HC Deb 21 August 1916 vol 85 cc2421-3

  1. (1) This Act shall not authorise the acquisition of any common land, open space, or allotment.
  2. (2) The Commission shall not entertain in relation to any common land, open space, or allotment any application under Section one, Sub-section (1), for a further period beyond three years after the termination of the present War.
  3. 2422
  4. (3) The occupying department within three years after the termination of the present War shall remove all buildings and works whether of a permanent or temporary character which have been erected or constructed for purposes connected with the present War on, over, or under any common land, open space, recreation ground, or allotment, and the occupying department shall within the same period cause the land to be restored to the condition in which it was before the building or work was erected or constructed.
  5. (4) For the purposes of this Act the expression "common" shall include any land subject to be enclosed under the Inclosure Acts, 1845 to 1882, and any town or village green; the expression "open space" means any land laid out as a public garden or used for the purposes of public recreation; and the expression "allotment" means any allotment set out for any public purpose under an Inclosure Act or award.—[Mr. Brunner.]

Clause brought up, and read the first time.


I beg to move, "That the Clause be read a second time."

I wish to deal with the second and third Sub-clauses. The first and fourth have already been dealt with, and perhaps I had better move it in that form. It comes to this: that this new Clause requests the Government to take all buildings off commons and open spaces within three years after the War. I do not think that is an unreasonable thing to ask for. We should all like to see our commons again in the possession of the people when the War is over, and I think three years is quite a long time to give the Government to do the work.


Sub-section (1) has already been covered. Sub-section (4) has already been covered. Sub-section (3) is covered by an Amendment accepted on Clause 1, and therefore there only remains out of the whole of this Clause Sub-section (2), which would prevent an application for an extension of the term of occupation. I think we have given way a good deal on the question of commons. We have agreed not to buy them on any terms whatever, but I think we ought to have the right to occupy them during two years, and, if need be, if a strong case be shown to the Commission, during a longer period. I think that is right and proper, and that this should not be pressed.


I beg leave to withdraw.

Motion and Clause, by leave, withdrawn.


The next two Clauses in the name of the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Islington (Mr. Lough) deal with matters already covered, and also the next new Clause.


I do not know under what part of the Bill so far the point covered by the new Clause I have put down for the protection of water with regard to pollution, fouling, and contamination, has been met. It may be that as we have been going through the Bill the various Amendments we have accepted from time to time may have met that point, but it is very difficult for the Committee to realise whether these main points have been met. I recognise, however, the spirit in which the Solicitor-General has dealt with the questions that have been raised by the local authorities—the Metropolitan Water Board and other authorities—in the country, and I have no doubt that if there are any points that have been missed during our progress in Committee, the Solicitor-General will be prepared to listen to anything said to him by any authorities on the Report stage, if by any chance we have not examined any points which I am quite sure, and I have every desire to recognise, the right hon. Gentleman has attempted to meet. In the circumstances I will not propose, therefore, to move my new Clause.


The two new Clauses, in the name of the hon. and gallant Member for Rutland (Colonel Grettton), are already covered, and the one in the name of the hon. Member for the Tradeston Division (Mr. D. White)—["certain particulars to be ascertained and recorded "]

Mr. WHITE rose—


Has that been dealt with?


I do not think that ha3 been dealt with.