Commons Sitting of 24 January 2000 Series 6 Vol. 343

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. cc1-20
    2. DEFENCE 6 words
      1. cc1-2
      2. Bowman Tactical Communications System 293 words
      3. cc2-5
      4. Kosovo 1,689 words
      5. cc5-6
      6. Armed Forces (Women) 347 words
      7. cc6-7
      8. Short-term Strategic Airlift Programme 390 words
      9. cc7-9
      10. European Defence and Security Co-operation 727 words
      11. cc9-10
      12. Housing 754 words
      13. cc10-1
      14. Asset Sales 607 words
      15. cc11-3
      16. Defence Medical Services 1,002 words
      17. cc13-4
      18. Royal Fleet Auxiliary 179 words
      19. cc14-7
      20. Kosovo 1,325 words
      21. cc17-8
      22. European Strategic Defence Initiative 470 words
      23. cc18-20
      24. Army Exercises 517 words
  5. Points of Order 1,891 words
  6. Orders of the Day
    1. cc25-77
    2. Disqualifications Bill 28,081 words, 1 division
    3. cc78-118
    4. City of London (Ward Elections) Bill 1,798 words
      1. New Clause 1
        1. cc81-118
      1. c118
      2. CONTRACTING OUT 25 words
      3. c119
      5. c119
    6. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE 32 words
    7. c119
    8. NORTHERN IRELAND 23 words
    9. cc120-8
    10. Just-in-time Distribution 4,612 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 24 January 2000 Series 6 Vol. 343

    1. c1W
    2. Senator Pinochet 118 words
    1. c1W
    2. Civil Service Press Officers 122 words
    3. cc1-2W
    4. Parliamentary Questions 98 words
    5. cc2-3W
    6. EU Charter of Rights 577 words
    7. c3W
    8. EU Intergovernmental Conference 71 words
    9. c3W
    10. EU Membership (Cost-benefit Analysis) 216 words
    11. cc3-4W
    12. Iran 104 words
    13. c4W
    14. Criminal Assets (Confiscation) 60 words
    15. c4W
    16. Liberal Democrats (Co-operation) 23 words
    1. cc4-5W
    2. Royal Ulster Constabulary 340 words
    3. c5W
    4. Asset Sales 80 words
    5. c5W
    6. Ruskin College, Oxford 56 words
    7. cc5-6W
    8. Mrs. Rosemary Nelson 204 words
    9. c6W
    10. Patten Commission 114 words
    11. c6W
    12. Street Signs (Vandalism) 207 words
    13. cc6-8W
    14. Human Rights 695 words
    15. c8W
    16. Saville Inquiry 55 words
    17. c8W
    18. Young People in Care 93 words
    19. cc8-9W
    20. Parades Commission 74 words
    1. cc9-12W
    2. BSE 1,293 words
    3. c12W
    4. Beef Exports 120 words
    5. c12W
    6. Genetically Modified Food 61 words
    7. cc12-3W
    8. Flood Defences (South-West) 161 words
    9. c13W
    10. Interest Rates (Farmers) 103 words
    11. cc13-4W
    12. Departmental Properties 465 words
    13. c14W
    14. Deregulation 107 words
    15. c14W
    16. Fisheries Council 63 words
    17. cc14-5W
    18. Chicken Imports 94 words
    1. c15W
    2. Bonuses 72 words
    3. c15W
    4. Home Detention Curfew 91 words
    5. cc15-6W
    6. Puppy Farms 214 words
    7. cc16-7W
    8. Prison Statistics 698 words
    9. cc17-8W
    10. Road Traffic Offences 415 words
    11. c18W
    12. Domestic Violence 240 words
    13. cc18-9W
    14. Police Manpower (National Insurance) 94 words
    15. c19W
    16. Data Protection 134 words
    17. cc19-20W
    18. General Pinochet 485 words
    19. c20W
    20. Crime Statistics 93 words
    21. cc20-1W
    22. VAT (National Crime Squad and National Criminal Intelligence Service) 141 words
    23. c21W
    24. Prison Ships 82 words
    25. c21W
    26. Correspondence 91 words
    27. c21W
    28. Prison, Ashford 59 words
    29. cc21-2W
    30. Asylum Seekers 458 words
    31. cc22-3W
