Commons Sitting of 16 February 1994 Series 6 Vol. 237

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c927
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. Environment
      1. cc927-8
      2. Compulsory Competitive Tendering 651 words
      3. cc928-30
      4. Local Government (Fraud and Corruption) 901 words
      5. cc930-2
      6. Rent-to-mortgage Scheme 783 words
      7. cc932-3
      8. Water (Compulsory Metering) 656 words
      9. cc933-4
      10. Water Charges 564 words
      11. cc934-5
      12. Housing Stock 415 words
      13. cc935-6
      14. Local Government Commission 727 words
      15. cc936-8
      16. Housing Association Houses 948 words
      17. cc938-9
      18. Battersea Power Station 427 words
      19. cc939-40
      20. Council Accommodation 645 words
      21. cc940-1
      22. Energy Efficiency 500 words
      23. cc941-2
      24. Local Government Finance 382 words
      25. cc942-3
      26. Car Boot Sales 564 words
      27. cc943-4
      28. Local Government Finance 277 words
      29. cc944-5
      30. Single-tier Local Government 287 words
  5. British Steel 5,554 words
  6. cc956-9
  7. Points of Order 1,210 words
  8. cc959-62
  9. Assistance for Local Authority Leaseholders 1,163 words
    1. cc961-2
  10. Orders of the Day
    1. cc962-84
    2. Channel Tunnel 12,289 words
    3. cc984-1040
    4. Pensions and Benefits 31,871 words, 5 divisions
      1. cc1040-1
      2. London Cab Trade 161 words
    6. Pennine Wind Farms 4,129 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 16 February 1994 Series 6 Vol. 237

    1. c763W
    2. Court of Appeal 183 words
    3. cc763-4W
    4. Public Bodies 384 words
    1. cc764-5W
    2. EU Foreign Affairs Council 792 words
    3. cc765-6W
    4. Visits Abroad 296 words
    5. c766W
    6. Paedophiles 152 words
    7. cc766-7W
    8. British Virgin Islands 73 words
    9. c767W
    10. External Relations Budget 230 words
    11. cc767-8W
    12. Kashmir 97 words
    13. c768W
    14. Bananas 66 words
    15. c768W
    16. Equipment Thefts 123 words
    17. cc768-9W
    18. Liberia 348 words
    1. c769W
    2. Advisers 80 words
    3. cc769-70W
    4. European Funds 229 words
    5. c770W
    6. Cabinet Ministers 31 words
    7. c770W
    8. Upper Limb Deformities 127 words
    1. c770W
    2. Benefits (Administration) 57 words
    3. c770W
    4. Overseas Visits 52 words
    5. cc770-1W
    6. Independent Living Fund 124 words
    7. c771W
    8. Incapacity Assessment 124 words
    9. c771W
    10. Equipment Thefts 141 words
    11. cc771-2W
    12. Correspondence 65 words
    13. c772W
    14. Child Maintenance Deductions 65 words
    15. c772W
    16. Child Support Agency 135 words
    1. cc772-3W
    2. Indonesia 314 words
    3. c773W
    4. Malaysia 75 words
    5. c773W
    6. Aid Targeting 153 words
    7. cc773-4W
    8. Russian Federation 76 words
    9. c774W
    10. Madagascar 74 words
    1. c774W
    2. Cloisters (Allocation of Areas) 75 words
    1. c774W
    2. Equipment Thefts 62 words
    1. cc774-5W
    2. Public Bodies 263 words
    3. cc775-6W
    4. Air Misses 402 words
    5. c776W
    6. Advertising 92 words
    7. cc776-7W
    8. London Transport Projects 451 words
    9. c777W
    10. A303 (Stonehenge) 186 words
    11. cc777-9W
    12. Channel Tunnel Rail Link 485 words
    13. c779W
    14. Public Transport (Financial Inducements) 331 words
    15. c779W
    16. London Underground 43 words
    17. c779W
    18. Blackwall Third Crossing 37 words
    19. cc779-80W
    20. East London Line 94 words
    21. c780W
    22. Traffic Growth 315 words
    23. cc780-1W
    24. Carbon Dioxide Emmissions 232 words
    25. c781W
    26. Civil Aviation Authority 292 words
    27. cc781-2W
    28. London Underground 173 words
    1. cc782-3W
    2. West Midlands Serious Crime Squad 135 words
    3. c783W
    4. Scott Inquiry 49 words
    5. c783W
    6. Combat 18 115 words
    7. cc783-4W
    8. Equipment Theft 306 words
    1. cc784-5W
    2. Public Appointments 334 words
    3. cc785-6W
