HC Deb 25 May 1916 vol 82 cc2275-6

asked the Solicitor-General if he is aware that in important and numerous districts in London, Brighton, and Hove a number of houses were erected during the Regency and before the accession of William IV., which are governed by special Statutes whereby it is provided that, whether held under lease or freehold, they shall be painted externally in uniform and special tints, and shall be repaired under stringent regulations at stated periods; whether the Government has taken any action in regard to the request made by the Hove Town Council to the President of the Local Government Board for authority to postpone such work; is he aware that this and other public bodies look to the Government for assistance in the direction desired; and whether he will indicate what action is necessary to give municipalities the power to postpone such work?


I am aware that there is a special statutory provision of the nature referred to in the question affecting certain houses in Hove, and that the Hove Town Council have communicated with the Local Government Board with a view to the extension of the time limited by the Statute, but as to the other places mentioned I have no information. Under the Special Acts (Extension of Time) Act, 1915, where the time within which a duty is to be performed under any special Act is limited, an application may be made to the appropriate Government Department for an order extending that time, but in all cases such an application should be made before the time limited by the special Act expires. I understand that the time limited by the Hove Statute has already expired, and in regard to that case I cannot add anything to the reply given by my right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board on the 15th May.