Sir George Cave

1856 - March 29, 1928
Summary information for Sir George Cave



NEW CLAUSE.—(Remuneration and Employment o Semi-skilled and Unskilled Labour.) Commons January 4, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Minor Amendments of Principal Act.) Commons January 4, 1916

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(preservation of Trade Union Customs.) Commons January 4, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Amendment of Section 7 of principal Act.) Commons January 4, 1916

CLAUSE 10.—(Extension of Section 11 of Principal Act.) Commons January 4, 1916

CLAUSE 1.—(Application of Army Act to Naval Forces Serving on Shore in Certain Cases.) Commons January 13, 1916

2 speeches — CUSTOMS (WAR POWERS) (AMENDMENT) BILL. Commons January 13, 1916

7 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Provisions as to Mortgagees in Possession.) Commons January 13, 1916

7 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Short Title.) Commons January 13, 1916

NAVAL PRIZE PROCEDURE BILL. Commons February 24, 1916

LARD EXPORT. Written Answers March 7, 1916

GRAND JURYMEN. Written Answers March 7, 1916

INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE. Written Answers March 7, 1916


SIR ROGER CASEMENT. Commons May 8, 1916

MARRIED MEN ABROAD. Written Answers May 8, 1916

15 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Extension and Continued Operation of Military Service Act, 1916. 5 and 6 Geo. 5, c. 104.) Commons May 9, 1916

5 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Power of County Courts to Determine Leases to Members of His Majesty's Forces.) Commons May 9, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Modification of Exceptions from Service.) Commons May 10, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Provisions as to Certificates of Exemption.) Commons May 10, 1916

CLAUSE 5.—(Amendment of s. 3 (3) of the Principal Act.) Commons May 10, 1916

CLAUSE 6.—(Proof of Offences in Connection with Deserters and Absentees.) Commons May 10, 1916

8 speeches — CLAUSE 7.—(Duty to Produce Certificate of Exemption or to Give Particulars.) Commons May 10, 1916

CLAUSE 8.—(Provision as to Notices, etc.) Commons May 10, 1916

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of Sub-section (2) of Section One of the Principal Act.) Commons May 11, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Power to Local Tribunal to make Attendance at Drill with Volunteer Corps a Condition of Exemption from Military Service.) Commons May 11, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of s.2, ss.(1), of Principal Act.) Commons May 11, 1916

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Constitution and Procedure of the Tribunals.) Commons May 11, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption of Sole Head of Business.) Commons May 11, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Construction of Paragraph (b) of Sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Principal Act.) Commons May 11, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Certificate of Exemption.) Commons May 11, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Conditional Certificate of Exemption.) Commons May 11, 1916

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Certificates of Exemption.) Commons May 11, 1916

4 speeches — ALEXANDER'S RESTITUTION BILL. Commons May 11, 1916

5 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Procedure in Cases of Conscientious Objection.) Commons May 15, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Extension and Continued Operation of Military Service Act, 1916.) Commons May 16, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Prolongation of Expiring Terms of Service.) Commons May 16, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 5.—(Amendment of Section 3 (3) of the Principal Act). Commons May 16, 1916

CLAUSE 11.—(Amendment of the Army (Transfers) Act, 1915. 5 & 6 Geo. 5, c. 43.) Commons May 16, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Provisions as to Certificates of Exemption). Commons May 24, 1916

CLAUSE 6.—(Amendment of Section 3 (3) of the Principal Act.). Commons May 24, 1916

CLAUSE 9.—(Duty to Produce Certificate of Exemption or to Give Particulars.) Commons May 24, 1916



3 speeches — COURTS (EMERGENCY POWERS—AMENDMENT, No. 2) BILL. Commons May 29, 1916

4 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Amendment of Principal Act as to Mortgagees and Companies.) Commons May 30, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Power of County Court to Remove). Commons May 30, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Power to Court to Suspend Period for Prescription Running in Certain Cases.) Commons May 30, 1916

2 speeches — FINANCE (EXCHANGE OF SECURITIES). Commons May 30, 1916

2 speeches — Parliamentary Elections (Returning Officers' Expenses). Commons June 22, 1916


