cup Tournament 88 words
    27. c135W
    28. Classroom Assistants (Braille) 106 words
    29. cc135-6W
    30. Health Care 299 words
    31. cc136-7W
    32. Mortality Statistics 354 words
    33. c137W
    34. MOT Testing 159 words
    35. c137W
    36. Nurses 60 words
    37. c137W
    38. Physical Punishment 108 words
    39. cc137-8W
    40. Proceeds of Crime (Northern Ireland) Order 186 words
    41. c138W
    42. Proscribed Terrorist Organisations 131 words
    43. cc138-9W
    44. Sick Leave 109 words
    45. c139W
    46. Sleep Apnoea 184 words
    47. c139W
    48. Small Businesses 126 words
    49. cc139-40W
    50. South Armagh Terrorist Incidents 95 words
    51. c140W
    52. Teenage Abortions 40 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. c140W
    2. Accident and Emergency Services 171 words
    3. cc140-1W
    4. Acupuncturists 100 words
    5. c141W
    6. Addenbrooke's Hospital/Papworth NHS Trust 80 words
    7. c141W
    8. Agency Nurses 62 words
    9. cc141-2W
    10. Air Ambulance 241 words
    11. c142W
    12. Alzheimer's 62 words
    13. c142W
    14. Ambulance Service 73 words
    15. c142W
    16. Asthma 81 words
    17. c142W
    18. Breastfeeding 108 words
    19. cc142-3W
    20. Bureaucracy Statement (Briefing) 89 words
    21. c143W
    22. Care Homes 327 words
    23. cc143-4W
    24. Care Qualifications 174 words
    25. c144W
    26. Carers 112 words
    27. cc144-5W
    28. Charges to Overseas Visitors 201 words
    29. c145W
    30. Immigration 92 words
    31. cc145-6W
    32. Chronic Disease Management 470 words
    33. c146W
    34. Clinical Advisers (IT Forum) 169 words
    35. cc146-7W
    36. Communications Consultants 226 words
    37. c147W
    38. Computer File Formats 168 words
    39. cc147-8W
    40. Dentistry 442 words
    41. cc148-9W
    42. Departmental Staff 87 words
    43. c149W
    44. Dermatology 98 words
    45. c149W
    46. Dietary Sodium Intake 246 words
    47. cc149-50W
    48. Doctors' Language Tests 83 words
    49. c150W
    50. Drug Testing 193 words
    51. cc150-1W
    52. Dyspepsia 245 words
    53. c151W
    54. Elderly Care Services 281 words
    55. cc151-2W
    56. Foundation Hospitals 101 words
    57. c152W
    58. General Practitioners 55 words
    59. cc152-3W
    60. GM Food 500 words
    61. c153W
    62. Haemophiliaes 292 words
    63. cc153-4W
    64. GP Registrars 148 words
    65. cc154-6W
    66. Health Services (Nottinghamshire) 789 words
    67. cc156-7W
    68. Health Test Charges 144 words
    69. c157W
    70. Hepatitis C 52 words
    71. c157W
    72. ICT Training 101 words
    73. cc157-8W
    74. Intermediate Care 68 words
    75. c158W
    76. Iraq 97 words
    77. c158W
    78. Lymphoedema 142 words
    79. cc158-60W
    80. Maternity Services 715 words
    81. c160W
    82. Medical Instruments 145 words
    83. cc160-2W
    84. Medical Staff (Blackpool, South) 926 words
    85. cc162-4W
    86. Mental Health 591 words
    87. c164W
    88. Ministerial Visits 52 words
    89. c164W
    90. MRI Scans 84 words
    91. c164W
    92. National Institute for Clinical Excellence 112 words
    93. cc164-5W
    94. National Patients Safety Agency 301 words
    95. cc165-6W
    96. NHS Consultants 471 words
    97. c166W
    98. NHS Staff 64 words
    99. cc166-7W
    100. NHS Surplus Land 105 words
    101. c167W
    102. Orthopaedics 90 words
    103. c167W
    104. Orthotics 49 words
    105. c167W
    106. Osteoporosis 89 words
    107. cc167-8W
    108. Overseas Clinicians 215 words
    109. c168W
    110. Paediatric Continence Services 173 words
    111. cc168-70W
    112. Parliamentary Questions 663 words
    113. c170W
    114. Private Sector Treatment 180 words
    115. c170W
    116. Prussian Blue 107 words
    117. cc170-2W
    118. Public Bodies 855 words
    119. cc172-3W
    120. Royal Liverpool Children's Litigation 167 words
    121. c173W
    122. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 75 words
    123. c173W
    124. Skin Clinics 71 words
    125. cc173-4W
    126. Speech and Language Therapists 436 words
    127. c174W
    128. St. George's Hospital 48 words
    129. cc174-5W
    130. Staff Redundancies 48 words
    131. c175W
    132. Strategic Health Authorities 158 words
    133. c175W
    134. Student Nurses 101 words
    135. c175W
    136. Sucraid 78 words
    137. cc175-6W