    32. Settlement Applications 426 words
    33. cc23-4W
    34. Entry Refusals 150 words
    35. c24W
    36. Correspondence 72 words
    37. c24W
    38. Czech Republic (Visa Requirement) 101 words
    1. cc24-5W
    2. Entrepreneurship Lessons 310 words
    3. c25W
    4. Life Education Centres 158 words
    5. cc25-7W
    6. Asset Sales 764 words
    7. c27W
    8. Reception Classes 165 words
    9. c27W
    10. Student Loans 67 words
    11. cc27-8W
    12. Schools Adjudicators 209 words
    13. cc28-9W
    14. Subsidised Recycled Computers Scheme 319 words
    15. c29W
    16. Special Educational Needs 410 words
    17. cc29-30W
    18. Autism 113 words
    19. c30W
    20. Employment Action Zones 102 words
    21. cc30-1W
    22. Pupil Statistics 430 words
    23. c31W
    24. Higher Education Access Funds 40 words
    25. c31W
    26. Youth Employment (Shropshire) 211 words
    1. c32W
    2. Age Discrimination 298 words
    3. cc32-3W
    4. Europe Roadshow 411 words
    5. c33W
    6. Cologne Presidency Conclusions 126 words
    7. cc33-4W
    8. EMU 159 words
    9. c34W
    10. International Federation of Europe Houses 134 words
    11. c34W
    12. Departmental Smoking Policy 183 words
    13. cc34-5W
    14. Golden Fleece 130 words
    15. c35W
    16. Corpus Juris 59 words
    17. c35W
    18. Xenophobia 77 words
    19. cc35-6W
    20. Arms Exports 212 words
    21. c36W
    22. Nuclear Deterrent 116 words
    23. c36W
    24. Pakistan 162 words
    25. cc36-7W
    26. Kosovo 299 words
    27. c37W
    28. Private Finance Initiative 79 words
    29. c37W
    30. EU Common Defence and Security Policy 97 words
    31. cc37-8W
    32. World Trade Organisation (Croatian Membership) 308 words
    33. c38W
    34. Visa Regimes (Europe) 51 words
    35. cc38-9W
    36. East Timor 128 words
    37. c39W
    38. Commercial Guidelines 81 words
    1. cc39-40W
    2. World Trade Organisation 637 words
    3. cc40-1W
    4. Stakeholder Pensions 151 words
    5. c41W
    6. Company Assistance (Non-assisted Areas) 217 words
    7. cc41-3W
    8. Export Credits Guarantee Department 854 words
    9. cc43-4W
    10. EU Structural Funds 102 words
    11. c44W
    12. Enterprise Grant 262 words
    13. cc44-5W
    14. National Minimum Wage 138 words
    15. c45W
    16. Post Offices 196 words
    17. c45W
    18. Benefit Payment Methods 212 words
    19. cc45-6W
    20. "The Rising Tide" 180 words
    21. cc46-8W
    22. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries 1,037 words
    23. c48W
    24. Information Technology 129 words
    25. cc48-9W
    26. Companies (Political Fundraising) 393 words
    27. c49W
    28. Ethical Trading Initiative 103 words
    29. c49W
    30. Internet 87 words
    31. cc49-50W
    32. Defence-related Exports 214 words
    33. c50W
    34. Parental Leave 158 words
    35. cc50-1W
    36. European Employment Pact 132 words
    1. c51W
    2. Territorial Army 60 words
    3. c51W
    4. European Defence and Security Policy 78 words
    5. c51W
    6. Elvington Airfield 57 words
    7. c51W
    8. Royal Ordnance 103 words
    9. cc51-2W
    10. Kosovo 205 words
    11. c52W
    12. Armed Forces (Homosexuals) 242 words
    13. cc52-3W
    14. Transport Aircraft 61 words
    15. c53W
    16. Type 45 Destroyers 129 words
    17. c53W
    18. US (Discussions) 35 words
    19. c53W
    20. Cadets 94 words
    21. cc53-4W
    22. Service Families (Schools) 181 words
    23. c54W
    24. Armed Forces (Women) 105 words
    25. c54W
    26. Anglo-French Co-operation 172 words
    27. cc54-5W
    28. Defence Medical Services 67 words
    29. c55W
    30. Ballistic Missile 50 words
    31. c55W
