HC Deb 24 January 2000 vol 343 c19W
Mr. Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if the phrase "any imposition of a similar nature", used in his answer of 8 April 1998,Official Report, column 262W, has the same meaning as in paragraph 10.5(f) of the White Paper on Interception of Communications in the United Kingdom (Cm 4368). [106059]

Mr. Charles Clarke

Yes. The intention is to provide a statutory framework to regulate the disclosure of communications data to investigating agencies. The grounds upon which disclosure of communications data may be required will be consistent with those contained in existing data protection legislation, and use of this power will be audited by an independent Commissioner, to ensure it is used only where necessary and proportionate to the matter under investigation. The new regime will also be governed by a statutory Code of Practice.