    4. Executive Agency Chief Executives 789 words
    1. c787W
    2. Insurance Premium Tax 140 words
    3. c787W
    4. Division of Telecommunications 119 words
    5. c787W
    6. Scott Inquiry 47 words
    7. c787W
    8. Domestic Fuel Consumption 59 words
    9. cc787-8W
    10. Public Appointments 53 words
    11. c788W
    12. Exchange Rate 98 words
    13. c788W
    14. Caribbean (Offshore Companies) 137 words
    15. c788W
    16. Gross Domestic Product 85 words
    17. c788W
    18. Inheritance Tax (Works of Art) 57 words
    19. cc788-9W
    20. Taxpayers 146 words
    21. c789W
    22. British Aerospace 56 words
    23. c789W
    24. Banks 62 words
    25. c789W
    26. Tax Changes 137 words
    27. cc789-90W
    28. Pensioners 295 words
    1. cc790-1W
    2. Public Bodies 178 words
    3. c791W
    4. Consultants 64 words
    5. c791W
    6. Equipment Thefts 60 words
    7. c791W
    8. British Library 58 words
    9. cc791-4W
    10. Royal Parks 1,625 words
    11. cc794-6W
    12. Advertising 717 words
    13. c796W
    14. Royal Palaces 122 words
    1. c797W
    2. Sexual Harassment 453 words
    3. c797W
    4. Prison Food 100 words
    5. cc797-8W
    6. Ethnic Minorities 124 words
    7. cc798-800W
    8. Sexual Offences 958 words
    9. cc800-1W
    10. Metropolitan Police 161 words
    11. c801W
    12. Police Authority Members 32 words
    13. c801W
    14. Traffic Police 172 words
    15. c801W
    16. Advertising 23 words
    17. cc801-9W
    18. Ministerial Travel 191 words
      1. c803W
      2. TABLE A 139 words
      3. cc803-4W
      4. Public Bodies 301 words
      5. cc804-5W
      6. Equipment Thefts 232 words
      7. c805W
      8. Combat 18 188 words
      9. cc805-6W
      10. Fire and Civil Defence Authorities 630 words
      11. cc806-7W
      12. Inspectorate of Fire Services 70 words
      13. c807W
      14. Police Duties 967 words
      15. cc807-8W
      16. Remand 125 words
      17. cc808-9W
      18. Cannabis 368 words
      19. c809W
      20. Police Officers 90 words
    1. c809W
    2. Local Government Boundaries 71 words
    3. c809W
    4. Council House Rents 63 words
    5. cc809-10W
    6. London Policy 48 words
    7. c810W
    8. City Challenge (Leicester) 123 words
    9. c810W
    10. Cash Incentive Scheme 87 words
    11. c810W
    12. Building and Construction Industry Activity 75 words
    13. cc810-1W
    14. Plymouth (Regional Sub-office) 48 words
    15. c811W
    16. EC Water Directives 130 words
    17. c811W
    18. Social Housing Sector 127 words
    19. cc811-2W
    20. Local Authority Housing 264 words
    21. c812W
    22. Local Government Finance 189 words
    23. c812W
    24. Hedgerows 42 words
    25. cc812-3W
    26. Compulsory Competitive Tendering 193 words
    27. c813W
    28. Ofwat 106 words
    29. c813W
    30. Local Government Review 85 words
    31. c813W
    32. Housing Association Houses 60 words
    33. cc813-4W
    34. Water Pollution 93 words
    35. c814W
    36. Species Action Plans 105 words
    37. c814W
    38. Biodiversity Action Plan 69 words
    39. c814W
    40. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 35 words
    41. cc814-5W
    42. Recycling 143 words
    43. c815W
    44. Sewage Discharge Consents 86 words
    45. c815W
    46. Miners' Welfare Schemes 65 words
    47. c815W
    48. Local Government Commission 37 words
    49. c815W
    50. Councillors (Directorships) 44 words
    51. cc815-6W
    52. Local Authority Reorganisation Costs 254 words
    53. c816W
    54. Electrical Wiring 181 words
    1. cc816-7W
    2. Defence Weapons Establishment 387 words
    3. c817W
    4. Child Support Agency 71 words
    5. cc817-9W
    6. Low Flying 700 words
    7. c819W
    8. Aircraft Movements 224 words
    9. cc819-20W
    10. Institute of Community and Occupational Medicine 275 words
    11. cc820-1W
    12. Nuclear Test Participants 514 words
    13. c821W
    14. Equipment Thefts 57 words
    15. c821W
    16. RAF Saxa Vord (Sewage Treatment) 124 words
    17. c821W
    18. Noise Pollution (Compensation) 42 words