    32. Missile Systems 74 words
    33. c55W
    34. Merchant Ships 93 words
    35. c55W
    36. Navy Manpower 84 words
    37. cc55-6W
    38. Eurofighter 329 words
    39. c56W
    40. Joint Rapid Reaction Force 101 words
    41. cc56-7W
    42. Service Personnel (Medical Treatment) 99 words
    43. c57W
    44. A400M Project 180 words
    45. cc57-9W
    46. Gardening Leave 838 words
    47. c59W
    48. Unexploded Ordnance 73 words
    49. cc59-60W
    50. AWE Aldermaston 223 words
    51. c60W
    52. Indonesia 184 words
    53. c60W
    54. Departmental Smoking Policy 91 words
    55. c60W
    56. Departmental Property Disposals 105 words
    57. cc60-2W
    58. Departmental Lawyers 702 words
    59. cc62-3W
    60. Departmental Fees 580 words
    61. cc63-4W
    62. European Peacekeeping Corps. 301 words
    63. cc64-5W
    64. Engineers 440 words
    65. cc65-6W
    66. Training 305 words
    67. c66W
    68. Sonar 171 words
    69. c66W
    70. Overstretch 83 words
    71. cc66-7W
    72. Press Releases 61 words
    73. c67W
    74. British Forces Post Office 57 words
    75. c67W
    76. Battle of Britain 116 words
    77. cc67-8W
    78. Royal Irish Regiment 230 words
    79. c68W
    80. Prison Ships 52 words
    81. cc68-9W
    82. Recruitment Advertising 624 words
    83. cc69-70W
    84. SA80 Weapon System 361 words
    85. c70W
    86. Nancekuke 190 words
    87. c70W
    88. GPS Guided Munitions 125 words
    89. cc70-1W
    90. Private Finance Initiative 74 words
    1. cc71-2W
    2. Civil Service Management (Delegations) 528 words
    3. c72W
    4. Government Reports 42 words
    5. c72W
    6. Departmental Smoking Policy 100 words
    1. cc72-3W
    2. World Trade Organisation 537 words
    3. cc73-4W
    4. Kosovo 270 words
    5. cc74-5W
    6. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries 232 words
    7. c75W
    8. Bilateral Debt Relief 94 words
    9. cc75-6W
    10. Departmental Expenditure 292 words
    11. c76W
    12. Special Advisers 69 words
    13. c76W
    14. Ministerial Offices 66 words
    15. c76W
    16. Indigenous Cultures 81 words
    17. cc76-7W
    18. UN Reform 348 words
    19. c77W
    20. Departmental Premises 41 words
    21. cc77-8W
    22. Aid Suspensions 98 words
    23. c78W
    24. North Caucasus 123 words
    25. c78W
    26. British Council 102 words
    27. c78W
    28. Departmental Public Information Line 43 words
    29. cc78-9W
    30. Departmental Website 49 words
    31. c79W
    32. Russia 58 words
    1. c79W
    2. House of Lords 71 words
    1. cc79-80W
    2. Organised Fraud 349 words
    3. c80W
    4. Child Support Agency 150 words
    5. c80W
    6. Post Offices 61 words
    7. cc80-1W
    8. Winter Fuel Payments 324 words
    9. cc81-2W
    10. Pensioner Incomes 520 words
    11. cc82-3W
    12. Benefit Payment Methods 142 words
    13. c83W
    14. Councillors (Incapacity Benefit) 176 words
    15. cc83-4W
    16. Departmental Smoking Policy 281 words
    17. c84W
    18. Pensions (Non-residents) 344 words
    19. cc84-5W
    20. Disability Living Allowance 206 words
    21. cc85-6W
    22. State Pension 701 words
    23. cc86-7W
    24. Habitual Residence Test 146 words
    25. c87W
    26. Correspondence 68 words
    1. cc87-8W
    2. Wembley Stadium 434 words
    3. c88W
    4. Olympic Games Stadium 129 words
    5. c88W
    6. Sports Tourism Strategy 80 words
    7. cc88-9W
    8. Swimming Pools 199 words
    9. c89W
    10. Departmental Smoking Policy 137 words
    11. c89W
    12. Post Offices 63 words
    13. cc89-90W
    14. Departmental Properties 229 words
    15. c90W
    16. Television Subtitles 238 words
    17. cc90-1W
