HC Deb 22 November 1916 vol 87 cc1492-3

If any statement required to be furnished under this Act contains any matter which-is false in any material particular to the knowledge of any person signing it, that person shall, on summary conviction, be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months, or to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, or to both such imprisonment and fine.


I beg to move the addition of a new Sub-section— (2) Nothing in this Section shall affect any liability to be proceeded against and punished under Section five of the Perjury Act, 1911, so, however, that no person be twice punished for the same offence. I think this is an important Amendment, because in Clause 4 of the Bill in certain cases the particulars have to be accompanied by a statutory declaration. A false declaration is punishable under the Perjury Act, and I believe that liability should be kept alive. If this Sub-section is added, it would have to be made applicable in Scotland and probably in Ireland. I hope the Amendment will be accepted, because I understand that it does really embody a point of importance which has been recognised in authoritative quarters.


I think, upon reflection, my hon. Friend will see that this Amendment is not required. The Bill provides for the delivery of a statement, signed by the proper person, and in certain cases the statement has to be verified by statutory declaration. This is a Clause in which we impose a penalty for false statements; it does not impose any penalty for a false statutory declaration. If that declaration is false, the person making it is liable to be prosecuted for perjury, as my hon. Friend knows. Nothing in the Clause as it stands can interfere with the penalty for perjury, because the Clause only deals with false statements and imposes a special penalty for that. If it imposed a penalty for a false statutory declaration, then such an Amendment as that of my hon. Friend might be required. As it is, I do not think it is required.


I accept that explanation, and ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Question, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill," put, and agreed to.