HC Deb 28 May 2004 vol 422 cc266-7W
Mr. Jenkins

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what(a) regulatory framework and (b) code of conduct applies to the placement of mobile phone masts and base stations in proximity to (i) schools, (ii) hospitals and (iii) residential areas. [174540]

Yvette Cooper

Mobile phone mast and base station developments near schools, hospitals and in residential areas are subject to the normal planning regulations in place throughout England, unless exempted by the regulations set out in Part 24 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (GPDO). The planning arrangements for telecommunications developments were significantly strengthened in 2001 and include improved requirements for consulting local people about mast proposals. The changes to the GPDO were underpinned by revised guidance, set out in Planning Policy Guidance Note 8, Telecommunications. The changes to the planning guidance also underlined that school governors must be consulted on all proposals for new masts on or near a school or college.