    18. National Lottery 159 words
    19. c91W
    20. Television Licences (Pensioners) 167 words
    21. c91W
    22. Running Tracks 31 words
    23. cc91-2W
    24. Tourist Attractions (North-West) 91 words
    1. cc92-4W
    2. Hague Convention 1,056 words
    3. c94W
    4. Post Offices 58 words
    5. c94W
    6. Private Finance Initiative 76 words
  16. HEALTH
    1. c95W
    2. Gammahydroxybutyrate 203 words
    3. c95W
    4. Thrombolytic Drugs 148 words
    5. cc95-6W
    6. Food Hygiene 55 words
    7. c96W
    8. In-vitro Fertilisation 77 words
    9. c96W
    10. Malnutrition 186 words
    11. cc96-7W
    12. Breast Feeding 507 words
    13. cc97-8W
    14. Employment Statistics 277 words
    15. cc98-9W
    16. Drug Treatment 405 words
    17. c99W
    18. Vaccinations 306 words
    19. cc99-100W
    20. Infectious Diseases 111 words
    21. c100W
    22. Lung Cancer 172 words
    23. cc100-1W
    24. Neurology Treatment 216 words
    25. c101W
    26. Heart Disease 95 words
    27. c101W
    28. Diabetics 37 words
    29. c101W
    30. NHS Litigation Authority 107 words
    31. c101W
    32. Babies (Heroin Addiction) 44 words
    33. cc101-2W
    34. Generic Drugs 81 words
    35. c102W
    36. Morphine and Diamorphine 334 words
    37. cc102-3W
    38. Intensive Care Beds 343 words
    39. cc103-5W
    40. NHS Staff 978 words
    41. c105W
    42. Data Protection 119 words
    43. c105W
    44. Accident and Emergency Departments (West Midlands) 85 words
    45. cc105-6W
    46. Diseases 392 words
    47. cc106-7W
    48. National Radiological Protection Board 207 words
    49. c107W
    50. Dentistry 219 words
    51. cc107-8W
    52. Hospital Waiting Lists (Mid-Essex) 289 words
    53. c108W
    54. Pay Settlement (North-West Lancashire) 136 words
    55. cc108-9W
    56. Private Finance Initiative 58 words
    57. c109W
    58. Hearing Aids 98 words
    1. c109W
    2. House Repossessions (Income Support) 92 words
    3. c109W
    4. Deregulation 91 words
    5. cc109-11W
    6. Debt Relief 869 words
    7. cc111-2W
    8. Friendly Societies 128 words
    9. c112W
    10. VAT 205 words
    11. c112W
    12. Personal Allowances 98 words
    13. cc112-3W
    14. Income Tax 360 words
    15. c113W
    16. Economic and Monetary Union 110 words
    17. cc113-4W
    18. Law Students (Vocational Training Relief) 174 words
    19. c114W
    20. Armed Forces Commitment 62 words
    21. c114W
    22. Bilateral Financial Assistance 155 words
    23. cc114-5W
    24. Departmental Consultation 103 words
    25. c115W
    26. Transferable Tax Allowance 211 words
    27. c115W
    28. Childcare Tax Credit 130 words
    29. cc115-6W
    30. Financial Services Authority 237 words
    31. c116W
    32. Higher Rate Taxpayers 237 words
    33. cc116-7W
    34. Departmental Smoking Policy 67 words
    35. c117W
    36. Credit Unions 54 words
    37. c117W
    38. Revenue Losses 71 words
    39. c117W
    40. Financial Secretary (Shareholdings) 65 words
    41. c117W
    42. Efficiency Improvements 88 words
    43. cc117-8W
    44. Private Finance Initiative 256 words
    45. c118W
    46. National Insurance Records 83 words
    47. cc118-21W
    48. Agricultural Workers (Suicide) 1,521 words
    1. c121W
    2. GM Crops 169 words
    3. cc121-2W
    4. Korean Airlines Crash, Stansted 260 words
    5. c122W
    6. Driving Licences 80 words
    7. c122W
    8. Homeless People 106 words
    9. cc122-3W
    10. Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee 112 words
    11. c123W
    12. Tourist Attractions 110 words
    13. c123W
    14. Councillors 101 words
    15. cc123-4W
    16. Council Housing 171 words