18 speeches — DEFENCE OF THE REALM (ACQUISITION OF LAND) BILL. Commons July 5, 1916

2 speeches — DEFENCE OF THE REALM (ACQUISITION OF LAND)— [EXPENSES.] Commons July 11, 1916

Llanharran Estate, Glamorgan. Written Answers July 12, 1916

7 speeches — RE-ELECTION OF MINISTERS BILL. Commons July 13, 1916

38 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Continuation of Possession of Land Occupied for the Purposes of the Defence of the Realm.) Commons July 17, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Power to Remove Buildings and Works.) Commons July 17, 1916

MARTIAL LAW. Written Answers July 17, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Powers of Commissioners.) Commons July 27, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Indemnity to Witnesses.) Commons July 27, 1916

7 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Power to Remove Buildings and Works.) Commons July 27, 1916

14 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Power to Acquire Land Permanently.) Commons July 27, 1916

CLAUSE 2.—(Powers of Commissioners.) Commons August 1, 1916

CLAUSE 3.—(Discretion to Hold Proceedings Either in Public or in Private.) Commons August 1, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Indemnity to Witnesses.) Commons August 1, 1916

CLAUSE 1.—(Rules of Procedure of Courts of Inquiry.) Commons August 7, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(User of Land and Buildings for Telegraphie Lines.) Commons August 7, 1916

Larceny Bill (Joint Select Committee). Written Answers August 7, 1916

TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. Commons August 8, 1916

ENEMY PROPERTY. Commons August 8, 1916

CLAUSE 1.—(Further Prolongation of Present Parliament, 5 and 6 Geo. V., c. 100.) Commons August 17, 1916

CLAUSE 2.—(Further Postponement of Local Elections.) Commons August 17, 1916

4 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Power to Acquire Land Permanently.) Commons August 21, 1916

28 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(User of Land Acquired.) Commons August 21, 1916

5 speeches — CLAUSE 5.—(Power to Sell Land Acquired under Act.) Commons August 21, 1916

10 speeches — CLAUSE 6.—(Provisions as to Highways.) Commons August 21, 1916

9 speeches — CLAUSE 7.—(Provision as to Water, Light, Heat, and Tower.) Commons August 21, 1916

12 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Determination of Questions by Railway and Canal Commission.) Commons August 21, 1916

CLAUSE 10.— (Evidence of Certificate by Government Department.) Commons August 21, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 11.—(Interpretation.) Commons August 21, 1916

11 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Savings.) Commons August 21, 1916

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Claims for Compensation.) Commons August 21, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Power to Grant or Demise Land to Department for Perpetual Bent.) Commons August 21, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Buildings Erected by Government.) Commons August 21, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Saving for Commons, Open Spaces, and Allotments.) Commons August 21, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Bight of Reference by Persons Interested.) Commons August 21, 1916

11 speeches — MODIFICATION OF THE LANDS CLAUSES ACTS. Commons August 21, 1916

16 speeches — MODIFICATION OF THE LANDS CLAUSES ACTS. Commons October 10, 1916

3 speeches — LARCENY BILL.— [Lords.] Commons October 10, 1916

CLAUSE 33.—(Receiving.) Commons October 24, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 41.—(Arrest Without Warrant.) Commons October 24, 1916

NEW CLAUSE.—(Application of Building Laws.) Commons October 25, 1916

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Particulars of Valuations to be Ascertained and Recorded.) Commons October 25, 1916

6 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Continuation of Possession of Land Occupied for the Purposes of the Defence of the Realm.) Commons October 25, 1916

9 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Power to Remove Buildings and Works.) Commons October 25, 1916

5 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Power to Acquire Land Permanently). Commons October 25, 1916

13 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(User of Land Acquired.) Commons October 25, 1916

4 speeches — CLAUSE 5.—(Power to Sell Land Acquired Under Act.) Commons October 25, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 6.—(Provision as to Highways.) Commons October 25, 1916

