HC Deb 23 November 1909 vol 13 c8

asked what number of licensed houses have been closed under the Licensing Act, 1904, in the county of Staffordshire during the years 1905, 1906, 1907 and 1908; what was the total sum paid in compensation for such closing; and what sum was paid to the licence holders and what sum to other parties?


All the information desired by the hon. "Member is to be found in the volumes of licensing statistics for each of the years in question. It cannot conveniently be compressed into an answer to a question, except perhaps that I may give the grand totals for the four years, namely: In the whole county of Stafford, including the county boroughs therein, 231 on-licences have been extinguished under the compensation provisions of the Act of 1904 at a total cost of £151,854, of which £9,080 13s. 6d. went to the licensees and £142,773 6s. 6d. to other parties.