    138. Unique Identity Numbers 88 words
    139. cc176-7W
    140. United Healthcare Group 429 words
    141. cc177-8W
    142. Waiting Lists/Times 657 words
    143. c178W
    144. Work-related Stress 43 words
      1. c178W
      2. Fines 83 words
      3. cc178-9W
      4. UK Citizens (Marriage) 114 words
      5. c179W
      6. Alcohol Reduction Strategy 103 words
      7. cc179-81W
      8. Army Personnel 746 words
      9. c181W
      10. Arson 139 words
      11. cc181-3W
      12. Case Review Process 822 words
      13. cc183-4W
      14. CCTV 516 words
      15. c184W
      16. Compensation Scheme (Remand Prisoners) 128 words
      17. cc184-7W
      18. Computer Misuse 1,669 words
      19. c187W
      20. Corporate Manslaughter 82 words
      21. cc187-8W
      22. Correspondence 144 words
      23. cc188-9W
      24. Crime (Public Transport) 73 words
      25. c189W
      26. Detention Centres 159 words
      27. c189W
      28. Evidence Production 157 words
      29. cc189-90W
      30. Firearms 48 words
      31. c190W
      32. Forensic Computing Skills 133 words
      33. c190W
      34. ICT 73 words
      35. cc190-1W
      36. IT Equipment 357 words
      37. cc191-2W
      38. Juvenile Prisoners 569 words
      39. c192W
      40. Akezhan Kazhegeldin 63 words
      41. cc192-4W
      42. National Offender Management Scheme 558 words
      43. cc194-5W
      44. Overturned Convictions 489 words
      45. c195W
      46. Parenting Orders and Curfews 149 words
      47. cc195-6W
      48. Prison/Probation Services 442 words
      49. cc196-7W
      50. Probation Hostels 245 words
      51. cc197-8W
      52. Probation Service 262 words
      53. c198W
      54. Productivity 61 words
      55. c198W
      56. Prolific Offenders 87 words
      57. cc198-200W
      58. Public Order 1,249 words
      59. cc200-1W
      60. Secure Units 361 words
      61. c201W
      62. Self-harm 145 words
      63. cc201-2W
      64. Sex Offenders 213 words
      65. c202W
      66. Young Offenders Institutions 377 words
    146. DEFENCE
      1. cc203-4W
      2. Afghanistan 812 words
      3. cc204-5W
      4. Al-Yamamah Programme 186 words
      5. c205W
      6. Amnesty International Report (Kosovo) 118 words
      7. cc205-6W
      8. BAE Systems 221 words
      9. c206W
      10. Belize 129 words
      11. c206W
      12. Computer File Formats 78 words
      13. c206W
      14. Declarations of Interest 88 words
      15. cc206-7W
      16. Defence Bodies 348 words
      17. cc207-8W
      18. Departmental Annual Report 236 words
      19. c208W
      20. Early Retirement 122 words
      21. c208W
      22. India (Hawk Aircraft) 74 words
      23. cc208-9W
      24. Parliamentary Questions 423 words
      25. c209W
      26. Iraq 126 words
      27. cc209-10W
      28. Joint Combat Aircraft 242 words
      29. c210W
      30. Kosovo 120 words
      31. cc210-1W
      32. Land Accident Investigation Team 145 words
      33. c211W
      34. Medals 83 words
      35. c211W
      36. Military Tattoos 127 words
      37. c211W
      38. Missile Defence 97 words
      39. cc211-2W
      40. MOD Estate/Properties 300 words
      41. cc212-3W
      42. Nimrod MRA4 120 words
      43. c213W
      44. Photographs (Daily Mirror) 84 words
      45. c213W
      46. Plastic Baton Rounds 200 words
      47. cc213-4W
      48. Procurement 118 words
      49. c214W
      50. RAF Boulmer 106 words
      51. c214W
      52. Sergeant Steve Roberts 85 words
      53. cc214-5W
      54. Territorial Army 464 words
      55. c215W
      56. Training 82 words
      57. cc215-6W
      58. Trooping of the Colour 145 words
      59. cc216-8W
      60. UN Operations 1,274 words
      1. c219W
      2. Recycling Rates 63 words
      3. c219W
      4. Air Quality 276 words
      5. cc219-20W
      6. Ancient Trees 266 words
      7. cc220-1W
      8. Asbestos 290 words
      9. c221W
      10. Climate Change 226 words
      11. cc221-2W
      12. Correspondence 116 words
      13. cc222-3W
      14. Countryside Access 667 words
      15. c223W
      16. Dairy Farmers 184 words
      17. cc223-4W
      18. Dee Estuary (Dredging) 82 words
      19. c224W
      20. Departmental Administration Budget 77 words
      21. c224W
      22. Departmental Staff 247 words
      23. cc224-5W
      24. Electric Shock Collars 52 words