    19. cc821-2W
    20. Armed Services Personnel 189 words
    21. cc822-3W
    22. Nuclear Defence Capability (Test) 155 words
    23. c823W
    24. Civil Defence Force (Medals) 138 words
    25. c823W
    26. Communications Satellite 128 words
    27. c823W
    28. Mr. Gordon Foxley 55 words
    1. cc823-5W
    2. Labour Statistics 892 words
    3. cc825-6W
    4. Industrial Accidents, Injuries and Illness 331 words
    5. cc826-7W
    6. Jobcentres 152 words
    7. c827W
    8. Ministerial Travel 164 words
    9. c827W
    10. Aero-generators 67 words
    11. cc827-8W
    12. EC Structural Funds 166 words
    13. c828W
    14. Working Conditions 88 words
    1. c828W
    2. Engineering Technology Advisory Committee 33 words
    3. c828W
    4. Hearing Aid Council 116 words
    5. c828W
    6. National Consumers Consultative Committee 34 words
    7. cc828-9W
    8. Estate Agents 208 words
    9. c829W
    10. British Hallmarking Council 107 words
    11. cc829-30W
    12. Car Imports 352 words
    13. c830W
    14. Rover Group 60 words
    15. c830W
    16. Timber and Pulp 157 words
    17. cc830-1W
    18. Parcelforce 63 words
    19. c831W
    20. Dress Sizes 140 words
    21. c831W
    22. Export Credits Guarantee Department 117 words
    23. cc831-2W
    24. Tin Mining 278 words
    25. c832W
    26. Enterprise Initiative 58 words
    27. cc832-3W
    28. Ministerial Travel 594 words
    29. c833W
    30. Industry (Financial Assistance) 95 words
    31. cc833-4W
    32. Steel Mills 67 words
    33. c834W
    34. British Coal 57 words
    35. c834W
    36. North Sea Gas 250 words
    37. cc834-5W
    38. Oil Pollution 431 words
    39. c835W
    40. Oil Licensing 131 words
    41. cc835-6W
    42. Pension Plans 314 words
    43. cc836-7W
    44. Textile Tariffs 150 words
    1. c837W
    2. Surplus Places 124 words
    3. cc837-8W
    4. Grant-maintained Schools 393 words
    5. cc838-9W
    6. Autism 323 words
    7. c839W
    8. Bullying 154 words
    9. c839W
    10. Further Education Colleges, Coventry 101 words
    11. cc839-41W
    12. Sixth Forms 1,225 words
    13. c841W
    14. Equipment Thefts 219 words
    15. cc841-2W
    16. Prospect School, Berkshire 71 words
    17. c842W
    18. Holdback Grant 183 words
    19. c842W
    20. Colleges Employers Forum 103 words
    21. c842W
    22. Education Bill 82 words
    1. cc843-7W
    2. Public Bodies 1,359 words
    3. c847W
    4. Correspondence 46 words
    5. c847W
    6. Animal Welfare 359 words
    7. cc847-8W
    8. Pig Meat 256 words
    9. cc848-9W
    10. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 603 words
    11. c849W
    12. Farm Animals (Export) 77 words
    13. cc849-50W
    14. Fishermen 101 words
    15. c850W
    16. Whales 113 words
    17. c850W
    18. Banana Producers 155 words
    19. c850W
    20. Organic Farming 84 words
    21. cc850-1W
    22. Sea Mammal Research Unit (Guidelines) 158 words
    23. c851W
    24. State Veterinary Service 81 words
    25. c851W
    26. Poland (Spirits Quotas) 154 words
    1. cc851-2W
    2. Central Services Agency 70 words
    3. cc852-4W
    4. Health and Social Services Councils 925 words
    5. cc854-5W
    6. Income Support and Family Credit 324 words
    7. c855W
    8. NHS Private Facilities 93 words
    9. c855W
    10. Wind Turbines 66 words
    11. cc855-6W
    12. Child Support 176 words
    13. c856W
    14. Catalytic Converters 141 words
    15. cc856-7W
    16. Public Bodies 403 words
    17. cc857-9W
    18. Equipment Thefts 1,006 words
    19. c859W
    20. Health Service Expenditure 158 words
  21. HEALTH
    1. c860W
    2. Indicative Prescribing 55 words
    3. cc860-1W
    4. Psychiatric Care 276 words
    5. c861W
    6. Smoking 286 words
    7. cc861-2W
    8. Parkinson's Disease 177 words
    9. c862W
    10. Safe Sex 136 words
    11. cc862-3W
    12. Local Authorities (Charging Guidance) 93 words
    13. c863W
    14. Car Parking Charges 64 words
    15. c863W
    16. Emergency Fees (Collection by NHS Trusts) 94 words
    17. c863W
    18. Bed Allocations 122 words
