Commons Sitting of 23 November 1909 Series 5 Vol. 13

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. c1
    1. cc1-2
    2. Duty on Imported Wines (Treaties). 59 words
    3. c2
    4. Unrest in India. 101 words
    5. cc2-3
    6. Midnapur Conspiracy Case 234 words
    7. cc3-4
    8. Case of Ghulam Mohammed. 436 words
    9. cc4-5
    10. Gulab Bano Case. 148 words
    11. c5
    12. Deportation of Mr. Lajpat Rai. 148 words
    13. cc5-6
    14. Unemployment Statistics. 42 words
    15. c6
    16. Importation of Foreign-made Porcelain. 313 words
    17. cc6-7
    18. Vatersay (Scheme of Settlement). 115 words
    19. c7
    20. Crofters and Deer Forests. 86 words
    21. c7
    22. Herring Fishery (Scotland). 63 words
    23. cc7-8
    24. National Harbour, Dover (Accidents to Workmen). 231 words
    25. c8
    26. Closing of Public-houses (Staffordshire). 151 words
    27. cc8-9
    28. Newport Dock Works (Accident). 226 words
    29. cc9-10
    30. Royal Irish Constabulary Clothing Supplies. 324 words
    31. c10
    32. Wren and Stokes Estates (North Kerry). 156 words
    33. cc10-1
    34. Ormathwaite Estate (Case of Michael Mulvihill). 189 words
    35. c11
    36. Grants to Reinstated Tenants (Case of John Diggins). 159 words
    37. cc11-2
    38. Hussey Estate, North Kerry. 198 words
    39. cc12-3
    40. Intermediate Education Board, Ireland (Awards). 366 words
    41. c13
    42. Territorial Force (Vaccination). 95 words
    43. cc13-4
    44. Commissioned Officers in India (Pay). 99 words
    45. c14
    46. Natives of India (Designation for Trade Purposes). 94 words
    47. c14
    48. India (Police and Public). 101 words
    49. c14
    50. Lala Lajpat Rai (Deportation). 82 words
    51. cc14-5
    52. Uganda Railway (Extension). 81 words
    53. c15
    54. Old Age Pensions (Ireland). 267 words
    55. cc15-6
    56. Governor General of India (Attempted Assassination). 50 words
    57. c16
    58. Liverpool Disturbances (Imprisonment of Mr. G. Wise). 99 words
  5. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. 250 words
  6. cc17-172
  7. IRISH LAND BILL. 440 words
    1. cc18-23
    2. LORDS AMENDMENTS. 12 words
      1. c18
      2. Clause 3.—(Power to Make Advances by Guaranteed Stock under Certain Circumstances.) 7 words
      3. cc18-9
      4. Clause A.—(Regulations as to Priority.) 190 words
      5. c19
      6. CLAUSE 11 —(Substituted Agreements.) 198 words
      7. cc20-3
      8. Clause 12.—(Interpretation.) 1,279 words
      1. cc23-37
      2. Clause 14.—(Exclusion from Provisions as to Zones.) 6,661 words, 1 division
      3. cc37-43
      4. CLAUSE 15.—(Limitation on Amount of Advances to Tenant Purchasers.) 2,532 words, 1 division
      5. cc43-55
      6. CLAUSE 16.—(Prohibition of Advance.) 5,132 words, 1 division
      7. cc56-77
      8. CLAUSE 17.—(Advances for purchase of Parcels of Land.) 9,956 words, 1 division
      9. cc78-93
      10. Clause 19.—(Facilities for the Planting and Preservation of Woods.) 6,569 words, 1 division
      11. cc93-7
      12. Clause 20.—(Equitable Price of Holdings.) 2,104 words, 1 division
      13. cc97-122
      14. CLAUSE 21.—(Congested Estates.) 10,575 words, 2 divisions
      15. c122
      16. Clause 27.—(Delegation of Powers of Estates Commissioners.) 114 words
      17. cc122-6
      18. Clause 34.—(Amendment of 3 Edw. 7. c. 37. s. 54.) 1,775 words, 1 division
      19. cc126-39
      20. Clause 41.—(Proposals for Purchase by Estates Commissioners.) 5,213 words, 1 division
      21. cc139-40
      22. CLAUSE 43.—(Procedure of the Estates Commissioners on Failure of Negotiations to Purchase.) 617 words
      23. cc140-50
      24. CLAUSE 45.—(Reconstitution of the Board.) 4,265 words, 1 division
      25. cc150-61
      26. CLAUSE 48.—(Congested Districts, Counties and Local Authorities.) 4,400 words
      27. cc161-4
      28. CLAUSE 48.—(Congested Districts, Counties, and Local Authorities.) 1,181 words, 1 division
      29. cc164-5
      30. CLAUSE 55.—(Sales of Parcels of Land by Congested Districts Board.) 396 words
      31. cc165-72
      32. CLAUSE 60.—(Restrictions on Sales of Land in Congested Districts Counties.) 3,216 words, 1 division
  8. TRUSTEES ACCOUNTS BILL. 1,115 words, 1 division