      25. c225W
      26. Energy Efficiency 152 words
      27. c225W
      28. Farm Production 221 words
      29. cc225-6W
      30. Flooding/Coastal Erosion 441 words
      31. cc226-8W
      32. Hazardous Waste 777 words
      33. cc228-9W
      34. Home Energy Efficiency 73 words
      35. c229W
      36. Landfill 281 words
      37. cc229-30W
      38. Meat Production Subsidies 163 words
      39. c230W
      40. Milk (Lancashire) 67 words
      41. c230W
      42. Parliamentary Questions 49 words
      43. cc230-1W
      44. Pollution Control 271 words
      45. c231W
      46. Private Sewers 77 words
      47. c231W
      48. Recycling (Plastics) 136 words
      49. cc231-3W
      50. Sea Walls (Essex) 826 words
      51. c233W
      52. Single Farm Payments 199 words
      53. cc233-4W
      54. Sir Don Curry 152 words
      55. c234W
      56. Two Tree Island 160 words
      57. cc234-5W
      58. Waste Water 179 words
      59. cc235-6W
      60. Water Charges 58 words
      61. c236W
      62. Waterways 81 words
    148. TREASURY
      1. cc237-8W
      2. Customs and Excise 621 words
      3. cc238-9W
      4. Employment (Blackpool, North and Fleetwood) 214 words
      5. c239W
      6. EU Budget 199 words
      7. c239W
      8. Alf Allington Informant Record 62 words
      9. cc239-40W
      10. Education Spending 235 words
      11. c240W
      12. Government Expenditure (Wales) 109 words
      13. cc240-1W
      14. Greenhouse Gases Statistics 550 words
      15. cc241-2W
      16. Legal Aid 109 words
      17. c242W
      18. Military Support Vehicles 99 words
      19. c242W
      20. Ministerial Visits 360 words
      21. cc242-3W
      22. Mortality Statistics 489 words
      23. cc243-4W
      24. Office of Government Commerce 97 words
      25. c244W
      26. Pensions 111 words
      1. c244W
      2. Departmental Administration Budget 75 words
      3. c244W
      4. Freedom of Information 99 words
      5. cc244-5W
      6. Gender Pay Gap 118 words
      7. c245W
      8. Gender Recognition Bill 122 words
      9. c245W
      10. Judicial Bodies 110 words
      11. cc245-9W
      12. Magistrates 1,195 words
    150. Postal Votes 608 words
    151. cc250-1W
    152. Youth Disorder 267 words
      1. cc251-2W
      2. Action on Debt Booklet 210 words
      3. c252W
      4. Affordable Housing 338 words
      5. c252W
      6. Borrowing (Assets) 67 words
      7. cc252-3W
      8. Bridlington Council (Rates) 203 words
      9. c253W
      10. Business Rates (Respite Care) 38 words
      11. c253W
      12. Council Tax (Second Homes) 122 words
      13. cc253-4W
      14. Counterfeit Goods 224 words
      15. c254W
      16. Departmental Annual Report 147 words
      17. cc254-5W
      18. Departmental Buildings 161 words
      19. c255W
      20. Domestic Violence 82 words
      21. c255W
      22. Energy Performance (Buildings) 142 words
      23. c255W
      24. Extra Care Housing 141 words
      25. cc255-7W
      26. Fire and Rescue Service 707 words
      27. cc257-8W
      28. Fire Safety 265 words
      29. c258W
      30. Firelink Radio System 32 words
      31. c258W
      32. Former Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions 79 words
      33. c258W
      34. Gender Pay Gap 112 words
      35. c258W
      36. High Hedges 44 words
      37. cc258-9W
      38. Honours 179 words
      39. cc259-63W
      40. Housing 1,797 words
      41. cc263-4W
      42. Inspections and Reviews 259 words
      43. c264W
      44. Key Worker Definition 89 words
      45. cc264-5W
      46. Local Authorities 145 words
      47. c265W
      48. Local Elections 173 words
      49. cc265-6W
      50. Local Government Finance (Cambridgeshire) 414 words
      51. c266W
      52. Ministerial Travel 83 words
      53. cc266-7W
      54. Mobile Phone Masts 152 words
      55. cc267-70W
      56. North West Objective 2 Advisory Group. 1,358 words
      57. cc270-1W
      58. Official Vehicles 364 words
      59. c271W
      60. Ordnance Survey 59 words
      61. c271W
      62. PFI Contracts 65 words
      63. cc271-2W
      64. Postal Voting 223 words
      65. c272W
      66. Regional Funding (Worcestershire) 177 words
      67. c272W
      68. Standards Board 107 words
      69. cc272-4W
      70. Starter Homes Initiative 208 words
      71. c274W
      72. Temporary Staff 106 words