    19. cc863-4W
    20. Reports (Costs) 123 words
    21. c864W
    22. Paediatric Intensive Care 159 words
    23. c864W
    24. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 109 words
    25. cc864-5W
    26. Ambulance Service, London 264 words
    27. c865W
    28. South Yorkshire Ambulance Trust 50 words
    29. c865W
    30. Accident and Emergency Services, London 70 words
    31. c865W
    32. Mentally Disturbed Children 105 words
    33. cc865-6W
    34. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 113 words
    35. c866W
    36. Public Relations 60 words
    37. c866W
    38. Agency Nurses, Wandsworth 54 words
    39. c866W
    40. Sir James Ackers 96 words
    41. c866W
    42. Mr. John Hoare 81 words
    43. cc866-7W
    44. NHS (Meetings) 72 words
    45. c867W
    46. Hospital Trusts 147 words
    47. c867W
    48. Health Authorities 36 words
    49. cc867-8W
    50. Steroids 203 words
    51. c868W
    52. Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital 93 words
    53. c868W
    54. West Midlands Health Authority 187 words
    55. cc868-9W
    56. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 174 words
    57. c869W
    58. Health Expenditure (Southend) 143 words
    59. c869W
    60. Bexley Health Authority 120 words
    61. cc869-70W
    62. Agency Services 234 words
    63. c870W
    64. Task Forces 163 words
    65. c870W
    66. Child Abuse 103 words
    1. cc870-2W
    2. Forestry 635 words
    3. c872W
    4. Livestock Farms 147 words
    5. cc872-3W
    6. Farm Incomes 664 words
    7. cc873-5W
    8. Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances 439 words
    9. c875W
    10. A1 (Dualling) 123 words
    11. cc875-6W
    12. North-West Sutherland 392 words
    13. c876W
    14. Self-governing Schools 74 words
    15. cc876-7W
    16. Criminal Justice 190 words
    17. c877W
    18. Sheltered Housing 266 words
    19. c877W
    20. Disabled People 121 words
    21. cc877-8W
    22. Quarries 194 words
    23. c878W
    24. Sporting Rates 119 words
    25. c878W
    26. Football Stadiums 54 words
    27. c878W
    28. Local Enterprise Companies 49 words
    29. cc878-9W
    30. Carbon Dioxide 204 words
    31. c879W
    32. New Towns 82 words
    33. c879W
    34. Property Lettings 100 words
    35. cc879-80W
    36. Housing, Irvine 81 words
    37. c880W
    38. Planning Permission 206 words
  23. WALES
    1. c880W
    2. Public Bodies 49 words
    3. cc880-1W
    4. Environmental Education 90 words
    5. c881W
    6. Sustainable Development 133 words
    7. c881W
    8. Wind Turbines 45 words
    9. c881W
    10. Heritage Trusts 129 words
    11. cc881-2W
    12. EU Council of Ministers 100 words
    13. c882W
    14. Sheep Scab 57 words
    15. c882W
    16. Advertising 268 words
    17. cc882-3W
    18. Welsh House Condition Survey 37 words
    19. c883W
    20. Compulsory Competitive Tendering 123 words
    21. c883W
    22. Energy Efficiency Office 48 words
    23. c883W
    24. Industrial Aid 252 words
    25. cc883-4W
    26. Assisted Places Scheme 211 words
    27. c884W
    28. Wind Power 149 words
    29. cc884-5W
    30. Equipment Thefts 205 words
    31. cc885-6W
    32. A55 Conwy Tunnel 117 words
    33. c886W
    34. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority 41 words

Lords Sitting of 16 February 1994 Series 5 Vol. 552

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. c199
  3. Lord Wright of Richmond 44 words
  4. cc199-201
  5. Police Disclosure of Information 1,145 words
  6. cc201-3
  7. London County Courts 952 words
  8. cc203-5
  9. NATO: Defence and Aid Expenditure 1,083 words
  10. cc206-8
  11. Sarajevo 1,233 words
  12. c208
  13. City of Westminster Bill [H.L.] 13 words
  14. c208
  15. Commons Registration (East Sussex) Bill [H.L.] 11 words
  16. c208
  17. Hill Samuel Bank and United Dominions Trust Bill [H.L.] 9 words
  18. cc208-39
  19. Inquisitorial Tribunals and Inquiries 17,512 words
  20. cc240-70
  21. Car Crime 16,799 words
  22. cc270-82
  23. Immigration Practice 6,321 words