CLAUSE 7.—(Provisions as to Water, Light, Heat, and Power Companies and Authorities.) Commons October 25, 1916

8 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Determination of Questions by Railway and Canal Commission.) Commons October 25, 1916

CLAUSE 11.—(Interpretation.) Commons October 25, 1916

12 speeches — CLAUSE 12.—(Savings.) Commons October 25, 1916

3 speeches — MODIFICATION OF THE LANDS CLAUSES ACTS. Commons October 25, 1916


CLAUSE 2.—(Registration of True Name by Nominee, etc.) Commons November 22, 1916

CLAUSE 3. —(Manner and Particulars of Registration.) Commons November 22, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 7.—(Penalty for Default in Registration.) Commons November 22, 1916

CLAUSE 8.—(Disability of Persons in Default.) Commons November 22, 1916

CLAUSE 9.—(Penalty for False Statements.) Commons November 22, 1916

CLAUSE 11.—(Registrar to File Statement and Issue Certificate of Registration.) Commons November 22, 1916

CLAUSE 15.—(Inspection of Statements Registered.) Commons November 22, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 20.—(Interpretation of Firms.) Commons November 22, 1916

4 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Registration of True Name by Nominee, etc.) Commons November 28, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Disability of Persona in Default.) Commons November 28, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 9.—(Penalty for False Statements.) Commons November 28, 1916

CLAUSE 11.—(Registrar to File Statement and Issue Certificate of Registration.) Commons November 28, 1916

CLAUSE 17.—(Publication of True Names, etc.) Commons November 28, 1916

DOGS. Commons December 14, 1916

2 speeches — IRISH PRISONERS. Commons December 14, 1916

3 speeches — FRONGOCH CAMP. Commons December 14, 1916

GERMAN CHANCELLOR'S SPEECH. Commons December 14, 1916

4 speeches — Pit Animals (Inspection). Commons December 14, 1916

4 speeches — POLITICAL PRISONERS. Written Answers December 14, 1916

2 speeches — DEFENCE OF THE REALM ACT PROSECUTIONS. Written Answers December 14, 1916

2 speeches — SHOPS (EARLIER CLOSING ORDER). Written Answers December 14, 1916

PEACE MEETING, HAMMERSMITH. Written Answers December 14, 1916

SPECIAL CONSTABLES (ELECTRIC TORCHES). Written Answers December 14, 1916

POSTPONED HOLIDAYS. Written Answers December 14, 1916

NEUTRALS (LANDING). Written Answers December 14, 1916

Unfounded Charge. Written Answers December 14, 1916

2 speeches — PRISONERS. Commons December 15, 1916

4 speeches — RE-ELECTION OF MINISTERS (No. 2) BILL. Commons December 15, 1916

4 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Necessity for Re-Election of Ministers Suspended.) Commons December 15, 1916

PRISON WARDERS (WAR BONUS). Written Answers December 15, 1916

HOUSE OF COMMON'S (SALE OF INTOXICANTS). Commons December 18, 1916

2 speeches — IRISH PRISONERS. Commons December 18, 1916

RUSSIAN JEWS. Commons December 18, 1916

6 speeches — SALARIES AND REMUNERATION. Commons December 18, 1916

5 speeches — NEW MINISTERS AND SECRETARIES BILL. Commons December 18, 1916

3 speeches — NEW MINISTRIES AND SECRETARIES BILL. Commons December 18, 1916

13 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Extension of the Government War Obligations Act, 1914.) Commons December 18, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Further Provision with Respect to Deposit, etc., of Securities with the Treasury.) Commons December 18, 1916

RUSSIAN JEWS. Written Answers December 18, 1916

7 speeches — SENTENCES BY COURTS-MARTIAL. Commons December 19, 1916

CHRISTMAS DINNER (FRONGOCH CAMP). Commons December 19, 1916

3 speeches — PRISONERS IN ENGLAND. Commons December 19, 1916

2 speeches — SHOPS (EARLIER CLOSING). Commons December 19, 1916

3 speeches — POLICE (TRADE UNIONS). Commons December 19, 1916

ENEMY ALIENS. Commons December 19, 1916

BANK HOLIDAYS. Commons December 19, 1916

2 speeches — CHILDREN MUTILATED BY GERMANS IN BELGIUM. Commons December 19, 1916

ENEMY BANKS. Commons December 19, 1916


CLAUSE 1.—(Establishment of Ministry of Labour.) Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill." Commons December 19, 1916

