HC Deb 19 December 1916 vol 88 cc1324-5W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office in regard to the widow of a soldier who has drawn a gratuity of two years' pension on her remarriage, and whose second husband has afterwards enlisted, whether she is entitled to full separation allowance in respect of her second husband?


The answer is in the affirmative.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if the arrangements regarding temporary allowances, pending settlement of pension, made by the War Office, and the promise of May last that no man should suffer, still exist; if so, why are exceptions made with many Irish soldiers, some of whom have been sixteen months discharged without either pension or allowance; if he will say to what Department application for such should be addressed; and if the man Mates, who has been the subject of former inquiries and has suffered severely, has yet received such allowance?


The arrangements still exist. and no exceptions are made as regards Irish soldiers. The claim of Mates to a pension was rejected in May last, but inquiries are again being made in consequence of his appeal and the result will be communicated to the hon. Member as soon as possible.


asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether Mrs. Annie Carr, of 34, Law-son Place, Dundee, the wife of a conscientious objector now employed at Wakefield on work of national importance, is now receiving l1s. per week for herself and two children, aged, respectively, four and six; whether he is aware that, while she herself is earning 10s. per week, she has to pay 5s. per week to have these children looked after, and has other heavy expenses for insurance premium, and rent and rates; and whether, in view of the distinct hardship thus created, he is prepared to make an additional allowance?


Mrs. Carr was originally granted separation allowance at the rate of l1s. a week. At that time she refused full information as to her circumstances. This was afterwards furnished, and she has been awarded an allowance of 17s. a week as from the 13th instant.