    17. c124W
    18. Departmental Smoking Policy 107 words
    19. cc124-5W
    20. Cable Telecommunications 343 words
    21. c125W
    22. Washable Nappies 98 words
    23. c125W
    24. Rural Bus Services (Chorley) 86 words
    25. cc125-6W
    26. Europe/North-West Rail Link 81 words
    27. c126W
    28. Traffic Congestion 137 words
    29. c126W
    30. Wide Loads 80 words
    31. cc126-7W
    32. Waste Disposal (London) 561 words
    33. cc127-8W
    34. Water Industry 264 words
    35. c128W
    36. Road Safety Schemes 92 words
    37. cc128-9W
    38. Leasehold Valuation Tribunals 222 words
    39. c129W
    40. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 229 words
    41. c129W
    42. House Building (Shropshire) 60 words
    43. cc129-30W
    44. Rats 140 words
    45. c130W
    46. Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 101 words
    47. c130W
    48. Post Offices 215 words
    49. cc130-1W
    50. Housing Associations 327 words
    51. cc131-2W
    52. Airline Accidents 244 words
    53. c132W
    54. London Underground 81 words
    55. c132W
    56. Jubilee Line Extension 153 words
    57. cc132-3W
    58. Rail Passenger Partnership (Merseyside) 87 words
    59. c133W
    60. Greenbelt Land 93 words
    61. cc133-4W
    62. Local Government Finance 322 words
    63. c134W
    64. Welsh Assembly 125 words
    65. cc134-5W
    66. Rail Franchising 136 words
    67. c135W
    68. Storm Damage 104 words
    69. c135W
    70. Multilateral Environmental Agreements 249 words
    71. cc135-6W
    72. Severn Trent Water 326 words
    73. c136W
    74. French Lorry Strike 91 words
    75. cc136-7W
    76. School Buses 143 words
    77. c137W
    78. Motor Insurance 166 words
    79. cc137-8W
    80. DVLA 352 words
    81. c138W
    82. Regional Chambers 85 words
    83. cc138-9W
    84. Salisbury Railway Station 469 words
    85. cc139-40W
    86. Ministerial Engagements 117 words
    87. c140W
    88. Allington, Incinerator 223 words

Lords Sitting of 24 January 2000 Series 5 Vol. 608

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc1317-8
  3. OECD Anti-bribery Convention 532 words
  4. cc1318-22
  5. House of Lords Reform 2,039 words
  6. cc1323-5
  7. Probation Service 1,068 words
  8. cc1325-7
  9. Deaths in Custody 728 words
  10. c1327
  11. Race Relations (Amendment) Bill [H.L.] 56 words
  12. cc1327-44
  13. Armed Forces Discipline Bill [H.L.] 8,941 words
  14. cc1344-51
  15. Nuclear Safeguards Bill [H.L.] 3,768 words
  16. cc1352-410
  17. Limited Liability Partnerships Bill [H.L.] 30,018 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 24 January 2000 Series 5 Vol. 608

  1. Ridgeway National Trail 226 words
  2. Multi-storey Car Parks 395 words
  3. River Wye Navigation Order 198 words
  4. Eurocontrol: Charges 542 words
  5. Anti-personnel Mines Stocked in UK 75 words
  6. Nuclear Deterrent 205 words
  7. Organophosphates: Long-term Low-level Exposure 529 words
  8. Gulf War: Biological Warfare Immunisation Programme 351 words
  9. Alleged Chemical Warfare Incident, Al Jubayl, 19 January 1991 193 words
  10. Gulf Veterans' Medical Assessment Programme Audit 143 words
  11. Objective 2 Areas 89 words
  12. A & E Facilities, City of London 102 words
  13. NHS Trusts: Waiting List Reduction 71 words
  14. "Epidemic": Definition 375 words
  15. Private Intensive Care Beds Available to NHS Trusts 98 words
  16. Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) Bill [H.L.] 437 words
  17. Criminal Justice System and Ethnicity 456 words
  18. Income Support and Lone Parents 425 words
  19. Minimum Wage 85 words
  20. Reduced Benefit Directions 162 words