CLAUSE 4.—(Powers and Duties of Food Controller.) Commons December 19, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 6.—(Powers and Duties of Shipping Controller.) Commons December 19, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 7.—(Suspension of Limit on number of Parliamentary Under-Secretaries of State.) Commons December 19, 1916

CLAUSE 8.—(Officers, Remuneration, and Expenses.) Commons December 19, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 10.—(Ability of Minister and Secretaries to Sit in Parliament.) Commons December 19, 1916

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Establishment of Air Board.) Commons December 19, 1916

NAVAL AND MILITARY PENSIONS AND GRANTS. Written Answers December 19, 1916


PEACE MEETING (POLICE ACTION). Written Answers December 19, 1916

ENEMY ALIENS. Commons December 20, 1916

3 speeches — COUKTS-MABTIAL. Commons December 20, 1916

3 speeches — PRISONERS' TELEGRAPIC COMMUNICATIONS. Commons December 20, 1916

4 speeches — FRONGOCH CAMP. Commons December 20, 1916

2 speeches — GERMAN PRISONERS OF WAR (EMPLOYMENT). Commons December 20, 1916

ENEMY ALIENS. Commons December 20, 1916

RAID ON WORKING MEN'S CLUB (SOHO). Commons December 20, 1916

DESTRUCTION OF DOGS (LONDON). Commons December 20, 1916

3 speeches — CIVIL SERVANTS (WAR BONUS). Commons December 20, 1916


2 speeches — LUNATICS (DETENTION). Commons December 20, 1916

2 speeches — MOTION FOE ADJOURNMENT. Commons December 20, 1916


7 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Powers and Duties of Minister of Labour) Commons December 20, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Powers and Duties of Food Controller.) Commons December 20, 1916

3 speeches — CLAUSE 7.—(Establishment of Air Board.) Commons December 20, 1916

CLAUSE 12.—(Ability of Minister and Secretaries to Sit in Parliament.) Commons December 20, 1916

LEON MENASCHE AND COMPANY (INDIA). Written Answers December 20, 1916

PRE-WAR BUILDING CONTRACTS. Written Answers December 20, 1916

3 speeches — PRISONERS (RELEASE). Commons December 22, 1916

3 speeches — RUSSIAN JEWS (DEPORTATION). Commons December 22, 1916

FRONGOCH CAMP (DOCTOR'S DEATH). Written Answers December 22, 1916

4 speeches — FRONGOCH CAMP. Commons December 31, 1916

7 speeches — HORSES IN MINES (INSPECTION). Commons December 31, 1916

4 speeches — EXPERIMENTS ON LIVING ANIMALS. Commons December 31, 1916

3 speeches — DOMICILIARY SEARCH AND SEIZURE OF PROPERTY. Commons December 31, 1916


2 speeches — LIGHTING REGULATIONS (ACCIDENTS IN METROPOLIS). Commons December 31, 1916

2 speeches — "WHY MUST THE WAR GO ON?" Commons December 31, 1916

4 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Continuation of Possession of Land Occupied for the Purposes of the Defence of the Realm.) Commons December 31, 1916

CLAUSE 4.—(User of Land Acquired.) Commons December 31, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 5.—(Power to Sell Land Acquired Under Act.) Commons December 31, 1916

CLAUSE 6.—(Provisions as to Highways.) Commons December 31, 1916

2 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Determination of Questions by Railway and Canal Commission.) Commons December 31, 1916

6 speeches — CLAUSE 13.—(Savings.) Commons December 31, 1916

2 speeches — MODIFICATION OF THE. LANDS CLAUSES ACTS. Commons December 31, 1916

STREET LIGHTING ARRANGEMENTS (LONDON). Written Answers December 31, 1916


Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.